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VICTORY Is Not Defeat

Muslim Facebook Boycott Protests ‘koran toilet paper’

A new Facebook group with 374,715 members, We want Facebook to close this group “koran toilet paper roll is organizing a boycott of Facebook, scheduled for October 24.  The purpose of the boycott is to pressure Facebook to delete the Anti Islam group: Koran Toilet Paper Roll, which has 3,324 3,325 members.  The  opposition group, We who will stay online on Facebook all 24 hours of October 24th! has 102 members.

Koran toilet paper roll’s page features a fatwa permitting using the Bible for anal  hygiene. Unfortunately, the source of the fatwa is in Arabic, and Google Translate made a mess of it so I am unable to verify the fatwa. I have seen a fatwa which prohibits the use of bones, dung, Qur’ans and any paper that might have been imprinted with Qur’anic text.  But then, we know what terrorists did when they occupied the Church of the Nativity.

In any case, Muslims are hypersensitive to all criticism as well as ridicule & mockery; they diligently seek to censor it.  As evidenced by the number of adherents in the boycott group, Muslims are  a dedicated and organized lot. Lovers of liberty must become dedicated and organized or we will surely be defeated.

October 24, 2009 is a good day for joining We who will stay online on Facebook all 24 hours of October 24th! and any of the Anti-Islam Facebook groups.

October 19, 2009 Posted by dajjal | Political Correctness | , , | No Comments Yet

Tell the UN to do something about Iran

The Israel Project has a new petition demanding enforcement of Security Council Resolution 1696. The petition is short, simple, well written and meritorious. Lets rise up in unison and push this one over the top. We must send an unmistakable message to Ban Ki-moon.  I urge you to sign the petition and forward it to everyone you can hope to influence.

It becomes increasingly obvious that if effective sanctions are not  imposed. Israel will be compelled to take effective action. Why not make a last ditch effort to make a military attack  unnecessary?

To: The Honorable Secretary-General of the United Nations

Dear Secretary-General,

We, the undersigned, feel that a nuclear-armed Iran is a threat to Israel, the United States and the entire Western world. Iran must be stopped now before it develops a nuclear bomb.

Iran restarted its nuclear fuel research program and is now enriching uranium needed to create a nuclear bomb. Iran rebuffed the UN’s offer of incentives to suspend enrichment and has rejected UN Security Council Resolution 1696, which requires the immediate suspension of all enrichment-related activities and strict monitoring by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Iran’s president Ahmadinejad is a religious extremist who has declared that Israel should be wiped off the map in a religious war with the infidel West, which will be led by Iran and the rest of the Muslim world.

As the world’s leading state sponsor of international terrorism, Iran is likely to sell or give nuclear weapons to terror groups like Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas. These groups have terrorist cells throughout Europe and the US.

We demand that the UN enforce its own Resolution 1696. Iran must immediately and unconditionally:

  • Stop enriching uranium

  • Open all of its facilities to monitoring by the IAEA

  • Stop funding terrorist groups including Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas

  • Recognize the right of Israel to exist peacefully within its internationally-recognized borders. It is time for the UN to take a stand against Iran and its nuclear ambitions


Click here to sign the petition

October 19, 2009 Posted by dajjal | United Nations | , , | No Comments Yet

Nobel Peace Prize Denigrated by Obama’s Award

online petition

objection against the absurd decision to award B. Obama Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel Peace Prize Committee
Sponsored by:

Lets express our objection against the absurd decision to award B. Obama Nobel Peace Prize. His activity had not yet abounded the unusual achievements. And although it can not be denied his potential, a decision the Nobel Committee is definitely premature, and in addition the political. Unfortunately, such a choice Stockholm committee is directed at existing laureates this prestigious Prize, who have spent years devoted themselves to working hard and consistently for their ideals.

Hat tip:

Imperfect as it is, the petition is far superior to anything I could produce in any language other than English, and it just scratches the surface of my sentiments. I endorsed it without hesitation and hope that you will, too. There are more than 1600 signatures and I hope it will garner one thousand times that number.

Awarding the peace prize to a terrorist appeasing traitor denigrates the prize as much as honoring Arafat & Carter did.

This post received the honor of a referral from the Washington Post, presumably from the Sphere Related Content link associated with “Nobel jury speaks out in defense of Obama prize“. The jury seems to believe that anal osculation of Islam is a good thing; in reality, it invites attack by displaying a lack of awareness and resolve to defend ourselves. Dajjal 10/13/’09

October 13, 2009 Posted by dajjal | Political Correctness | , , | No Comments Yet

UNHRC US Delegation Reveals Treachery

The  U.S. Delegation to the UNHRC  uttered and published a statement on a human rights report. That statement exposes the  Obama administration’s treason to scrutiny; I can not resist.  I have therefore selected excerpts for dissection. [Emphasis added.]

Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance,UNGA,,,4ab0a9180,0.html

The Human Rights Council – 12th session
Statement by the Delegation of the United States of America
Delivered by Sarah Cleveland
Geneva, 30 September 2009

While we do not support the concept of “defamation of religions” for reasons well known to this Council, my government is strongly committed to religious freedom and has condemned the use of negative and derogatory stereotypes and discrimination and/or discriminatory policies. We recognize that such stereotyping and discrimination affects individuals of all faiths and races, and express our strong condemnation of the types of such intolerance provided in the report.

It is good to read that the Obama administration does not support the concept of defamation of  Islam, but it would be better  if they would emphatically condemn it. The term “negative and derogatory stereotypes” raises a red flag.  Its implication: ‘all Muslims are evil’ its reality: Islam is evil. It is a veiled reference to Geert Wilders’ video Fitna and the infamous Danish Cartoons. Once that overly broad term is enshrined in law, it will be used to criminalize all criticism of Islam.

As noted in our response to the High Commissioner on the issue of defamation of religion, the United States believes the best way for governments to address the issues underlying intolerance is to develop effective legal regimes to address acts of discrimination and bias-inspired crime; to condemn hateful speech and proactively reach out to all religious communities, especially minority groups. We strive to do this while vigorously defending the freedom of religion and freedom of expression.

Crime is crime, regardless of the identity of the victim. Rape or robbery, assault or murder, the effect is the same whether the victims is straight or queer, Atheist or Muslim and ought to carry equal penalty dependent on the offense, not the victim.

