March 23, 2010


No, not this kind:


This kind While you are there check out Princess Salerno "They don't cry". Relates to the point I was trying to make with my latest video

By Stable Hand at 01:10 PM | | | digg this

No Camera Action For US Ally - Israel (UPDATE)


Praise our enemies and diss our ally

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama is meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Tuesday at the White House — his first meeting with the Israeli leader since the recent spat over Israel's announcement of new housing construction for east Jerusalem.

However, the afternoon meeting will be closed to reporters, an unusual choice when hosting a close ally and a sign that suggested the rift may not be entirely healed.

Obama has remained out of the fray as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and other U.S. officials have rebuked Israel for its announcement of new construction in Jerusalem, which came while Vice President Joe Biden was visiting the country.

Maybe Obi One is afraid of WHAT Netanyahu will say.

Update: Ringo the Gringo attended a anti-war demonstration in Hollywood. Jew hatred/9/11 inside job moonbats galore:

ringo the gringo -hollywood moonbats.jpg

ringo the grinto_hollywood moonbats 2.jpg

h/t Mean Kitteh

By Stable Hand at 11:22 AM | | | digg this

Zo: You're Entitled

By Stable Hand at 11:02 AM | | | digg this

Cartoon Taqiyya in The Press

Note the headline: Spain seeking 18-month jail terms for 2 over cartoons deemed as praising terrorism.

Kinda gives you the impression that the cartoons are the main issue here. As if just a sympathetic cartoon is the issue.

Since 2006 he has also posted more than 1,500 entries in a restricted-access Web forum in which he praised al-Qaida and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, its leader in Iraq until he was killed in a U.S. missile strike in 2006, prosecutor Teresa Sandoval said in a charge sheet presented at the suspects' trial on Monday.

The Moroccan, Fath Allah Sadaq, is charged with using drawings done by the Spaniard to accompany Islamic terror attack videos he posted on the Internet.

So its not just the cartoons. Sadaq was spreading the propaganda from terrorist groups and expressing support and advocacy for these groups. Seems like that should be the focus of the story.

Oh and he didn't mean to express support for terrorism over 1500 hundred times, really

Sadaq, I just wanted to comment on news in a positive way and did not mean to praise bad people.
These aren't the cartoons we're looking for.

Move along.

By Howie at 09:44 AM | | | digg this

Senior al-Shabab Commander Assassinated - Confirmed

Imperial Good News! At least three masked men armed with pistols shot Sheikh Daud Ali Hasan several times in the head and chest as he was coming out of a mosque Friday night (3-19-10) in Kismayo.

The reason this is awesomeness, besides having a dead bad guy, is this targeted assassination happened in Kismayo, where the Government has no presence and the terrorists are in complete control.

And on queue, after the objective Shabelle radio confirmed the hit, my buddy Asadullah Alshishani at Ansar al-Mujahideen forum went into his bit about the CIA and Mossad pigs murdering a great man. Blah, blah, blah. How many times do I have to tell you AA, United Islamic Jihad and I both think you spend too much time slapping goat ass. All of these conspiracy theories will never get you into the arms of a nice pre-pubescent Aisha look-alike, insha'allah.

H/T Ahmed Yassin 23.

Update by Howie: Wow these dudes don't last long. Seriously.

By Ronin at 08:25 AM | | | digg this

Reader Love Mail: Facebook Edition

United Muslim Ummah hearts Jawa Report:

These are the worst of the word of the kuffar

Yes indeed we are.


Wow look at all that Hot Jew Action on United Muslim Ummah! lol.

Ya think they will kick me out for that?

Probably Related: The Facebook Jihad Targets President Obama.

Update by one of the wOw kaffar Stable Hand: Hot Jew Action still there:

Oh, Wa alaykum as-salaam love Grandy Yules

By Howie at 08:10 AM | | | digg this

Parents of Martyr Ramin Ramezani talk to CNN

OK, this is done processing now.

Hat Tip: Freedom's Messenger.

By Howie at 06:53 AM | | | digg this

Jawa Morning Diversion

So some guy rates this video on Youtube this morning, "exterminate white people". Being the pasty white geek that I am, I you know, had to see what was up. You know kinda like when Amenidinnerjacket wants to wipe out Israel, Jewish ears tend to perk up just a bit.

