CNN CNN Politics

March 19, 2010
Posted: March 19th, 2010 10:58 AM ET

(CNN) - With a House Health care bill expected Sunday, Click here for the latest developments.


Filed under: Health care

Posted: March 19th, 2010 10:43 AM ET

A new ad is taking aim at McConnell.
A new ad is taking aim at McConnell.

(CNN) - With the expected House vote on health care reform days away, the Democratic National Committee is launching a new ad Friday that blasts Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for "plotting" to block the sweeping legislation.

The 30-second spot, which is set to air in the Washington, D.C., area, highlights a recent New York Times report that McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, has long planned to use his "extensive knowledge of Senate procedure" to slow or even stop passage of the final bill.

"Even before President Obama took office he was plotting his obstruction, and Senate Republicans stood with him, playing politics and protecting their special interest allies. Mitch McConnell and Republican games, that's what's wrong with Washington," the ad states.

McConnell told the Times on Tuesday that it is "critical" Republicans maintain their opposition to the health care bill.

"If the proponents of the bill were able to say it was bipartisan, it tended to convey to the public that this is OK … it's either bipartisan or it isn't."

Filed under: Health care • Mitch McConnell

Posted: March 19th, 2010 09:21 AM ET

Washington (CNN) - U.S. Park Police arrested a gay soldier and another man Thursday after they handcuffed themselves to the fence surrounding the White House in protest of the military's policy preventing gay and lesbian service members from serving openly.

The two men were charged with failure to obey a lawful order after they were warned to remove the handcuffs or face arrest, said Park Police Sgt. David Schlosser.

Schlosser would not name the pair because they had not yet been processed, but video showed that one was Lt. Dan Choi, a 2003 West Point graduate who is fluent in Arabic. Choi admitted his sexual orientation publicly for the first time last year on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show," prompting the Army to initiate proceedings to discharge him.

Choi chose to appeal his case rather than accept a discharge. The case is still pending.
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Filed under: Don't Ask Don't Tell • White House

Posted: March 19th, 2010 09:19 AM ET

President Obama travels to Virginia's George Mason University Friday for a final rhetorical push for the critical test of his ability to deliver on a signature promise of his presidency.
President Obama travels to Virginia's George Mason University Friday for a final rhetorical push for the critical test of his ability to deliver on a signature promise of his presidency.

Washington (CNN) – With Sunday's House vote on healthcare reform moving closer, President Obama travels to Virginia's George Mason University Friday for a final rhetorical push for the critical test of his ability to deliver on a signature promise of his presidency.

White House officials say the speech will frame the vote as a choice between a "victory for the insurers" or "victory for the American people." They say he will take aim at Washington and its "inability to do the right thing so much of the time."

That, the president's aides say, is the same message he will give member of Congress. Mr. Obama is expected to meet with and call members after his morning speech.

The White House, aides say, feels that it had a "really good day" yesterday and has a "good sense of momentum," picking up the AFL-CIO, Change to Win and Federation of American Hospitals endorsements and convincing more members to change their votes from no to yes.

Filed under: Popular Posts • President Obama

Posted: March 19th, 2010 09:15 AM ET
'John King, USA' officially launches Monday, but we are pulling back the curtain and inviting viewers to watch how a new show comes together.
'John King, USA' officially launches Monday, but we are pulling back the curtain and inviting viewers to watch how a new show comes together.

Bring your lunch to work Friday and log onto at 12 p.m. ET for a special sneak peek of John King's new political show, "John King, USA."

"John King, USA" officially launches Monday at 7 p.m. ET on CNN, but we are providing a true behind-the-scenes experience where Internet users can see how a show comes together in the final stages. Tomorrow's online preview will include an interview with Texas Rep. Ron Paul to talk health care and the future of the Republican Party, as well as an interview with FCC chair Julius Genachowski.

Also, we want your input and are asking for you to "Make Your Case, America!"

We know that all the problems facing this nation cannot be answered in Washington, so we are hoping you can help deliver the solutions. Each week, the show will ask you to weigh in on the hot debate. Are we better off with privatized health care or a public option? Should marijuana be legalized? Which team is better: Yankees or Red Sox? (We all know John thinks it is the Red Sox, but we want to hear what you have to say).

A couple of tips: keep it simple, keep it short, and remember to give us your best made-for-TV smile. So what are you waiting for?

This week's topic is health care: "Is President Obama doing enough or too much in pushing health care legislation?" Make Your Case!

