Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ronald Reagan on America

Former Imam of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque Calls for US Muslims to Revolt

File this under Enemy Within.


Former Imam of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque Calls for US Muslims to Revolt

Anwar al-Awlaki was the preacher of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque, in Falls Church, Virginia.

The Fort Hood jihadi Major Hasan, the sole suspect in the jihad massacre of 13 fellow US soldiers in Texas, worshiped at the controversial Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia. That mosque was led by the devout Muslim imam, Anwar al-Awlaki, who is said to have been a "spiritual adviser" to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001.

The preacher at the Dar al-Hirah mosque was also in regular contact with the Christmas balls bomber, who tried to blow up a passenger jet on Christmas day. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab sat on top of the fuel tank (seat 19A) and tried to detonate a bomb hooked up to his tiny genitalia.

And just last week, the Virginia legislature had the latest inciter from the Dar-al-Hirah mosque open the legislative session with a devout Islamic prayer. Got that?

    Yemen-American imam calls for US Muslim revolt

    A Yemeni-American Muslim preacher known for his ties to extremists [devout Muslims - Atlas] operating in the U.S. called on American Muslims in a new audio message to turn against their government because of its actions against Muslims around the world.

    Anwar al-Awlaki's latest message, excerpts of which were aired on CNN Wednesday, described his own radicalization after U.S. operations against Muslims and called on those in the U.S. to follow his path, according to the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist Web Sites.

    "To the Muslims in America I have this to say, how can your conscience allow you to live in peaceful coexistence with a nation responsible for terrible crimes against your own brothers and sisters?" he asked. "How can you have loyalty to a government leading the war against Muslims?"

    Al-Awlaki, who has used his personal Web site to encourage Muslims around the world to kill U.S. troops in Iraq, disappeared in Yemen a year ago, according to his father. Yemeni security officials say they believe he is hiding in a region of the mountainous nation that has become a refuge for Islamic militants.

    He was in regular contact with Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who is accused of killing 13 people in a rampage at the Fort Hood Army post in Texas. He communicated with al-Awlaki in e-mail exchanges 10 to 20 times over several months last year.

    Al-Awlaki also is believed to have been in contact with Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian who attempted to blow up a passenger airliner in Detroit on Christmas day with explosives concealed in his underwear.

    "Our brother, Umar Farouk, has succeeded in breaking through the security systems that have cost the U.S. government alone over $40 billion since 9/11," he said in an excerpt of the tape provided by SITE.

    U.S. authorities have been increasingly worried about the presence of Americans supporting jihad inside the country. Over the past week, a Pennsylvania woman, who went by the name "Jihad Jane," was accused in a plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist; a New Jersey man was held by authorities in Yemen; and five young Pakistani-American men from Northern Virginia were charged by Pakistani officials with planning terrorist attacks in the South Asian country.

Muslims Murder 12 in Latest Nigeria Attack, Cut out Their Tongues

Muslims continue to slaughter Christians in Nigeria. 


Muslims Murder 12 in Latest Nigeria Attack, Cut out Their Tongues

They can cut a thousand, a million tongues, but you can't cut out the truth about Islamic jihad. No comment from Obama, who was working feverishly to ethnically cleanse Jerusalem of the Jewish people.

   Muslims Murder 12 in Latest Nigeria Attack, Cut out Their Tongues

     LAGOS, Nigeria – Attackers killed 12 people Wednesday morning in a small Christian village in central Nigeria, officials said, cutting out most of the victims' tongues in the latest violence in a region where religious fighting already has killed hundreds this year.

    The attack almost mirrored the tactics used by those who carried out similar massacres in Christian villages last week when more than 200 people were slaughtered.

    Under the cover of darkness and a driving rain, raiders with machetes entered the village of Byie early Wednesday, setting fire to homes and firing gunshots into the air to drive frightened villagers into the night, witness Linus Vwi said.

Obama says, respect it!

Recent Cases Show Challenge of US Terrorists

The following article is typical in that it dances all around the core reason people turn to terrorism, all sorts of justifications and theories are put forward, but no one names the root cause: Islam. 


Recent Cases Show Challenge of US Terrorists
Wednesday, 17 Mar 2010 01:45 PM

One was a drywall contractor and father, another a petite woman who cared for the elderly, another a U.S. military officer. The most alarming thing about a string of recently arrested terror suspects is that they are all Americans.

