Refugee Resettlement Watch

How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are telling

Posted by acorcoran on September 10, 2008

I finally got around to something I’ve been promising to do for weeks (months!) and that is go over all the records of Somali resettlement numbers.   

I do want to remind readers that these numbers are only for the Refugee Resettlement Program of the US State Department.  We just had a commenter to another post suggesting that the numbers are much larger then the government statistics indicate for immigration to the US.  I don’t doubt that.  But, again, these are the numbers that the Office of Refugee Resettlement must present to Congress each year for that special category “refugees.”

Much to my surprise, the numbers (and patterns) for Somali refugees admitted to the US are even more shocking then I had originally guessed.  

Also, in my last post, I quoted the reporter as saying that the Somalis began arriving in Minneapolis in the late 70’s.  Well, maybe there were a handful, but the largest numbers have arrived here AFTER 9/11!

The Refugee Act of 1980 presumably required the Office of Refugee Resettlement to begin reporting to Congress annually.  The first table I looked at lumped all numbers from 1983-1993.  In those 10 years, 4413 Somalis were admitted as refugees.

Then here we go:

1983-93:   4413

1994:  3508

1995:  2524

1996:  6440

1997:  4948

1998:  2952

1999:  4321

2000:  6002

2001:  4940

2002:   242    (Guesses why this is so low?  9/11 freaked everyone out!)

2003:  1708

O.K. so in 2003 we had admitted a total of 42.017 Somalis to the US.  In those 20 years each Somali family was having on average 6 children.

Continuing (are you sitting down?):

2004:  12,814

2005:  10,101

2006:  10,220

2007:  6958

2008 to the end of August:  1761

We have reported to you before that the number is so low (relatively low!) for 2008 because DNA testing in Africa showed that the refugee program was corrupt through and through and those thousands coming in as ”family” were lying.

We have admitted 83,991 Somali Shariah-supporting immigrants to the US in 25 years.   More then half, 43,682, came since September 11th! 

Who was responsible and why?   I don’t know.   I do know that African resettlement was not a priority until, according to a report by Heidi Boas which I mentioned here last year, the Congressional Black Caucus got involved:

Anyway, I am getting away from my story. According to Heidi Boas* in her lengthy 2007 paper entitled, “The New Face of America’s Refugees: African Refugee Resettlement to the United States:”

….several of the individuals interviewed for this paper identified the Congressional Black Caucus as one of the most influential groups advocating over the past decade for increased African refugee resettlement to the United States.

I also think that in addition to political reasons that the Black Caucus had for boosting minority voter numbers, that big businesses, like these meatpackers we have been talking about, have been working with friends in the State Department and the Department of Health and Human Services as if those agencies were their employment services.

Do you ever wonder if the Congressional Black Caucus members know what they did to our own American blacks because these immigrants are pushing them out of jobs now?

I know who could answer all of our questions about how and why we took militant Muslims in such great numbers into the US:    Terry Rusch, Director of the Office of Admissions, US State Department could tell us, if she was willing.

If you would like to check numbers yourself, the best thing I can do is send you to this post as a starting place.   I got these numbers at so many differant Office of Refugee Resettlement Annual reports to Congress that it is too cumbersome to put all those links in here.  However, you should be able to use the links I just mentioned and sort it out—you will also find it interesting to see from what countries we are admitting refugees and to what states they are going.

95 Responses to “How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are telling”

  1. [...] How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are telling [...]

  2. Paula said

    Why doesn’t the government DNA test all family immigrants?

  3. acorcoran said

    Paula, I think that is a good point. I don’t know. I think they did it as an experiment and found the results shocking.

    The powers that be (right now) want wide open immigration and don’t want the rest of us to shout any louder than we are about it…open borders is a part of the lefts agenda and they (leftists) control the resettlement agencies and the entrenched bureaucracy of the federal government.

    Even if a President should come in who wants to halt immigration (extremely unlikely at this time), you have long-time federal employees who will work to undermine the White House at every turn to keep their pet projects alive.

    The first one’s I would DNA test are those refugees who came in through family reunification and are now in trouble with the law—just test them and if they got into the US fraudulently, deport them ASAP.

