Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"When in perplexity, read on"

An old maxim that will never get old. And as life is a paradox, perplexities abound. And while breathing brings forth few answers, ceasing it isn't a very good idea unless it comes by au natural.
So to get to the comma, I've undertaken yet another one of my silly challenges.
Read 50 books in the year of 2009. I got the idea from Aisha's blog who got it from J. Kaye's Book Blog.
100 books is 50 too many. 100 books is what, 8 books a month? Can't do it. Sorry. Even if it's a 5-page children's book. The 100 book challenge doesn't care if you read a 5-page children's book, I think that's not fair, they should care! Off my tangent again.

I'll list the books I've read/reading in this post. Or maybe on the sidebar.

You should try this. I won't promise a reduction in the state of your confusion, but perhaps an appreciation of life and whatever it has to offer.

And oh a questionnnn. What are your top 5 books?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

: )

Monday, January 19, 2009

When East meets West

Click on pictures for a clearer view.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Titleless Tuesday

Carnivorous Plants: SubhanAllah!

There are more than 670 species and subspecies of carnivorous plants! To immerse yourself into their amazing world, visit Dr. Barry Rice's fascinating Carnivorous Plant FAQ. Dr. Rice is the author of Growing Carnivorous Plants and is also the Field Editor of Carnivorous Plant Newsletter over at the International Carnivorous Plant Society.

Nepenthes mixta

Drosera paradoxa

Drosophyllum lusitanicum

Visit The Carnivorous Plant FAQ for more breathtaking photographs!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tell me...

For Palestine
For Iraq
For Afghanistan
For Kashmir
For Sudan
For Sierra Leone
For Burkina Faso
For all oppressed people
For this one Earth.

What could we possibly write about oppression in this world?
What could we possibly say that has not been told?
What could we possibly do to ease the oppressed's pain?
From greed, injustice and crime, if we could only refrain.

It is as though nothing has changed,
Since the time on Imam Hussain blood rained.
How much can one soul bear? How much can one heart feel?
What is this world -- is it real?

Tell me the secret of a beautiful life
One free of hatred and strife
Of ignorance and sorrow and grief

Tell me, tell me please, we need some relief!

Unto the ground I tumble
Toward the sky my face I lift and hands I raise

Oh Almighty,

Oh our best Aid in these times of calamity,
Bestow upon us your Mercy and Protection
Guide us with your Light to your direction

I implore You, free the heart of its corruptions
Free the mind of its misconceptions
Save us from the anguish of desolation
Give us the capability to see beyond our physicality
Beyond our languages, beyond our cultures, beyond our borders.

Free the soul, free the soul

Tell me, tell me please,

I need to feel the smile
upon this Angel's face to be put at ease

But tell me how, tell me please.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Title-less Toozday!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Just for Bella!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let me tell you a story...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Soulmates II

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Last Ten Days

They're always the hardest days.
When you're waiting for something, time loves playing this trick on you.
"I will move as





as I possibly can "
Why, you wonder. And then you busy yourself. With work, work and some more work. Anything to occupy your mind, anything to take it off time, anything to make it go by faster, anything to make it all easier.

You're exhausted.

And time has still not gone anywhere.
Perhaps there is a trick you can play on time. Pretend it doesn't matter. Pretend you're not within it. Pretend it doesn't exist.

Does it flow any faster?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

love's sacred flames

i leaf through the pages of love
breathing in the feelings of other souls
the question and answer came intertwined,
why look within the other when within you exists the most exquisite garden of love?

how could the moon be a symbol of beauty when its reflective being is dependent upon a brilliant sun? how could the soul point to love's attributes when love knows no boundaries of reason? and how could i withstand this separation when my heart aches for the taste of your smile?
Plato. plato, how wise, within the breadth of love's touch the poet within us is born,

you smile

i close these closed eyes of mine, and open the ones with true vision, in love, vision soars,
in this love I've felt true friendship,
in this friendship, true love..

Moments of a seagull's life~NYC~

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Eid Mubarak : )

Friday, November 7, 2008

Spread the wealth around?

No, just spread the love around!

When was the last time you cleaned your wardrobe out and realized there's a ton of clothes you don't wear and given it to somebody who'd love to have them? Long time ago? No worries, let's do this together. I'm sure you all have some belongings you're not very attached to, and someone else can make great use of. Most charities gladly accept clothing donations. Look for charities in your area and spread the gift of love!

My wake up call came when I went through my wardrobe and saw clothes that hadn't been worn since they were bought! Seriously, I had clothes with tags that I had actually forgotten about. Don't get me wrong, I don't have that many clothes, nor do I spend much money on them, I just don't have that many occasions to go to and I have a few favorites that I mix and match up well to be comfortable while still managing not to look like I spring from the same chapter of a book every time I leave my cocoon! So I don't need much and some are left unworn. Tsk tsk.

It's time for a fresh start! Call a friend and do it together! You could only feel liberation : )

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Art gives me depression, and depression gives me art..