MSNBC's Shuster Claims Fox More Conservative Than MSNBC Liberal

Photo of Kyle Drennen.
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Near the end of the 10AM ET hour on MSNBC Thursday, anchor David Shuster criticized Fox News anchor Bret Baier for having "interrupted the President numerous times" in a "contentious" and "heated" Wednesday interview. Shuster later accused the network of bias: "Fox is far more – far more conservative overall than MSNBC could ever be liberal."

Shuster brought on left-wing Mother Jones editor David Corn and David Freddoso of the Washington Examiner to discuss Baier's interview with Obama. He asked Corn if Baier's questioning was "inappropriate," Corn didn't think so, but joked: "I was just disappointed overall, though, because there were no questions about where the President was born." Freddoso thought Baier got "bogged down" asking the President about the controversial 'deem and pass' procedure possibly being used to pass ObamaCare.   

Turning to Freddoso, Shuster cited former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn claiming that Fox News is the "communications arm of the Republican Party." Freddoso discounted that criticism: "You can call names and sling mud. I mean, Fox News definitely – it has more of a center-right perspective than MSNBC, which generally has more of a center-left, political perspective." Prompting Shuster to reply: "But the difference is that – and I've worked at both places – and you can find this from every sort of media analyst who's objective, Fox is far more – far more conservative overall than MSNBC could ever be liberal. It's not a question of their – one's five points to the right and one's five points to the left. It's not like that at all."

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Freddoso responded to Shuster's accusation by observing: "I don't know exactly how you would measure – how you would quantify that. I watch MSNBC all the time. I think it's – I think it definitely has a very liberal lean." Though he added: "But it's not, you know, to the point where it's off-putting, it's something you expect."

Shuster cited an example of supposed Fox News bias: "Today we've seen my colleagues...on Fox, repeatedly said 'how can they have a vote on health care reform, how can they pass this without having a vote?' We know there's going to be a vote. It may not be the vote on the Senate bill that they want" Apparently, questioning Democrats on their efforts to shove through massive legislation on a little-known parliamentary procedure is a sign of bias.

David Corn then decided to chime in: "I think the point is that Fox often absorbs the talking points and language that the Republican Party and conservatives are pushing, you know. And if you look, I don't think there's anyone – you know, you can talk about Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann, they're certainly liberals. I don't think they're as far to the left or as far off the charts, whatever you want to call it, as, say, Glenn Beck is."

Corn went on to claim that unlike conservative Fox hosts who only throw "softballs" at Republicans, liberal MSNBC personalities like Rachel Maddow "interview people who are Democrats and [are] not as soft on that." Maddow certainly wasn't tough on then candidate Obama in an October 30, 2008 interview, in which her first question to the Senator was why he hadn't be tougher on Republicans.  

Shuster was following similar talking points voiced by Hardball host Chris Matthews, who on Tuesday declared "there's absolutely no debate" of Fox News, unlike on MSNBC and CNN.

Here is a full transcript of the Thursday MSNBC segment:

DAVID SHUSTER: The broadcast world is buzzing today over a contentious interview President Obama had yesterday with Fox. It got pretty heated when Bret Baier interrupted the President numerous times. Take a listen.    


SHUSTER: Wow. Joining us in the studio, David Corn, Washington editor for Mother Jones magazine and blogger for Politics Daily, and David Freddoso, online opinion editor for the Washington Examiner. David I'll start with you, was that inappropriate?

DAVID CORN: Well, I don't think it's inappropriate for a journalist ever to press the President hard. As we know, Fox News didn't always press George Bush that hard or Dick Cheney. I mean, I was just disappointed overall, though, because there were no questions about where the President was born.


SHUSTER: David Freddoso, your view?

DAVID FREDDOSO: It struck me when Baier was asking about process, that he was trying to get the President to own the deem and pass process. And President Obama basically said, 'okay, I'll own it. If they vote yes, they're voting for my bill, if they vote no, they're voting against it.' And it seemed a little bit like Baier wouldn't take yes for an answer. He kind of kept pushing. I mean, I have to agree, I don't think there's anything wrong with interrupting the President during an interview. That particular part, at least, I thought, you know, it sort of made me think, 'ooh, you know, can we move this along? It's getting a little bogged down.'

CORN: Well he, you know, Bret said – and I like Bret – Bret said that, you know, they had gotten 18,000 questions in and he was going to read a few. And they all seemed to deal with deem and pass and process issues. I mean, I think the President got better when he said I get 40,000 e-mails a day, and they deal with substance.

SHUSTER: Yeah, the President, I think, won that particular exchange. But David Freddoso, Anita Dunn has said that Fox News is the 'communications arm of the Republican Party.'