Turns out it was from 2005 (I must have slept since then) , so I wasn't going to run it, till I read this.

Protein Wisdom: “Well, sure. But that seems a bit like circular logic –”

Kambon: “Listen: logic is a tool of the White oppressor class that is invoked to stifle the creative mentation of the Black man, whose mind functions according to ancient narrative patterns inscribed in his genetic memory and which is borne of an oral rather than a text-based cultural dialogic.”

Anyway, that's what I was doing instead of blogging like I was supposed to be doing.

Hat Tip :Teh Google.

By Howie at 06:29 AM | | | digg this

Teh Juice: Scapegoat to the World


But especially to one group:

Sadly, the Jewish people have been used as scapegoat for many centuries by a variety of non-Jews. Regrettably, Muslims for their part and have adopted scapegoating as an article of faith. The Muslims blame the Jews for all kinds of heinous things, dating back to the time of Muhammad himself.

Iranians are saddened and ashamed both by the appearance of Ahmadinejad on the international scene and his declared intent to wipe out the Jewish homeland from the face of the earth. Ahmadinejad repeatedly says that the Holocaust is a myth. In this respect, he is in good company with a number of other fanatics. It goes without saying that Ahmadinejad does not represent Iranian people and he is not an Iranian himself.

Thanks to Amil.

By Howie at 06:04 AM | | | digg this

March 22, 2010

Exclusive: The Facebook Jihad Targets President Obama (BUMPED)(UPDATE)

Update by Stable Hand: via anonymous Zionist Pimp #5

LionessofJihad Mujahidahbonita assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarrakatuh... my dear jihadist brothers sisters,i'm going to be gone from fb for period of time. there are some KAFFIR bloggers is trying to get me arrested over the next view days and weeks most likely due to my cyber jihad and the arrested of my big sister FATIMA LAROSE. i got this... message from an american muslim brother,anyone needs me just get me on my yahoo.
Dear ehadi LionessofJihad Mujahidahbonita:

It's not nice to mess with the force

,,,,,,,,,,,,,Scroll down for newer posts.....................

facebookobamatarget.jpgNoting the delay of President Obama's trip to Indonesia in order establish his neo-commie heath care disappointed a lot of Indonesian Jihads on Facebook.

They were so hoping to plant an IED (Inshaallah). And it looks like the JI supporters have done their research.


I don't read Indonesian but I'm pretty sure I get the meaning of this comment

Semu Kecil Kena IED mujahidin juga kelar nih.. (insha Allah)
And this one.



Shoot Him.... , Kick Him Out From Indonesia
Pesky right wing Mennonite tea baggers, always shouting Allahu AKbar.... er uh wait a minute....

More peaceful dialogue from the ROP.


Abu Askarillah I Like This... Must Kill Him

OK I can't say as I agree with President Obama on much, but don't be killing my President. It robs me of the pleasure of voting him out of office.

Stablehand: Another Obama in cross hairs:

Stable Hand: Another member of this group, Jihad Jane Facebook friend, Lioness of Jihad blocked me because of a friendly conversation How dare she, I was nice and all with the customary Islamic greeting As-salaam alaykum. Mean person, besides she looks like a woman of the eveningor day or afternoon, whatever turns her on:

LionessofJihad Mujahidahbonita my big sis fatima,some where out there. i see your jihad chanel is clossed on tagged. i wanna tell you that i missed you much. i am not going to tell you that i still go on jihad 'coz i know that you keep an eye on me. and you know that i never give up the J. you and me said,J UNTIL the last drop of our blood; big sis ...fatima,may allah keep you save from harm,give you help and grant you his bless.

You'll notice the blank avatar here, that's when she blocked me. I don't like to be blocked:

Oh, she has a jihad tube channel:

Now about the Revolution Muslim link, yes, Joey's old haunt Revolution Muslim, The Indonesian Facebook ejahi are fans of United Muslim Ummah, who post propaganda from terrorist organizations and link their articles to Ansar al Mujahideen and Revolution Muslim. Small world isn't it?

