the “silent” majority no more!

More BluePrint For Change – Rally for America Conference 2010 (videos)

March 17, 2010 · Leave a Comment

A previous post from this event was of Tim Cox of GOOOH (Get Out Of Our House)

The flyer for the conference says,  “Rally for America has organized the Blueprint for Change Conference this Presidents Day, February 15, 2010, for all citizens to come together who oppose big government, huge deficits, and high taxes. This is a chance for WE THE PEOPLE to be heard, express ourselves and ask a panel of experts how to develop strategies to restore our government based on the founding principles of a democratic republic and the Constitution”

This four hour event was organized in conjunction with other Tea Party groups in the Tri-State area such as Conserveality, Rally For America, Freedom Works, the 912 Project as well as GOOOH.  There are ten, ten-minute videos with the other speakers (the Q and A will be posted in another post to follow)


The slide show of of few pictures precedes the videos:

Guest speakers included Jennifer Bernstone from the Doug Hoffman campaign, Jeff Weingarten from the NJ Tea Party, Anthony Mele , US Army Veteran, Global Security Consultant and also a member of Rally for America, Tim Cox from GOOOH (Get Out of Our House), Deneen Borelli of Project 21, National Center for Public Policy as well as a Fox News Contributor and Tom Bonelli, National Center’s Free Enterprise Project as well as former Congressman, Joseph DioGuardi and Bob Romanowski, a Republican Party Committeeman. The moderator is Frank Sparaco, a Rockland County Legislator.

Part 1 is introductions with Moderator Frank Sparaco

Part 2 is former Congressman, Joseph DioGuardi

Part 3 continues with Joseph DioGuardi

Part 4 Speaker is Jeff Weingarten from the NJ Tea Party


Part 5 Continues with Jeff Weingarten from the NJ Tea Party and then speaking will be  Jennifer Bernstone


Part 6 Continues with Jennifer Bernstone

Part 7 Speaker is Tom Bonelli of National Center’s Free Enterprise Project.


Part 8 Speaker is Anthony Mele , US Army Veteran and Global Security Consultant


Part 9 Speaker is Bob Romanowski, a Republican Party Committeeman.

Part 10 The end of Bob Romanowski’s speech and then the last speaker is Deneen Borelli of Project 21, National Center for Public Policy as well as a Fox News Contributor.


The website for the conference is which will update what this group is doing to effect change in the political landscape on the local (this is where it begins), state and national levels.

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Kumzitz for Peace in Israel – Times Square (pics and vids)2010

March 12, 2010 · Leave a Comment

UPDATE from the Kumzitz : “The best part was at Bryant Park- a police man came to make sure no one would threaten us, and we told him how it was planned to take place in Times Square- and he said that as long as we didn’t have electric devices, or gasoline, we don’t need a permit- and the police had no reason to kick us out. But it was really nice at Bryant Park, too- Thank G-d it all worked out.”
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

WHY was this event happening?  In the wake of the yearly anti-Israel rallies called “Anti-Apartheid” Week, students from Yeshiva University Israel Club, the Maccabeats and the B’notes, on  Thursday, March 11, 2010,  at 8:30 PM, met in TIMES SQUARE for ISRAEL PEACE WEEK . They planned to meet by the red steps in Duffy Square or… so they  thought…


First the police told them to move a tad south, in front of the Marriott.


This same location, just a month before, is where we witnessed a spontaneous rally by 911 Truthers (also called We Are Change) who set up 4 bull horns (without a sound permit) and then went unchallenged by the police for over two hours.

To see post on We Are Change (click picture for link)


The Kumzitz was not as fortunate. The police moved them BACK to the Duffy Square area and then, 30 minutes later, this peaceful assembly of students, singing acoustically, was told they had to leave Times Square altogether. If only the police were fair and consistent this wouldn’t seem like prejudice against the Kumzitz.

The video of the Kumzitz :

Thirty minutes was way too short and  the people in Times Square were clearly enjoying the Kumzitz.


The slide show of a few pictures of the Kumzitz ( with  lots of friendly moments with the police):


The kids were great; polite and joyful as they promoted PEACE  and then…. headed to Bryant Park…


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Pro-Israel Rally vs Anti-Israel protestors at Waldorf-Astoria (2010)

March 10, 2010 · 1 Comment


On March 9, 2010, the usual anti-Israel protestors showed up at the Waldorf -Astoria (again) to protest the IDF (again).

This year, there was an even larger rally in support of Israel and the IDF.