FREDDOSO: I mean that's, you know, fine. You can call names and sling mud. I mean, Fox News definitely – it has more of a center-right perspective than MSNBC, which generally has more of a center-left, political perspective.

SHUSTER: But the difference is that – and I've worked at both places – and you can find this from every sort of media analyst who's objective, Fox is far more – far more conservative overall than MSNBC could ever be liberal. It's not a question of their – one's five points to the right and one's five points to the left. It's not like that at all.

FREDDOSO: I don't know exactly how you would measure – how you would quantify that. I watch MSNBC all the time. I think it's – I think it definitely has a very liberal lean. But it's not, you know, to the point where it's off-putting, it's something you expect.

SHUSTER: But here's an example. Today we've seen my colleagues, counterparts, news anchors during the day on Fox, repeatedly said 'how can they have a vote on health care reform, how can they pass this without having a vote?' We know there's going to be a vote. It may not be the vote on the Senate bill that they want, but-

CORN: I think the point is that Fox often absorbs the talking points and language that the Republican Party and conservatives are pushing, you know. And if you look, I don't think there's anyone – you know, you can talk about Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann, they're certainly liberals. I don't think they're as far to the left or as far off the charts, whatever you want to call it, as, say, Glenn Beck is. And when, you know, and when you have Sean Hannity doing interviews with Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin, again, and again, and again, you see softballs, softballs, softballs. I've seen Rachel interview people who are Democrats and she's not as soft on that. So I do think there are some – you know, these are object – not objective judgments. They're subjective judgments. You line up the list, and I think overall the atmosphere there is far to the right than to the left. But nevertheless, Bret can be judged as a news person and that's-

SHUSTER: Look – and look, I give Bret credit. I actually – I liked the interview. I agree with you. I think it is fine when the President isn't answering a question, you follow up, I think the issue Fox may have, is that when they start looking back at previous interviews Bret did, they'll find a very different style towards George W. Bush than he displayed with President Obama. But that's an issue for media critics to deal with. David Corn, David Freddoso, thank you both so much for coming in. Great discussion. Fascinating issue in the world of broadcasting.

—Kyle Drennen is a news analyst at the Media Research Center. You can follow him on Twitter here.

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Shuster is still mad at Fox

Shuster is still mad at Fox for getting rid of his worthless butt and leaving him with no other option than MSNBC.  

this guy sounds like Pee Wee

"I know you are, but what am I?"

A matter of numbers

Fox outdraws MSNBC 3 to 1 Duh.

MSNBC unable to recognize JOURNALISM!

These jokers at ALL the NBC Networks are propagandists. The actually get upset by Journalism!


That's exactly what they are. That said, they are a very tough lot to beat back with the massive blow horn they possess. They just keep coming at you.


Marion Barry or Dan Quayle... Who Said It?



 Shuster was following similar talking points voiced by Hardball host Chris Matthews, who on Tuesday declared "there's absolutely no debate" of Fox News, unlike on MSNBC and CNN.

Where exactly is the debate on MSNBC? Is it on Countdown where everyone who comes on there leans left and parrots Keiths (or Larry's lately) talking points? Is it on Special Ed with democrat after democrat on? I think not. Their one retort is having Joe Scarborough on but he's a complete wimp and a huge RINO to boot. The difference between Fox and MSNBC (besides the ratings) are that I stand a very good chance at seeing a left leaning journalist or Democratic strategist on Fox, whereas I might find Osama Bin Laden before I find a Conservative person on MSNBC.

"Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first drive mad." MSNBC is a prime example of madness.

Fredosso: "... MSNBC...I

Fredosso: "... MSNBC...I think it definitely has a very liberal lean.But it's not, you know, to the point where it's off-putting, it's something you expect."

Man, Fredosso must have a cast iron stomach. But, that, folks, is what you call preserving your standing for future appearances on MSNBC.

The "Mainstream" Media: By liberals. For liberals.

What words mean....

Ok, so according to Shyster, conservative means not taking BS from whoever is giving it to them, while liberal means lie lie lie your sorry ass off.

Got it.


It's official: Shyster is a

It's official: Shyster is a performance artist.

I suspect Olbermann, Maddow, Matthews, Schultz, and Shyster are part of a group of freakshow circus performers. It's a group of conservatives mocking liberals basically. OR, alternatively, they're like one of those shows where they make increasingly absurd statements and see how far they can push their audience. 

Time for a reality check.

So David Shuster thinks that Fox is "far more conservative overall than MSNBC could ever be liberal."

OK, David, whatever; but no matter how you slice it, the bulk of the nation is focused on Fox.