Wrong, the most alarming aspect is the fact that they are all Muslims is being ignored.

Over the past week, a Pennsylvania woman was accused in a plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist; a New Jersey man was held by authorities in Yemen; and five young Pakistani-American men from Northern Virginia were charged by Pakistani officials with planning terrorist attacks in the South Asian country. These seven are among more than a dozen Americans captured or identified by the U.S. government and its allies as actively supporting jihad, or holy war, in the past two years. 

They are in the final analysis, working for the imposition of Islam on all of humanity.

Some, according to prosecutors, were inspired by the U.S. involvement in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Others, like the accused Pennsylvania woman, allegedly wanted to avenge what they considered an insult to the Prophet Mohammed. Many traveled overseas to get terrorist training. Some used home computers to foment plots.

Unmentioned is that many if not most are recruited and encouraged through Mosques and Islamic centers.

There is no evidence that these cases are connected in any way.

Wrong again.   The connection is Islam, and the desire to further the spread of this fascist regime.

But they underscore the new reality that there is a threat from violent Islamic extremism from within the U.S. It is difficult to say whether the uptick in cases is because law enforcement has gotten better at catching suspects or if there are simply more to catch.

Most of the cases ended with suspects captured before they could act on their plans. But some were nearly ready to spring to action, like Colorado resident Najibullah Zazi, 24, who pleaded guilty in February as the leader of a plot to bomb the New York subway system.

And law enforcement was too late to prevent a shooting rampage in December on the military post at Fort Hood, Texas. Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, 39, a U.S.-born Army psychiatrist of Palestinian descent, is charged with killing 13 people.

Nidal got to the point of mass murder because of the Politically Correct Multiculturalism fostered by Muslim propagandists such as CAIR and the MAS. 

Determining how quickly a suspected homegrown terrorist goes from adopting extremist rhetoric to becoming a suicide bomber is a challenge to law enforcement. Some people never make that leap. Others do it in a matter of months or years.

And more and more are and will move to open violence and murder as long as we allow Islam to infest America.

"Individuals can be radicalized in a number of ways — by direct contact with terrorists abroad or in the United States, over the Internet or on their own through a process of self-radicalization," said Assistant Attorney General David Kris, the top counterterrorism official at the Justice Department.

Again, the writer fails to recognize the thousands of Saudi funded radical Mosques and Islamic centers we have allowed to proliferate as the prime mover in the Jihadi movement.

These cases, Kris said, "underscore the constantly evolving nature of the threat we face."

For years U.S. officials have predicted there would be a rise in homegrown terrorism. "Now we're beginning to see the predictions coming true," said Michael Chertoff, the former Homeland Security secretary.

Because of this, Chertoff said, it is critical for communities to be on the lookout for unusual behavior. Law enforcement, he added, needs to continue to educate people on the differing signs of terrorism.

There is no single reason people drift toward terrorism.

"It's a combination of psychology, sociology and people who, just for cultural reasons, gravitate" to Islamic extremism, Chertoff said. "We can't assume we've got months and years."

Wrong, wrong, wrong again.  A desire to be good Muslims is the ONLY reason people commit murder in the name of Islam.

Colleen LaRose, the Pennsylvania woman who allegedly met violent jihadists online under the name "JihadJane," took only months, prosecutors say. LaRose, according to her boyfriend, never showed religious leanings during the five years they dated. Then, her boyfriend came home last summer and she was gone.

In a June 2008 YouTube video, the blond-haired, green-eyed Muslim convert said she was "desperate to do something somehow to help" ease the suffering of Muslims, federal prosecutors allege.

Some homegrown terrorists take much longer to show their militant leanings. In the case of North Carolina drywall contractor Daniel Boyd, federal prosecutors say he nursed his ambitions for jihad over decades.

Boyd aided, abetted and plotted Islamic terror attacks for decades, only recently being caught.

Boyd is accused of leading a group of men — including two of his sons — who planned to kidnap, kill and maim people in other countries in the name of jihad. One of Boyd's neighbors said he didn't think Boyd was a terrorist. "If he's a terrorist, he's the nicest terrorist I ever met in my life," Charles Casale said.

Boyd decried the U.S. military, praised the honor in martyrdom, bemoaned the struggle of Muslims and said "I love jihad" on audiotapes obtained by federal authorities.

