
Rule # 5 - Villanova cheerleaders

     Well, I was hoping to be posting the cheerleaders for my brother’s alma mater, and the school with more wins than any other over the past decade, the University of Montana Grizzlies.  Alas, the came up just short in their National Championship game.  So, for making it through the playoffs, and winning the Championship game, this week’s Rule #5 features the Villanova cheerleaders:


What’s happening with health care 12-17-09?

     I’ve been pretty busy today. Health care reform appears to be going no where, which is where it should go in its current incarnation. While Harry Reid attempts to cram a vote through, Senator Coburn wants an ammendment read in its entirety, and Senator DeMint promises to delay the health care bill.  Outstanding, the more people know about this bill (does a bill even exist at the moment?) the less they like it.

Climategate goes cold war

     Well, now they went and got the Russians involved. The Russians are going to make some Gorers and climatology propagandists very unhappy with this statement that Russian climate data was likely manipulated to support the whole anthropogenic global warming hoax.

     This is an important new story.  Gorers have been claiming that the manipulated data was confined to a few propagandists at one institute.  This “isolated incident” had little effect on the “overwhelming body of evidence” compiled by other propagandists in support of anthropogenic global warming/cooling/climate change/ fund my research please.  The e-mails that were hacked came from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in Norwich,  East England.  The data manipulation the Russians are refering to occured at the Hadley Center for Climate Change (doesn’t that name sound like they already have assumed climate change is real?) in Devon, England. 

     It seems that the Hadley Center included the data from only about 25% of the weather stations in Russian territory.  I’m not a scientist, but I think Russian territory covers a fairly large section of Europe.

     Lest you think that perhaps the problem is restricted to global warming propagandists in England, N.A.S.A. can’t seem to find their global warming data either.  N.A.S.A.’s data was requested in a Freedom of Information Act request…TWO YEARS AGO.

Global warming dupes attack man in polar bear suit

     Phelim McAleer, dressed in a polar bear suit, went to the Copehagen climate farce to raise awareness of climate gate and ask some questions.  While Neil Cavuto attempted to interview him, he was shouted down and hit in the head with some type of object.  Remeber though, its the TEA Partiers who are violent and intolerant…

Desperation sets in - is the White House extorting Senators?

     The continual closed-door deals and slight-of-hand shenanigans being used in an attempt to pass the health care reform bill, at all costs, have resulted in a rare situation.  I agree with the sentiments expressed by Glenn Greenwald at Salon, “If you’re interested in expanding and preserving political power…its better to have the pharmaceutical and health insurance industry on your side…”.  As I have stated previously, the demand to pass Obamacare has nothing to do with caring for your health.  It has always been about “expanding and preserving political power”. 

     The need for this power  has already led to a variety of extortion-like tactics from Obama and his supporters.  While the SEIU sticks with brute force tactics, some have cried out for  various methods of punishment for Joe Lieberman.  This from the party of tolerance.  Now, The Weekly Standard has information on another method being used to gain compliance. 

     Sources for The Weekly Standard have reported that someone from the White House is threatening Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson.  Senator Nelson can either fall in line and vote for the current health care reform bill, or Offut Air Force base will be put on the BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) list.

     This is not a very credible threat.  Getting a base put on this list is a long and arduous process.  However, if this threat has been made, this shows a new level of brash, illegal activity on the part of the current administration.  At this point, not much has been confirmed about this.  I am sure there will be many updates to come as the Obama administration continues to test the limits of the Constitution and legal system.

Update:  Well, so far there has been nothing to confirm this story beyond the original report.  Here is one take on the story from the left: The dumbest story of the week.  I particularly like this quote: “Now, after watching this White House operate for 11 months, this certainly doesn’t sound like the kind of thing the Obama team would do. “  Really?  Gaining compliance with strong arm tactics doesn’t sound like something this administration would be part of?

And they feast upon themselves - the Democrats begin to cannibalize each other and the health care reform bill

     The feeding frenzy that has taken over the Democrats in the Senate over the health care reform bill is just another example of how increased government involvement always leads to more problems than it solves.  Howard Dean wants the bill killed because its not liberal enoughJoe Lieberman won’t vote for the current health care reform bill but Senator Roland Burris won’t vote for Lieberman’s conditions on the bill.