  4. jim said

    I say test the entrenched bureaucracy. Run current criminal background checks and watch the the meter hit the jackpot!!

  5. palgrave said

    @ paula and acorcoran In order to obtain refugee-status through P-3 family reunification programs many people ALREADY rely on DNA tests to show relationship. Still, since the same wars that produce refugees very often produce orphans and separated children, the high number of adopted and fostered relatives (e.g., non-genetically related family members) is not surprising. Further, that “entrenched bureaucracy” has worked very hard to limit the number of refugees admitted to the US—with the help of legislators: see, for instance, the REAL ID act, etc. And, BTW, criminal background checks are already run on most employees of resettlement agencies.

  6. acorcoran said

    In response to Palgrave, First I am happy to hear that the entrenched bureaucracy is attempting to limit refugees admitted to the US. Aren’t you worried about the volags pouncing on you for that statement?

    But, what legislators? All those I read about like Senators Kennedy and Biden are attempting to force the administration to admit more refugees.

    And, how exactly does Real ID relate to refugees?

    Come to think of it, didn’t we just agree to take oh, about 60,000 Bhutanese over the next few years?

    As for orphaned kids in war zones, I feel sorry for them but I think you can see how quickly these impromptu adoptions could become opportunities for fraud. And, honestly I don’t hear of orphaned kids running around Iraq and Afghanistan so much. Those are war zones. Has this issue of DNA testing come up in those refugee sending countries?

    And, if we are doing DNA testing already, how did the State Department get surprised by the African spot DNA testing results just this year—surprised enough to halt the program from certain African countries.

    You seem very knowledgeable, maybe you could help us with answers to these questions.

  7. Roger Godby said

    I think the most important thing is to stop non-family immigration from Somalia (well, its shattered remnants like Puntland) and other Muslim-majority countries. I propose instead accepting, for example, greater numbers of Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Hindus, and other non-Muslims persecuted abroad in Muslim-majority nations.

  8. [...] How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are telling [...]

  9. Abdi Barack said

    Hi my name is Abdi I am a Somali but I am not a muslim.
    I rejected islam 15 years after I witnessed the bloody and barbaric stoning to death of 5 innocent women in Somalia in 1993.

    Let me tell you this: more than 1000 Somali Christians most of them converts from islam were killed by Somali muslims in Somalia. This is still going on today as we speak. Somalis as other muslims are, are barbaric people and their aim is to impose their barbaric islamic sharee’a on America and what they are doing is stealth jihad and they will continue to do so untill they bring America to its knee. The only solution would 2 things:

    deport all the Somalis in America back to Somalia or to Saudi Arabia and STOP bringing Somalis and other Muslims into the USA.
    Please see those webistes below to see the plight of Somali
    Christians in Somalia:

  10. Avi said

    Here’s a little something I wrote. It is mostly about Somalis

    The Muslim Brotherhood’s Jihad in Minnesota

    Jihad is the duty of all Muslims. Whether by force or by democratic means, jihad calls for the overthrow of secular governments and the imposition of Islamic rule and law, or sharia. In this future Islamic state other religions will, at best, be subjugated to Muslim dominance. This type of jihad succeeded in Iran and Somalia and is inching toward that same goal in numerous corners of the world including Iraq, Thailand, Pakistan, and Algeria, to name a few.
    In the West, for the moment, this totalitarian vision of Islamic political and religious domination is unrealistic. Here, jihad puts on a more palpable and patient mask. Through a vast network of organizations and institutions, it slowly demands accommodation of Islamic law using democracy and religious freedom as its greatest allies. This stealth jihad is jihad nonetheless and in America it finds its most fertile ground in Minnesota.
    Minnesota has the largest Somali community in the country, mostly refugees straight from camps in Kenya. In the past four years employers and institutions have encountered consistent demands for religious accommodation by Muslims. A few familiar examples will suffice.
    The conflict with taxicab drivers at the Minneapolis Airport in 2006 received national attention. The drivers, Somali Muslims in the main, refused to take passengers carrying duty free alcohol or traveling with dogs. At a Target store in St. Louis Park, Somali cashiers refused to scan pork products and were “reassigned.” Minneapolis Community and Technical College installed wudu fountains in campus bathrooms for Muslims to ritually wash themselves before prayer.
    More recently the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy, a publicly funded K-8 Muslim charter school, has come under further investigation by the Minnesota Board of Education for its dubious practices of school-wide Friday prayers and after school Koran lessons. This spring a school official at TIZA attacked a local news reporter who showed up to interview officials, an act of jihad of the violent kind. This May five Somali women were fired from their jobs at a tortilla factory for refusing to comply with new uniform policy requiring them to wear pants. One employee claimed wearing pants would make her “feel naked.” They are filing a religious discrimination lawsuit against the company and are being represented by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization with its own dubious ties to terrorism.
    These stories make the news and add up to an alarming trend. How many more employers automatically accommodate Muslim demands for fear of being labeled “racist” or “Islamophobic” if they don’t?
    Reactions range from outrage to humor, but these demands have become all too common in Minnesota and should be taken seriously. Viewing them as acts of spontaneous religiosity or harmless calls for religious freedom misses the real goal behind this “peaceful” jihad. Rather, these incidents, along with female head covering, are signs of radical Islam’s penetration in Western Muslim communities.
    Most Somalis came to Minnesota via Kenya where many were exposed to the ideas of the radical Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood. The radicalization of the community started there.
    In her autobiography Infidel, Somali-born Muslim apostate Ayaan Hirsi Ali tracks the efforts of the Muslim Brotherhood to radicalize the refugees in Nairobi. They gave talks, distributed religious tapes, established schools, all the while preaching jihad, radicalism and hatred of the West. Hirsi Ali herself became a member. She started wearing head covering and called for the death of Salman Rushdie. She later had to opportunity to personally apologize to him.
    Somalis spread around the world, seeking asylum from a horrific civil war waging in their country. Most brought with them the radical Islamic message they heard from the Brotherhood in Nairobi. In Somalia itself radical Islam has enjoyed an even greater success. Today radicals rule the government and have imposed sharia complete with lapidation, flogging and decapitation.
    The Brotherhood operates in Minnesota through the Muslim American Society housed, not coincidently, in the same building as TIZA. The group has been tied most convincingly to instigating the taxicab controversy at the airport. In addition, the Muslim Brotherhood has links with the Muslim Student Association with a branch at the University of Minnesota.
    Founded in 1928 in Egypt, the Brotherhood has a massive organizational and financial infrastructure, fueled largely by Saudi oil wealth. There is scarcely a school, organization or mosque in Europe or the United States that is not directly or indirectly tied to the group.
    The Brotherhood spells out its plan for the West clearly in Priorities of the Islamic Movement in the Coming Phase published in 1990 by the spiritual leader of the group Yusuf al-Qaradawi. The final goal, Qaradawi makes known, is to reestablish the Islamic caliphate in the West.
    This pitch makes for a hard sell in Minnesota. The Brotherhood, therefore, has softened its tactics and rhetoric in recent decades playing down its political goals of Islamic world domination and carefully covering its links to terror and jihad. The group, however, never rules out violence to achieve its goal.
    In its stead they advocate dawa, or dialogue, whereby its organizations act as legitimate religious institutions and the rightful representatives of Muslim communities.
    They participate in interfaith events and give educational seminars on Islam and halfheartedly renounce terrorism, unless of course it is in Israel. Local and national governments see them as legitimate and turn to them as the community’s spokesmen, thereby ignoring truly moderate Muslim voices who are bullied into silence.
    Minnesota has passed through the first stage of the Brotherhood’s blueprint as stated by Qaradawi: establishing schools, mosques and organizations. We are currently witnessing the next stage, acquiring sharia next to secular law for the Muslim community. In the final stage, when numbers are sufficient and the time is right, Islam will overthrow secular governments, by force or by democratic means, and supplant them with Islamic hegemony and law.
    Minnesota’s famous liberalism and well-entrenched political correctness, with its fear to criticize, have given the Muslim Brotherhood its best opportunity to start jihad and establish sharia in America.
    Ethnic diversity and religious pluralism make America great. But when a religious group of any kind makes demands which fly in the face of our well-established separation of church and state, it needs to be stopped. Religious fanatics of all stripes are never happy with one little concession. The Muslim Brotherhood makes its aim clear. If left unchecked, it can take over a community and a nation with breathtaking speed as it did in Somalia and is doing in Egypt.
    Thus far this stealth jihad in Minnesota can’t stand up to the rule of law. But if recent history is any indicator, another demand for accommodation is just on the horizon. When it comes, it must be met with similar legal efforts and a barrage of criticism from people who believe in freedom. Just because there aren’t planes flying into buildings doesn’t mean it isn’t jihad.