Even when law enforcement officials know about an American's interaction with suspected terrorists, they may not have enough information to act on it.

Months before Hasan allegedly went on his shooting spree at Fort Hood, he was in contact with a radical Islamic cleric in Yemen, federal prosecutors allege. The FBI was aware of Hasan's contact with the cleric, but he did not emerge as a homegrown threat before the shootings.

It is not a new concept for Americans to join the jihadi cause. In 2001, John Walker Lindh was arrested in Afghanistan for fighting with the Taliban. Raised Catholic, the California native was 12 when he saw the movie "Malcolm X" and became interested in Islam. A few years later, the teenager who liked hip-hop music converted to Islam.

There are disaffected, alienated people everywhere in the United States who, for decades, have joined gangs and cults in search of an identity. Radical Islamist groups are yet another destination for those who seek purpose in their lives, experts say.

Another attempt to equate common criminals with Islamic fanatics and so not have to deal wsith the real threat.

Jihadi groups that recruit and inspire are nebulous and in many cases small and connected only by extremist ideology espoused on the Internet. The appeal is the notion that "somebody does want me," said Jack Tomarchio, a former top intelligence official at the Homeland Security Department.

Being an American with terrorist leanings is not an automatic ticket into a group like al-Qaida. Many of these groups are suspicious of Americans and worry they are spies for the U.S. government.

But in the world of jihadi recruitment, it's like winning a gold medal when an American is trusted and decides to join a terrorist network, Tomarchio said.

In many cases they have no criminal record and can blend into society, like the woman who allegedly called herself Jihad Jane, and travel internationally with ease.

"I know there are more of them out there," Tomarchio said.

You got that right, Tomarchio.

The spate of cases over the past two years shows the conventional wisdom about who is a terrorist is dangerously outdated, said Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism expert at Georgetown University.

"There really is no profile of a terror suspect; the profile is broken," said Hoffman. "It's women as well as men, it's lifelong Muslims as well as converts, it's college students as well as jailbirds."

Wrong yet again.  The common profile is that they are all Muslims.

Muslim converts face persecution in Egypt

Egypt carries on the Islamic tradition of persecution, prosecution and killing of apostates from Islam.


Muslim converts face persecution in Egypt

Posted: Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 11:13 (GMT)

Muslims in Egypt who change their faith face persecution by the state and rejection from their families, an investigation by Release International has shown, according to the latest edition of the ministry's magazine.

A Muslim woman who became a Christian told Release how she was kidnapped by her relatives, who pulled out her fingernails to try to make her renounce her new faith.

Mary, not her real name, works secretly to help women like herself - those from a Muslim background, who have chosen to change their religion. She described how some relatives tortured her to try to get her to return to Islam.

"They tortured me, pulled out my nails and burnt me but God gave me a way out," she said.

Mary became a Christian at the age of 21, after working for a Christian lawyer. She told Release: "I saw that Jesus was fair with everyone; he was gentle with the needy."

After changing her faith Mary had to leave her family and resorted to living on the streets. Christians she met were suspicious of her, fearing she may have been a spy. They refused to take her in.

"Some priests even told me to return to Islam and my family," she said.

Eventually she was helped by an Orthodox priest and met other believers from a Muslim background for the first time.

Mary began to help them. But state security were aware of what she was doing and informed her family that she had become a Christian activist. Her relatives kidnapped her and tortured her for seven days before she was able to escape.

Mary is still followed by state security and has had to change her address five times.

Christians from a Muslim background also face other problems. "State security tell their employers they are converts and they fire them," said Mary.

"Families also marry off convert girls to Muslims, or lock them away in their houses. They even disfigure the girls' faces with acid."

Others told Release that they have been arrested and tortured by state security for changing their faith to Christianity. Another faces a fatwa calling for his death. They are forbidden from changing the religion shown on their identity cards.

Many are under pressure to leave Egypt, yet choose to stay and bring the gospel to their people.

Despite the danger, Mary says she will carry on working to help girls who have become Christians. "Jesus Christ is someone who is worth doing this for. It is our gift of suffering for him."

Release CEO Andy Dipper adds: "Mary has asked for prayer for protection, wisdom and power, as she cares for young girls who have converted to Christianity.