Filed under: JKUSA • John King USA • Popular Posts

Posted: March 19th, 2010 09:11 AM ET


NEW YORK ( - Democrats pushing for health care reform are closer to the finish line than ever, but it's not over yet. And the question of cost will remain a central issue in coming days.

On Thursday, the Congressional Budget Office weighed in with a key - if still very preliminary - cost estimate.

The latest bill is a mix of provisions from a bill the Senate passed last December and proposals made by President Obama recently.

Full story

Filed under: Health care

Posted: March 19th, 2010 08:30 AM ET

Washington (CNN) - Thousands of people are expected to pour into Washington for a Sunday rally demanding immigration reform, launching the first public battle over the issue since the announcement of a new bipartisan plan endorsed by President Barack Obama.

While the nation will be focused largely on a more immediate debate - an expected vote over health care reform - the march on the National Mall will be setting the stage for a whole new fight over another of the most contentious issues facing the country.

The organization Reform Immigration for America, which supports a path to citizenship for those in the United States illegally, says the changes it wants to see will help bring about "economic justice for all Americans."

In response, the Federation for American Immigration Reform - which staunchly opposes amnesty - called on Americans to contact their representatives and demand tougher borders and an end to illegal immigration. FAIR says it seeks "effective, sensible immigration policies that work for America's best interests."

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Filed under: Immigration

Posted: March 19th, 2010 04:56 AM ET


The CNN Washington Bureau’s morning speed read of the top stories making news from around the country and the world.

For the latest political news:

CNN: Democrats unveil $940 billion compromise health care plan
Democratic congressional leaders unveiled a long-awaited $940 billion compromise health care plan Thursday, setting the stage for a final legislative showdown on President Obama's domestic priority. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs announced that Obama had decided to delay an upcoming trip to Australia and Indonesia to help push the bill over the finish line. The president had been set to depart Washington on Sunday, the same day that the House of Representatives is likely to vote on the measure.

CNNMoney: Health reform: Where the money will come from
Democrats pushing for health care reform are closer to the finish line than ever, but it's not over yet. And the question of cost will remain a central issue in coming days. The estimated long-term deficit reduction comes mainly from more than $500 billion in savings from health programs like Medicare, and $438 billion in new tax revenue.

Wall Street Journal: GOP Plots Strategies to Nullify Health Bill
Republicans are looking beyond Sunday's expected vote on the Democrats' health-care overhaul to focus on strategies for striking back should it pass, ranging from challenges to the measure by individual states to a national repeal campaign. Opponents say they can still defeat the bill this weekend. By talking about the tactics now, and showing how they intend to rally the public, they hope to sway wavering lawmakers to vote no. And if the bill passes, they have a head start on a strategy to knock off all or parts of the legislation.

New York Times: From Bitter Campaign to Strong Alliance
Sixteen months after Mr. Obama surprised nearly everyone by picking her as secretary of state, the two have again surprised nearly everyone by forging a credible partnership. Mrs. Clinton has proved to be an eager team player, a tireless defender of the administration, ever deferential to Mr. Obama and careful to ensure that her husband, the former president, does not upstage her boss. …Still, there is none of the deep familiarity or the tight bonds — the round-the-clock, back-channel access — of their predecessors, Condoleezza Rice and George W. Bush, or going further back, James A. Baker and the first President Bush or Henry A. Kissinger and Richard M. Nixon.

Wall Street Journal: Deal Near on Gitmo, Trials for Detainees
The White House is nearing a deal with a bipartisan group of senators to close the Guantanamo Bay prison and pave the way for more detainees to be tried before military commissions, a move that would reverse a signature Obama administration security policy. The effort, led by White House counsel Robert Bauer and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, further sidelines Attorney General Eric Holder, who at a hearing Tuesday continued to argue that the planners of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and other terrorists should be given civilian federal trials.

Chicago Tribune: U.S. planning to go ahead with plan to buy Illinois prison
The Obama administration plans to purchase the state prison in rural Thomson, Ill., regardless of whether Congress allows terrorism suspects to be transferred there, a Justice Department official said Thursday.

