Rhymes With Right - Court Martial For Birther Officer
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April 14, 2010

Court Martial For Birther Officer

Now I’ve made it clear that I have little patience for the arguments of the birther crowd, and that I fully believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States and is a US citizen. At the same time, I’ve been critical of Obama for his failure to settle the matter definitively by requesting the release of the original “vault copy” of his birth certificate that was created at the time of his birth in Hawaii in 1961.

I wonder if this could force the issue in a way that no other method of approaching it could.

U.S. military officials tell NBC News that the U.S. Army will court martial a lieutenant colonel who refuses to deploy to Afghanistan because he considers orders from President Obama to be "illegal."

Army doctor Lt. Col. Terry Lakin believes Obama does not meet the constitutional requirements to be president and commander-in-chief, because he believes (incorrectly) that Obama wasn't born in the United States.

Lakin refused this week to report to Fort Campbell, KY for deployment to Afghanistan, but instead showed up at the Pentagon, where he was confronted by his brigade Commander Col. Gordon Roberts, a Vietnam Medal of Honor recipient.

Lakin was informed by Roberts that he would face court martial, and his Pentagon building pass and government laptop computer were seized.

Of course, I consider Lakin and his ilk to be a bit loony. Still, he will now have the right to offer a robust defense against the charges – including the right to subpoena evidence. Might that evidence include the “vault copy” of the birth certificate? I certainly hope so.

And if and when it is produced, I fully expect it to show Obama to be a natural born US citizen, fully eligible to be President of the United States. But I do wonder what embarrassing information it will disclose about his parents, if any – because that is the only reason I can see for not having produced it earlier to make the entire controversy die.

|| Greg, 03:20 PM || Permalink || Comments (4) || Comments || TrackBacks (0) ||

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Comments on Court Martial For Birther Officer

Doing my research on US military, I will use this great article as a plot for my custom term paper

|| Posted by JD_F, April 15, 2010 05:18 AM ||

Even if Obama was born in Kenya, Obama's mother was a U.S. citizen (I have never seen any evidence that she renounced her citizenship or had it revoked); therefore, he is a U.S. citizen.

In light of all, maybe they should check the doctor into the mental ward if he is truly crazy or let him sit in the brig if he is just trying to escape his duties.

|| Posted by Mark Armstrong, April 16, 2010 08:16 AM ||

Terry Lakin will find out that beliefs and facts are two very different things and in the end his courts-martial will be his own public humiliation for believing something he can not prove. I would love to be there during the military trial and find out what facts he has, internet gossip? Let’s face it no one will take the Birthers seriously until they win a case, but until then, they will continue to appear dumb, crazy or racist, or maybe all three. The old GOP Confederacy, that is what these liars want, good luck with that.

|| Posted by Montana, April 16, 2010 11:03 AM ||

Two quick points:

1) If, for the sake of argument, Obama were born outside the US in 1961, he would not be a US citizen because of a quirk in the law as it existed at the time. As has been ruled by the Supreme Court, Congress gets to determine the rules for citizenship for those born outside the US to US parents -- and in 1961, Ann Dunham Obama would have not lived in the US for a sufficient period of time after her 18th birthday to pass her citizenship to her foreign-born son. Check out my post (linked above) in which I discuss that little wrinkle in the law regarding foreign births at that time. Of course, given that Obama was almost certainly born in the US in 1961 (there being no real evidence to the contrary), his birth in this country made him a citizen automatically, without regard to the citizenship of either parent.

2) That Confederacy you speak of was the wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat party -- you know, the party of slaver, Jim Crow, and the Klan. The same party that blocked a federal anti-lynching law until the 20th century, don't you know.

|| Posted by Rhymes With Right, April 16, 2010 01:35 PM ||
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Recent Comments

Rhymes With Right said:

Two quick points:

1) If, for the sake of argument, Obama were born outside the US in 196 Read more in Court Martial For Birther Officer
Montana said:

Terry Lakin will find out that beliefs and facts are two very different things and in the end his Read more in Court Martial For Birther Officer
Mark Armstrong said:

Even if Obama was born in Kenya, Obama's mother was a U.S. citizen (I have never seen any evidenc Read more in Court Martial For Birther Officer
JD_F said:

Doing my research on US military, I will use this great article as a plot for my Read more in Court Martial For Birther Officer


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