U.S. ambassador slams UN resolution on ‘Islamophobia’

via UN rights body narrowly passes Islamophobia resolution. h/t dp

Some 20 countries voted in favour of the resolution entitled “combating defamation of religions”, 17 voted against and eight abstained.

Putting forward the resolution on behalf of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Pakistan’s ambassador Zamir Akram said that the specific references to Islam, the only religion mentioned in the text, “reflect the existing regrettable situation in some parts of the world where Muslims are being targeted.”

No mention of the apparently not regrettable situation in many more parts of the world where Muslims are killing, raping, burning non-Muslims and more often indiscriminately killing Muslims.

Eileen Donahoe, U.S. ambassador to the UN, also slammed the resolution as an “ineffective way to address” concerns about discrimination.

“We cannot agree that prohibiting speech is the way to promote tolerance, because we continue to see the ‘defamation of religions’ concept used to justify censorship, criminalisation, and in some cases violent assaults and deaths of political, racial, and religious minorities around the world,” she said.

“Contrary to the intentions of most member states, governments are likely to abuse the rights of individuals in the name of this resolution, and in the name of the Human Rights Council,” added the U.S. envoy.

This is just a pre-cursor to the international blasphemy law, at which point our freedom of speech and expression will be subject to Islamic sharia law courtesy of the predominantly U.S. taxpayer funded U.N.

Mexico and the E.U. were opposed as well. But it gets better:

Putting forward the resolution on behalf of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Pakistan’s ambassador Zamir Akram…

Meanwhile, today in Pakistan:

Muslims Kill Pakistan Potato Trader For Not Embracing Islam
Christian Woman Jailed under Pakistan’s ‘Blasphemy’ Laws
Pakistani police arrest ‘masterminds’ of attack on UN office that killed 5

Zamir Akram, Pakistan, the OIC, the UN…all silent. No resolutions on the Muslim jihad.

City of Minneapolis complies with Islamic sharia law to loan Muslims money

Last year, we told you about the Minnesota Housing agency that submitted to Islamic sharia law to appease Muslims. The article below indicates that the city of Minneapolis has also submitted to sharia back in 2007.

Loan caters to Minneapolis Muslim business owners By Katherine Lymn at MNDaily.com

The Alternative Finance Program respects Islamic law by offering fixed-rate loans.

An Islamic law enacted centuries ago was an obstacle for modern Minneapolis businesses until Minneapolis partnered with an African business resource group to allow Muslim business owners a way to both comply with their beliefs and invest in their businesses.

Since April 2007, the city of Minneapolis, in partnership with the African Development Center, has given out 38 loans in a way that is compliant to Islamic law by using a fixed rate in place of a variable interest rate.

Through the system, called the Alternative Finance Program, businesses pay a set rate of return, which corresponds with Islamic practices. The program is a slightly altered version of the common “Two-Percent” loans also offered by the city’s Department of Community Planning and Economic Development.

“It really amounts to the same thing,” Bob Lind, CPED director of business finance, said. “But it’s … just a different way of looking at it.”

Right. The supremacist, Islamic, sharia compliant way of looking at it. Dhimmi.

Recipients of the loan operate businesses that lie mainly in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood and along Lake Street, “typical strongholds for the Somali community,” Lind said. Read more »

Jihad Jane’s in the classroom

From Mary Grabar at FPM:

In the days after the 9/11 attacks, average Americans donated money and festooned American flags to vehicles in a show of unity and support.  Educators, in contrast, took advantage for further anti-American indoctrination and plastered school walls with “Understanding Islam” posters.  They did this at the University of Georgia where I was finishing up my Ph.D. program.

Since then, the Islamists have wormed their ways into our culture, reaching the most vulnerable: our children.

It is no surprise to me that blonde American women, like Jihad Jane and Jihad Jamie, would be converting to Islam and supporting jihad.  The most depraved murderers on death row attract the support of soft-hearted and weak-minded women.  They are aided by educators and the propagandists they invite into the classroom.

In fact, proselytizing occurs in high schools and colleges without a peep from principals or college presidents, who fret about such Christian symbols as Christmas trees on their campuses.

For example, for the second year, the Muslim Student Association is holding their Islamic Awareness Week at the Clarkston campus of Georgia Perimeter College in the Atlanta area.  MSA Advisor Shyam K. Sriram, who teaches American Government and Political Science, in an email encourages faculty members to allow their students “to obtain extra credit for attending these myriad of events” and adds that he is “happy to sign off on any extra credit sheets.”

Not only is Sriram sending this to all instructors on campus through the e-mail list, but his Islamic Awareness Week provides the theme for the college’s home page and posters about the events plaster bulletin boards on campus.  The student who wants to learn more about the event can click on a link and see the following list and the note, “Faculty are encouraged to give students extra credit for attending.”

Some insist that “jihad” is misunderstood, that according to the Koran it involves moral cleansing and an intellectual effort. If so, we’ve got Jihad Janes in the classroom, proselytizing to already indoctrinated children and teenagers.  This is indeed a “war” on the hearts and minds of students.

Read it all for more detail and examples.