Condemning hateful speech raises the issue of definition. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon declared Fitna and the Danish Cartoons to be hate speech, following the lead of the OIC. From their viewpoint, any truthful criticism of Islam is hateful speech.  Their tactical objective is to criminalize all criticism of Islam so that we will be completely disarmed in the war of ideas.  The Obama administration is siding with the enemy, against the First Amendment right of free expression.

The advocacy of proactively reaching out to all religious communities … especially minority groups points out significant hypocrisy.

  • condemned the use of negative and derogatory stereotypes and discrimination
  • proactively reach out to all religious communities, especially minority groups

The inconsistency should be immediately obvious to everyone. So should the second incidence of hypocrisy  in that paragraph.

  • condemn hateful speech
  • while vigorously defending … freedom of expression

When the cartoonists pointed out the fact that Muhammad was a terrorist,  their  art was condemned as hateful speech. The OIC and its factotums in  the UN  Expresses deep concern in this respect that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism; I refuted that assertion in Freedom of Opinion and Expression by revealing the source of the association. That is truth, not hate speech. President Obama would condemn it.

Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance are serious challenges facing the international community and the United States believes they must be examined methodically and deliberately. The United States submits that this process of self-examination and action by the international community begin with greater opportunities to exchange views and address empirical data and practice on matters related to racial, ethnic, and religious diversity, discrimination, and intolerance – notably through discussions in the Ad Hoc Committee on Complementary Standards – so as to broaden our common understanding of these important issues and provide a solid foundation for a broad-based consensus for further actions and initiatives.

You think that racism refers to irrational hatred of people whose skin color is different. That is not what the word means to the OIC and UN. To them,  it  means criticism of and enmity to Islam.

4.  Emphasizes the urgent need to address the scourges of anti-Semitism, Christianophobia, and Islamophobia as contemporary forms of racism as well as racial and violent movements based on racism and discriminatory ideas directed at African, Arab, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other communities;

Since the publication of the Durban II Preliminary Document,  when you read racism in a UN document, you can translate it as Islamophobia. No word is safe in the Orwellian UN.  Related intolerance is a code phrase for the same concept. Islamophobia implies irrational fear and loathing. What is irrational about fear and loathing of a war cult which has murdered 270*106 people in the last 1386 years?

The Ad Hoc Committee on Complementary Standards has an abstract name which contains no hint of its purpose. The committee is a subset of the UNHRC. Its purpose is to write a legally binding protocol to ICERD. The protocol will make criticism of Islam a criminal offense in international law.  The Obama administration just endorsed that damnable program of action which directly contravenes the First Amendment. The details are contained in a series of blog posts.

The various national submissions to the committee are contained in this pdf file: Outline for the Ad Hoc Committee on Complementary Standards Consultations.  The Non-Paper Paper, which makes the objective crystal clear, is contained in this pdf file:

October 13, 2009 Posted by dajjal | Political Correctness, United Nations | , , , , , , , , , , | No Comments Yet

CUFI’s Indictment of Ahmadinejad

CUFI’s Indictment of Ahmadinejad

Christians United For Israel want you to sign and send a missive to Ban Ki-moon & Susan Rice urging referral of Iran’s President to the International Criminal Court on charges of incitement to genocide.  I have sent mine; I urge you to join me by clicking the link above and filling out the simple form.  I have reproduced the first and last paragraphs of the email below.

We, the undersigned, urge you to immediately call upon the United Nations Security Council to refer the case of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, to the International Criminal Court for prosecution of the crime of incitement to genocide. An application of international law to Ahmadinejad’s statements and actions demonstrates the urgent and compelling case for such a prosecution.

Had the world listened to Hitler’s words and watched his actions, the Holocaust could have been prevented. The same goes for the words and actions of those who perpetrated the more recent genocides in Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. The time has come to learn from these tragedies. The time has come to apply the wise legal measures adopted to prevent such atrocities. The time has come to indict Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for incitement to genocide.

If not us, who? If not now, when? Lets do it!

October 8, 2009 Posted by dajjal | United Nations | , , | No Comments Yet

Reject the Defamation of Religions Resolution!

Open Doors USA, an Evangelical Christian  organization, has posted a petition urging United Nations member states to reject the annual Defamation of Islam resolution. I have endorsed their petition, whose text is reproduced below, and urge you to endorse, support and publicize it.  For more information about previous Defamation Resolutions, see: UN Bans Criticism of Islam.

I affirm the universal human right to freely chose and express an individual’s religious beliefs.

Accordingly, I urge fellow Member States of the United Nations to focus on protecting the fundamental freedom of individuals to express their religion or beliefs and to oppose the so called “defamation of religions resolutions.”

These resolutions seek to criminalize dissenting ideas and peaceful expression of non-favored religious beliefs. The “defamation of religions” resolutions are in direct infringement of the guarantees to free speech and belief found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

For these reasons, I ask all Member States to vote NO on “defamation of religions resolutions.”

October 8, 2009 Posted by dajjal | United Nations | , , | 4 Comments

Why I Will Not Vote for Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin spoke in Hong Kong,  revealing the depth of her abject ignorance of the enemy which attacked us  eight years ago.  I was unaware of that speech until I read an article titled The Higher You go the Less You Know by Bill Warner.  Warner posted a link to Sarah’s Facebook page, where she revealed the contents of her speech.  Some crucial excerpts follow, interspersed with my critical comments.  Being an equal opportunity offender, I annoy Conservatives as well as Liberals. This will, unavoidably, outrage many of my Conservative friends. At best, this might induce Gov. Palin to learn about Islam and become an informed leader. At worst, it will warn Conservatives away from a candidate who would, if elected, repeat the egregious errors of President G..W. Bush.
[Emphasis added.]

Two weeks ago, America commemorated the 8th anniversary of the savagery of September 11, 2001. The vicious terrorist attacks of that day made clear that what happened in lands far distant from American shores directly affect our security. We came to learn, if we did not know before, that there were violent fanatics who sought not just to kill innocents, but to end our way of life. Their attacks have not been limited to the United States.

