Freaky Friday Follies Presents – The best Real Revo contest EVER!

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What are the Rules? Well, I don’t have any yet so we will just have to make it up as we go along, you know, like Congress and our President.

I’m having a hard time deciding how to respond to the IRS on April 15th 2010. Many of you know how I responded to the April 15th deadline last year. How will the insane man respond THIS year?

This is where YOU come in…

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MaoBama still batting .1000



What can I say, the MoaBama’s have the iron oxide touch.

The signs of Maria Pinto’s rise were clear when Michelle Obama entered the world stage wearing her designs, also favored by Oprah Winfrey. Today the signs on Pinto’s Chicago shop say something different: “Closeout.” “Final Sale.”
Pinto is closing her Chicago boutique with a liquidation sale through Saturday offering discounts of up to 70 percent on her clothing, some of which is priced at thousands of dollars per piece.

(Yeah, I’m sure it’s the economy and not the retarded prices aimed at a community that just doesn’t spend that kind of money on clothing)

Everything they touch turns to shit or falls flat on it’s face … I just wish they hadn’t touched our country.

This story makes me smile like a Cheshire cat…

Where they hung the jerk that invented work


Tonight’s musical selection is in honor of Nancy Pelosi’s economy where we can all be artists and writers. I’ll see you all this coming fall in the Big Rock Candy Mountains.

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Let’s all be artists and/or writers

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Here is Nancy Pelosi…

Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance or that people could start a business and be entrepreneurial and take risk, but not job loss because of a child with asthma or someone in the family is bipolar—you name it, any condition—is job locking.

Okay, Nanc, I am on board. I am going to become an “artist and/or writer.” I could probably do it too. I have assets. I have ownership in several businesses. I could liquidate them all this year before the end of the Bush Tax Cuts pushes up capital gains rates and become an “artist and/or writer.”

The hardest thing about not working has always been health insurance for the family. Like Pelosi said, the health care bill would free up people to be “writers and/or artists” because they wouldn’t have to worry about getting health insurance anymore. Make under $36,000 a year and the government pays for it all.

So now I can drop out and not have to worry about the cost of heath care. Uncle Sucker will pay for it. Of course if my business colleagues and I all decide to become “writers and/or artists” and have Uncle Sucker pay our heath care, the businesses we own and operate are going to go tits up, aren’t they?

Oh well. All the people that we pay every other Friday can become “artists and/or writers” too. Of course they may not have the assets to live on that we do but, hey, that isn’t my problem. One of the nice things about being an “artist and/or writer” is that you don’t pay any taxes either. You just collect health care subsidies. I guess if a lot of small business owners and entrepreneurs become “artists and/or writers,” tax revenues will fall through the floor. Oh well, that isn’t my problem either. I am too busy right now doing what Nancy said I should do. I am imagining an economy where I could be an “artist and/or writer.”

Below the fold are some photos of the manner in which I intend to spend my days as an “artist and/or writer” while other suckers pay for my heath care.

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What they are voting on Sunday


Screwing the living shit out of you in order to spread the wealth….

The hardest hit won’t be those earning more than $250,000 a year–the group that he says needs to “pay their fair share.” Rather, it’s families whose combined annual income is around $100,000 who could be crushed under this plan.

These folks will be too “rich” to qualify for ObamaCare’s subsidies, but probably too poor to easily afford the pricey insurance that the president’s plan forces them to buy.

Many of these $100K families will be obliged to buy a policy costing an average of $14,700 for the mid-level, “silver” health plan, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s estimates. After income taxes, they’ll be spending almost a quarter of their net income for health insurance.

Can’t afford to pay 25% of your take-home pay on health insurance you say? Fuck you. Pay up. It’s the law.

Scott Gottlieb has more here.

222 Who Crap on You and the U.S. Constitution


Benedict Arnold Commits Treason, Just Like 222 Congresscritters

On Tuesday, the Republican minority in Congress put forth a resolution that would force a vote on the Slaughter Solution. Those who voted yes would be authorizing Speaker Pelosi to use the deem-and-pass (also known appropriately as the “demonpass”) method of avoiding an up-or-down vote on Obamacare. The vote was held at 2:26 pm EST today.

Two hundred twenty-two congressmen and women gave their authorization for Pelosi to ignore the foremost law of the land.

US Constitution, Section 7, paragraph 2

Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States.

Every one of these 222 representatives has voted to violate the US Constitution and broken their oath of office. In my book, this is treason against the Constitution, the United States, and the US citizenry, including you and me.

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The vote will be on Sunday


The Reconciliation bill is up. The clock is ticking and the vote will be held Sunday.

Obama has canceled his trip to Indonesia and Australia completely.
He is all in on this.

A whip count going around K Street has fewer than 30 undecideds, with Pelosi needing two-thirds. If that is true, this is far from in the bag for Democrats.

The CBO score isn’t the final, it is an estimate. That, apparently is good enough for Pelosi.

