Fri, March 26, 2010

Egypt Around the Web


Celebrating Police (State) Day in Mubarak’s Egypt

Posted 2 months ago

Today Egyptians around the country have off from work and school in recognition of a new national holiday: Police Day. The Mubarak regime, it seems, has a sense of humor after all.


Egypt Builds Walls and Bans Protests to Navigate the Gaza Border

Posted 3 months ago

If the Egyptian government could miraculously make the border between Sinai and the Gaza Strip disappear, it probably would. Whether the issue is smuggling or protesting, there is nothing more sensitive for Cairo than Gaza. Two recent decisions–the construction of an anti-smuggling wall and the…


Egypt’s Anti-Muslim Nightclubs

Posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago

There is nothing strange about nightclubs and restaurants having dress codes. It is, however, a little strange to have a dress code that goes against the religious beliefs and practices of more than eighty percent of the population. But that’s how it works in Egypt.

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