Gov. Palin knows of the existence of “violent fanatics” who seek to destroy our way of life. She knows that their attacks occur on a global scope. But does she know that those attacks are motivated by orthodox Islamic doctrine enshrined in the Qur’an and exemplified by Muhammad’s sunna?

They attacked targets in Europe, North Africa and throughout the Middle East. Here in Asia, they killed more than 200 in a single attack in Bali. They bombed the Marriott Hotel and the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. Last year in Mumbai, more than 170 were killed in coordinated attacks in the heart of India’s financial capital. In this struggle with radical Islamic extremists, no part of the world is safe from those who bomb, maim and kill in the service of their twisted vision.

Where have we heard these key words: “radical Islamic extremists” before?  Those are not extremists, they are Salafists, emulating Islam’s founder, who was “made victorious with terror“.  Emulation of the founder in obedience to their deity, is not extremism; it is Islam.  Their “twisted vision” is the vision of Allah & Muhammad; it is Islam as revealed in the Qur’an, exemplified in hadith and codified in Shari’ah. .

This war – and that is what it is, a war – is not, as some have said, a clash of civilizations. We are not at war with Islam. This is a war within Islam, where a small minority of violent killers seeks to impose their view on the vast majority of Muslims who want the same things all of us want: economic opportunity, education, and the chance to build a better life for themselves and their families. The reality is that al Qaeda and its affiliates have killed scores of innocent Muslim men, women and children.

“We are not at war with Islam.” Islam is at war against us. Why have we not declared and reciprocated?  Islam’s scripture, the Qur’an, contains an imperative to fight disbelievers until resistance ceases and only Allah is worshiped. It contains another imperative to fight Jews & Christians until they are subjugated and make annual extortion payments.  Those imperatives are reflected in Islamic law: Reliance of the Traveller, Book O, Chapter 9.9 and 9.8 respectively.

Muslims who want to live and enjoy productive lives instead of joining the Jihad against us are described by Allah as hypocrites. They will be gathered into Hell along with disbelievers. Allah ordered Muhammad to fight against them. Muhammad was so zealous about Jihad that he cursed those who would abandon it with disgrace, which would  not be lifted from them until they return to their original religion (Jihad).

The reality is that Muslims from Algeria, Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other countries are fighting al Qaeda and their allies today. But this will be a long war, and it will require far more than just military power to prevail. Just as we did in the Cold War, we will need to use all the tools at our disposal – hard and soft power. Economic development, public diplomacy, educational exchanges, and foreign assistance will be just as important as the instruments of military power.

Where Muslims fight Muslims, they are rivals for power, led by men who dream of occupying the Caliph’s throne. When they finish fighting each other, they will return to fighting us.

Our military power will not prevail, unless you are willing to use the ultimate weapon, and with it, erase Islam from the earth. Otherwise, you must fight on the ideological front, with the intention of emancipating Allah’s slaves.

Economic development, like the petrodollars, will only enable the enemy to purchase better weapons. Diplomacy accomplishes nothing; worse, it signals weakness and invites attack. Educational exchange produces educated Mujihideen. Where did Khalid Sheikh Mohammad get his higher education?

We can win in Afghanistan by helping the Afghans build a stable representative state able to defend itself. And we must do what it takes to prevail.

We can not win in that way! So long as the Afghans are Muslims, slaves of Allah, we have lost and will continue to lose. Shari’ah is the source of their law. Are you familiar with the content of Shari’ah?. Read this provision of Islamic law from Reliance of the Traveller and comprehend Sarah’sr idiotic error. [Emphasis and links added.]

O9.8: The Objectives of Jihad

The caliph (o25) makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians (N: provided he has first invited them to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya, def: o11.4) -which is the significance of their paying it, not the money itself-while remaining in their ancestral religions) (O: and the war continues) until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax (O: in accordance with the word of Allah Most High,

“Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and who forbid not what Allah and His messenger have forbidden-who do not practice the religion of truth, being of those who have been given the Book-until they pay the poll tax out of hand and are humbled” (Koran 9.29),

the time and place for which is before the final descent of Jesus (upon whom be peace).  After his final coming, nothing but Islam will be accepted from them, for taking the poll tax is only effective until Jesus’ descent (upon him and our Prophet be peace), which is the divinely revealed law of Muhammad. The coming of Jesus does not entail a separate divinely revealed law, for he will rule by the law of Muhammad. As for the Prophet’s saying (Allah bless him and give him peace),

“I am the last, there will be no prophet after me,”

this does not contradict the final coming of Jesus (upon whom be peace), since he will not rule according to the Evangel, but as a follower of our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) ).

That is Islamic law, the basis of the Constitutions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Only ignorant fools think we have achieved victory.

Australia rightly reminds us to keep our eye on Southeast Asia, where Indonesia has proved that Islam and democracy can co-exist. Indonesia has fought extremism inside its own border and is consolidating a multi-ethnic democracy that is home to hundreds of millions of Muslims. Those who say Islam and democracy are incompatible insult our friends in Indonesia.

Indonesia is rapidly sliding down the slippery slope of implementing Shari’ah. Indonesia has not proved Islam to be compatible with democracy, because it is not. Islam rejects human law arrived at through democratic consensus. Islam demands Shari’ah, founded on the recitation and sunna of Muhammad.  Allah is sovereign. Once Allah and his Messenger have declared a matter, nobody can question their decision. That attitude is not compatible with democracy.

Because George Bush did not understand Islam, he ordered invasions which cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars, accomplishing nothing.  If we elect another ignorant politician to lead us, we will continue down the same path to certain defeat.  We must either educate Sarah Palin or find another charismatic leader who is informed or educable.

American Congress For Truth will present a web cast for legislators, other elected officials and their staff members from 10 am to 5 pm  on Saturday, November 7, 2009. The subject of the web cast is “Radical Islam’s Threat to America.”.  Topics to be discussed include:

  • A Basic History of Islam.
  • Shariah Islamic law.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to subvert America.
  • Islamist organizations operating in the U.S.
  • Shariah finance.
  • Strategies and tactics for resisting the advance of radical Islam.

If you are in contact with Sarah, tell her to watch that web cast. At minimum, tell your Representative & senators to watch it. We can not afford to let them continue in ignorance. You can send emails to your legislators without knowing their names or district numbers. makes it easy with their free service. Enter your Zip Code, lick the Federal Officials link, and fill in the simple form.