  11. [...] Posts How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingGreeley Tribune in the tank for the Somalis!Somali immigrant story (Part II)—community organizer [...]

  12. Anonymous said

    Now that the Africans have been found to be lying about their family relationships — will the ones who lied and those who are not family be sent back to Somalia? I sure hope so.

  13. acorcoran said

    To anonymous, I doubt there will be any move to deport those who lied to get in. However, you would hope at least they would consider DNA testing as a part of any crime investigation involving a refugee. It would then make sense to use that information, if it was found a fraud was committed, to get them out easier.

    I don’t know the answer, maybe one of our readers does.

  14. [...] blame Hispanics and say they were harrassedGreeley again: threats of more violence, CAIR arrivesHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingSwift and Co fires the Somalis—unbelievably brave of themRefugee Resettlement Fact [...]

  15. [...] fires the Somalis—unbelievably brave of themGreeley again: threats of more violence, CAIR arrivesHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingSomalis in Greeley on a “long walk to justice”A reader gives us an excellent description of the [...]

  16. [...] fires the Somalis—unbelievably brave of themGreeley again: threats of more violence, CAIR arrivesHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingSomalis in Greeley on a “long walk to justice”A reader gives us an excellent description of the [...]

  17. [...] Posts A reader gives us an excellent description of the quiet jihadHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingHundreds of Somali workers hold protest march to city hall yesterday in Grand Island, NESomalis [...]

  18. [...] Where did all these Somalia workers come from? [...]

  19. [...] are gone–quit or fired in NebraskaA reader gives us an excellent description of the quiet jihadHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingGrand Island whiplash: now Cubans are comingRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsWhat the heck, it could [...]

  20. Adam Warsame said

    Just simple words to Avi :

    I Guss you are indeed a Wright Wing activist or maybe red-nick , You are accusing all Somalis of being militants, its really ridicules, if they are Islamic militants how did they end up in refugee camps in Kenya,!??? one more thing, do you know that INS checks all refugee for month if not years before they granted resettlement in US?? By the way Mr “Avi” i think you are a Jew, that’s why you hate Somalis,!! all what you are trying to do is collecting different incidents and link them together faultily in order to convene readers, LOl Guss what !!you failed , try again .!

  21. acorcoran said

    Actually Mr. Warsame, I think we are making a pretty good case at Refugee Resettlement Watch that Somalis are not assimilating to life in America. And, since it’s an honor and a privilege for immigrants to come to this country, we should be choosing much more carefully which people we admit.

    As a matter of fact, we have suspended family reunification of Somalis because of the high percentage (80%) of fraud cases uncovered this year.

  22. [...] Somali gang violence in Minneapolis prompts community meetingRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingAnother Somali murder in MinneapolisAll hell breaking loose in Grand Island, NE over decision to [...]

  23. [...] Read it all, it is choke full of all sorts of interesting information.    The only thing missing is any discussion about the US State Department’s role in bringing all the Somalis here in the first place.  See our numbers post here. [...]

  24. [...] The first is our research on how many Somalis have been admitted to the US by the State Department here.   And, the other is that as a result of DNA testing that showed that 80% of East Africans [...]

  25. [...] in US ILLEGALLY!Aunt Zeituni: No dirty tricks, just old-fashioned investigative reportingYour StateHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsA Conspiracy of the LemmingsAboutCanada’s refugee problems and [...]

  26. [...] it means in the larger scheme — planting Shariah in America.     Sent as a comment to this post, I thought it was too important and well-written to bury [...]

  27. nick said

    who says they are “militants”? The women and children are too? This is prejudiced propaganda. These refugees are not criminals- the criminals are still in Somalia fighting. Many of these refugees are good people who come here with hopes of just staying alive and escaping senseless war. Stop spreading hate about people you don’t even know.