Fox News Poll:

As Americans wait for Congress to act on health care, a Fox News poll released Thursday finds 55 percent oppose the reforms being considered, while 35 percent favor them.

In addition, just over half of voters think House Democrats are “changing the rules” to get their bill passed.

Senator Coburn puts Democrats on notice


Some of the Democrats in the House will vote for this monstrosity against the wishes of their constituents based on bribes received. Since they will most certainly be tossed out on their asses when the gales of November start blowing, they are getting other jobs lined up. Some have most certainly been promised cushy jobs in the administration. Maybe ambassadorships.

Others have been promised pork to carry back home before the election. There are no more deals like the Cornhusker Kickback or the Louisiana Purchase, however. Those are to obvious and get bad press. No, the new promises of pork will not be associated with this bill directly. These are promises of pork that will be granted independently and separate from the bill making them almost impossible to detect as bribes for a yes vote.

Senator (and doctor) Tom Coburn (R-OK) is all over this nonsense and has put Democratic representatives on notice. Here is Senator Coburn.

I want to send a couple of messages to my colleagues in the House.

If you voted no and you vote yes, and you lose your election, and you think any nomination to a federal position isn’t going to be held in the Senate, I’ve got news for you. It’s going to be held.

Number two is, if you get a deal, a parochial deal for you or your district, I’ve already instructed my staff and the staff of seven other senators that we will look at every appropriations bill, at every level, at every instance, and we will outline it by district, and we will associate that with the buying of your vote. So, if you think you can cut a deal now, and it not come out until after the election, I want to tell you that isn’t going to happen. And be prepared to defend selling your vote in the House.

The CBO cost estimate is out


In order to be allowed to use the reconciliation process, the CBO report had to show that the craptacular Obamacare boondoggle actually reduced costs and the deficit during the coming 10 year projection period. It won’t do that using any normal accounting practices so they force the CBO to use abnormal practices. They’re delayed the start of the program until 2104.

The new taxes, however, start immediately. If the program started right away, the ten years estimate would be well into the trillions, not $940 billion. They just cooked the books by stalling it for four years, incurring just $17 billion in costs in the first four years.

In other words, the cost of the first four years is just or 1.8% of the total 10-year estimate. The next six years is 98.2% of the cost. It will cost that or more forever more. But, hey, all they had to do was have the CBO show a ten year cost savings to move forward with reconciliation.

Here is how it ramps up….

    2010 – $2 billion (no benefits)
    2011 – $5 billion (no benefits)
    2012 – $5 billion (no benefits)
    2013 – $5 billion (no benefits)
    2014 – $54 billion
    2015 – $104 billion
    2016 – $161 billion
    2017 – $187 billion
    2018 – $201 billion
    2019 – $216 billion

See? It “only” cost $940 for ten years. This allows Democrats to look Americans in the face, give a total ten-year cost estimate, and lie through their teeth. The CBO accurately projected what they were given but what they were given was designed to deceive.

Update: In the graph below, the purple columns represent the actual CBO cost estimate. The red dotted line indicates a regression analysis showing the projected growth in costs through 2023; four years after the end of the CBO period. The period represented by the red dotted line between 2014 and 2023 represents a projection of actual 10 year costs of the Obamacare boondoggle. This is what they are concealing by not starting the program for four years.

Click to enlarge

Cartoon Networks beats CNN and MSNBC


Here are the rankings.

TV Newser has the February prime time rankings.

USA is No. 1, Fox News No. 2, TBS No. 3, TNT No. 4 and the History Channel No. 5.

At No. 26 is MSNBC and CNN is No. 32.

Over at 13th place, the Cartoon Network is beating both of them.

The explanation is obvious. I think the folks who appear on Cartoon Network just have more gravitas and credibility than those at MSNBC and CNN.

Earthquake in Hawaii


Rahm, HERE’S your REE-tard. Seriously. What’s wrong with this asshole? Are all Communists this stupid? Stupid question. This idiot sounds more like Chavez every day.

I’ve never witnessed a conversation like this in any Mainstream Media production EVER

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It’s very nice to see some folks on television in exactly the same mood we are. No joking, no clowning, no bullshit. Listen to the tremor in their voices at times. Listen to the horseness of their voices, a sure sign of the fight or flight response. Better yet, look into their eyes. This video is informative in MANY ways. I take comfort in what I’m seeing. As was said here earlier today; it is always darkest just before the dawn. I believe we are on the cusp of a Mighty Liberation. Savor this moment and remember how you felt this day. Your Grandchildren and hopefully Great Grandchildren will be asking what it was like. Hopefully part of what you will be telling them will be about the power of Prayer.

“When the world goes from bad to worse it’s because there were more battles and not enough Prayers” – General George S. Patton

Idaho files suit against Obamacare


Idaho steps up.

Idaho took the lead in a growing, nationwide fight against health care overhaul Wednesday when its governor became the first to sign a measure requiring the state attorney general to sue the federal government if residents are forced to buy health insurance.