October 8, 2009 Posted by dajjal | Political Correctness | , , , , | No Comments Yet

Unfairness Doctrine Goes Global

Carefully buried in the middle of the UNHRC’s Orwellian Freedom of Opinion and Expression resolution lies an cleverly disguised attack on our right to choose from a free market offering of news and opinion. It is obvious that the Obama administration is overreaching, giving their unfairness doctrine global scope.

The following text appears on page 4 of the UNHRC Freedom of Opinion and Expression resolution as part of a list of actions that all states are called upon to perform. [Emphasis added.]

(h) To promote a pluralistic approach to information and multiple points of view by encouraging a diversity of ownership of media and of sources of information, including mass media, through, inter alia, transparent licensing systems and effective regulations on undue concentration of ownership of the media in the private sector;

A Google search for the first 16 words of that paragraph yields only one result, a sure indication that the text is new, not boilerplate from earlier resolutions. Where did it come from? Recalling an earlier blog post which was sparked by an article at World Net Daily, I found the most likely source.

A Center for American Progress report, “The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio” discusses the “Imbalance” in talk radio programming. Their attitude holds talk radio to be unfairly dominated by Conservative talk show hosts; they seek ways and means of increasing the number and proportion of Socialist talk show hosts and broadcast hours. Mark Lloyd, who was involved in writing the report, is the FCC’s new Diversity Czar.
CFAP 06/22/07

The following text appears on page 10 of the pdf file [Pg. 14 of the original.]

We recommend that radio ownership caps be revised as follows:

  • National radio ownership by any one entity should not exceed 5 percent of the total number of AM and FM broadcast stations.
  • In terms of local ownership, no one entity should control more than 10 percent of the total commercial radio stations in a given market, or specifically, more than:
    • Four commercial stations in large markets (a radio market with 45 or more commercial radio stations).
    • Three stations in mid-markets (between30 and 44 total commercial radio stations).
    • Two stations in smaller markets (between 15 and 29 total commercial radio stations).
    • One station in the smallest markets (14 or fewer total commercial radio stations).

It is possible that Egypt suggested item h in that list, but World Information Access, in a report on ownership diversity, serves up this tidbit.

With continual struggle for free private expression in Egyptian media and commonplace restrictions on information deemed damaging or critical of the government Reporters Without Borders rated Egypt 146th out of 169 countries in their media freedom index.

The provision was most likely suggested by the American delegation, and probably came from supporters of the CAP report. The Obama administration is not satisfied with censoring conservative dissent at home, they want to silence conservative dissent throughout the world, giving Socialism a global media monopoly.

If they can shut conservatives out of talk radio, they can close down our blogs as hinted at in page 7 of the resolution and obtain a near total control on the flow of information and opinion. The next step toward tyranny would be precision of the 22nd Amendment. We need to act now to initiate the process of correcting the fatal error we made last November.Be among the avant guard, get in on the ground floor by joining the movement to Impeach President Obama.

October 5, 2009 Posted by dajjal | Political Correctness, United Nations | | No Comments Yet

Freedom of Opinion and Expression

At their October 2, 2009 meeting, the miserably misnamed United Nations Human Rights Council under agenda item 3:


passed, without a vote, a draft resolution submitted jointly by Egypt and the United  States, entitled:  Freedom of opinion and expression.

If any resolution has ever been given a more Orwellian title, I am unaware of it. While superficially appearing to recognize and protect freedom of expression, in reality it threatens  that freedom. Eye on the UN has made the resolution available in the form of an eight page pdf file: A/HRC/12/L.l4/Rev.

Since the file was made from a scanned image, was used to make text available for quoting, which compelled the complete reconstruction of the document’s format. I have retained the original spelling. The resolution makes reference to two external documents:

The pattern of deception begins in the preamble. [Emphasis added.]

Deeply concerned that violations of the right to freedom of opinion and expression continue to occur, including increased attacks directed against, and killings of, journalists and media workers, and stressing the need to ensure greater protection for all media professionals and for journalistic sources,

News agencies, human rights groups and decent people are concerned about assaults against and murder of journalists;  the repressive regimes who perpetrate those evil acts are not, theirs are crocodile tears. Egypt has a record of jailing and torturing bloggers.

Stressing the need to ensure that the invocation of national security, including counter-terrorism, is not used unjustifiably or arbitrarily to restrict the right to freedom of opinion and expression,

That appears to be a reference to the Patriot Act. I  am not aware of any offenses against freedom of expression being carried out under its provisions. Muslims love to unjustly accuse us of using national security as a cover for imaginary repression of Muslims.

Stressing also the importance of the full respect for the freedom to seek, receive and impart information, including the fundamental importance of access to information, democratic participation, accountability and combating corruption,

Stressing importance of freedom? No, stretching the truth  past the shear point. The resolution is designed to impair our freedom to receive and impart information.

Recognizing the importance of all forms of the media, including the printed media, radio, television and the Internet, in the exercise, promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression,

That is boilerplate. Observe the following text lifted from The right to freedom of opinion and expression Human Rights Resolution 2005/38.

Recognizing the importance of all forms of the media, including the print media, radio, television and the Internet, in the exercise, promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression,

In point #9,  they skim lightly over the truth, almost exposing it to view.

Recognizes the positive contribution that the exercise of the right to freedom of expression, particularly by the media, including through information and communication technologies such as the Internet, and full respect for the freedom to seek, receive and impart information can make to the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and to preventing human rights abuses, but expresses regret at the promotion by certain media of false images and negative stereotypes of vulnerable individuals or groups of individuals, and at the use of information and communication technologies such as the Internet for purposes contrary to respect for human rights, in particular the perpetration of violence against and exploitation and abuse of women and children, and disseminating racist and xenophobic discourse or content;


The media can make a positive contribution to the fight against racism, … related intolerance…   Those are code words for ‘Islamophobia’.
The following quote is from Preliminary document of the African Regional Conference Preparatory to the Durban Review Conference

Emphasizes the urgent need to address the scourges of anti-Semitism, Christianophobia, and Islamophobia as contemporary forms of racism as well as racial and violent movements based on racism and discriminatory ideas directed at African, Arab, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other communities;

‘Islamophobia’ is  code for opposition to Islamic supremacism, triumphalism, conquest, genocide & terrorism.  Phobia implies irrational fear or loathing. but there is nothing irrational about loathing a war cult that has murdered 270 million people in the last 1386 years.

