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Press Pass Benefits

Available to all Core members
  • Live events Exclusive parties and webcasts, including Q&A sessions with Salon’s most popular writers.
  • Comments badge Show your commitment to independent journalism – the Core emblem will be displayed next to all your comments on Salon.
  • Editorial input Got an idea for a great story? As a Core member, you’re eligible to propose story ideas and to participate in special Salon editorial meetings.

Bonus Benefits

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MAD Magazine 6 month subscription, 3 issues

Sporting News Customize all pages to use your league's scoring system to win your Fantasy Football league. Choose from the stats you want to see.

Farmers Almanac Long-range weather forecasts through August 31, 2012

ClassicalArchives Listen to exclusive full length concerts streamed from Classical Archives

Dublin Dog Save 20% + free shipping

Gilt Taste Save 20% on your order of $50 or more

Red Wheel Weiser Free e-book: After Schizophrenia by Margaret Hawkins

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