  28. [...] Council of Churches 90% funded by taxpayersSomali girl stoned to death before a thousand spectatorsHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsHey, Senator Coleman, you are losing voters because they are killing [...]

  29. Ayan Roble said

    Somali people are hardworking tax payers which makes many people like AVI to hate them. One of the haters, mentioned that Somalis are not assimilating, that means why they don’t dress like you eat like you drink like you act like you change religion. You have to learn how to communicate with people who are different than you are regardles of what they are because that will help you to have better live. Don’t be hater. Somali people are nice people just you are full of hate and the perception you have about Somali people is wrong.

  30. acorcoran said

    The US State Department today announced that tens of thousands of Somalis are in the US illegally.

  31. [...] Resettlement Fact SheetsMore Somali gang violence in Minneapolis prompts community meetingYour StateHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingRefugees continue to pile into Bangladesh, no jobs, go west young man…Japan: Homogeneity is their [...]

  32. Ayan Samatar said

    Wow. So because Somalis are predominantly Muslim many people believe that they should be left in a country stricken with extreme poverty, anarchy, and war? Just because they are Muslim? This shows how small-minded so many people are.

    And Abdi Barack, you are so obviously not a Somali. You don’t even know what a Somali last name is, so you use the name “Barack”? Stop posing as a Somali just to justify your racism and be honest about who you are.

  33. judyw said

    Ayan Roble, Amish people don’t dress like us and have customs very foreign to us; some don’t even speak English very well; but nobody hates the Amish. That’s because they don’t try to make the rest of us adjust ourselves to their habits. I guess Obama led the way with his clever insinuations of racism during his campaign, and now everyone can claim they’re hated because they don’t look like the people on our currency.

    Ayan Samatar, do you think the entire population of Somalis should be moved out of the country to the United States? Countries don’t get “stricken” with poverty, anarchy and war. These things are caused by people. The culture of the Somalis apparently doesn’t encourage them to do things differently, to find ways around what is happening, or to do anything about what’s wrong in their country. They are just passive instruments of everyone else. Maybe that’s why they don’t fit in here. Americans are used to looking at a situation and figuring out how to improve their lot. Instead, Somalis here complain a lot, pick quarrels with Americans, and many have become tools of the Muslim Brotherhood people who are eager to use them for their stealth jihad.

  34. DP111 said

    To get an idea which immigrants one should allow in, it is best to see how those people have managed their own country, ie the one they owe primary loyalty to. If they have screwed up their own country, it is best to avoid these immigrants.

    Below, ten examples

    1. Somalia
    2. Afghanistan
    3. Pakistan
    4. Bangladesh
    5. Yemen
    6. Sudan
    7. Pali territories
    8. Iraq
    9. Iran
    10. Nigeria

  35. [...] Possibly tens of thousands of Somalis in the US illegallyRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingYour StateBrigitte Gabriel pressured Tyson’s foods not to give in to jihadMore Somali gang violence [...]

  36. [...] US State Department with the help of your tax dollars.    Remember we have resettled over 80,000 Somali refugees in the last 25 years.  More than half of those are here since [...]

  37. [...] I haven’t mentioned it lately and we have new readers, we have resettled over 80,000 Somali refugees in the last 25 years and half of those have come since [...]

  38. zack said

    I can not believe this!

    To the guy who started this topic and the who replied with (negative) views, I am a somali and am I a terrorist? did I lie to get here in the UK? in fact I am a hard working somali I’ve grown up here all my life.

    I remember watching black and white american old films, basically known english as first language, seen no opportunities come my way and I’ll tell you why, because on a daily basis I deal with (white racists) in any where I go acting friendly but really racist. These people could be members of what you might call klu klux klan and no one monitors them, oh and another racists I deal with are my own

  39. zack said

    Are my own black people, meaning anyone that is not White for some reason some whites well nearly all think black on black prejudice dont exist! listen pal you have a problem with somalis let me tell you this wait let me tell you all if you not native american red indian, you dont belong there either…. so everytime you write about any foreigners in america remember your a foreigner too and same goes to you all!!! GET A LIFE instead of writing great books you write about poor immigrants, hey we nomads am sure one day we’ll leave LOL

    Where have all the men of thinkers gone? what a shame

  40. [...] bet you a buck that the number of Somalis in the US is much higher then 200,000.   We know we admitted 80.000 over 25 years in the Refugee Resettlement Program and an average Somali family size is six.   The Times missed [...]