"Release is helping believers like Mary. We are supporting a safe house for Christian women from a Muslim background, and funding education for children who have lost their parents as a result of persecution. Help us to help our Christian brothers and sisters in Egypt."

Egypt was a major centre for Christian scholarship until taken over by Islam in AD639. Today Egypt has the largest Christian community in the Middle East. Christians, mainly Copts, make up around 10 per cent of the population. Yet Christians are denied political representation and discriminated against in education and employment. Muslims who change their faith are regarded as apostates, who have betrayed not only Islam, but their families and their country.

Through its international network of missions Release supports Christians imprisoned for their faith and their families in 30 nations. It supports church workers, pastors and their families, and provides training, Bibles, Christian literature and broadcasts. Release is a member of the UK organisations Global Connections and the Evangelical Alliance.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

sahria Law Trumps Secular Law

Once again, Sharia law trumps secular law in a Muslim country. 


(ANSAmed) - ALGIERS, MARCH 15 - The proposal to introduce prison terms for men who beat their wives goes against the Koran and the teachings of the prophet Mohamed, according to the head of Algeriàs Superior Islamic Council. Qaher Sharif fiercely criticised the bill presented to the head of state Abdelaziz Bouteflikàs by the head of the Consultative Council on Human Rights Farouk Qustantiti. "This man's aim is to violate a law of the Koran and of the Sunnah, and he meddles in subjects that are beyond his competence", Sharif said in an interview with the Arab-language edition of the daily newspaper El Khabar. "Hés done it before with the death penalty, and now with beatings," he added, asking "what difference can it make to him what goes on between a man and his wife?" The President of the Islamic Council said that he was stunned by Qustantinìs proposal, because "God has already pointed out precisely the way that a husband must behave towards his wife". He quoted verses 34 and 35 of the Surah on women, in which men are advised to "admonish women, confine them to their bed and beat them" should they commit "nushooz", a term signifying both infidelity and a refusal of sexual intercourse. Sharif pointed out that the text is so precise that it indicates the method of punishment to be used against the wife, and that this should be neither "too insistent, nor provoke disfigurement". (ANSAmed).

Combating Lawfare

A look at the Muslim use of "lawfare" in the global jihad.

Combating Lawfare

By Steven Emerson

Federal courts are slowly becoming a new battlefield in the war on terror, with combatants setting aside traditional weapons and arming themselves instead with domestic and international laws. Responding to this phenomenon, the inaugural meeting of The Lawfare Project convened last week in New York to discuss The Use of the Law as a Weapon of War.

Major General Charles Dunlap coined the term lawfare, identifying it as:

    "a cynical manipulation of the rule of law and the humanitarian values it represents. Rather than seeking battlefield victories, per se, challengers try to destroy the will to fight by undermining the public support that is indispensable when democracies like the U.S. conduct military interventions."

Dunlap recognized some time ago, as Supreme Court Attorney (France) Francois-Henri Briard said at the conference, "the law may be a weapon, and litigation a battlefield."

The day-long conference brought together diverse panels of experts from around the world. Their discussions focused on the ever-growing threat from Islamists' exploitation of international and domestic legal systems to intimidate and silence their critics. In particular, as the organizers explained, the conference focused on the manipulation of the legal system for three strategic purposes:

   1. To thwart free speech on issues of national security and public concern.
   2. To delegitimize and diminish the sovereignty of democratic states.
   3. To inhibit the right and ability of democracies to defend themselves against terrorism.

Setting the stage, the participants identified the scope of lawfare, providing some context for the issue. In 400 B.C. Chinese General Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War, that in fighting a stronger foe, "success begins by seizing something which your opponents hold dear; then he will be amenable to your will." As the panel discussions demonstrated, America and the West hold dear the rule of law, and so our enemies have met with some success in attempting to hijack Western legal and moral principles to turn international media and public opinion against us.

Think being the victim of a frivolous lawsuit simply for speaking out against terrorism sounds crazy? Think again. Discussing this very issue on radio, Executive Director of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation (MASF) Mahdi Bray explained:

    "Folks, that's got to be the next horizon for our community. In order to deal with these haters, these bashers, these Islamophobes, we've got to be willing to spend our money in a court of law. And not necessarily because we don't look for money, but we need to be able to say we need to spend our money and make you spend your money, and you're gonna stop doing this to us."