Muslim wives as slaves in UK (video)

Muslims in the UK go back to the old country to find wife slaves. h/t EuropeNews via vladtepesblogdotcom

Justice virtually impossible for rape victims under sharia law

Maybe some of the college girls who think it’s culturally diverse to sport a burqa for a day on U.S. college campuses should spend some time behind the veil in say…Pakistan, or Sudan. via Justice elusive for rape victims | Radio Netherlands Worldwide.

Lawyers from Darfur say antiquated laws and weak investigations make it virtually impossible for rape victims to get justice in Sudan.

They say rape has been used as a tool of war in Darfur, and laws need to be amended so that women do not have to prove that they were to blame for the attack.

Victims say that it is impossible to find four male witnesses who are willing to testify in a rape case.

One woman from Jebel Marra, who was raped recently by three men dressed in army uniform, says people are often too scared to intervene.

“One man came from a neighbouring house to help, but the man standing guard in the doorway shot him in the leg,” she said. “[After the attack], the local sheik called the village together and asked why no-one had helped me. Everyone said they heard my cries but were afraid that if they came, they would be hurt.”

Lawyers say that one of the problems with Sudan’s rape laws is that the crime is seen as no different to adultery or sodomy.

“Rape, sodomy and adultery are bundled together in one article,” Mohammed Ali said. “The evidence needed for an adultery crime is also the evidence which is needed for a rape.”

Sudanese law defines rape as “sexual intercourse, by way of adultery, or sodomy, with any person without his consent”.

Rasha Saraj, a lawyer from Nyala in Darfur, points out that this definition creates confusion about whether a crime should be classed as rape or adultery.

If you fail to get a conviction for rape… [the woman] could be convicted of having committed adultery,” she said.

David Donat Cattin, director of the international law and human rights programme at Parliamentarians for Global Action, says that a woman who accuses a man of raping her could be charged with libelling him if the rape case is thrown out.

“This evidentiary burden is a double sword,” Cattin said. “On the one hand it… makes [rape] impossible to prove, and on the other hand it damages the victim again. There is no law in the world where this level of corroboration is required.”

Adrienne Fricke, a researcher for human rights group Refugees International, says that rape laws in Sudan draw their logic from Islamic sharia law, which historically sought to protect people accused of adultery from harsh punishment by requiring a high burden of evidence.

She said that other Islamic countries have taken steps to reform laws that penalise rape victims, such as Pakistan, which in 2006 introduced amendments to allow rape to be considered distinct from the crime of adultery.

You’ll still need four witnesses and possibly face the separate charge of adultery if you don’t have four witnesses to your rape. Reform you can count on.

UK: KFC drops bacon burger to comply with sharia law

Louisville, Kentucky (U.S.) based KFC’s “business jihad” continues apace, and infidels in the U.K., like in France, are paying the price for the compliance with Islamic sharia law. Submission to the intolerant. It’s happening in the U.S. too, with Brooklyn KFC’s the latest victim.

Image: Business Jihad website

via KFC diner told ‘you can’t have bacon in your burger yhere – we’re now halal!’ | Mail Online.

A diner was left furious after a KFC restaurant refused to sell him a bacon burger – because it wasn’t halal.

Alan Phillips was told the restaurant was no longer selling his favourite ‘Big Daddy’ burger, which contains a chicken burger with bacon, cheese and salad, because it had decided to sell only halal food.

The Burton-on-Trent branch is one of the 86 out of 750 British KFC restaurants which is now selling nothing other than halal meat.

The company has taken the burger off the menu because Islamic dietary law forbids Muslims to eat anything which has been prepared on the same premises as pork, which is itself strictly forbidden.

It said it was responding to ‘increased demand’ for a halal menu in the areas of Britain with growing Muslim populations.

Mr Phillips said he found the change ‘extremely unfair’ on non-Muslim customers.

‘I can’t believe a chain like this has taken this stance,’ said Mr Phillips.

‘Staff told me that due to the dietary laws halal meat could not be prepared in the same place as other meats, so I couldn’t have my bacon.

It was like they were saying I couldn’t buy bacon because it might offend people.’

Mr Phillips was told he would have to travel to another KFC five miles away to buy his bacon burger.

He protested that this was too far for him to travel.

It is getting silly,’ he said. ‘I have many friends who are black, white and Muslim but they wouldn’t be forced to eat non-halal meat. Read more »

Lowest Level Ever: Just 35% Say U.S. Safer Today Than Before 9/11

via War on Terror Update – Rasmussen Reports™.

Confidence that America is winning the war on terror is down slightly this month, and belief that the United States is safer today than it was before 9/11 has hit its lowest level ever.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 35% of voters think America is safer now than it was before the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. That’s down from 39% last month.

Thirty-eight percent (38%) say the United States is not safer today, and 27% more are not sure.

Confidence has been steadily declining since the Christmas Day terrorist attempt to blow up an airliner landing in Detroit.

Forty-two percent (42%) of voters now say the United States and its allies are winning the war on terror. That’s down eight points from a month ago but more in line with findings since August. Twenty-three percent (23%) believe the terrorists are winning, and 24% think it’s a draw.