  41. For anyone who is interested in learning more about the Somali people and the culture, feel free to visit this website. The Somali Link is distributed by HAND (Helping Africans in a New Direction) and the purpose of this organization is to help new immigrants such as Somalis, assimilate better into US culture. We offer courses in ESL, Financial and Family literacy as well as our after school program for children grades K-12.

    <a href=”” The Somali Link: Helping Africans in a New Direction

    I believe that many of them are doing a great job adjusting, but there are more who need help. If people can just learn to live with each other instead of hating each other, then American businesses can certainly benefit from a relationship with this community. The total buying power of Somali immigrants are estimated to be $216 Million. There are over 120,000 Somalis in Minnestoa and over 95,000 in Ohio and thousands more in other States.

    Just think about it people, more people can equal more money for businesses (Your Business, My Business). Instead of thinking that they are taking the jobs, why not just think that they are adding more power to the workforce? I mean, if other Americans are concerned about job security, then why not educate yourselves further? Get new skills. Competition is good, because it will keep us on our toes. This world is competetive and all the “good” jobs should not be reserved for a specific race or ethnic group, but for whomever can produce and work the best.

    By establishing a relationship with the Somali people, your business will grow. This community is still growing and it will give you the opportunity to expand into a new and unique market. By finding out what these people need and what you can offer them, they will be your loyal friends and customers for life.

    Please visit our website:

    <a href=”” The Somali Link Newspaper

    To advertise your business within the Somali Link, please contact:

    Dewey Lee
    Marketing Director
    4889 Sinclair Rd.
    Columbus OH 43229

  42. [...] *We have admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years, the largest majority arrived since 9/11. [...]

  43. [...] *We have admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years, the largest majority arrived since 9/11. [...]

  44. [...] al-Shabab (sometimes spelled Shabaab).  Readers will recall that our missing Somali young men (former refugees to the US) may have been recruited by [...]

  45. Jesica said


  46. wow. you people are races and barrack is not a Somali name is a Muslim name and yes Somalians are Muslims just because we Muslims don’t mean anything OK you leave a comment and who cares you talk s… about Somalians OK what different does it make i am Somalian and i am proud so get to stepping you f…… races bitches if you know u races why are you even reading about Somalians don’t want you. you over here hiding your identity and s… pretending to be Somali talking non sent boy please and get a life you f…… red neck mothf….a BLACK AND BEAUTIFUL BABY. AND THEIR IS NO SUCH THING AS MUSLIMS ARE TERRORIST IT AIN’T LIKE CRISTIAN DON’T HAVE BAD PEOPLE IT AIN’T LIKE JEWISH DON’T HAVE BAD PEOPLE SO STOP HATING ON MUSLIMS YOU ALL KNOW MUSLIM IS A KIND TRUE RELIGION AND THAT’S WHY PEOPLE LOVE TO TALK NEGATIVE ABOUT US YOU GUYS ARE JUST MAD AND SELFISH AND IF YOU ARE NOT PROUD OF YOUR RELIGION THEN CONVERT TO MUSLIM IF NOT WILL KEEP MUSLIM OUT YOUR MOUTH OK DON’T THINK YOU ALL PERFECT THEIR IS NO SUCH THING AS PERFECT YOU F…… RED NECK.


  48. [...] night we got a couple of comments I want to bring to your attention.   Since they were sent to this older post on why we have so many Somalis in the US, it is unlikely you would see [...]

  49. A Real moselelelelom said

    I only post here sporadically to get the right wing crazies riled up. Then, just as they start looking for my posts every day, I ignore them for a while because I don’t care what they think as they are irrelevant.

  50. acorcoran said

    Dear Real, I love it! LOL! A leftwinger with a sense of humor!