In 2005, the Islamic Society of Boston filed a lawsuit charging defamation against over a dozen defendants, including the Boston Herald, Fox 25 News, and Investigative Project on Terrorism Executive Director Steven Emerson. The defendants were targeted by ISB for publicly speaking about the Islamic Society's connections to radical Islam and for raising questions about the construction of its Saudi-funded mosque in Boston. Two years after instituting the lawsuit, and immediately following the discovery phase of the litigation, ISB dropped its case.

Similarly, in 2007, KinderUSA, sued terrorism analyst Matthew Levitt, claiming it was libeled in Levitt's book, Hamas: Politics, Charity and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad. In the book, Levitt included KinderUSA among "other American-based charities [which] continue to fund Hamas" after the Holy Land Foundation closed its doors. KinderUSA dropped the case four months later after Levitt and publisher Yale University Press filed motions invoking California's anti-SLAPP provisions-claiming the litigation was intended more to squelch the book than to produce any courtroom damages.

The Islamist movement, as Brooke Goldstein and Aaron Eitan Meyer, have explained in an article titled "Legal Jihad": How Islamist Lawfare Tactics are Targeting Free Speech, "is made up of two wings-that which operates violently, propagating suicide-homicide bombing and other terrorist activities, and that which operates lawfully, conducting a 'soft jihad' within our media, government and court systems, through Shari'a banking and within our school system." These groups work together:

    "For example, one tenet of Shari'a law is to punish those who criticize Islam and to silence speech considered blasphemous of its prophet Mohammad. While the violent arm of the Islamist movement attempts to silence speech by murdering film directors such as Theo Van Gogh and by forcing thinkers such as Wafa Sultan into hiding out of fear for her life, the lawful arm is skillfully maneuvering within Western court systems, hiring lawyers and suing to silence its critics."

These lawsuits are being used as a weapon of war against counter-terrorism experts, law enforcement personnel, politicians and anyone working to disseminate information on Islamist terrorism and its sources of financing. These lawsuits are often predatory, filed without a serious expectation of winning, and undertaken as a means to intimidate, demoralize and bankrupt defendants.

Rather than simply identifying a problem without proposing solutions, panelists had many ideas for combating lawfare.

First, in the face of frivolous suits intended to stymie debate, those who truly believe in the application of the rule of law to achieve justice must stand up and defend themselves against the allegations. As Utah Attorney General Mark L. Shurtleff explained during the conference, "the best defense to the legal manipulations of our adversaries is to take the offense and stand firm, as the Roman historian Livy wrote, with 'pride in our own past and our achievements.'" As Shurtleff stated, the battle will truly be lost if we cede the ground.

More than simply playing defense, panelists agreed that reverence to the rule of law demands proactive action-filing civil suits against the supporters of terrorist groups to ensure that they are as bankrupt as the ideologies that they support.

The war on terrorism today is virtually without borders and must be fought accordingly. While the United States has devoted tremendous federal resources to shutting down the support structure of terrorist groups, private citizens have already recognized that more can still be done. They have taken up arms against the support structure of terrorist groups, using the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1990 to hit these white-collar terrorists where it hurts the most-their checkbooks.

In May 2005, the parents of David Boim, a 17 year old New Yorker who was killed in a Hamas terrorist attack in the West Bank, filed a lawsuit against U.S.-based organizations and individuals that provided logistical and financial support to Hamas. In December 2008, a federal appeals court ruling upheld the $156 million judgment against three of the charities. Similarly, in 2005 victims of Hamas suicide bombings sued National Westminster, a British-based bank, seeking to recover money from Hamas linked accounts.

As current Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gabriela Shalev explained during the conference, "those engaging in lawfare are misusing the laws of war and the open-mindedness of democracies" to undermine the rule of law and diminish legitimate grievances. Rather than sit idly by and allow this to happen, the conference participants proposed a call for action-fight back.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The View Of The Rescued

click to biggen

U.S. Coast Guard Chief Stacy Dasher looks out the door of an HH-65 Dolphin helicopter during a helicopter-rescue training exercise at the Coast Guard Air Station Detroit, March 10, 2010. One of Dasher's primary roles is to operate the aircraft's hoist cable, which allows the aircraft to lift distressed persons into its cabin. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Blackwell


Musslim Violence in America

Phyllis Chesler tetails three more cases of Muslim violence in America:  A woman beating attempted rapist in a nightclub, a murderer who beheaded his wife, and a another thug who assaulted two reporters.