Slide show of the Pro- Israel Rally is next:

Next slide show is of the anti-Israel ’solemn procession’ :


People in cars yelled Shame Shame at the Netueri Karta...who yelled back Shame on you

Round and Round the Waldorf these hateful protestors went  while the annual IDF Dinner took place inside. Always interesting to see the police permitting them to ‘make their mischief’. Rather than just be penned in with the ‘palis’ on Park Ave, this ‘bunch’, since they couldn’t get near the entrance to the Waldorf, made sure they were a steady-stream at the underground entrance for the cars going to the dinner. (There was no shortage of verbal responses from the cars when they saw these idiotic signs)


Final slide-show is the attack of the crazed “british pali” ( also a few pics of the pro-Israel supporters as they were still walking the streets with their signs)


But…now, back to the crazed “Brit”…


(interesting pictures…while being harassed… ‘artsy’?



fake fake fakestinians …. in more ways than one. Seemed she was ‘british”. Maybe that explains why she was ignorant of our 1st amendments rights. (Guess I had no rights on a public street at a public rally…according to this crazed individual ) and the green-hatted legal beagles… they’re only to ‘protect and serve’ the vile hateful ‘palis’.The slide-show:

In the videos. Part 1 of 3 : We had great fun listening to a Pro-Israel supporter take on a pretentiously ’solemn’ walk-by of the hate-Israel crowd. He hit them with with FACTS. Lots and LOTS of Facts!

Part 2 of 3: In 2009, Israeli Col. Ben-Tzion Gruber refuted the infamous UN report . Kenneth Timmerman said in Newsmax, “The United Nations and much of the world media have blasted Israel for alleged war crimes during its incursion into the Gaza Strip in January, but one Israeli tank commander is mounting a spirited defense, using declassified video footage from Israel Defense Force drones and commercial media.”

Lori Lowenthal-Marcus ( WWW.ZSTREET.ORG ) brought copies of the leaflets/phone messages that were distributed by the IDF (which blew their element of surprise).


The first document below provided detailed information about the times and methods used by the IDF to ensure civilians were warned in sufficient time to escape harm.

To make sure these warnings reach the residents, the IDF used different measures: dropping leaflets, making phone calls, and commandeering local radio and TV stations.

The main messages include:Calls to evacuate buildings where weapons are stored and/or where tunnels have been dug (since December 27)Instructions to move to the center of towns (as of January 3) Instructions to residents to listen to IDF advisories and avoid interaction with terrorist elements

These messages were conveyed by several means:

1. Dropping leaflets:
On December 28, 300,000 leaflets were dropped throughout the entire Gaza Strip
On December 29, 80,000 leaflets were dropped in Rafah
On January 3, 300,000 leaflets were dropped in the entire Gaza Strip, especially in the northern and eastern parts
On January 5, 300,000 leaflets were dropped in Gaza City, Khan Yunis and Rafah.Leaflet (December 28, 2008) (see above)

2. Phone calls
On December 27, around 20,000 phone calls were made throuthout the entire Gaza Strip
On December 29, around 10,000 phone calls were made to the residents of Rafah
Phone Message (December 27, 2008)
. The IDF will hit and destroy any site or building containing ammunition or weapons.
As of the publication of this announcement, the life of anyone in whose home ammunition and weapons are to be found is in danger, and he must leave the place for the sake of his own safety and that of his family.
IDF Command

3. Breaking into local radio transmissions 
(Radio Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Radio and Radio PFLP)

a. Specific local announcements. Radio Announcement (December 29, 2008)

To the residents of Rafah:
A military announcement – 
The IDF will act against any organizations and elements carrying out terrorist activities against the residents of the State of Israel.
The IDF will hit and destroy any building or site containing ammunition, weapons or tunnels.
As of the issuing of this announcement, anyone having ammunition and/or weapons or a tunnel in his home is risking his life and must leave the place for his own safety and that of his family.
You have been warned.
 IDF Command Radio Announcement (January 3, 2009)
 Military announcement
To all residents of the area
: For your own safety, you are required to leave your homes immediately and move to the city centers.
IDF Command

b. Daily news bulletins (since December 27)
News Bulletin – Breaking into regular radio transmissions (January 3, 2009)

DSCN4564 d

It is a superb exhibit of the IDF’s humanitarianism because the leaflets included translations and the different formats, numbers, and dates on which they were distributed.
To the residents of the Gaza Strip:
The IDF will act against any movements and elements conducting terrorist activities against the residents of the State of Israel.
The IDF will hit and destroy any building or site containing ammunition and weapons.
As of the publication of this announcement, anyone having ammunition and/or weapons in his home is risking his life and must leave the place for the safety of his own life and that of his family.
You have been warned.
IDF Command

Col. Gruber met with the pro-Israel Rally outside the Waldorf where he was interviewed by Lori Lowenthal-Marcus of Z Street and Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs.