Negative Stereotypes

Combating defamation of religions revised draft resolution

7. Expresses deep concern in this respect that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism;

  • O11.5 [Reliance of the Traveller]

    Such non-Muslim subjects are obliged to comply with Islamic rules that pertain to the safety and indemnity of life, reputation, and property. In addition, they:

    -1- are penalized for committing adultery or theft, thought not for drunkenness;

    -2- are distinguished from Muslims in dress, wearing a wide cloth belt (zunnar);

    -3- are not greeted with “as-Salamu ‘alaykum”;

    -4- must keep to the side of the street;

    -5- may not build higher than or as high as the Muslims’ buildings, though if they acquire a tall house, it is not razed;

    -6- are forbidden to openly display wine or pork, (A: to ring church bells or display crosses,) recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feastdays;

    -7- and are forbidden to build new churches.

    (For further information about Islam’s human rights violations, download Islam vs Human Rights.)

Agreed Draft Resolution on the Elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief

13. Also emphasixes that no religion should be equated with terrorism, as this may have adverse consequences on the enjoyment of the right to freedom of religion or belief of all members of the religious communities concerned,

  • We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve 3:151
  • I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes 8:12
  • So if you gain the mastery over them in war, punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson. 8:57
  • Make ready then against them what force ye can, and strong squadrons whereby ye may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy, 8:60
  • I have been made victorious with terror Sahih Bukhari 4.52.220

Recalling that the exercise of the right to freedom of expression carries with it special duties and responsibilities, in accordance with article 19 (3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,

Article 19

1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.

2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.

3. The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:

(a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others;

(b) For the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.

Telling the truth about Islam, as revealed by its own canon of scripture, tradition, exegeses & jurisprudence is not slander. It does not violate anyone’s rights, and affects only the reputation of  Islam.  Public order is not disturbed by revealing Islam’s pecadillos, it is disturbed by the Muslim’s reaction to revelation of the truth: riots incited by rabble rousing Imams at Juma Prayer meetings.

Recalling also that States should encourage free, responsible and mutually respectful dialogue,

  1. Reaffirms the rights contained in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in particular the right of everyone to hold opinions  without interference, as well as the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art or through any other media  of their choice, and the intrinsically linked rights to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, peaceful assembly and association and the right to take part in the conduct of public affairs;
  2. Takes note of the report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression (A/HRC/l 1/4), as well as his presentation and the interactive dialogue thereon at its eleventh session;

Following a meeting on 9 December 2008, as part of the Global Forum on World Media
Development (held 7-10 December 2008 in Athens), the Special Rapporteur, along with the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Representative on Freedom of the
Media, Miklos Haraszti, the Organization of American States (OAS) Special Rapporteur on
Freedom of Expression, Catalina Botero, and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’
Rights Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information, Faith Pansy
Tlakula, issued a joint declaration on defamation of religions, and anti-terrorism and
anti-extremism legislation.
The declaration noted that the concept of “defamation of religions”
did not accord with international standards regarding defamation and that restrictions on freedom
of expression should be limited in scope to the protection of overriding individual rights and
social interests.
Restrictions should never be used to protect particular institutions or abstract
concepts or beliefs, including religious ones. The declaration further noted that
restrictions on freedom of expression to prevent intolerance should be limited in scope to
advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination,
hostility or violence and it encouraged the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council to
desist from further adoption of statements supporting the idea of defamation of religions.

[Pg. 8, #24]

The Special Rapporteur notes that freedom of expression is the manifestation of cultures,
cultural diversity, religion and ideologies. Therefore, the right to freedom of expression should
be approached with a positive view to defending it. Existing international instruments establish a
specific limit on freedom of expression. In particular, the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights provides that “any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes
incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law”
. The main
challenge thus lies in identifying at which point these thresholds are reached
. A broad
interpretation of these limitations, which has recently been suggested in international forums, is
not in line with existing international instruments and would ultimately jeopardize the full
enjoyment of human rights.
Limitations to the right to freedom of opinion and expression have
more often than not been used by States as a means to restrict criticism and silence dissent.
[Pg. 11, #39]

Limitations on freedom of expression should be clearly defined and provided by law.
Limitations should not threaten the exercise of the right itself. In addition, they ought to be
necessary and proportionate to the objective they propound to achieve, and should include the
least intrusive means insofar as freedom of expression is concerned, to prevent a chilling effect.
The adjudication of such limitations should be made by an independent judiciary. [Pg. 11, #40]

  1. Also expresses its concern that incidents of racial and religious intolerance, discrimination and related violence, as well as of negative racial and religious stereotyping continue to rise around the world, and condemns, in this context, any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, and urges States to take effective measures, consistent with their obligations under international human rights law, to address and combat such incidents;

Advocacy of  Religious Hatred

Sounds terrible, does it not?  But the level of abstraction is excessive; lets bring it down to the concrete by displaying its meaning in the real world.

Reuters quotes U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon about Fitna:

“There is no justification for hate speech or incitement to violence,” Ban said in a statement. “The right of free expression is not at stake here.”

The man chiefly responsible for enforcing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights asserts that there is no right to tell the truth about Islam. [Emphasis added for clarity.] Fitna is not hate speech nor is it incitement; it accurately depicts Islamic hate speech and incitement.

The pending  trial of Geert Wilders on charges of hate speech is a prime example of  the violation of freedom of expression intended by the sponsors of this resolution.

#5 “Calls upon states”,. among other things to:

h. To promote a pluralistic approach to information and multiple points of view by encouraging a diversity of ownership of media and of sources of information, including mass media, through, inter alia, transparent licensing systems and effective regulations on undue concentration of ownership of the media in the private sector;

That gem of bureaucracy is in line with Mark LLoyd’s The Center for American Progress report, “The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio” which  discusses the “Imbalance” in talk radio programming. Their attitude holds talk radio to be unfairly dominated by Conservative talk show hosts; they seed ways and means of increasing the number and proportion of Socialist talk show hosts and broadcast hours.