Religion of peace, my ass. 

Until the government recognises the inherent violence in Islam, these isues will be dismissed as mere violence, rather than an inherent part of Islam.


March 14th, 2010 2:16 pm
The Jihadi Feels Persecuted—His Aggression is Self-Defense

Whores Turn Him Down, Battered Wives Walk Out, Western Journalists Harass Him

The other day, a pediatric nurse in New York City refused to dance with Mbarek Lafrem, a Moroccan man, in a New York City bar. What did Lafrem do? He followed her into the women’s bathroom where he attempted to rape and savagely beat her. The woman was found unconscious and is now hospitalized. She required 50 stitches to close just one of her lacerations; she also suffered a broken eye socket, a broken nose, skull fractures, and a busted jaw.

The media pointedly refrain from telling us that he is a Muslim, but with a name like “Mbarek” or ‘Mubarak,” what religion are we talking about? Lafrem now claims that she started it, that the nurse “berated him when he barged into the women’s restroom shortly after she’d rebuffed him on the dance floor.”

To a certain kind of man, from a certain kind of culture, women are always supposed to say yes, and when they say no they are provokers and deserve a beating. More: If the woman is a naked-faced infidel and dances with strange men in a public setting—she is, by definition, a prostitute and is not entitled to say no. Saying no is a “provocation” and deserves a beating. Or worse.

Now, let’s shuffle off to Buffalo, where Muzzammil ”Mo” Hassan—remember him?–is about to stand trial for beheading his wife, Aasiya Zubair Hassan. Guess what this monster’s claiming? That he’s the victim, that he was a “battered husband.” Guess what this crafty self-promoter has been doing from his jail cell? Writing letters to the media in his mother’s name in which he paints himself as the “abused” spouse. Mo’s letters also refer to an “epidemic” of battered men.

Thank God for journalist Sandra Tan of the Buffalo News who, today, reveals the extent of Mo’s depravity. According to a 21-page statement that Aasiya wrote to the court, she “painstakingly chronicled her years of torment.” In addition to numerous beatings and threats, Mo “made (Aasiya) sign memos authorizing him to punish her if she talked with the police and Child Protective Services and threatened her with the loss of her children whenever she tried to break free.” In truth, Mo used his size and weight against the much smaller Aasiya; on separate occasions he literally sat on her, imprisoned her, punched her repeatedly, drawing blood, dragged her down the driveway, tried to run her off the road in his car, and refused to allow her to seek medical treatment for her injuries.

In addition, Mo wrote emails to Aasiya’s court appointed psychologist in Aasiya’s name and from her computer account. As Aasiya, he denies being battered. “What nonsense. Complete hogwash. I have always been a strong woman and a high achiever.” Mo also drafted letters as if the psychologist had written them which he states that “Aasiya does not have the personality of an abused wife.”

Mo’s attorney, Frank M. Bogulski, has claimed in open court that his client was a “battered spouse,” and he promised a “revolutionary defense.”

A third and final example.

Over the weekend, I spoke with J. Mark Campbell, a Florida Security Council videographer who was assaulted on March 11th (the day the nurse was beaten), a day which had been designated as Muslim Capitol Day in Tallahasee. Campbell was assaulted by Professor Bassem Alhalabi who stalked Campbell but who nevertheless claimed that he, Alhalabi, was “being harassed.” Many police were present and security tapes were running. Thus, Alhalabi was charged with “simple battery.” Twice—because he also assaulted another journalist too.

According to Joe Kaufman of Americans Against Hate, “Alhalabi is a professor at Florida Atlantic University, a director and co-founder of the Islamic Center of Boca Raton, and, in 2003, was found guilty of illegally shipping a $13,000 military-grade thermal imaging device to Syria. His associate, Ahmed Bedier, the former executive Director of CAIR-Tampa and a spokesman for Sami al-Arian, was present at the event.” You can see them both in the video here.

Investigative journalist and chairman of Americans Against Hate, Joe Kaufman, was also separately assaulted by Alhalabi the same day. And why? According to Kaufman, Alhalabi and and he recognized each other. Kaufman, who has done stories about Alhalabi before, snapped his photo. In response, according to Kaufman, “Alhalabi grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the wall. He kept asking, really screaming at me: ‘Why do you keep writing about me?’ He would not let go of me.”