Similar legislation is pending in 37 other states.

Constitutional law experts say the movement is mostly symbolic because federal laws supersede those of the states.

But the state measures reflect a growing frustration with President President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul. The proposal would cover some 30 million uninsured people, end insurance practices such as denying coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, require almost all Americans to get coverage by law, and try to slow the cost of medical care nationwide.

Democratic leaders hope to vote on it this weekend.

With Washington closing in on a deal in the months-long battle over health care overhaul, Republican state lawmakers opposed to the measure are stepping up opposition.

Otter, a Republican, said he believes any future lawsuit from Idaho has a legitimate shot of winning, despite what the naysayers say.

Harry Reid Rallies Vulnerable Democrats


Harry gives a pep talk to the ‘vulnerable’ Democrats before the Health care vote.

Nancy and the gals


Nancy Pelosi called all female Democratic members of the House to attend a hastily arranged meeting today but hasn’t said what the meeting is about. Last night Pelosi’s office sent an e-mail calling for all female Democrats come to the Members-only meeting at 10 a.m.

What could it be? Are they exchanging recipes? Having a Mary Kay party? A quilting bee? Nope. I am guessing they are talking abortion. Bart Stupak met with Pelosi yesterday and told her that his pro-life coalition isn’t going to compromise on abortion. In response, Pelosi has called her abortion loving base together to see what kind of a compromise she can cobble together to appease Stupek and the the other pro-life Democrats.

The bottom line, however, is that without the pro-life Stupek and his team, she doesn’t have the votes.

The good news: Obviously she doesn’t have the votes. The bad news: Stupek and the rest rolled over when abortions were prohibited last time around. The good news: It is not possible to fix abortion in the Senate in reconciliation. The bad news: The rules mean nothing to Pelosi.

More to come.

This just made me laugh out loud. Twice.


The first was when I read this US News piece:

Obama Invited to Give a New Gettysburg Address
March 17, 2010 11:59 AM ET | Paul Bedard | Permanent Link | Print

By Paul Bedard, Washington Whispers

One town is already banking on President Obama’s re-election: Gettysburg, Pa. Looking ahead to July 2013, organizers of the 150th anniversary of the decisive three-day clash between Union and Confederate forces have extended an invitation for Obama to deliver his own Gettysburg address, we hear. “That would be really cool,” says Gettysburg Convention and Visitors Bureau President Norris Flowers. “I expect that.”

The whole Obama / Lincoln thing just cracks me up in general, but thinking he’s going to be in office in 2013 is hysterical.  The second laugh came when I read the comments associated with the article

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Open question for the Forum (Multiple Choice)


When did you feel more physically threatened…

A – September 11th 2001

B – Saint Patricks Day 2010

Good news? | UPDATED


Over at Intrade people are bailing out of bets that Obamacare will pass by June 30.

See the most up-to-date chart here.

UPDATE: It would appear that was an anomaly; perhaps profit taking. The graph and link above show closing prices. Today the price has popped back up.

This is the real time upadate.

Airborne Devil Dogs over Afghanistan


No. Real dogs.

Commandos from 14 countries, including British special forces and Royal Marines, took part in the Nato exercise. The use of dogs in High Altitude High Opening missions was pioneered by America’s Delta Force, which trained the animals to breathe through oxygen masks during the jump.

The SAS has adapted similar techniques and, according to special forces sources, bought a number of American-trained dogs for use in Iraq and Afghanistan. The dogs used by the British are fitted with a head camera, allowing special forces to see inside insurgent compounds, and Kevlar body armour.

As well as reconnaissance, the animals are trained to attack anyone carrying a weapon, although it is claimed that they will not attack those who are unarmed.

Yeah, I’d like to see a cat do that.

Read more here.

Fear not unemployed Americans! We have a week of work for you.

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The congress and Obama are riding to the rescue! The Senate has approved final passage of the $38 billion jobs bill, by a vote of 68-29. The bill now moves to the Oval Office for signature. This is in addition to the $787 stimulus bill that has done exactly dick in terms of creating jobs.

Wow, $38 billion is a lot of money, huh? Just think of the jobs. Yeah, lets think about it. Right now in America their are 14.9 million Americans listed as unemployed. This doesn’t include the marginally employed or discouraged workers who have given up and gone permanently on the dole. The 14.9 million are people who are actively seeking employment.

What if we used the 38 billion to give jobs to all of these people? Well, $38 billion divided by 14.9 million unemployed comes to $2550 each. If we paid these unemployed folks the median income in the United States we would be paying them $46,326 a year. At that rate, we could use the government money to employ each of the unemployed for about 14 days.

Of course that assumes that there will be no waste or overhead and we know that isn’t true. in fact, we know that minimally half the funds will be wasted or otherwise lost. Therefore the $38 billion in new debt would employ the unemployed for about a week.

Government is not the answer to unemployment.

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