Simply reinstating the Fairness Doctrine will do little to address the gap between conservative and progressive talk unless the underlying elements of the public trustee doctrine are enforced, in particular, the requirements of local accountability and the reasonable airing of important matters.

License renewal previously required local engagement with the community—the solicitation of local feedback on programming and accountable public reporting of this input so that the FCC could determine if the broadcaster was upholding its public interest responsibilities.  Now licenses are renewed by “postcard,” a stamp in the corner of a scrap of paper now substitutes for all of the local interaction, very little of which is still required by law. Without these policies fostering local responsiveness, the move toward lowest common denominator syndicated programming was facilitated.

When you read that report, you will learn that shortening the renewal period, imposing local advisory boards and transferring ownership to minorities are intended to reduce the airing of criticism of  President Obama’s Socialist agenda.

Media Self Censorship

  1. Recognizes the moral and social responsibilities of the media and the importance that the media’s own elaboration of voluntary codes of professional ethical conduct can play in combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance;

The code words for ‘Islamophobia’ make another appearance. It is obvious that #8 is a demand for self censorship by the media.

Orwellian Doublespeak

  1. Reaffirms the positive role that the exercise of the right to freedom of opinion and expression and the full respect for the freedom to seek, receive and impart information can play in strengthening democracy, combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, in line with relevant provisions of international human rights law

Freedom of expression has a positive role in combating ‘Islamophobia’. Yeah, right,  we are free to praise Islam, but not to accurately describe and condemn it.

  1. Recognizes that the open public debate of ideas, as well as interfaith and intercultural dialogue at the local, national, and international levels, can be among the best protections against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and can play a positive role in strengthening democracy and combating national, racial or religious hatred;

Open public debate of ideas is impossible when some ideas are proscribed by law or regulations. The authors of this resolution seek to outlaw all criticism of Islam, making it illegal to reveal the fact that Islam is a war cult, not a “religion of peace”. They would outlaw revealing the foundational aspects of Jihad, genocide & terrorism.  They would not allow us to discuss Islamic laws which oppress and discriminate against women and religious  minorities.  They would silence us when we write about the insidious encroachments of Shari’ah, lawfare & demographic conquest.

While seeking to infringe on free expression, they falsely assert that they are protecting it. President Bush made a show of being on the outside, condemning the UNHRC’s attacks against free speech. President Obama has joined our attackers and is actively participating in an attempt to censor us.

Take Action!

The time for taking action has come. I urge my readers to visit the web site of a new movement to Impeach President Obama and join the movement.  President Obama is obviously part of the problem, not part of the solution.  This on line petition for Impeachment has 3,355 signatures add your signature to the list and urge everyone you can influence to endorse the petition.

The United Nations has been taken over by the enemy and is being used against us. There is no real possibility of reforming it. Now is the time to get out of that perverted institution. I urge you to sign, publicize and promote the Quit the U.N petition.

The evil doctrines of Islam including Jihad, genocide, terrorism and supremacism are static violations of ICCPR, ICERD & CPPCG.
The International Qur’an Petition contains sufficient evidence to substantiate that charge. It prays to the World Court for injunctive relief. Please endorse it, send it to your Congressman & Senators and to everyone in your email address book.  The International Qur’an Petition is our best way to turn their own tactics against them. If not now when? If not us, Who?  If we do not unite and apply great political pressure, we will loose our liberty forever. We must not let that happen!

Related Blog Posts

The following blog posts contain information about related resolutions and  documents.

October 3, 2009 Posted by dajjal | Political Correctness, United Nations | , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Moammar Al-Gadhafi at the UN

Transcript: Moammar Gadhafi Speech to the UN General Assembly
March To War

My Google Alert for Gadhafi transcript finally fired, linking to the March to War blog.  The blog has the speech on video in nine parts and a transcript.
That is an interesting name for a blog. Their right sidebar contains indications of their slant, toward the left and Islam.

I greet you on behalf of the African Union, and I pray that this will be a historic convene in the life of the world.
On behalf of the General Assembly of the United Nations, chaired by Libya, on behalf of the African Union, on behalf of the traditional African Kingdom, and for you all . I congratulate our son the president, “Obama,” who for the first time attended our General Meeting as President of the United States, and I commend him because he is the host country.

Evidently Gadhafi considers President Obama to be a “son of Africa”.  He listed several challenges to the world including this apparent gem of lunacy.

… spread of diseases created by man himself and others because some of the viruses are manufactures as weapons and became beyond control .  Perhaps Swine Flu is one of these viruses that were not controlled and it is produced in laboratories as war weapon.

If some diseases were engineered, how does he know about it if he was not involved in it?  Who engineered diseases? What proof does he have?

Complaining of the structure of the Security Council and the wars occurring since its formation, he added this.

This is in clear and open contradiction with the Charter’s preamble that we accepted and the joined the organization accordingly .
If the matter does not comply with the preamble that we approved , then even our presence in this organization is no longer valid as of now .

It must be that he could not find the exit, because he stayed put and continued  his oration. Of course, he continued to display the signs of lunacy.

If they told us there is a veto right , we would not have joined the UN , we joined the UN because we are equal in rights.
But when one country has the veto over all our resolutions and enjoys a permanent seat, Who gave it that permanent seat ?!
These four nations gave themselves the permanent seat .

The only nation that we voted for in this assembly to have a permanent seat is China . We gave our votes to China to become a permanent member of the Security Council . It is the only country with  democratic presence, but the presence of the other four seats is undemocratic , rather it is dictatorial and imposed on us , so we do not recognize that and it does not apply to us .

Why would Libya join without first reading the Charter and appendant documents? Is Libya so primitive that it lacks lawyers who can read and comprehend the UN Charter?  Gadhafi calls China, a repressive, dictatorial one party state, the only democracy inn the Security Council.

He proposes to reform the Security Council by eliminating the veto and allocating membership to regional groups instead of nations. Of course the missing element is limited government. The veto was necessary to assure rival states that the UN would not be seized by its rivals  and used to their disadvantage.  Democracy has been defined as “two wolves and one sheep voting on the dinner menu”.