  51. Robert Barton said

    Hey Aisha want to bet that we can’t stop them from coming in. None of you have any RIGHT to come here. People write your Congressmen and Senators. We do not need these criminals coming to our country. Find them a place on their own continent.

  52. [...] fact, we reported earlier that more than half of the Somali refugees we have resettled in the US have come since [...]

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  58. [...] Resettlement Fact SheetsAmerican Civic Association: Tragic shooting at refugee resettlement agencyHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingAsylum seekers head for Israel « Canadian Somali arrested in Somalia, believed to be [...]

  59. [...] Somali arrested in Somalia, believed to be member of al-ShabaabMuslim immigration killing SwedenHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingAmerican Civic Association: Tragic shooting at refugee resettlement agencyAmerican is believed to be [...]

  60. [...] will come in late 2009State Department: Possibly tens of thousands of Somalis in the US illegallyHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingNewsbusters suggests pro-Muslim bias by most media in Somali shoot-up caseYour StateAboutCanadian [...]

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  63. [...] Posts CAIR wants legal protection for students questioned by FBIHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingMuslim immigration killing SwedenAboutHamas members are NOT flooding into the U.S. from [...]

  64. [...] Resettlement Fact SheetsGrand Island Swift plant expects more problems when Ramadan begins in AugustHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingAboutHoly Cow! Now 40 young Somalis are missing in Minnesota!Muslim immigration killing SwedenGet [...]

  65. [...] Resettlement Fact SheetsGrand Island Swift plant expects more problems when Ramadan begins in AugustHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingAboutHoly Cow! Now 40 young Somalis are missing in Minnesota!Muslim immigration killing SwedenGet [...]

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  68. [...] the U.S. from GazaMuslim immigration killing SwedenDo Somali refugees in the US want to assimilate?How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are telling”Culturist” — a useful word for Geert Wilders, and for usRefugee Resettlement Fact Sheets [...]

  69. [...] its guidelines for Iraqi refugeesOpen borders crowd: Obama immigration reform will come in late 2009How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingAboutReform suggestion #1Refugee Resettlement Fact SheetsReform suggestion #2: Strict guidelines for [...]

  70. Moe said

    Dewey Lee

    Thank you for being a decent American……..I have read the entire blog and the only one that had something positive to say has been you. This Paranoia or should I say xenophobia is really sad coming from a so called civilized nation. I have been a Somali American since 1988 and after 9/11 was the first time in my life that I felt as a second class citizen. It is in our nature to point the finger when we are at war but it is those that speak the truth that keep the values of America alive.
    Every group has a couple of rotten apples but majority Somalis are decent people. We have a very high University graduation rates and we seem to blend well with the rest of Society. When we first arrive we settle in Ghettos with high crime rates and we turn them in to liveable neighbourhoods.

    If you are XENOPHOBIC I suggest you meet a Somali and have an honest chat. It will help you sleep better at night………lol
    If you have any question what so ever please do not hesitate to send me at email:

  71. Moe said

    During Perl harbour you probably had the same problem with Jap in Hawaii, the via-cons during the Vietnam War and it’s so funny how the United States has been prejudice throughout History. Whether it was the Negroes or the Red Indian and today all these groups are among the rest of the American. Now it is Mexicans which you call “illegal aliens” and Arabs I am not sure where Somalis fit in I am guessing Arabs since we share a religion.

    I honestly hope you find a new group to pick on since you don’t learn from your past.

  72. [...] growthNumber of Muslims by countryMuslim kills young American soldier, wounds another in ArkansasHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingSupreme Court still has two conferences scheduled on Obama birth certificate casesRefugee [...]

  73. [...] WA: More disillusioned Iraqi refugees, let Soros help them!Volag pushes Amnesty for illegalsHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingSupreme Court still has two conferences scheduled on Obama birth certificate casesNot again! [...]

  74. [...] The US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread [...]

