
Stories from abroad


Should the police arrest fewer people to cut costs?


The advantages of the EU to expats

  1. davedavenotdave commented on:

    Premier League clubs can find English Andres Iniestas now, but at what price?

    Barca's youth system is obviously a real thing, but there's also a lot of hype surrounding it - driv...

  2. fraternity commented on:

    Dominique Strauss-Kahn accused of New York orgy with prostitutes

    JE vous félicite pour votre Français qui est excellent. Vous avez raison des que je rentrerai a M...

  3. waytensea commented on:

    Black schoolboys underachieving because 'academic success is seen as gay'

    Donal sir, you're well out of your depth here, sunshine - nice try and thanks for playing.

  4. nogoodboyo commented on:

    William Hague on the EU membership vote: We won’t leave Europe, but it won’t rule us

    "Boy George" Osborne.

  5. flydlbee commented on:

    Dark energy: the universe is destined to become a very cold and lonely place

    There is an experiment in progress to establish how anti-matter reacts in a gravitational field.  I...

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