This is what’s presented to you…to the General Assembly for voting.
This is the decisive essential issue, presented to the General Assembly the master of the world…the world’s parliament…it is the world’s congress, no one opposes it and we will not recognize anyone outside the hall, we’re the United Nations.
Ali Traiki and Ban Ki-moon will make the administrative and legal drafts, form committees that will vote on this issue, the Security Council, from now on, will be formed by unions.
This is justice and democracy and we’re finished with the Security Council which is occupied by certain nations…one possess atomic bomb, another possess economic power, other possess technology, and another possess technique…this is terrorism.

Unlimited rule by numbers; prejudiced by regional & racial rivalry. Thats what we need. And the current system is terrorism; yeah, right.

We cannot live in a Security Council dominated by those with overwhelming powers…this is terrorism.
This is if you want a world that lives in united and secure and peaceful, and if you want to us to live in terrorism, live in conflict…let us continue conflict until judgment day.

Conflict until judgment day; shades of Muhammad’s prophecy that “and jihad will be performed continuously since the day Allah sent me as a prophet until the day the last member of my community will fight with the Dajjal (Antichrist).”. [Sunan Abu Dawud Book 14, Number 2526]

But for a nation to have veto power…and another does not, a nation to have a permanent seat and another that does not, this is annulled as of now, we absolutely do not recognize this and we will not be subject to any resolution passed by the Security Council with its current form.

Is he speaking for the African Union when he rejects Security Council resolutions? Is it safe to assume that the real agenda is protection for Iran against any new or augmented sanctions?

As for now, the Security Council is a feudal security…a feudal policy for permanent members, it protects them and they use it against us, hence, it should not be called the Security Council rather the Terror Council.

Equating the structure of the Security Council to terrorism is obvious evidence of insanity. The idea that the council protects us from Gadhafi & co. should serve as a warning.

Brothers, you can in our political life when they want to use the Security Council against us they resort to it, and if they do not need to use it against us, they ignore it, and if they have interest in the charter to use it against us, they respect and sanctify it, they search for the 7th chapter to apply it against these nations, and if they want to carry out an act in violation of the charter they would ignore it as if it did not exist.

It is unjust and terrorism that veto and permanent seat are for the powerful, we can neither take this nor can we live under it.
Powerful nations have saturated interests in the world, and they use veto, they use the force of the UN to protect their interests…this is terrorizing the third world, the third world is now terrorized, they are living under terrorism.
Since the Security Council was established in 1945 and until now it didn’t provide security for us, rather provided punishments and terror…it is only used against us, therefore, we are not obliged to obey Security Council resolutions as from the fortieth speech.

65 wars were waged since the establishment of the Security Council…against small nations, or fighting against each other, or an aggression by superpower against a small nation, the Security Council did not deter a violation of the charter.

The more he talks, the more he exposes his agenda.  Russia’s power to protect Iran from meaningful sanctions by wielding the veto is terrorism. Yeah, right; it is enabling Iran’s sponsorship of terrorism, soon to include nuclear extortion.

Here is the confirmation of my speculation about the Iranian agenda.

The International Atomic Energy Agency is an important UN body but the major powers are not answerable to it.. it is merely made for us ..if it is international as you say it should inspect the atomic stock of the nuclear countries of this speech.
Ali al Treiki in the General Assembly will question the Director of the agency and question al Braedei to see if they looking into the stockpiles of these countries.

If they say yes these countries are subject to inspection we will be subject to inspection ..but if not we will slab the door shut in it s face.

No such rambling oration would be complete without mention of reparations.

It is proposed to the general assembly to vote for the compensation of the countries that were colonised in order that colonisation is not repeated and in order not to repeat the robbery of the wealth of nations and not to repeat the immigration of these countries to the nations that robbed their wealth.

Perhaps you could start by making Italy, Greece, Spain, the Balkans and India whole for what the Muslim invaders and colonizers took from them, both lives and property hauled away as booty. That is not what Gadhafi has in mind.

Africa deserves compensation to the tune of 777 trillion that is seven hundred and seventy seven trillion as compensation for Africa from the coloniser countries and Africa will demand that. And if these trillions are not returned the Africans will keep going to where you have invested these trillions and they have the right to go after it. You return it to them and they will stop. There is no Libyan immigration to Italy which is the closest country to Libya. That is because Italy decided to compensate the Libyan people for colonisation and apologised and signed a treaty with Libya ratified by the Libyan and Italian people to turn the page of the past.

Italy acknowledged that colonisation is wrong, a failed programme and it will not return and Italy will not allow any aggression against Libya but sea, air or land from Italy or from any other place. Italy is compensating Libya for twenty years of colonisation. It is paying a quarter of a billion annually. It is building hospitals for those children whose limbs were dismembered through the mines planted by the Italians during the two world wars. Italy apologised and expressed regret for the colonisation. Italy has done the glorious thing. This is a historic action. It is a civilised action by Berluconi and has to be an example.

Remember how the oration began with congratulations for President Obama? There is more along that line, and it is potentially revealing.

The second point which I hope to face patiently is rather sensitive. There will be some sentences which I mentioned in brackets. Undoubtedly we the real Africans are happy and proud that one of Africa’s sons has become president of the USA. This is a historic event at the time when the black was not admitted to the cafe of the white, nor the restaurant of the white and was not allowed in the bus of the white. Now the American people have voted enthusiastically for Obama, the African-Kenyan black youth to become the US president. This is something great which we are proud of. We consider it the beginning of the change and he has raised the slogan for change.

However I consider Obama as a beacon in the darkness for about four or eight years but I am afraid things will come to the old habit because nobody guarantees anything after Obama. Nobody guarantees it, not the chairman nor Ban ki-Moon. We are satisfied at present and wish Obama to be permanently President of the USA.

So Obama is a “Kenyan black youth”? Kenyans can’t be elected President, American citizenship is a required element of eligibility for that office.  And he wants Obama to be President for life. This is America, not Venezuela nor Honduras; we have a two term limit, and we are keeping it!

The issue of the headquarters also came up. Gadhafi wants it relocated, perhaps the only issue we agree on. He raised the issue of security, adding this revelation.

