Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Excuse Me...

...while I go look for my shocked face.

Liberal, Obamabot bloggers trying to smear a conservative by way of fabricated quotes?

Yeah, couldn't see that coming.

So "outside the box" of them.

You Don't Say

Obama: Too much debt could fuel double-dip recession

BEIJING, Nov 18 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama gave his sternest warning yet about the need to contain rising U.S. deficits, saying on Wednesday that if government debt were to pile up too much, it could lead to a double-dip recession.

Coming from the man who just wasted nearly a trillion dollars on a do-nothing (nothing good, anyway) "stimulus" package, and is actively trying to impose trillions in additional healthcare and energy costs (not to mention, MASSIVE tax increases) on an already over-burdened and suffering nation.

It's almost as if he wants us to be so miserable and destitute that we'll have no alternative but to come begging to him on our hands and needs to be graced with his benevolence and goodwill.

I will say this about Barack Obama.

For the first time in my adult life, an American president is living up to each and every expectation I had of him prior to his being sworn into office.

Say It Isn't So

Al Gore?

Making shit up?

I'm shocked.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Say what?

I think it's very important for the United States not to assume that what is good for us is automatically good for somebody else,” Obama told the students at the town hall, in Shanghai.

Freedom of speech
Religious freedom
The right to peaceably assemble
The right to vote
The right to own property
The right to a fair trial

Is our president, the so-called "leader of the free world" implying that those things listed above are, in fact, bad for some people not fortunate enough to call America home?

Also, from that article, in case you needed a reason to smile today...

The pageantry of his trip is also playing out against a parade of disappointment: Administration officials have acknowledged that a binding international climate agreement won't emerge from the Copenhagen summit next month.

I guess that depends heavily on one's definition of "disappointment".

Pretty Much Sums It Up


Question For My Female Readers

Would you rather get a false positive result from a mammogram, or a missed positive result from the mammogram you never got in the first place?

WaPo: Breast exam guidelines now call for less testing

Women in their 40s should stop routinely having annual mammograms and older women should cut back to one scheduled exam every other year, an influential federal task force has concluded, challenging the use of one of the most common medical tests.

In its first reevaluation of breast cancer screening since 2002, the independent government-appointed panel recommended the changes, citing evidence that the potential harm to women having annual exams beginning at age 40 outweighs the benefit.


Several patient advocacy groups and many breast cancer experts welcomed the new guidelines, saying they represent a growing recognition that more testing, exams and treatment are not always beneficial and, in fact, can harm patients. Mammograms produce false-positive results in about 10 percent of cases, causing anxiety and often prompting women to undergo unnecessary follow-up tests, sometimes-disfiguring biopsies and unneeded treatment, including surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Unnecessary follow-up tests???

"Mrs. Johnson, your mammogram is showing us something that could be a cancerous growth in your left breast. We'd like to run some more tests to be sure."

"Aw, do you have to? That seems so darn unnecessary. Can't we just start chemo instead?"

Alternate Post Title: Rationing? What rationing?

This Should Be Entertaining

Sarah Palin's "Going Rogue - An American Life" hits store shelves today.

Also, starting today, Amazon customer reviews.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I Assumed This Was Common Knowledge

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quote of the Day

From the Concord Monitor:

"Did you tell them to go back to Massachusetts? That's what we do up here," Henry Ladd Jr., 43, recalled saying to the officer.

Someone buy that man a beer.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

File Under: G.F.L.

Satan's living room, snowballs...some assembly required.

At the Risk of Repeating Myself

Camille Paglia:

Holy Hygeia, why can't my fellow Democrats see that the creation of another huge, inefficient federal bureaucracy would slow and disrupt the delivery of basic healthcare and subject us all to a labyrinthine mass of incompetent, unaccountable petty dictators?

Because, to most of your fellow Democrats, that's a feature, not a bug.

Missing Child Rescued By Armed Citizen

Union Leader (NH):

MILTON, N.H. (AP) -- A missing 2-year-old Maine girl who was allegedly taken by her father has been recovered and is OK, police said Tuesday.

Hailey Traynham was found in the woods with her father, 38-year-old Gary Traynham, who has been arrested and is due to appear in court later this week. State police say he's being held in New Hampshire on a fugitive charge from Maine.

A hunter spotted Traynham and persuaded him to surrender and took the pair to the home of retired Wakefield Police Chief Timothy Merrill.

Men with rifles do tend to possess a certain "persuasive" quality.

Hailey disappeared Monday after Traynham allegedly assaulted the girl's mother at her Sanford apartment. He faces a gross sexual assault charge in that incident.

The hunter, Mike Grant Jr., 38, said he walked up to the truck in which Traynham had been hiding with Hailey since daylight broke on Tuesday. Grant said he never had to raise his firearm.

Job well done.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

It's Not a Bug...'s a feature.

God help the United States of America if this abomination makes it to the desk of the thin-skinned, socialist, pathological liar in the Oval Office.

I'm Now a HUGE Death Penalty Proponent...

...for creators and perpetrators of spyware.

Had to take my laptop in for "surgery".

I'm using the wife's right now, but it's got some bullshit pop-up pain in the ass crap going on.


Thursday, November 05, 2009

Pardon the Lack of Posting...

...but I've been suffering a pretty nasty bout of B.O.S.* as of late.

Not to mention, this nagging case of sugarshakes I'm not expecting to kick anytime soon, what with this gigantic punchbowl full of Halloween candy still sitting here.

* Blogfodder Overload Syndrome