Miami Herald: NRA has gotten most of what it wanted in Florida Legislature in 2010
Adoption agencies can't require prospective parents to disclose whether they have a firearm, according to a new bill that rocketed Thursday out of the Legislature and awaits the governor's signature. Gov. Charlie Crist plans to approve the legislation, along with another National Rifle Association-backed bill that would stop legislators from raiding a special trust fund that pays for concealed-weapons permit regulation. The bill could be passed by the Legislature as early as next week. Both bills attest to the might of the NRA. But the group has won so many victories that even supporters say the gun lobby is now left with little nips and tucks to the right to own firearms.

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Filed under: Political Hot Topics

March 18, 2010
Posted: March 18th, 2010 11:14 PM ET

Filed under: Abortion • Bart Stupak • Health care

Posted: March 18th, 2010 07:55 PM ET


Washington (CNN) –Top White House aides say that even if the House passes health care reform on Sunday, President Barack Obama is not planning to a big public signing ceremony because the Senate will still have to pass the reconciliation fixes in the legislation.

Instead, White House aides say, the president is likely to deliver relatively low-key public remarks on Sunday congratulating the House if it passes the legislation that day as Obama advisers now expect.

On Sunday, Obama will also sign the portion of the legislation that deals with the original Senate bill if that plan is confirmed by the Senate parliamentarian after all of this weekend's final machinations in the House.

But since the Senate will still have to pass the reconciliation fixes, aides say the president does not want to have a major pep rally on Sunday.
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Filed under: Health care • President Obama

Posted: March 18th, 2010 07:38 PM ET

Washington (CNN) - Sen. Kent Conrad issued a statement Thursday announcing that he has asked for the removal from the House bill of an exemption for the state-owned Bank of North Dakota that would have allowed the bank to continue making federally backed student loans.

Related: Conrad wins carve-out for North Dakota bank

Related on Student loan reform shares health care fate

(Read Conrad's full statement after the jump)

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Filed under: Health care • Kent Conrad • North Dakota

Posted: March 18th, 2010 07:35 PM ET

The new health care plan could reduce the deficit by $138 billion over the first 10 years.
The new health care plan could reduce the deficit by $138 billion over the first 10 years.

New York ( - Democrats pushing for health care reform are closer to the finish line than ever, but it's not over yet. And the question of cost will remain a central issue in coming days.

On Thursday, the Congressional Budget Office weighed in with a key - if still very preliminary - cost estimate.

The latest bill is a mix of provisions from a bill the Senate passed last December and proposals made by President Obama last month.

Like the Senate version, the so-called reconciliation bill would provide government subsidies to low- and middle-income families buying health insurance on their own, expand eligibility rules for Medicaid and provide coverage for a majority of uninsured Americans.

It would also establish a number of insurance reforms.

Full Story on

Filed under: Congressional Budget Office • Health care

Posted: March 18th, 2010 07:20 PM ET


Washington ( – When the House votes on a health care package this weekend, it will also consider a proposal to make federal government the one-stop-shop to get cheap student loans.

However, a review by Congress' budget arm found the revised proposal will have less in new overall savings on student loans over 10 years - $61 billion vs. the original $87 billion - primarily because so many schools have already adopted the program.

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Filed under: Education • Health care

Posted: March 18th, 2010 07:11 PM ET

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford acknowledged Thursday that he violated state ethics rules on campaign spending and government travel.
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford acknowledged Thursday that he violated state ethics rules on campaign spending and government travel.

Washington (CNN) – South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, whose political career flamed out after he admitted a year-long affair last year with an Argentine woman he called his "soulmate," acknowledged Thursday that he violated state ethics rules on campaign spending and government travel.

Sanford did not go quietly. He said in a statement that he still believed "in the innocence of my actions" and boasted of his record for fiscal responsibility while in office. Sanford said his administration has spent 63 percent less on travel than his predecessor did.

"[I]t's time to move on," Sanford said. "While I believe I would be vindicated on all these matters if there were ever a full airing, the people of South Carolina have moved on from all that unfolded last summer and this administration has moved on as well."
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Filed under: Mark Sanford • South Carolina

Posted: March 18th, 2010 07:09 PM ET


New York ( - Now that it's taken its first baby step towards creating jobs, Congress is looking at more measures to spur employment.

Don't expect any blockbuster bills with inventive hiring initiatives. With partisan politics dominating Capitol Hill, lawmakers are concentrating on bite-sized bills that are easier to pass. Most of the measures merely extend or expand existing laws.