Both Kaufman and Campbell had been quietly, respectfully, covering the event. They had done their “due diligence” and were not behaving in an intrusive or unpleasant fashion. But they were journalists and citizens exercising their First Amendment rights. Nevertheless, Alhalabi (who was also a supporter and associate of convicted terrorist Sami al-Arian, and who is, himself, a chemical engineer) felt “pestered” by their presence. Their very existence got on his nerves. Or was it the fact that Campbell and Kaufman were documenting what Muslims were doing on American public property that bothered him?

Surely, that’s provocation enough. After assaulting Kaufman, Alhalabi struck a second time that same day. According to Campbell, Alhalabi kept finger pointing. He had people block Campbell’s camera. He kept advancing and “swatting at” Campbell’s camera. He had an associate take his camera and shove it up close into Campbell’s face. He “punched” at Campbell’s camera and face. According to Campbell, Alhalabi “physically pushed and shoved me.”

The police finally asked Campbell and Kaufman—not Alhalabi– to leave. Not because they’d “done anything wrong” but because, said the officer, “your presence is offensive to this group. We must tell you to leave to keep the peace.” And, the local media (WTXL-TV) which promised to cover what had happened, backed down. They interviewed Campbell and Kaufman but, according to Campbell, after promising to run the interview, never did so.

And so: Danish cartoonists can’t draw cartoons that “offend” some Muslims—please understand, when they feel “offended,” such people feel as if they’ve been “attacked;” if they stage riots, kill people, even try to kill the cartoonist—well, the cartoonist started the fight. Salman Rushdie threw the first punch too when he published a novel which “offended” Khomeini and his followers. And, if two American journalists and bloggers want to cover a Muslim Day event in a public setting (in the State Capitol Building)—they deserve to be shoved, pushed, threatened, and thrown out.

Likewise, if a naked-faced woman refuses to do whatever it is that a Muslim man from Morocco wants her to do—such a woman deserves to be beaten within an inch of her life. Her actions have provoked his deeply socialized, totally justified rage. And, if a Muslim woman refuses to be beaten and terrorized any longer by her Muslim husband and not only dares to leave but plans to keep the house and children too—then “beheading” her is his only option, isn’t it? Poor Mo. A violent man has had his cruelties towards his wife and children publicly exposed for all to see. He has been shamed. By definition, wasn’t Mo Hassan “abused” by the kind of wife who would dare to throw him out? He killed her in self-defense.

Folks: This is how terrorists think, feel, and behave. See the pattern? Watch out for it. Strategize how to defeat it because it’s all over us now.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Islamic Jihad worldwide

This is a foretaste of what is coming as Islam invaides the West.


Part 2

Islam comes to America.


Mom in Atlanta Accused of Clitorectomizing 10 Month Old Daughter

Coming to America.  Notice the Jewish dhimmi's use of the world "circumcising"  in the below article. This has nothing to do with circumcision. This is an Islamic custom (95% of the girls in Egypt have been clitorectomized.) It is widely practiced in Africa as well.

The metro Atlanta, Ga., woman, Melody Onyonyor, was taken in to custody following the results of an investigation by the Troup County Sheriff's Office and the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS). Apparently, a relative of the baby's father had tipped off investigators, after they had changed the infant's diaper and noticed that the child's genitals had been severely cut.

    Mom accused of circumcising infant girl AJC

    A 35-year-old mother was arrested for allegedly circumcising her 10-month-old daughter, police said.

    The LaGrange woman is currently being held in the Troup County jail without bond, Sgt. Chad Mann told the AJC. She faces female genital mutilation and child cruelty charges, Mann said.

    "A relative changing the baby noticed that she appeared to be circumcised," Mann said.

    The AJC is not publishing the mother's name to avoid identifying the infant.

    The baby was taken to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, where a doctor determined she had undergone some form of surgical removal of the clitoris, Mann said. The baby's father was previously granted temporary custody, and he alerted authorities about the child's injury, police said.

    "She's in perfect health, other than that," Mann said.

yeah right.

