Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"When in perplexity, read on"

An old maxim that will never get old. And as life is a paradox, perplexities abound. And while breathing brings forth few answers, ceasing it isn't a very good idea unless it comes by au natural.
So to get to the comma, I've undertaken yet another one of my silly challenges.
Read 50 books in the year of 2009. I got the idea from Aisha's blog who got it from J. Kaye's Book Blog.
100 books is 50 too many. 100 books is what, 8 books a month? Can't do it. Sorry. Even if it's a 5-page children's book. The 100 book challenge doesn't care if you read a 5-page children's book, I think that's not fair, they should care! Off my tangent again.

I'll list the books I've read/reading in this post. Or maybe on the sidebar.

You should try this. I won't promise a reduction in the state of your confusion, but perhaps an appreciation of life and whatever it has to offer.

And oh a questionnnn. What are your top 5 books?

9 mind drizzles:

hijabee said...

WOOW, 50 Books lool. Good luck :) You should read "The Alchemist" by Pablo Coelho. I used to read a book a day in high school, but now I can barely finish one book, I can't find the time!

tee dimensionist said...

Hey Hijabee!

I read The Alchemist but too long ago, thanks for the suggestion, I'll read it again : )

50 books are way too much for me too, but I'm giving it a try, the thing is there are so many ways in which I waste time so if I cut back on meaningless activities (such as meaningless web browsing) I can use that time to read a few pages here and there.
I also make use of dead time, subway rides, car rides etc.
I always take a book with me and read while waiting. Try it!

Bishop said...

I'm taking on the challenge. 50 books sounds do-able...I'm already 2 up, 48 to go.. Though i wouldn't really call that a book, it was something like a memoir, written by Karine Steffans.
The best book i've read this year was 'Body Of Lines' by something Ignatius.. there was a movie based on it too, with Dicaprio and Crowe.
Its a 'buna carte' !
Aye !

Tee dimensionist said...

No way!

Memoirs count. I'm actually reading one right now. I'll post what I'm reading on the side bar the first chance I get.

Let me know if I've got the right person, can't figure anything out from your pristine blogs!

Bella said...

100 books is crazy. 50 is too many. 12 is one a month (doable). 2 is realistic (for me). :P

Silence of the Lambs.
The Green Mile.
Can You Keep A Secret?
The Travels of Ibn Batutta.

I'll probably think of better ones AFTER I've posted this but these are five of the ones I think were cool at the time. I tried to make it a diverse list 'cause I don't really know what y'like *shrug*

Happy reading!

UTP said...

all the best...50 books? quite a challenge...thats like a book every week...

Claire said...

my favorite books ( 5/50 )
- Le petit prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery
- Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer
- The Law of Dream by Peter Behrens
- Life of Pi by Yann Martel
- Angielic love story by Secgian Gôlông

Have good time with them ^^

tee dimensionist said...


Salut! I read everything-and anything, thanks for the list, I checked the books out and I think I'll go with The Travels of Ibn Battuta first! I'll let you know when I get any of them :)

UTP it is a challenge for me and I hope I can do it. I'm behind as January's over and I've read only two, but then I have a year to catch up : )

Claire thank you so much for your list! I have read Life of Pi and enjoyed it. I'm excited about the rest!

gh said...