     This is why big government and Socialism never work.  The more problems you try to solve with government intervention, the more problems you create. It is always far simpler to decrease government interference and regulation than to increase it. The simple solution to address most of the problems with insurance is to simply allow insurance policies to be sold across state lines.  This increases competition, which will bring down prices and cause companies to offer a larger variety of policies.  The best part is, it costs nothing and requires no new government agencies.  The free market is a much more efficient tool for determining a fair price for insurance, or anything else, than the government.  Trash this ridiculous 2000 page monstrosity.  A bill to allow insurance to be sold across state lines would be less than 20 pages and cost nothing.  Let the free market work.

There’s just no pleasing some people - liberals complain about ICE arresting criminal illegal aliens

     Joe Lieberman is learning what happens to you when you don’t go along with liberals.  Democrats want to strip Joe Lieberman of his committee chairmanship and their is even a campaign to get his wife, Hadassah Lieberman, fired.  I was going to write something about this but it is already being pretty thoroughly covered on both sides: Hot Air: White House orders Reid to make a deal with Lieberman, The Huffington Post: No health care reform for old men.

     So, I’m going to talk about an article I found on Michael Savage’s site over the weekend.  ICE agents arrested 286 illegal aliens in a three day sweep, according to The Los Angeles Times.  All but six had prior criminal records.  Among the arrestees were people from Taiwan, Mexico, Tonga and Denmark.  Sounds like a pretty good operation to me.

     Critics of the “fugitive operations” program complain that…hold on…there are critics of this program??!!  What could you possibly find wrong with arresting criminals who are also in this country illegally?  Well, Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigration Rights of Los Angeles, complains that some of the crimes the illegal aliens are being arrested for are minor and this is not the best way to fight crime in the community.  She says she’d be interested in finding out what the criminal activity actually was.  So I guess we are only supposed to be going after the hard-core criminals who are HERE ILLEGALLY TO BEGIN WITH.

     Other critics say these raids cause fear in the immigrant communities.  If they are here illegally or committing crimes, I think they should fear law enforcement, but that’s just me.  There are also complaints that some of those arrested have not committed crimes (well other than the crime of BEING HERE ILLEGALLY).  In 2009, 35,000 people were arrested nationwide in these sort of raids.  More than 88% of those had criminal records or outstanding deportation orders, oh, and they were HERE ILLEGALLY.  Eighty-eight percent accuracy?  That seems like the best percentage I have heard for a government operation.  There’s just no pleasing some people.

blogwhoring 12-13-09

     Erick Erickson outlines how Republican Senators should be fighting the health care reform bill but aren’t.  This is just one more reason that I think maybe we need a fresh start in Congress.  Regardless of party, vote out all members of Congress who have been in Washington D.C. longer than one term.  It won’t happen, but I am really starting to think it needs to happen.

    The Daley Gator has video of what happens when you dare to question global warming 

     Moonbattery points out another problem with Copenhagen climate change treaties

     Legal Insurrection sparks a necessary debate

     The Other McCain reviews the movie “Hive Mind” without even seeing the movie.  That’s just how talented he is.

Shatner and Palin…together at last

     It;’s Saturday, the Montana Grizzlies are playing in the finals for their division in college football.  Don’t expect much from me today…I have football and a poker game later.  I did find an entertaining clip to post.  It features one of my favorite actors and my favorite Governor from Alaska.

     Here are William Shatner and Sarah Palin with dramatic readings on The Tonight Show:

Rule # 5 - Cincinnati Bearcats cheerleader

     The last weekend of the college football season was a great one.  Almost  every game had bowl implications and it seemed like almost every one of them came down to the closing seconds.  Its hard to pick a game of the week but I did so anyway.  Cincinnati managed a 1 point victory over Pittsburgh.  More importantly, Notre Dame has a new head coach.  The era of Brian Kelly at Notre Dame has officially begun.  So, for this week’s Rule #5 I give you…the Cincinnati Bearcats cheerleaders, well, ok, one cheerleader:
