Let's not get carried away

Claiming the healthcare bill shows Democrats "standing up to special interests" is absurd Video

Dick Cheney was right about the deficit

Politically, it doesn't matter, and when Democrats fight it, they fall into a Republican trap

This Modern World: You can't make this stuff up

Oh, no? Try telling that to the people rewriting history, like the Texas Board of Education and Glenn Beck

Sarah Palin's best move yet: Reality star

The Discovery Channel is close to sealing the deal for the politician's show about Alaskan wilderness

On healthcare, the right embraces activist judges

The GOP's base wants the courts to strike down healthcare reform. The party's establishment might not agree

The creepy tyranny of Canada's hate speech laws

Ann Coulter is threatened with criminal prosecution in advance of a speech

A new jobs crisis on the horizon

There's a jobs shortage today. But in ten years, America will face a worker shortage. Could boomers save the day?

A stark truth

Time says of AIPAC's key goal: Israel's new weapon systems "will be substantially born by American taxpayers"

Sinead O'Connor still ripping the pope

The singer's blistering response to the abuse makes her an unlikely voice of reason in an outrageous situation Video

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Yes, Joe Biden, a very big %&*!ing deal

Vice president tells President Obama about the magnitude of healthcare reform bill signing in his own special way

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Obama signs healthcare reform bill into law

Bill signing turns into party atmosphere as administration, Congressional Democrats celebrate win

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Sarah Palin's best move yet: Reality star

The Discovery Channel is close to sealing the deal for the politician's show about Alaskan wilderness

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A new jobs crisis on the horizon

There's a jobs shortage today. But in ten years, America will face a worker shortage. Could boomers save the day?

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Sinead O'Connor still ripping the pope

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Claiming the healthcare bill shows Democrats "standing up to special interests" is absurd

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Finally, smoking gun proof Obama's a socialist!

Conservatives spin an offhand remark by Al Sharpton into an admission of the president's dark agenda

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On healthcare, the right embraces activist judges

The GOP's base wants the courts to strike down healthcare reform. The party's establishment might not agree

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Dick Cheney was right about the deficit

Politically, it doesn't matter, and when Democrats fight it, they fall into a Republican trap

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A stark truth

Time says of AIPAC's key goal: Israel's new weapon systems "will be substantially born by American taxpayers"

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Why healthcare reform could work for Democrats now

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How bad science and American culture shaped a racial identity -- and why America can't stop obsessing over it

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Your greenest foods: We don't mean eco-friendly

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You can't make this stuff up

Oh, no? Try telling that to the people rewriting history, like the Texas Board of Education and Glenn Beck


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Glenn Beck: How dare John Lewis compare himself to John Lewis?

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Mitt Romney's healthcare hypocrisy and the GOP base

Just four years ago, conservatives saluted him for signing a healthcare law that's very similar to ObamaCare

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The creepy tyranny of Canada's hate speech laws

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Google's unwise move to Hong Kong

East India Google Co.: Is the search engine giant trying to invoke arrogant imperialist imagery on purpose?

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Official: ACORN disbanding amid falling revenues

Some affiliates, including ACORN New York and California, broke away and changed their names to separate themselves

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Is the cult of perfect motherhood killing us?

A French author makes the case for ignoring the kids and lighting up a smoke

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"Nurse Jackie" hooks us again

Far from the rehab and reckoning you'd expect, Edie Falco's tough pill-popper starts a new season still in denial

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My cancer treatment: Approved!

Insurance finally agrees to pay for life-saving therapy, but what of people who don't have my access to advocacy?

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Offer to Octomom: Do porn, save home

Vivid Entertainment seizes on Nadya Suleman's desperation and offers to rescue her from foreclosure

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The Randy Neugebauer banking crisis solution

Let markets solve their own problems, the Congressman suggested, right after a devastating market meltdown

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Japan: Sustainable fishing's conflicted villain

The country continues to fish at-risk species that its population doesn't even want to eat

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Rep. Randy Neugebauer admits to "baby killer" comment

Congressman who yelled during Bart Stupak's speech comes forward

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Tiger Woods' latest insult to women

The golfer's comeback is set for a men's-only golf course. So much for that enlightenment and atonement

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The stock market doesn't fear healthcare reform

What do investors think of the end of freedom and Obama's socialist takeover? So far, they're strangely unbothered

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Fox News does Sarah Palin a big favor

Network might as well draw halo over former Alaska governor's head

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Blogging "City Island": After Sundance said no

Was I daunted? Well, yeah. But we pushed on toward Tribeca, and after 10 years of work, it was magic

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Why Boehner is angry -- and Republicans should worry

Passage may clear away the propaganda and let voters understand healthcare reform -- a scary prospect

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How healthcare reform makes history

This isn't a return to the New Deal or the Great Society. It's an incremental step forward, with big implications

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Figuring out the political implications of the healthcare victory

Both parties think they'll benefit from the new bill in the midterm elections

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And the conservative freakout begins

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