Part 3, anti-Israel protestors meet up with pro -Israel Supporters (video may still be processing at you tube)



Read more at Atlas Shrugs
More video from trdd here…
Phyllis Chesler’s report here

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March 8, 2010 · Leave a Comment

WHY is this event happening?  In honor of ISRAEL PEACE WEEK!  The weather is getting better every day. Please join these students from Yeshiva University Israel Club, the Maccabeats and the B’notes for ISRAEL PEACE WEEK in TIMES SQUARE! Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 8:30 PM (by the red steps in Duffy Square)


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March 8, 2010 · Leave a Comment

URGENT COUNTER-PROTEST at the Waldorf Astoria on TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 5-7 P.M.


TIME: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
WHERE: West side of  PARK Ave.  BETWEEN 50th and 51st Streets (This was designated by the NYPD)
WHO: Join those who support the IDF along with Col. Ben Tzion Gruber, a ground commander during CAST LEAD and a speaker on the humanity of the IDF, who has  firsthand knowledge and access to unpublished information.
(The following video is an example the OFFENSIVE LIES that we will be countering tomorrow)
We all need to devote at least 10 minutes listening to Col. Ben tzion Gruber - he is invaluable to our cause. It is critically important to show the depth of support for the IDF and Col. Gruber was THERE so he has the irrefutable facts.
There will be copies of the leaflets/phone messages distributed by the IDF which blew their element of surprise, but is a superb exhibit of the IDF’s humanitarianism. The leaflets include translations and the different formats, numbers, and dates on which they were distributed. As well as  banners, flags, and additional information in support of Israel and the IDF.

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Not in my Name anti Israel and Pro-Israel in Manhattan (June ‘09)

March 6, 2010 · Leave a Comment

On June 17, 2009, a few anti-Israel Leftist-Jews, Not In My Name….


Met up and worked a street corner on the Upper West Side of Manhattan with their anti-Israeli lies.



BUT, on that same day, a mother and son met in the same neighborhood to speak loud and proud FOR Israel. They were well received.


It may be the Upper West Side (where Liberal politics is what they have for breakfast) but the PRO-Israeli support was there. The people passing by were HAPPY to see some one speaking in support of Israel.

(video may still be processing)

It was a good day is spite of the hate -Israel crowd on the far corner. Am Yisrael Chai!


A slide show of the both sides:

(In memoriam of Matthew)

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Fakestinian Hate Week Continues at NYU (3-04-10)

March 5, 2010 · 1 Comment

This event was promoted as “The Indigenous Struggle: a Call for the Boycott of Israel” on the evening of March 4, 2010. Deeply disturbing because the audience is comprised of college students taking notes as though this hateful propaganda were fact. And typically in a program that’s hosted by the Left, you could hear a PIN DROP. Everyone was admonished to be respectful.


Many of these anti-Semites and their organizers attended the Columbia University event where British Nazi, Ben White, tried to legitimize his hatred for all things Israeli and Jewish.

Ben White, British anti-semite

Now they were at NYU (not the Nazi. This is just a reminder of what he looks like) The evening was working way too hard to convince that America (the Great Satan) and Israel (The Little Satan) were somehow responsible for all the ghettos and genocides and dislocating of ‘indigenous’ peoples through out the WORLD. Sickening…The first Speaker was a “Native” American (she, of course, never mentioned the land-bridge in Alaska that brought them to America.)


It was a large umbrella of anti- Americanism and anti-Semitism but the Native American speaker was clearly prepared to go the distance.
These are some of her ‘high-points’:  She gave thanks to 0riginal ‘native; Americans. Her university is a Federal School. Created by US government so it could exterminate her people (wow) Going to Gaza was so they could build connections with the ‘Palis”. She shares her ’solidarity’ with Gaza. Wants to teach them to film their tragic stories so the world will know of the EVIL that has been done to them by Israel. She stressed that her people don’t believe that anyone owns the land….

The Second Speaker had slides and enlarged on this indigenous theme .


Some her high points: The Struggles of”First Nations”. The Great Holocaust of all the languages and peoples. Two thousand indigenous nations have disappeared because of the WEST.


Turtle Island. Atomic Explosions. Power, Corporations. Turtle Island to South Africa to the “Palis”. And this was all leading to “Boycotting Israel”.