A huge h/t anonymous Zionist pimp #5


The group:!/group.php?gid=196019102291&ref=search&sid=2722024.1008474101..1
Known members/associates of the Indonesian JI cell who are members of revolution muslim facebook group:!/baasyir?v=wall&ref=sgm

Read More "Exclusive: The Facebook Jihad Targets President Obama (BUMPED)(UPDATE)"
By Howie at 10:01 PM | | | digg this

Good News!! Judge Orders Release of Guantanamo Detainee

No biggy, Mohamedou Ould Slahi is only a significant alQaeda operative


h/t Mean Kitteh

By Stable Hand at 08:45 PM | | | digg this

Pakistan: ROP Burns Christian Man, Rapes His Wife

Because he refused to convert to Islam

Click image for more:


By Stable Hand at 08:26 PM | | | digg this

Good News: Australian Jihadi Escapes from Kenyan Prison

An Australian arrested while trying to cross the border into Somalia, presumably to join the local al Qaeda affiliate the al Shabaab, escaped from local police custody before the national anti-terror police could come collect him.

It's just like about a dozen movies I've seen. Only in real life, the local cops let you walk away because either a) they sympathize with the terrorists or b) you slipped then a Franklin. Either way someone needs to be shot.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 08:26 PM | | | digg this

Hmmmm: Pakistan Arrests Two in Foiled Attack on Hotels

Yahoo News:

ISLAMABAD – Pakistani officials say two highly experienced Taliban militants have been arrested while planning to attack top hotels and kidnap diplomats in Pakistan. One of the men claims to have helped plan previous attacks.

The two men, both deserters from a government paramilitary force, were arrested recently in a hotel in Rawalpindi, a crowded city near Islamabad, said Islamabad Police Chief Bin Yamin. He declined to say when the men were arrested or what information lead authorities to them.

Deserters from a "government paramilitary force" eh?

Would that be ISI or the Taliban?

By Howie at 01:42 PM | | | digg this

German Poker Heist Masterminded by Arabs

(Berlin, Germany) The March 6th brazen robbery of the Berlin Poker Tournament, which received oogats of media coverage, is now reported to have been masterminded by Arabs and possibly linked to Islam. Note that it's not unheard of for jihadis to commit robberies, and kidnappings, to finance terrorism activities.

Poker Heist Suspects.jpg

Four robbery suspects have been identified, three are in custody. They are all between 19 and 21 years of age.

By Mike Pechar at 12:35 PM | | | digg this

Here's A Joke For You

What do get when you're a Jihadi looking for your favorite beheading video for your daily pud session and you click on jarchive-dot-info? Answer below the fold.

Read More "Here's A Joke For You"
By Ronin at 11:17 AM | | | digg this

Jawa Report Youtube Smackdown Training Session (Updated by Ronin)

Update: Sally changed 298 videos to private and lost one to the smackage. #4 is still available for pwnage. He is no fun. QolkaDacwatuTawxiid, you are the guy that takes the beach ball away from the crowd at the football games. Can't a Jawa have a little fun? Dick.

This asshat, QolkaDacwatuTawxiid, has some nasty videos. Plus, he is currently being linked at Ansar al-Mujahidden Forum because he is hosting the Iman Anwar Al-Awlaki call to Western Jihad videos. He should be Smacked for that alone, but this guy has over 300 naughty vids. Actually, they're not all naughty...some are pretty ghey.

Anyway, he sux. Here's what we are going to do. 6 vids for flagging with the flagging type following the link. It's don't even have to watch the crap. I have done all the head-against-the-desk-repeatedly research for you.

Hateful, promotes hate, then tab national origin. (optional comment - encouraging violent acts against the West)
Hateful, promotes hate, then tab national origin. (optional comment - encouraging violent acts against the West)
Violent, disgusting content
Hateful, promotes hate, then tab religion. (optional comment - encouraging desecration of religious sites in Somalia)
Hateful, promotes hate, then tab national origin. (optional comment - encouraging violent acts against the West)
Hateful, promotes hate, then tab religion. (optional comment - This video is celebrating the death of an Islamic militant who participated in Jihad. Images of dead body between 2:30 and 3:00)

Thanks to everyone in advance.

H/T Well some dumbass at Ansar al-mujahideen, but I can't find my akhi because Th3j35t3r has them, uhhhh, busy.

