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Mar 14 2010

Hurva Synagogue Restored in Jerusalem’s Old City

Posted by smoothstone

Via Daily Alert from WSJ:

The Hurva synagogue in the heart of the Jewish Quarter remained in ruins for six decades, but has now been restored after eight years of construction. The ark, which stands beneath the building’s gleaming 82-foot-high dome, is a nearly exact replica of the original that stood on the spot more than 150 years earlier.

In 1701 a group of Polish immigrants to the Holy Land started to build a synagogue at the site. Two decades later, after the group had exhausted its funds, Arab creditors destroyed the building.

In the 19th century, with funds from Sir Moses Montefiore, the Rothschilds and communities as far-flung as St. Petersburg, Baghdad, Cairo and India, the Ottoman sultan’s architect, Assad Effendi, was hired to erect a domed structure. The impressive result, completed in 1864, became for the next eight decades the tallest Jewish landmark in Jerusalem.

During Israel’s War of Independence, on May 28, 1948, soldiers of Jordan’s Arab Legion set off explosive charges and reduced the Hurva to rubble.

The reconstruction of this most storied of Jerusalem’s synagogues represents a deep and irrepressible Israeli urge to rebuild.

Mar 14 2010

Muslim Palestinians Honor Terrorist After Biden Visit

Posted by smoothstone

How odd that there was so much outrage over a planning committee in Israel giving the thumbs-up to a housing project for Jews in Jerusalem, its sovereign and declared capital while Biden was “visiting”, but there is no public outrage over the simultaneous Muslim dedication of a public square in the West Bank to the memory of Dalal Mughrabi, a woman who in 1978 helped carry out the deadliest terrorist attack in Israel’s history. Mughrabi was the leader of a Muslim Palestinian Jew-killing squad that sailed from Lebanon and landed on a beach between Haifa and Tel Aviv. They killed an American photojournalist, hijacked a bus and commandeered another, embarking on a bloody rampage that left 38 Israeli civilians dead, 13 of them children.

For more on the murderous pig Dalal Mughrabi, see this and this.

Filed under : Islamists | Leave a comment »
Feb 25 2010

U.S. Slams Israel for Declaring What is Rightfully Theirs

Posted by smoothstone

The Obama administration criticized Israel Wednesday for designating two Jewish holy sites supposedly on Palestinian territory as Israel national heritage sites but the dumb bastards in the Obama administration seem to forget that Rachel’s Tomb and the Tomb of the Patriarchs are indigenous to the Jewish people and were there thousands of years before the fabricated “Palestinians” fraudulently claimed the territory to be theirs.

“Hebron” is Jewish. It’s a Biblical town.  It is Israel’s most ancient city, resting place of  Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca and Leah, site of the anointment of King David and the tombs of Jesse, his father, and Ruth, and until 1929, when Arabs slaughtered 67 innocent Jews while praying in their synagogue, had a significant Jewish population.

Those 67 Jews were slaughtered for no other reason other than that they were Jews and mind you, that was 38 years before the “occupation”.

For Muslims and their apologists in the White House, history starts anew each day especially when it favors the fabricated “poorpalestinianpeepull”.

Sad, isn’t it, that the Arabs, who control more land than any other ethnic group on the planet besides the Russians, are simply unwilling to share even the tiniest sliver of the Middle East with the Jews.

Equally sad, is the United States telling Israel, a sovereign and legitimate nation, what it can or cannot do within its own borders.

Feb 25 2010

Hamas-linked group has deep ties to White House

Posted by smoothstone

Via WorldNetDaily:

A radical Muslim group that was an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to raise money for Hamas has an extensive relationship with the Obama administration, WND has learned.Last week, President Obama’s top adviser on counter-terrorism, John Brennan, came under fire for controversial remarks he made in a speech to Muslim law students at New York University. The event was sponsored by the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA.

ISNA is known for its enforcement of Saudi-style Islam in mosques throughout the U.S. It was named by the Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in its case against the Holy Land Foundation in Texas, which was found guilty in 2008 of raising money for the Hamas terrorist organization. Last year, Holy Land founders were given life sentences for “funneling $12 million to Hamas.

The Obama White House has deep ties to ISNA.

The relationship began even before Obama took office. One week before last year’s presidential inauguration, Sayyid Syeed, national director of the ISNA Office for Interfaith and Community Alliances, was part of a delegation that met with the directors of Obama’s transition team. The delegation discussed a request for an executive order ending “torture.”

ISNA President Ingrid Mattson represented American Muslims at Obama’s inauguration, where she offered a prayer during the televised event.

Mattson also represented ISNA at Obama’s Ramadan dinner at the White House.

Read the rest of the article here.

Feb 09 2010

A full life with Allah and 72 wives

Posted by smoothstone

A Hamas TV sermon details the rewards for a Muslim believer who dies in battle for Allah. Via Palestinian Media Watch:

The privileges that are bestowed upon the one who dies for Allah and mentioned in the hadith are:

1- The Shahid’s sins are forgiven
2- He sees his place in Paradise and lives a full life of joy with Allah
3- He is protected from “the Great Shock” on Judgment Day
4- He is crowned with a crown of honor
5- He marries 72 dark-eyed wives
6- He will be able to intervene on behalf of 70 of his family members on Judgment Day, thereby ensuring them the reward of Afterlife

For years, both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have promoted the ideal of dying as a Martyr for Allah. The promotion has been successful.
Palestinian Media Watch has collected many examples of Palestinian children and adults expressing belief in and desire for Shahada. Men and women aspire to become Shahids, and parents express pride and happiness when their children fulfill their aspirations and become Martyrs for Allah.