She continued with ” South African Apartheid was not as AWFUL as the imagined Israeli Apartheid. White Colonials in South Africa just wanted black labor. Zionists are different. Jews were an exclusionist State from the beginning. South Africa didn’t BOMB the townships. Zionists are IMPOSING poverty in Gaza. Zionists are denying Human Rights, Human Dignity just like the Nazis. Rationing. Zionists put steel barriers in the tunnels so the young men and boys who are slim enough to go in to them can’t get the food.”


Israel is NOT a democracy and she was at her MOST offensive as she came to her conclusion “Israel MURDERS and gets away with it!!”

The Third Speaker was a man with a most unfortunate stutter. It would be easier to be sympathetic if he hadn’t been preaching anti-Semitsm and boycotting Israel. Apparently he ’s South African and he spent A LOT of time justifying the Israeli boycott.


On a happier note, it was wonderful to see the room in the back filled with lots of our students in support of Israel.



Continuing with the third speaker.
He stated that, unlike South Africa during its boycott, that Israel enjoys International support. That Israel is not isolated like South Africa was during its boycott. That Israeli apartheid is brutal and evil. They like to quote Dr. King to justify boycotting Israel. And those in attendance were encouraged to have meetings, go to their churches and to their unions etc to urge a government sanction against Israel.


Also, they were encourage to write to the UN. To get the UN to adopt a resolution for isolation of Israel. (all of these, of course, drew lots of applause from the audience.) More applause when he proclaimed that Israel is NOT a democracy. That a democratic Jewish State is an oxymoron! South Africa never barred people from the streets. Nor built highways just for the Jews. South Africa never built a WALL. Israel has ‘barbaric’ laws….

The Q and A followed. It was as expected. Questions from those who supported Israel, even when permitted to ask a question, simply don’t get real answers. Even a Neteuri Karta got up and ‘asked’ a question ( aka SPEECH)



We MUST counter these events by planning AHEAD! We must have sponsors and the slots booked so that these hate-fest events don’t go on unchallenged. Our students were there! Fabulous! Now what we need to do is give them a there own forum!


WHERE are the sponsors who should have placed a counter-presentation to this Hate-Week at Columbia and NYU? WHY is such programming not on the calendar at these schools. We all know they’re coming. Perhaps then we might hope to undo some of damage done by these anti- Semitic Hate Weeks.


An Update on Columbia: it seems we did have representation at Columbia Tuesday evening. She felt that the out-reach by these pro-Israeli students had been surprisingly successful at Columbia. They had taken their discussions to the sidewalk outside and they felt they were actually making a difference. They were talking to other students, giving them facts in contrast to the lies inside. Brava!

There was also a post discussion at NYU:


Let’s hope it too made a difference…



Slide show has a few more pictures. “They” were having palpitations (as usual) because I was taking pictures, so a few are blurred…

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Ben White, British anti-Semite speaks at Columbia University (Hate Week 2010)

March 4, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Ben White, British anti-Semite, claiming to be an authority on Israel and the Middle East, spoke at Columbia University on the evening of March 2, 2010. The stench of his lies and smug disdain for Israel was all that was heard (of course); nothing but his one sided hateful presentation of LIES  hosted by Columbia during their vile “Israeli Apartheid Week”. The students at Columbia heard only lies, lies and MORE lies from the mouth of Ben White ANTI-SEMITE.

Shame, SHAME on Columbia for permitting this racist and his hatred to go unchallenged on their campus.

To read  more on Ben White go to Atlas Shrugs and thanks to Atlas for posting links to other reports as well

Slideshow of a few more pictures:


And Day Two of the Fakestinian Hate Fest (at NYU) is here

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Lt. Col. Allen B. West (Ret) at CPAC 2010 (video is in!)

March 3, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Townhall Presents at CPAC , Lt. Col. (ret) Allen B. West :

To read and watch more from Allen West….

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The Decline of America: A picture is worth a thousand words? You betcha!

March 2, 2010 · 1 Comment

If you ‘buy’ the BS that Obama has inherited our  economic decline, then perhaps one way of looking at this chart is: “Poor Obama”.

(There is an arrow in the middle of picture, hit the arrow in center to play. Zoom in on chart to read the info . )



After looking at that BLACKENED chart, detailing the unemployment that’s mushroomed AFTER Zero  was made Prez, perhaps  we should say: POOR AMERICA! The Big Zero and the Pelosi-Reed anschluss will mean the end of a free-economy, of individualism and the damage these ‘Progressive’ BIG-GOV Collectivists has heaped up on our economy already is the shot-heard-round-the- world. So let’s do something about it. VOTE THE BUMS OUT and Take Back America!


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