You may think that you are the measure of all things, but the vast majority of the country is off to your right.  If you prefer to call it the far right, what you are really doing is defining how far to the left you are from the center.

If you think you are anywhere near the center you have a problem with reality, specifically a problem perceiving what reality is.  BTW, for someone trying to be a journalist to have a problem perceiving what is reality is a serious handicap, similar to what blindness is for an artist.

- Relying upon the Liberal Media for your information is like relying upon an embezzler for your portfolio management.

Reality Check

Cartoon Network draws more audiance than DNn or MSNBC


→ CarlosS

I made the same observation, below.

You beat me to it.

We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it - Nancy Pelosi

LOL, and is more fair and

LOL, and is more fair and balanced

"That boy'll lie when the truth will do"

- Mrs. Johnson, 8th grade teacher (ca. 1970)

MessNBC is Far Left

They get 99% of their programming material from the Far Left extremist websites Huffington Post, DailyKos, TPM and DU.

That is why their ratings are poor and getting worse. They are basically catering to the smallest market, as only 20% of the country identify themselves as Liberals.

Minds Supremely Numbed By Cr


"Beauty is only skin deep, but liberal's to the bone." - me


The Shitster & David Cornhole probably considers it blasphemy that Baier didn't bow to the commie-in-chief.

MSLSD is a complete joke.

Marxie Obama should have

Marxie Obama should have bowed to Baier. 

If it wasn't for FOX, MSNBC

If it wasn't for FOX, MSNBC wouldn't have any reason to exist since all they do is complain about how conservative FOX is.   

Shyster's a bum, anyway.  His opinion isn't worth spit.

→ No fair, mattm

According to Drudge, MSNBC has almost as many viewers as the Cartoon Network.

We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it - Nancy Pelosi

Fox is certainly...

...far more WATCHED than MSNBC.

Wonder if there's a connection...?

Mr. Motley is the Director of Communications for the Media Research Center and Contributing Editor to  Please feel free to follow him on Twitter.  It's his kind of stalking.

Is his name Shyster?

Independent studies have that Fox has more Liberals,Democrats on their shows than anyone else has Conservatives/Republicans and anyone who watches the different networks would SEE IT for their own eyes. I HAVE as I watch CNN and PMSNBC (for a laugh) and anyone with a working cerebrum knows the truth.

I remember a story where OLBERBUM has not had a Republican on for momth after month after month while Hannity and O'Reilly have Democrats all the time.

O'Reilly has had at least two HOST for him in Williams and Powers, can anyone on PMSNBC EVEN SAY THAT EVER???  


A great man once said, YOU only get out of life what YOU put into it, he obviously wasn't a liberal.


But then again, O'reilly isn't exactly a conservative is he? Though everything else is true - liberals do not tolerate dissent.

"I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
George Mason

What say me?

SGT, from one vet to another, Thanks for your service (Navy vet here): 

I agree totally about O'Reilly, BUT the LSM never calls him a moderate or a down the middle anything, he is ALWAYS portrayed as "Fox Conservative Talk show kingpin Bill O'Reilly" and sometimes the term "Ultra" is thrown in there when he is the furthest thing from an "Ultra" anything.

Maybe Ultra wind bag sometimes, but I don't even consider him a huge Conservative thinker, on the fring if you will.

A great man once said, YOU only get out of life what YOU put into it, he obviously wasn't a liberal.

Tomorama!.. Tomorama!.. Tomorama!..

Tiger!.. Tiger!.. Tiger!..

First off, glad to do it. And I return the thanks for yours.

This is true about O'Reilly. He can't win with liberals even though he is very soft on a few issues. He just doesn't go far enough for their liking. He strikes me as a 'soft' liberal - meaning that he thinks the government IS the answer on a number of issues - not all, just some.

"I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
George Mason

But, but, but somebody told

But, but, but somebody told the Shuckster that it was true--his mom, Olbernotaman, Special Ed, Chris Tingles--it has to be true.


Like Ron Burgundy says..."It's science!"

We can openly and honestly sit down and analyze minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years of Fox programming vs. any other.  There is no doubt about it:  Fox is the most comprehensive, most fair, and most balanced news outlet in far. 

Again, they insult the intelligence of people that watch Fox.  The White House has done this, Obama himself has done this. 


The real difference is that Fox is run by and employs people who actually LOVE AMERICA, just like we do.  What's wrong with that?

Schuster's Rant

So, based on ratings, etc., Schuster is confirming that the majority of Americans are indeed conservative?

"I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
George Mason

This Earns Shuster

One great big Chris Matthews  HAH!!!!

I suppose...