UM Professor’s Islamist Call to Battle

by Cinnamon Stillwell at Campus Watch.

The Professor’s Islamist Call to Battle [on Sherman Jackson]

Sherman Jackson, also known as Abdal Hakim Jackson, is a professor of Arabic and Islamic studies in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at the University of Michigan.

Jackson specializes in Islamic law and has written and spoken extensively on the subject. Soon after the September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorist attacks, Jackson took the line popular among apologists, stating at a September 2001 University of Michigan Teach-in titled, “Terrorism: A Perversion of Islam,” that “the killing of innocent peoples is forbidden by the law of Islam and it has been from the beginning of Islam.”

But it turns out that not only is Jackson an apologist, he an outspoken proponent of the Islamist subversion of Western civilization.

Jackson made this abundantly clear at the Reviving the Islamic Spirit – 8th Convention in Toronto, Canada in December 2009, as a participant in the panel, “The New We: Muslims in Future of Western Society.” Jonathan Usher, who attended and wrote about the conference for Campus Watch, described Jackson’s speech as nothing less than “a call to battle.” As he put it, “It had little to do with peaceful co-existence with the West, but was an exhortation for Islam to dominate the West.” According to Usher, Jackson

…believes that the Muslim and Western worlds are in conflict and competition, and that only one can end up dominant. Put simply, he wants to replace Western culture with Muslim culture.

…Jackson expressed a desire to be included in American society—but not if any sort of cultural sacrifice were required. He said that adapting to Western culture would lead to being a Muslim in name only and advocated defining America by Muslim standards and imposing cultural and intellectual supremacy. He urged Muslims not to follow Western cultural authority, but rather to achieve their own cultural authority from the inside, as part of the system.

…Lastly, to cheers, he said that his primary commitment was to Allah, not to America.

Moreover, Jackson has a history of making such radical statements. Read more »

Terror-linked CAIR seeks to submit Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS)

How reliable and trusting will CAIR’s mole trainee at NCIS be when investigating acts of Islamic terrorism? PRNewswire:

WASHINGTON, March 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — A prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization today said it has asked the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) to investigate a report of anti-Islam bias in the training offered to security personnel by that military law enforcement agency.

The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) received a report that a three-day NCIS surveillance detection course at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., included the viewing of a propagandistic anti-Islam film that features notorious Islamophobes such as Daniel Pipes, Nonie Darwish and Walid Shoebat.

According to the trainee, the film and the course promoted the theme that “Islam is synonymous with Nazism.” The briefing presenter also allegedly used the term “Hajji” as a pejorative in reference to Muslims and stated repeatedly that “Islam is not a religion of peace.”

In his letter to NCIS Director Mark D. Clookie, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad wrote in part:

“NCIS has an important role to play in securing our nation and can best carry out that role when its actions are based on accurate and balanced information, not on religious or ethnic stereotyping.”

Awad requested an investigation “to ensure that our nation’s security personnel are receiving training that is free of political or religious agendas.”

Democratic and Republic politicians have requested the U.S. government be free of CAIR, but so far the notorious group which has a growing list of its executives being convicted and deported for terrorism links is still around. Unindicted co-conspirator status to a convicted Hamas funding organization not withstanding. The movie CAIR is likely referring to can be viewed on our Must See Videos page.

And since Awad is fond of quoting others, here are some of the Muslim Mafia leader’s quotes:

CAIR's Awad under the Hizbollah flag, with radical imam

I am in support of the Hamas movement.”

We Should Not Blame The United States Alone For The 11 September 2001 Attacks

“Address people according to their minds. When I speak with the American, I speak with someone who doesn’t know anything.”

Trailer for new documentary ‘Islam Rising’ (video)

A new documentary titled, “Islam Rising: Geert Wilders’ Warning to the West,” will premiere May 1 in Los Angeles, trailer is below.

There are companion billboards promoting the movie as well, check them out below, or at the Islam Rising website.

To view full length documentaries and videos on the threat of Islamic jihad and sharia, see our both of our Creeping Sharia video pages, here and here.

Fitna II, the sequel to Wilders’ first film, will be out some time after the June 9th elections.

Watch for details on the premiere of Islam Rising at Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch .

Fitna II, the sequel to Wilders’ first film, will be out some time after the June 9th elections.

For more full length documentaries and videos on the threat of Islamic jihad and sharia, see our both of our video pages, here and here.

Three Gitmo inmates transferred to Georgia (the country)

You reap what you sow.

Obama-Jihadi-Seedvia Three Guantanamo inmates transferred to Georgia. hat tip @dominionpundit

The United States Tuesday transferred three inmates from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to Georgia, a US official said, leaving 183 prisoners still languishing in the controversial US military jail.

State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said the Georgian ministry of interior had announced “that three Guantanamo detainees were transferred to Georgia.”

It was believed to be the first time that Georgia has accepted to take in Guantanamo detainees.

“We are grateful to the government of Georgia for joining their efforts to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay,” Crowley added.

President Barack Obama has pledged to close the US military base in Cuba, but his administration has struggled to find countries to take in those cleared of any charges but who cannot be returned to their home countries for various reasons.