Here's where things stand in both chambers:

Full Story on

Filed under: Economy • jobs

Posted: March 18th, 2010 06:01 PM ET


Washington (CNN) – The chairman of the Republican National Committee accused the White House Thursday of pushing and punishing the Congressional Budget Office into calculating an estimate for the health care bill that's favorable to Democrats.

In an interview with CNN's Rick Sanchez, Michael Steele mentioned the $940 billion figure, estimated for the next 10 years, and said, "That's a lie."

Filed under: Congressional Budget Office • Health care • Michael Steele

Posted: March 18th, 2010 05:26 PM ET

Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat, said his state's bank deserves to stay in the student loan business because it both originates and services low-interest student loans.
Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat, said his state's bank deserves to stay in the student loan business because it both originates and services low-interest student loans.

Washington (CNN) - Sen. Kent Conrad said Thursday he won an exemption for the state-owned Bank of North Dakota to continue making federally backed student loans under legislation that would alter the loan process.

Later: Conrad asks for bank carve-out to be removed

He said the special treatment for the bank will be included in the budget reconciliation bill, which contains both fixes to health care legislation and changes to the way federally secured student loans are made.

Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat, said his state's bank deserves to stay in the student loan business because it both originates and services low-interest student loans.

"They are not like these other institutions that have created these problems," he said.

Democrats have criticized private banks for earning profits by making federally backed loans, while also pocketing a subsidy from taxpayers. Under the bill, the federal government would make the loans directly and keep any earned profits from the loans.
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Filed under: Health care • Kent Conrad • North Dakota

Posted: March 18th, 2010 04:19 PM ET
 At least one company and the NRSC have been issued subpoenas requesting documents in a federal grand jury investigation related to GOP Sen. John Ensign.
At least one company and the NRSC have been issued subpoenas requesting documents in a federal grand jury investigation related to GOP Sen. John Ensign.

Washington (CNN) - At least one company and the National Republican Senatorial Committee have been issued subpoenas requesting documents in a federal grand jury investigation related to Sen. John Ensign, R-Nevada.

The Senate Ethics Committee also is investigating Ensign, who has been dogged by allegations of improper conduct stemming from an affair with the wife of a former aide. An Ethics Committee spokesman has declined to comment on precisely what its members are looking into.

A spokesman for the NRSC, which works to elect Republicans to the U.S. Senate, said the organization had received a subpoena related to Ensign.

Another NRSC official, general counsel Sean Cairncross, would not confirm that the subject of the subpoena was Ensign, but he noted that the 2008 election was cycle was the time when Ensign chaired the committee.

"NRSC has responded appropriately to questions concerning matters related to the 2008 election cycle timeframe," Cairncross said.

The U.S. Attorney's office had no immediate comment. Neither did Ensign's staff.

A source from one of the companies linked to the probe into Ensign's business dealings told CNN that the company had been issued a subpoena to produce documents to a federal grand jury.
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Filed under: John Ensign • NRSC • Popular Posts

Posted: March 18th, 2010 04:18 PM ET

The New York Times is contesting Gov. David Paterson's claim he was the paper's source for a recent story.
The New York Times is contesting Gov. David Paterson's claim he was the paper's source for a recent story.

(CNN) - The New York Times is contesting Gov. David Paterson's claim he was the paper's source for a recent story that ultimately led to an ethics investigation, the departure of top aides, and the abandonment of his election bid.

Paterson told New York radio station WOR Thursday that he was the person who informed the Times he interceded in an assault case involving his aide, David Johnson.

Related: I was NYT source, Paterson said

But in a blog post Thursday, Times reporters Danny Hakim and Nicholas Confessore say that's not true.

"In the course of reporting, The Times learned that the governor had called Ms. Booker, but that information did not come from the governor," wrote Hakim and Confessore.

The Times reporters also said the governor's office only acknowledged Paterson made the phone call after the paper informed them it had learned of the communication.

"The administration subsequently clarified that the call took place on Feb. 7, but it did so only after being told that The Times was aware that a telephone conversation between the governor and Ms. Booker had taken place," the reporters wrote.

Filed under: David Paterson • New York Times • Popular Posts

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@HornickCNN: Obama says at rally in VA: We are going to do something historic this weekend
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@SamFeistCNN: Watch first edition of #JKUSA live on at 12pmET today. Like watching a dress rehearsal. Ron Paul among JK's guests.
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@SuzanneMalveaux: My producer Jeff and I just arrive to Jakarta. The hot air hits us like a thick sauna wave. 88 degrees. Meet our driver Oki. On our way!
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