    The procedure has no health benefits, and can cause severe bleeding and problems urinating, the WHO states on its Web site

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fox Becomes a Hen? ‘CAIR’ and Imbalance? News Corporation Falls Under Saudi Control

Has Fox News sold out to the Islamists?  It sure looks that way when you look at the recent history of Muslims buying large blocks of stock in Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.  Add that to Fox's running items lauding Islamist activities and stopping any criticisms of Islam and the answer is clear that Murdoch has sold out to Islam.


Exclusive: Fox Becomes a Hen? ‘CAIR’ and Imbalance? News Corporation Falls Under Saudi Control

Paul Williams, PhD

Former prominent guests on Fox News, including Walid Shoebat, contend that the News Corporation has surrendered its “fair and balanced” coverage of Islam and events in the Middle East for a fistful of Saudi cash.

Their contention is based on a series of recent developments within the media giant.
The first development was the news that Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corporation, invested $70 million in the Rotana Group, an enterprise owned by Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a nephew of Saudi King Abdullah. The Rotana Group operates a host of TV channels throughout the Middle East and is a leading producer of Arabic movies.
Next came Mr. Murdoch’s decision to make Abu Dhabi, the headquarters of the News Corporation’s global media operations in the Middle East.

On Monday, the Fox Business Network announced that it will dispatch a full-time correspondent to the Middle East in order to inform Americans of the unique business opportunities in such places as Syria, a country that provides shelter for Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah and support the insurgents in Iraq.

In the wake of this announcement, Fox news commentators – including Glenn Beck, Charles Krauthammer, A.B. Stoddard and Bill Kristol – condemned Geert Wilders, a well-respected Dutch dignitary and critic of radical Islam, as a “fascist” and a “demagogue.”
Mr. Krauthammer said that Mr. Wilders, who is the leading candidate for Prime Minister in The Netherlands, doesn’t know the difference between Islam and Islamism, a distinction known only to Mr. Krauthammer.

While Mr. Beck labeled Mr. Wilders as a “fascist,” Ms. Stoddard expressed her agreement with Krauthammer and added that “if people like this (Mr. Wilders) are elected to lead Holland it will suffer the consequences.

What caused this denunciation?

Mr. Wilders produced a short documentary on Islam in Holland called Fitna in which he argued that “there is no such thing as ‘moderate Islam’” and that the Prophet Muhammad would “. . . in these days be hunted down as a terrorist.”

In the past, the former member of the Dutch National Parliament was a frequent guest on Fox News. Last February, Bill O’Reilly welcomed Mr. Wilders to America, while condemning a scared Britain for banning him entrance to the country.

Other news about the parent company of Fox News began to surface, including reports that Kingdom Holding owns at least 7 percent of the News Corporation and has become the second largest shareholder in the Murdoch conglomerate. Some speculate that the actual shares controlled by Kingdom Holding through a hedge fund may exceed 25 percent.

Kingdom Holding is owned by Prince Talal, who is called “the Arabian Warren Buffet.”
Listed by Forbes as the world’s 22nd richest person, Prince Talal also owns substantial shares of Time Warner, Apple, eBay, Disney, and Citibank.

As for charity, he gives millions to Hamas and other pro-Palestinian organizations.
Critics say that Prince Talal’s sizeable investment in the News Corporation accounts for Fox News programs critical of Israel, including a series of special reports in which Carl Cameron and Brit Hume alleged that Israel gathered information about the attacks of 9/11 and failed to warn the American people.

Walid Shoebat, a former member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, who converted to Christianity, charges that Fox New now prohibits critics of Islam and Islamic terror from appearing on its broadcasts.

"He himself (Prince bin Talal) said, 'I just had to make a phone call to [tell them to] stop using the word Muslim' regarding the rioting in France," Mr. Shoebat notes. "Bill O'Reilly says to Ibrahim Hooper, the head of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), that he is an upstanding citizen. Since when was the head of CAIR an upstanding citizen?"

Mr. Shoebat adds that viewers will no longer be seeing any so-called "Islamophobes" on Fox.

"Today, I'm not invited at Fox News. Neither is Robert Spencer or Brigitte Gabriel," he laments. "But Ibrahim Hooper is invited to speak at Fox News. It used to be that experts on terrorism who are critical of the Islamic views [were] able to get a voice on Fox News. Those days are gone."

Mr. Shoebat says that instead of airing those critical views of Islam, Fox News now legitimizes Hooper, the spokesman for CAIR, a group which he maintains is a front for Islamic terrorists.