...if my cable channel just got trounced by The Cartoon Network, I'd become a little unhinged, too.

And it's now Day 51 of the Shyster Twitter Ban

Mommy really meant it, you little imp.

"That's all folks".................

I heard that today Fox news is the SECOND most watched CABLE network next to USA, not just news networks, BUT ALL OF CABLE.

The cartoon network is above the "most trusted name in news" and the proverbial "the place for politics".

The country is smartening up and we "aint" going to take it anymore and THANKS for the Internet Al Bore.


A great man once said, YOU only get out of life what YOU put into it, he obviously wasn't a liberal.

Shuster worked at Fox News Channel????!?!

Must have been before my cable provider would carry FNC.

I would LOVE to hear stories about Shuster at FNC from some FNC personnel.  I'd even love to hear some stories from Shuster about FNC (just to prove what a liar he is...)

So, either Shuster is lying or...well, okay. It's pretty obvious Shuster is lying.  Every sentence out of his mouth is pretty much either a lie or some left-wing propaganda.  But still, it would be GREAT to have some evidence that Roger Ailes hired that little panty-waist at some point. 

Even if he did

Still pretty obvious why he dont anymore


My Gov. thinks I am dangerous, so be careful

"Television is a freak show" Bernie Goldberg

Shuster is an idiot, but he is smart enough to know that...

he can say anything he wants about the politics of MSNBC and who is going to dispute it.  Surely not his miniscule audience which consists of mostly like minded Liberals.  Jim Webster

msnbc borders on slander and false facts

yeah right.  the big difference between fox and msnbc is quality of content.  fox has it, no one else does.  i mean maddow spews ignorance and makes up stuff every night.  she doesn't know the facts.  and matthews and olberdunce are just plain hateful and stupid.  some on the left claim that fox is not a real news organization, but msnbc is not just real news, it's boarderline slander.

Excellent post.

Excellent post.  Dead-on.

Well, we know what stinking

Well, we know what stinking place he has HIS head.

"That boy'll lie when the truth will do"

- Mrs. Johnson, 8th grade teacher (ca. 1970)

Freddoso did okay

Freddoso did okay today...but seriously, who really cares in the big scheme of it all...we all know what msnbc is...everyone does...the Funny Farm continues 24/7 with their usual they always will this time in our nation and the way it is going, this network and the critters on are way past boring anymore...only reason I listen now and then it to catch what the enemy within is blathering about...and they never disappoint.

Oh well, just beyond disgusted today.

'Doubling down on stupid is not a particularly good idea'~Breitbart


I feel the same.


Anyone who considers MSNBC anything other than hard left is urinating windward.  Fox except for Beck and Hannity strives to be 'fair and balanced' and they walk the walk.  O'Reilly could be a Democrat for all I know,  Britt Hume is coming out of the closet as a Conservative, Jerry Rivers is a leftie, Greta is pretty center.  Beck and Hannity try to be 'hard right' but I don't think they're voting for Ron Paul any time soon.  Juan Williams and Alan Combes are pretty left, although I think they are both getting beaten down by truth and logic.

yer right Dave

well, Dave's right:  it's not like that at all. Fox is a center-right news network and MSNBC is a nest of raving loons who deal in ad hominem attacks and spin. Shyster serious????

 Fox has Juan Williams, Kirsten Powers, Marc Lamont Hill, Lanny Davis, Geraldine Ferraro, Alan Colmes and Ellis Hennican as liberal contributors.They're the ones that I can think of. MSNBC has who?? Pat Buchanan as the lone conservative voice (sorry I'm not giving 'em Morning Joe). Sorry Shyster......Fox wins AGAIN!!!!

Truth is absolute, truth is supreme, truth is never disposable in national political life - John Howard, Australian Prime Minister


I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God.

Fox is the best!!  The problem with liberals is that they will argue that every idea has equal merit; when in fact, of course, they don't!!  There aren't always two sides to every story.  Sometimes one person is telling the truth and the other person is lying.  When we stop trying to discern the truth above all else then we begin lose our humanity.


The complete Nimrod Bob Beckel...

will be insulted that you did not include him. An apology is in order!

"I'm madder than a midget with a yo-yo" -- Larry the cable guy.

Come again, Shuster?

Glenn "the Republicans are just as bad" Beck is "absorbing" Republican talking points? He takes a hit from all the GOP loyalists, but somehow he's still saying just want the GOP wants him to say?

On the other hand, as liberal as you are, you were working for Fox. 

Guy Shyster

As promised, I will post this link for every Shuster thread I see until the nickname catches on (or a lawsuit is filed against me brought on by the Letter "P").

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