Feb 09 2010

Palestinian child sings about victory over Israel and the US

Posted by smoothstone

Via Palestinian Media Watch:

In the latest episode of the weekly children’s program Tomorrow’s Pioneers on Hamas TV, a Palestinian boy chose to sing the following children’s song:

“Daddy gave me a present, a machine gun and a rifle.
When I am a big boy, I will join the Liberation Army.
The army of [Izz Al-Din] Al-Qassam (Hamas),
which has taught us how to defend our homeland.
Our homeland is precious, precious.
We [are] victorious, victorious over America and Israel.
[Improvises:] Son of a bitch – what brought you to this land?”
Feb 09 2010

Backer of ‘Chemical Ali’ Now UN Rights Council’s Top Adviser

Posted by smoothstone

More proof that the United Nations condones murderers, rapists and perpetrators of terrorism.  Via UN Watch:

Ali Hassan al-Majeed, the Iraqi general known as “Chemical Ali” for ordering poison-gas attacks on Kurdish civilians, was hanged in Baghdad after a special tribunal handed him his fourth death sentence for crimes against humanity during the regime of his cousin, Saddam Hussein. Responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of Kurds, Shiites, and other Iraqi minorities, Ali’s brutality stood out even amid a regime marked by brutality.

Yet at the Human Rights Council in Geneva last Monday, Halima Warzazi, the woman who personally shielded the Saddam regime from international censure over these gas attacks, received a different treatment altogether: she was seated at the dais, gavel in hand, as Chair of the 47-nation body’s Advisory Committee, solemnly presiding over a week-long session.

In other words, the same individual who in 1988 initiated the “No Action” motion that killed a UN attempt to condemn Saddam Hussein for failing to “ensure respect for human rights and fundamental freedom,” urge his regime to “immediately halt the use of prohibited chemical weapons,” and dispatch a special human rights investigator to protect Iraqi victims, now serves as chief advisor to the highest UN body charged with protecting human rights. Click here for 1988 official UN summary.

Jan 24 2010

Netanyahu: Israel Must Prevent Rockets from Being Placed on Our Borders

Posted by smoothstone

Via Prime  Minister’s Office:

Prime Minister Netanyahu told the Foreign Press Association on Jan. 20: “In the last few years…those of you who have been in Israel have been under missile and rocket fire….Imagine a country somewhere the size of Belgium and Luxembourg sustaining 12,000 rockets and you understand, of course, the nature of our problem and the fact is that we are surrounded by an ever-growing arsenal of rockets placed in the Iranian-supported enclaves, to the north and to the south….The problem is to prevent them from being placed on our borders.”

“Where is the problem that Israel has vis-a-vis Lebanon? It is not on the Lebanon-Israel border. It is on the Lebanon-Syrian border. Where’s the problem that we face vis-a-vis Gaza? It is not on the Israel-Gaza seam line. It’s not on that border. It’s in the twelve-kilometer strip between Gaza and Egypt. That…creates a monumental problem – a security problem for Israel….Therefore, in addition to defensive means, we also must ensure that in that entry to the contiguous areas next to Israel, there is a way to effectively stop the infiltration of rockets and other weaponry. And I believe that…in the case of a future settlement with the Palestinians, this will require an Israeli presence on the eastern side of a prospective Palestinian state.”

“In Lebanon we had an international guarantee – UN Resolution 1701 – an insurance policy signed by the entire international community and you know that that unfortunately has failed, in fact it’s failed miserably and Hizbullah is just pouring in weapons, more and more weapons to fire into Israel….We had also an understanding with other countries when we left Gaza about the Philadelphi corridor…but you can see that there is massive infiltration continuing all the time. We can’t afford to have that replicated a third time in the center part of the country that dominates our cities, dominates our population, and dominates our airfield….We have to have something to interdict the inflow of rockets and missiles and other weaponry into a prospective Palestinian state.”

Jan 24 2010

British Military Officer: Hamas “Committing War Crimes”

Posted by smoothstone

From Jewish Chorincle via DailyAlert:

Gulf War veteran Col. Tim Collins visited the town of Sderot in Israel and Gaza for BBC Newsnight and said he believes Hamas is committing war crimes. He was shown around Sderot bomb shelters and the police station, where he inspected a rocket from Gaza and pronounced it to be an indiscriminate weapon. While in Gaza, he inspected a mosque bombed by the Israelis. In its cellar, he found evidence of secondary explosions.

He said: “It’s my opinion that the only thing that could have caused these explosions is that explosives were stored in this cellar. It’s the only legitimate explanation.”

Collins expressed his shock at posters with Hamas’ badge on them, showing rockets heading towards Sderot.

This is a war crime by any standard,” he said.

Jan 24 2010

Hamas Denies Readiness to Accept Israel’s Right to Exist

Posted by smoothstone

About that rumor that Hamas is ready to accept Israel as a legitimate and sovereign nation? Forget about it. It ain’t gonna happen. Via Al Bawaba-Jordan:

Hamas on Thursday denied a report in an Israeli newspaper that it is ready to accept Israel’s right to exist. Dr. Aziz Dwaik, Hamas’ senior representative in the West Bank and speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, told the Hamas website on Thursday that the report quoting him was “inaccurate.”