For your information this headquarters is targeted by Al Qaeda. Yes this headquarters is targeted and we wonder why it was not struck in 9/11. It could be involuntary. Probably the flights were aborted but the next target is this place and I don’t speak in a vacuum. We have scores of Al Qaeda members detained in our prisons and their confessions are highly worrying

Gadhafi knows the next target? Only because he has prisoners? Yeah, right.  After a long, insane rant about various criminal cases, war crimes and Iraq, Gadhafi raves about Afghanistan.

Then the war in Afghanistan. It has to be investigated. Why are we antagonising the taleban? Why are we antagonising Afghanistan. Who are the taleban? If the taleban want to establish a religious state in Afghanistan let them do so. We have nothing to do with it. It is like the Vatican. Does the Vatican pose any threat to us? No it is a very peaceful, religious state.
If the Afghans want to establish an Islamic emirate let it be like the Vatican. Who said the taleban are the enemy and has to be struck by the armies? Is bin Laden an Afghan. Is he a taleban. Bin Laden is not from the taleban and is not from Afghanistan. The terrorists who struck New York? Are they Afghans? Are they from the taleban? No they are not Afghani and they are not from the taleban. So why were Iraq and Afghanistan targeted?

Does the Vatican oppress women and arbitrarily amputate hands and feet? Does the Vatican give sanctuary & assistance to terrorists before and after they kill thousands of civilians? The Taliban did, those students of the Qur’an.  Would a peaceful religious state sponsor training camps where terrorists mastered small arms,  bomb making skills and developed confidence & morale?  Yeah, right.  A demand was made to turn over the culprits, it was refused, and the invasion ensued.  This is not an issue of nationality. It is an issue of Islamic aggression against disbelievers, a doctrine common to all Muslims.

Who says that if the taleban rule Afghanistan they will become a threat? Do the taleban have any intercontinental missiles? The airliner that hit New York. Did it come from Afghanistan or Iraq. These airliners took off from Kennedy airport in New York. So why do we go and strike Afghanistan. They are not Afghans, not taleban, nor Iraqis. Why should we keep silent about these things. Those who keep silent regarding what is right is like a silent devil. We won’t be silent devils. It is our right because we are keen on world peace. We are keen on the destiny of the world. We do not want to undermine humanity in this manner.

Who says they will be a threat? The Qur’an, that book which serves as the source of their laws: 8:39 & 9:29 say it in plain, clear language which is easily understood. The terrorists came from Arabia, they trained in Afghanistan and Iraq. They traveled here by air and hijacked planes which they flew into buildings while their leader celebrated in his cave in Afghanistan. Keen on world peace; your destiny? Death & damnation!!  Gadhafi is keen on deceiving and conquering the entire world, the same project the “Magnificent 19″ were engaged in. When a Muslim rants and raves about peace, it means the condition appertaining after Islam has conquered the world and dominates it entirely. Their expressions are Orwellian, totally inverting truth & morality.

Continuing his wide ranging rant, Gadhafi raves about the Somali pirates, proposing a silly solution before switching suddenly to medicine.  How does he expect pharmaceutical companies to fund  research & development of new drugs and vaccines?

Our handling of matters is actually wrong. If the vaccination for swine flu is produced and there could be more flus of God or flus of fish then the factories that belong to the intelligence operate and they sell at a high price. This is trade. They produce a virus and they spread it across the world so that capitalist companies gain money from selling vaccines. This is shameful. The vaccines are not to be sold. Medicines are not to be sold. You have to read the Green Book. It does not allow the selling of medicines. If we say the medicines are free and the vaccines are free and no viruses are spread because it is they who produce these viruses in order to produce vaccines. That is how capitalist companies work. This is the wrong approach. You have to declare that medicines are free and not for sale.

Even if the viruses are real we should not sell the vaccines. They have to be offered for free.

Next, he raves about needing land mines for self-defense and launches into a wonderful solution for the conflict with Israel.

As for the Palestinian cause the two-state solution is impossible. I urge you not to speak about it. The only solution is one democratic state for Jews and for Muslims for Palestinians and Christians and all others – like Lebanon.

Yeah, right, Lebanon is so calm and peaceful; what a success! After a decade of Muslim aggression against Christians followed by Syrian occupation, Iran’s proxy has amassed a great stock of missiles and threatens to plunge Lebanon into the abyss at any moment.

The West Bank has half a million Israeli settlers. The so-called Israel has a million Palestinian settlers. How can we establish two states. The world has to go to impose one democratic state without any religious, nationalist or linguistic bigotry. Bigotry is reactionary and it is time is well over. These are thoughts of the guard. The ideas of the Third World War. The ideas of men like Yasser Arafat and Sharon. All these are over. The new generation wants one democratic state. We have to exert every effort to impose on them one state where all people co-exist.

That proposal is completely insane, a non-starter. Where there is Islam, there is bigotry. Islam will not coexist with Jews on an equal basis!  Islam demands that it be superior and dominant. Examine the Pact of Umar.  Examine 9:29 and the infamous genocide hadith.

Let us expose this reality. We are not enemies of the Jews. They are our cousins. The Jews will need the Arabs one day but the Arabs will not protect them as they did in the past. Let us have a look at what Tito did. What Hadrin did. What Edward 1 did and what Hitler did to the Jews. You hate them and you are anti-Semitic.

And Hajj Amin Al-Husseini spent most of WW2 in Germany begging Hitler to ship the Levantine Jews to Europe for extermination. He also organized a Bosnian SS brigade. Who was he? Arafat’s uncle, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a real Jew lover; of course, all Muslims are, until they kill the last Jew on the last day.

Arrogant insanity continues to the very end of the long rant.

At any rate the UN General Assembly is chaired by Libya and this is its right. The work that could be done by Libya is to help the world in moving from one phase to another, from this world which is lost, bitter, shameful, terrorised and threatened to move to a more human world where there is peace and tolerance.

I will follow up this work with the General Assembly and with Ali Al Teriki and with the UN Secretary General because we will not be complacent and we will not be submissive regarding the fate of humanity.

Humanity has to struggle in order to live in peace. The struggle by the Third World and the smaller states, 100 of them in order to live in dignity and in freedom is a continued struggle and it has to continue till the end. Peace and blessings.

October 1, 2009 Posted by dajjal | United Nations | | 4 Comments