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[campaign edwards]
Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, left, and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson were at the debate in Iowa Thursday evening.

Democratic presidential hopefuls showed unity on universal health care at an AARP-sponsored event, but sparred over who was most qualified to advance the agenda in Washington.
The Money Race: Compare fund-raising by Clinton, Giuliani, McCain, Obama and other major candidates, in this interactive graphic. Second-quarter data
Candidate Scorecard: Clickable timeline of major news, policy statements, endorsements, more.
Old vs. New Money: Fundraising is heavier than ever. Compare this race with past races.
Web sites that evaluate the statistical claims made by presidential candidates demonstrate how common it is for politicians to massage statistics or cherry-pick numbers in order to make a point.

Giuliani's campaign is built on a national-security platform rooted in his cool-headed response to the Sept. 11 attacks. But a recent visit to London shows a new aim: broadening his message.

Norman Hsu used political fund-raising to lift his profile and to find investors for illegal Ponzi schemes, federal prosecutors said.

The Clinton campaign is looking into a donor's contributions that add to growing questions about the practice of bundling donations.

Democratic presidential candidates are promoting tax plans with cuts for lower and middle classes and increases for the wealthy.

Hillary Clinton said she had considered doing away with the employer-based system in her health-care plan but concluded that employers and workers liked it.

The Justice Department and SEC are investigating investments associated with Norman Hsu, the prominent Democratic fund-raiser.

Hillary Clinton unveiled a health-care plan that would require all Americans to have insurance at an estimated cost of $110 billion a year.

McCain is staking his bid for the presidency on the success of Bush's "surge" strategy in Iraq. The hope is voters will view him as a steadfast patriot, but he risks running afoul of antiwar sentiment in key states.

Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton was endorsed by retired Gen. Wesley Clark, who sought the party's nomination in 2004 and whose sterling military credentials could bolster her bid to be the first female commander in chief.

Hillary Clinton is proposing again a health-care plan that seeks to cover all Americans. But this time she wants to build on the existing system -- a mix of private coverage and government-subsidized care -- not remake it altogether.

Presidential hopefuls from both parties are courting Hispanics. How important is their vote and which party has the edge? Here's a closer look.

John Edwards redirected his investments tied to subprime businesses and set up a fund to help Katrina victims facing foreclosure.

Public discontent with the Iraq war eased slightly, according to a new WSJ/NBC News poll, giving Bush more political leeway at a key point in debates over war costs and troop levels. (Poll results)

Hsu sent a suicide note to some acquaintances and groups before he skipped a court hearing last week. Wednesday, he was released from a hospital and jailed.

Bush appeared to have won no Senate converts for his Iraq war strategy after two days of testimony by Petraeus and Crocker. Obama and other Democrats are arguing for immediate moves to withdraw. (Complete coverage)

The debate over President Bush's Iraq strategy now moves to the campaign trail, where the war's trajectory could prove decisive for several candidates. (Complete coverage)

Hillary Clinton said she will return $850,000 in campaign contributions raised by Norman Hsu, who is under federal investigation.

Obama's view that the U.S. should ease its embargo of Cuba is exposing a generational rift in Miami's Little Havana. One Cuban-American man has discovered that being an Obama fan can mean a break from family and friends.

Democratic presidential hopefuls strove to court Latino voters in a debate in Miami largely dealing with immigration, relations in the Americas and health care.

Rudy Giuliani will once again be at the Sept. 11 memorial event. But now that he's running for president he must be careful and not cross the line between commemoration and exploitation, observers say.

Voter surveys suggest a broader erosion of Republicans' appeal, evidence the party's problems are much bigger than the president.

Hillary and Bill Clinton made a rare joint appearance that underscores the uncharted waters that a Clinton presidency would bring. Tools
•  Who's Giving: Check out our searchable database of FEC records. Find contributions by name, company, ZIP Code and more. Sample searches: Goldman Sachs; Cisco Systems; Greenwich; Conn., Geffen, DavidUpdated with second-quarter data
•  Candidate Scorecard: A week-by-week look at the campaigns
•  Money Race: Compare fund-raising by Clinton, Giuliani, McCain, Obama and other major candidates, in this interactive graphic. Updated second quarter 2007
•  Old vs. New Money: Fundraising is heavier than ever. Compare this race with past races. Updated second-quarter 2007 tools
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Both sites have extensive data on fundraising.
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