All 3 hours of Tammy Radio have now posted. Watch out for that Demon Pass :)

Kill the Bill: Here’s your link to local and DC numbers, as well as address and website link to every member of the US House of Representatives.

Today’s Tammy Radio Podcasts have posted, including the additional the exclusive podcast of the 3rd hour. Please visit the TAM Podcasts page for your exclusive media :) If you aren’t a member of the Tammy Army, please join today!

And if you have just joined, here are some instructions. To access today’s show just go to the TAM Podcasts page. There you will find today’s show and the whole archive, including podcasts and netcasts. You must be signed in here at the blog to access the players. Also visit the “Members” subpage listed just above the banner. There you will get special instructions in my Welcome letter, and instructions on how to download the podcasts via iTunes.


But not the ghetto out of the boy.

Jesse James

Married to Sandra Bullock

On whom he cheats with this “tattoo and biker groupee fetish model”

Next time Sandra, marry someone who actually deserves you.

Sandra Bullock moves out on Jesse James after he allegedly stepped out with Michelle McGee: report

Ten days after her tearful, triumphant Best Actress Oscar win, Sandra Bullock was blindsided by news that her bad boy husband, Jesse James, cheated on her with a tattoo model.

Michelle (Bombshell) McGee admitted to steamy romps with Bullock’s motorcycle man husband, but insists James told her his marriage to America’s sweetheart is over.

“I would never have hooked up with him if I thought he was a married man,” McGee told In Touch Weekly. “He gave me the impression they were separated.”

Yeah, right honey.



**Join us for the live TAM Chat from 10:45am-1pm PT. This exclusive media for subscribers during live Tammy Radio can be accessed in the Members page. Join us!

Tammy Radio is live, Commando and commercial-free 11am-1pm PT and brought to you exclusively by Talk Stream Live. Just click on my name at that streaming web hub and you’ll be connected to the show. The 3rd hour of Tammy Radio is *not* streamed live, it is a special podcast hour which I record immediately after the live show exclusively for subscribers. You will find it in the TAM Podcasts subpage along with the original live two hours at about 515pm ET

Hope to see you then.

After the program, the podcast of the show will be available to Tammy Army members.


I want to thank all the internet listeners again for making Weekday Tammy Radio at the top of the pack on the national net stream. Weekend Tammy Radio is consistently #1. Here’s a snapshot of our regular weekday rating. Thanks again!


A note by Maynard

As events like this transpire, we get fed an endless stream of little details until our eyes glaze over. Headlines scream when someone like Kucinich commits this way or that way, as if that’s what it’s all about.

I suppose the battle is won or lost based on such technical minutia. But as you listen to reports of the skirmishes, don’t lose sight of the war, or of its meaning.

It troubles me that the Democrat strategies, first of the “nuclear option” and now the “Slaughter Rule”, which seemed so outrageous at first blush, quickly settle down and become part of the normal political landscape. I guess that’s the way it is with outrages: After a while, you just take them in stride.

That’s a problem for us. The anti-democratic tactics of the Democrats are the stuff of Third World strongmen, or maybe Chicago politics. But we can’t allow the law of the jungle to become the new Washington norm.

I recently posted a blog note of the YouTube clips of Obama promising to bring about health care reform through a national consensus. But things did not move forward as Obama had told us they would. As it became clear that the emerging law was tilting hard left, the nation began to get spooked. Elections in New Jersey and Virginia and Massachusetts, in direct reaction to Washington’s bad path on health care, altered the political landscape.

By the rules of traditional American lawmaking and politicking, Washington would have listened to the people. Obama’s plans for health care reform would have halted. The work-in-progress would have been considerably amended, or even restarted, to bring the political center on board.

But Obama wasn’t having any of it. Rather than working with the people, he chose instead to throw out the lawmaking rulebook. This was done for the explicit purpose of thwarting the election results. Thus we moved into the previously-illicit territory of “nuclear options” and “Slaughter Rules”. This is without precedent in modern American democracy.

Maybe that’s the way major laws get passed in various undemocratic hellholes. We cluck our tongues at the corrupt systems of such places, and we bask in our smug superiority. But not here, no. It can’t be happening here.

I would hope that our representatives in Washington would object in principle to the hijacking of the American republic. This strikes me as much more important than the law being considered. If the thugs win and the law goes through, the relationship between Washington and the people will never be the same. And the conflict that lies ahead may well become uglier than anything we’ve ever seen.


The Interview

by Pat_S on March 17, 2010 · 16 comments

A post by Pat

I think Bret did a great job. He kept Obama on the defensive and Obama didn’t like it one bit. Bret was pressing Obama on the process and Obama wanted to stick to his well-worn talking points and lies. No need for TOTUS. Obama says these things in his sleep. He’s desperate.


A post by Maynard

Back in the good old days, Coca-Cola had a special ingredient that modern Coke is lacking.

Did somebody say “cocaine”? Yes, it’s true that Coke used to be “the real thing™”. It was the coca leaves that put the “coca” into the Coca-Cola.

It would be interesting to sample some of that “real” Coke. But circumstances compel us to forgo that pleasure and narrow our pursuit to another special ingredient. Do you know where this is going?

Yes, it’s SUGAR! Sometime in the 1980’s, Coke made the economic decision to switch from the traditional sugar sweetener to corn syrup. Technically, the sweetening chemical changed from sucrose to high-fructose corn syrup (“HCFS”).

This raises two questions: How does the change affect the taste and the healthiness of the beverage? Does it even matter?

[click to continue…]


The Big Lie

by Maynard on March 15, 2010 · 16 comments

A post by Maynard

Watching Obama spew lie after outrageous lie in support of his agenda, I throw up my hands in frustration.

It’s a complex world and I make no claim to having sole possession of the truth. I may even be wrong. So I’m willing, even anxious, to hear the best arguments of those who differ with me.

But today’s political discourse is pure garbage. It makes no connection to reality whatsoever. Obama says he’s cutting the deficit while he’s raising it. Obama says he’s transparent while he’s making backroom deals. Obama says he’s bringing consensus while he’s ramming his extreme agenda down our throats.

I could go on, but is it even necessary for me to say these obvious things? So let’s ignore politics for a moment and contemplate human psychology.

All politicians and salesmen and anyone else who practices professional or recreational seduction understands the principle of the Big Lie. It’s worth reading the Wiki entry.

Here’s what Adolf Hitler had to say on the subject in “Mein Kampf”. This is interesting, not for its Nazi origin or what it says about Hitler, but for what it says about us:

…in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.

We are betrayed by our own intellectual integrity. Because we would never lie so blatantly, we just can’t believe the guy in the spotlight would do so. There must be some misunderstanding. Let’s give the speaker the benefit of the doubt. And so, as Adolf observes, we waver. And then it’s too late and we are lost.

Life has taught me to believe my own eyes and ears. But I understand the appeal of the Big Lie, and the natural temptation to hesitate, if for no other reason than to avoid awkwardness.

Whether we live or die as a nation depends upon how many of our fellows accept the words of the politicians in contradiction to their own senses.


A post by Pat

General Obama's Last Stand

Pelosi is right about one thing, the vote on health care will be historic. There’s going to be a massacre one way or another. A lot of Democrats know they’ll be left lying on the battlefield. General Obama calls for courage.

This proposal makes medicare stronger. It makes the coverage better and it makes the finances more secure. Anybody who says otherwise is either misinformed or they’re trying to misinform you. Don’t let them hoodwink you. They’re trying to hoodwink you.

Now, so, look, Ohio, that’s the proposal and i believe Congress owes the American people a final up-or-down vote. We need an up-or-down vote. It’s time to vote.

You know, now as we get closer to the vote, there’s a lot of hand-wringing going on. We hear a lot of people in Washington talking about politics, talking about what this means in November. Talking about the poll numbers for Democrats and Republicans. we need courage.

Obama’s right about one thing too. It does come down to what kind of country we want to be–the one Democrats want or the one the American people want.

Maynard appends:

The blatant lies coming out of Obama’s mouth boggle the mind. Setting aside the lies about the finances, and the lies about access, there’s the call for the “up-or-down vote”…which is an innocent-sounding call for the Senate to invoke the “nuclear option”, a Senatorial procedure that (as we’ve blogged on) has never been used for this sort of lawmaking. Obama is doing EXACTLY what he (falsely) accused Bush/Rove of doing. Watch this video clip. Obama campaigned on the promise of a broad consensus rather than a 50%+1 majority to ram through his legislation; he says Rove governed by 50%+1 because Rove “doesn’t believe in government”. Could anything be clearer? The man has no shame. Not to mention the promises of debates on CSPAN and no payoffs to the lobbyists and special interests and bills to be posted on the Internet for public viewing. Every statement he’s made has been shown to be a barefaced lie.


Okay everyone, today is the day Tammy Radio expands to 3 full hours! Here are the details. If you listen to the live show from 11am-1pm PT, nothing changes. The live show goes on as before. When the 2nd hour is finished, I will continue with Tammy Radio for another hour and it will be posted immediately when done as a podcast for TAMs.

The one difference TAMs will experience is the pod posting of the original 2 hour live show, that will now post right after the 3rd hour, and both pods will post at the same time. A pod will post of the 2 hour show, and a separate pod will post of the 3rd hour exclusive podcast for TAMs.

If you are a Tammy Regular, now is the time to join ;) You will gain immediate access to all podcasts, including the special 3rd hour of Daily Tammy Radio, show archives, netcasts, book club, and all other exclusive media.

Thanks to all the TAMs for helping the show grow. :)


At least that’s what the Lamestream Media and Obama’s Gestapos would love to be able to label her. But I have a tiny feeling they may not be able to figure out exactly how to do it. (HT to SondraK, Lympian Slayer for the article and the snarky post title ;) )

Justice’s wife launches ‘tea party’ group

As Virginia Thomas tells it in her soft-spoken, Midwestern cadence, the story of her involvement in the “tea party” movement is the tale of an average citizen in action.

“I am an ordinary citizen from Omaha, Neb., who just may have the chance to preserve liberty along with you and other people like you,” she said at a recent panel discussion with tea party leaders in Washington. Thomas went on to count herself among those energized into action by President Obama’s “hard-left agenda.”

But Thomas is no ordinary activist…


A New TAM Book Club Article

by Tammy on March 14, 2010 · 0 comments

Welcome to our second week for the TAM Book Club! This week’s selection is about President Abraham Lincoln and the difference between this man, who worked to save the constitution, versus Teddy Roosevelt, last week’s focus, whose work focused on its demise. Two very different men, two very different Republicans, with Lincoln serving as our example of how, even with power, the good, decent, and extraordinary, understand the imperative of our nation’s Founding Fathers and how their vision must survive. This is exclusive media for TAMs wherever you may be :) Please visit the Members page.

The TAM Book Club is open for all TAMs and you don’t need to participate in the chats or discussions if you would prefer not to, you can just enjoy the articles or books as they get recommended. For this week’s selection, you can read the article online, or print it out and read it at your leisure. I’ll be choosing articles and books that I think will help us with all the work we’ve got coming up for the next few years.

If you are not yet a TAM, now is the time to join! You will receive immediate access to this media, Tammy Radio podcasts, show archives, netcasts and other exclusive media.


The Ides of March!

by Maynard on March 14, 2010 · 5 comments

A post by Maynard

It was on the Ides of March (that’s March 15 for all you novices) in 44 BC that the Roman Senate dispatched Julius Caesar to his glory. Caesar’s gift to the body politic was to transition Rome from a Republic to an Empire, with himself elevated to the position of dictator. He was assassinated on the Senate floor by a group of senators intent on stemming the rise of tyranny. In the subsequent power struggle, however, it was Caesar’s designated heir who came out on top. Thus it was that Rome became an empire and Augustus Caesar became an emperor and a pagan deity.

We can take this as a reminder that the job of maintaining a republic has historically been a difficult one. And our Senators ought keep in mind that, as they struggle to rein in an executive with delusions of grandeur, they must take care not to fumble the endgame.


Tom Friedman: Chinese Autocracy Better Than American Democracy

March 14, 2010

A post by Pat
Tom Friedman thinks Democracy is becoming a hindrance.
The media is wringing it’s hands over the political climate. It’s always sunny when Democrats get their way. The forecast is for stormy weather. All this opposition and people in the street, it’s not a good thing.
Tom Friedman was on Meet the Press today with [...]

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Census Coming!

March 13, 2010

A post by Maynard
A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.—Mahatma Gandhi
I got the mailer from the government reminding me the census form is coming.
You’ve heard the various gripes about the racial questions. But if you’re concerned about government prying into your private [...]

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