  75. Dean said

    Why are we giving our country away? Especially to people that hate us. I work at an international airport. Everyday, I check in people from all over the world, when they give me their passports, the adults have one from their original country, and they always have a new born baby with them with an American passport. Anchor babies their called. This is from every country in the world. Why do we allow this?
    The topic of the Somalians. In Minneapolis,St.Paul area, tax payers are paying for schools which get their text books from Saudi Arabia, which preaches hatred to the west. They also get a government check, i have heard as much as up to or more than 1000 dollars per month, that incudes what they make from the job GIVEN to them, along with, food cards, cheap rent and utilities. This makes no sence to me. Especially to people who hate us. And belive me, they do hate us. We are racist to them from what they told me. I would like to ask them, who do you think let you in here?
    I dont know, I cant go on about it. its way to upsetting. Anyway, does anyone know of an orginization that we can sign onto and maybe get our governemtn to pull their heads out of their asses?

  76. Dean said

    IM sorry, the 1000 per month they somalians get does not include what they make. They get 1000 on top of what they make. Why do they deserve an extra 12000 per year. Plus cheap rent and utilities, food card? We have Americans out of work, lets help them instead. Im all for sending back illegals, and refugess that hate us. Actually, send all Muslims back to. Would they let us go to their country and pull the BS that they do here. No, but them again, none of us would want to go their. Send them back.

  77. [...] Community Center opens in "welcoming" Ft. Morgan, COAboutComment Worth Noting: Where is George?How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingYour StateRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsState Department: Possibly tens of thousands of Somalis in [...]

  78. [...] Community Center opens in "welcoming" Ft. Morgan, COAboutComment Worth Noting: Where is George?How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingYour StateRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsState Department: Possibly tens of thousands of Somalis in [...]

  79. [...] Community Center opens in "welcoming" Ft. Morgan, COAboutComment Worth Noting: Where is George?How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingYour StateRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsState Department: Possibly tens of thousands of Somalis in [...]

  80. [...] Community Center opens in "welcoming" Ft. Morgan, COAboutComment Worth Noting: Where is George?How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingYour StateRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsState Department: Possibly tens of thousands of Somalis in [...]

  81. [...] Posts USCRI affiliate in Kansas City, MO not taking care of refugees, employees quit (Part 1)How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingAnother refugee family would like to go home to IraqRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsYour [...]

  82. [...] Posts Comment worth noting: Reader is critical of USCRI Vermont affiliateHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsUniting American Families Act sounds like more opportunity for [...]

  83. [...] new readers:  The US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread [...]

  84. [...] US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread [...]

  85. [...] Malaysia accused of abuse of refugees and migrant workersRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingUN High Commissioner for Refugees lies!Why Maine, we are broke! « Muslim Malaysia accused [...]

  86. [...] Malaysia accused of abuse of refugees and migrant workersRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingUN High Commissioner for Refugees lies!Why Maine, we are broke! « Asylum-seeking boatmen [...]

  87. [...] Possibly tens of thousands of Somalis in the US illegallyRefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are telling « White House Amnesty chit-chat happened [...]

  88. [...] independence day—theirs not ours!Comment worth noting: reader responds in defense of Vermont volagHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingAsylum seekers head for IsraelHamas members are NOT flooding into the U.S. from Gaza « [...]

  89. [...] US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread [...]

  90. [...] immigrantsCivil rights complaints have been filed in Greeley, CORefugee Resettlement Fact SheetsHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingAsylum seekers head for IsraelAboutPortland, ME: Anatomy of yet another scam China cracks down on [...]

  91. [...] is confirmed: 1350 Iraqi Palestinians coming to the US Refugee Resettlement Fact SheetsHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingIndictments unsealed in Somali missing youths case, but are they going after the big fish?Canada to [...]

  92. [...] Posts Immigration, the fall of Capitalism/the rise of Islam, and where can we get a Geert Wilders?How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingSomali gangs in Minneapolis? Open warfare?Alaska gets refugees tooState Department: Possibly tens of [...]

  93. [...] taxpayer money for the Stealth Jihad?AboutHoly Cow! Now 40 young Somalis are missing in Minnesota!How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingImmigration, the fall of Capitalism/the rise of Islam, and where can we get a Geert Wilders?Refugee [...]

  94. [...] US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread [...]

  95. [...] Four Liberian refugee boys ages 9-14 rape 8-year-old.Refugee Resettlement Fact SheetsHow did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellingAsylum seekers head for Israel « Houston: Sex-offender foreigners rounded up [...]

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