By Ronin at 10:50 AM | | | digg this

Spring Break Blogging

As a hared working academic meathead, I deserve a vacation. I mean, they make me teach several classes each semester, force me to sit in my office for at least ten hours a week waiting for that elusive student to walk in, and then at least twice a month sit on committees deciding the fate of the world.

All this adds up to at least 20 hours a week working, which exceeds the legal maximum in France by at least twice!

Needless to say, I deserve a vacation.

Unfortunately, even with the addition of all this crazy blog money I'm only bringing home about a buck-fiddy a day. Which means I'm on vacation but my plans to spend spring break in Tahiti have been thwarted once again.

In lieu of Tahiti I'm going to grab me a six pack and head down to the river to try my luck at being mosquito bait. Who knows, a fish might accidentally jump in the boat. That would be sweet.

And if I slip on a rock and break my back, no biggie since I'm assured that from now on health care will be plentiful and cheap.

So, technically I'm here but I'm going to avoid you guys like the plague. I might drop in from time to time this week and post here and there, but don't bet on it. Let's admit it, would you hang out with you if you had a choice?

Email me if you want to know how the fishing is going, other than that let me make my exit stage left by paraphrasing Cartman -- screw you guys, I'm going fishing!

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 09:08 AM | | | digg this

Redneck Bird Says : Time Ta' Whoop Somebodies Ass !

Jawa Report, where the fine art of blatant linkwhoring is still appreciated.

By Howie at 08:49 AM | | | digg this

Taliban Bombs 12 Afghan Civilians

Apparently the Taliban just aren't getting the level of quality out of their current crop of suckers that they'd hoped for.

Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Ten Afghan civilians were killed and seven others were wounded in a suicide attack Sunday in southern Afghanistan's Helmand province, a provincial spokesman said.

Dawoud Ahmadi said the attack was targeting an Afghan National Army vehicle, but the bomber missed it and hit a bazaar, or market, in the Gereshk district instead.

He noted that the area is very busy due to Norooz, a two-week holiday that marks the start of spring and the new year for many in Afghanistan, Iran and other countries.

Separately, Ahmadi said police in Helmand arrested five members of the Taliban, who allegedly were carrying Iranian-made weapons.

Well no wonder, ya'll been hanging with those filthy murtad the Shia. How do you expect Allah to bless and guide your illiterate Sunni teenage bombs after that?

By Howie at 08:41 AM | | | digg this

Latma 42: All the News That's Live or Still Bleeding To Death

By Howie at 08:24 AM | | | digg this

Today's Motivational "Video's"

Read More "Today's Motivational "Video's""
By Stable Hand at 07:57 AM | | | digg this

Afghan Hezb-i-Islami In Peace Talks With Karzai

Peace agreements in this region are usually not worth the paper they are written on but what the hell. If it weakens the Taliban as a side effect, I'm all for it. But Karzai, just because you ink a deal doesn't mean you take your eyes of your six.

Soon to be banned Fox News:

The five-member delegation of Hezb-i-Islami, a movement led by warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, has already arrived in Kabul, said the group's spokesman Haroon Zarghoon, who is based in Pakistan. The delegates plan to meet President Hamid Karzai, U.S. officials and others "to discuss Hezb-i-Islami's agenda on how to bring durable peace to Afghanistan," Zarghoon told The Wall Street Journal.

A reconciliation between Hezb-i-Islami and the Kabul government won't end the eight-year-old war by itself. But, if achieved, it would weaken the insurgency—and likely prompt some senior Taliban commanders to cut their own deals with Karzai.

By Ronin at 07:41 AM | | | digg this

Turkey: Official Figure On Honor Killings


Via Infidels Are Cool

A total of 43 women lost their lives (17 murdered and 26 "committed suicide") in eastern and south-eastern Anatolia alone in the opening two months of this year

By Stable Hand at 06:56 AM | | | digg this

The Liberty Tree - Don't Tread On Me

h/t James Kole

By Stable Hand at 06:35 AM | | | digg this

US Issues Maritime Terrorism Warning off Yemen

Yahoo News:

DUBAI (Reuters) – The U.S. government has warned ships sailing off Yemen's coast of the risk of al Qaeda attacks similar to a suicide bombing of the U.S. warship Cole in 2000 that killed 17 U.S. sailors.

The U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence said on its website that ships in the Red Sea, the strategic Bab al-Mandab strait between Yemen and Djibouti, and the Gulf of Aden along Yemen's coast were at the greatest risk.

"Information suggests that al Qaeda remains interested in maritime attacks in the Bab al-Mandab Strait, Red Sea, and the Gulf of Aden along the coast of Yemen," the office said in a statement, citing an advisory by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

"Although it is unclear how they would proceed, it may be similar in nature to the attacks against the USS Cole in October 2000 and the M/V Limburg in October 2002 where a small to mid-size boat laden with explosives was detonated," it added.

Interesting, but even more interesting. Check out the related video on the upper left.
AFP – Yemen women oppose proposed child marriage ban
Just in case there were any thoughts that only Muslim men participate in this. The faithful Muslimas also can't wait to sell off their daughters to crusty old men either.

By Howie at 06:27 AM | | | digg this

If the Soviets had run Pravda like this, we'd all be communists now (Part 4)

In our fourth and final installment looking at the 2010 Miss Russia contest (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3), the competitors face off in the swimsuit, evening wear and interview portions of the event. Will frontrunners Olga Kononenko of Chelyabinsk and Maria Lavrova of Moscow be able to hold off a charge from Irina Sharipova of the Republic of Tatarstan? Or will dark horse candidate Irina Antonenko from Ekaterinburg mount a challenge and win the crown and the $100,000 prize?

From Russia Today: Miss Russia 2010: a gem from the Urals.


Below the fold is your new Miss Russia 2010:

Read More "If the Soviets had run Pravda like this, we'd all be communists now (Part 4)"
By Barbarossa at 06:06 AM | | | digg this

Bombs, Hackers & "Urban" Terrorism

A crude bomb was found on board flight in S India, thankfully no one was injured.

In Austin, Texas a hacker disabled more than 100 cars remotely.

In Hemet, California booby traps, threats put police on high alert California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown described this as "Urban Terrorism".

Oh, and my mood right now:

pissed off.jpg

h/t Kaye for image.

By Stable Hand at 05:38 AM | | | digg this

March 21, 2010

And Now A Glorious Sandcrawler Public Service Announcement Aimed At Our New Socialist Overlords. All Hail Glorious Leader!

Critical Update: The "Vinnie" who originally posted this has been sacked. A new, more right in the head "Vinnie" has been appointed to post this update while the original "Vinnie" gets re-educated in the camps. So, for your revolutionary entertainment, Comrade Vinnie, official Revolutionary Political Officer for the new Socialist Jedi Report, brings you this patriotic video:

By Comrade Vinnieovich, Political Officer at 09:18 PM | | | digg this

Tea Party "Racial", "Spat" Attacks On Black Caucaus Members: Where, Who, Why?

No where,no one, no how, another Democrat ploy to discredit patriotic Americans. The so called episode was even brought up in Obamacare debates [Livestream]. The MSM is playing retraction. It has to be true!!! Huffington Post said so.

More from Jim Hoft

Update It appears we have comments from those who agree with the Huffington Post lies. Like flies on shit, they appear.


By Stable Hand at 04:58 PM | | | digg this

US drone strike kills four in NW Pakistan


MIRANSHAH: Missiles fired from US drones Sunday killed at least four militants in a restive Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan, security officials said.

“A US drone fired two missiles on a militant compound near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. Four militants were killed,” a senior security official told AFP.

“It is not immediately clear if there was any important target,” he added.

Two other security officials and an intelligence official confirmed the drone strike and death toll in the Inzar village of North Waziristan tribal district.

“The targeted compound belongs to a relative of a militant commander,” the official said, adding that the militants had not yet begun rescue activities as US drones were still flying above the site.

“Militants have not started removing bodies yet,” he said.

And the war goes on...

Update(Matt Damon):Deathtoll up to eight...targeted building is still burning....everyone say Awwwwwwwwww.....:-)

By Matt Damon at 02:19 PM | | | digg this

Obamacare Debate: C-SPAN Live Stream


American Elephant

Peoples Cube

Democrats to Watch on the Health Care Vote - Interactive Graphic
National Healthcare Bill Betrays Veterans
Protest outside Capitol[FNC livestream]

By Stable Hand at 01:31 PM | | | digg this