Thursday, March 18, 2010


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Hillary Rodham Clinton

Chris Keane/Reuters

Updated Aug. 6, 2009

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama's former bitter rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, is his secretary of state. President Obama and Mrs. Clinton fought perhaps the most polarizing nomination battle in decades, but in recruiting her for his cabinet, Mr. Obama chose to turn a rival into a partner.

Mrs. Clinton brings to the job a distinctive background and unique skills. As first lady, she traveled the world for eight years, visiting more than 80 countries, not only meeting with foreign leaders but also visiting villages, clinics and other remote areas that rarely appear on a president's itinerary. Former Secretary of State Warren Christopher called Mrs. Clinton "a naturally gifted diplomat." She also served as a senator from New York, elected in 2000 and re-elected in 2006.

Mrs. Clinton is seen as fiercely loyal to Israel, which can be both a plus and a minus, Middle East experts say. While her pro-Israel record as a senator from New York might cause her to be viewed with suspicion in the Arab world, it could give her credibility to ask Israel to make tough choices for peace. Mrs. Clinton staked a position during the primaries to the right of Mr. Obama on Iran. In 2007, she voted in favor of a measure asking President Bush to declare Iran's 125,000-member Revolutionary Guard Corps a foreign terrorist organization.

On her first trip as secretary, Mrs. Clinton traveled in February 2009 to Seoul, where she warned that a succession battle in North Korea could complicate nuclear negotiations with that country's government. With it, she broke an informal taboo: Diplomats do not talk publicly about what comes after Kim Jong-il, the convalescing dictator who turned his isolated country into a nuclear rogue state.

The question is whether Mrs. Clinton made a beginner's error that could upset other players in the negotiations, like China. Or whether she showed refreshing candor -- the kind of approach that could shake loose what has been a diplomatic quagmire for the last eight years.

In July, Mrs. Clinton presented a major foreign policy address of sweeping scope in an effort to recapture the limelight after a period in which she nursed both a broken elbow and the perception that the State Department had lost influence to an assertive White House.

Still, her aides and people at the White House dismissed suggestions that Mrs. Clinton had been shunted to the sidelines. Her relationship with Mr. Obama is strong, they said, and she remains an influential voice in all key debates.

On Aug. 4, Mrs. Clinton arrived in Kenya for an 11-day Africa tour, a visit that was largely eclipsed by former President Bill Clinton's dramatic trip to North Korea, which resulted in the release of two American journalists.

Mrs. Clinton was born on Oct. 26, 1947, and raised in Park Ridge, Ill. She graduated from Wellesley and holds a J.D. from Yale University. She is a former partner of Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Ark.

Highlights From the Archives

Diplomatic Memo
An Uncommon Résumé in an Unusual Time
An Uncommon Résumé in an Unusual Time

Hillary Rodham Clinton in many ways has less experience and expertise than past secretaries of state, but her selection has electrified diplomats.

December 3, 2008usNews
Mrs. Triangulation

The parallels and contrasts between the Hillary Rodham Clinton and Robert F. Kennedy are considerable.

October 2, 2005magazineNews


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                I.H.T. OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR
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                                  Quotation of the Day

                                  That is how we see it. We see that the government in Iran, the supreme leader, the president, the Parliament is being supplanted and that Iran is moving toward a military dictatorship. SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON, at a town-hall meeting of students in Qatar. [A1]

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                                                      January 22, 2010
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                                                          Milestones: Hillary Rodham Clinton

                                                          An interactive timeline of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s life and career.

                                                          The New Team
                                                          The New Team

                                                          A series of profiles of potential members of the Obama administration.


                                                          Hillary Rodham Clinton’s White House Schedules

                                                          Search more than 11,000 pages of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s schedules as first lady, from her husband’s inauguration to her Senate victory in New York.

                                                          Hillary Clinton’s Pennsylvania Roots

                                                          While the future Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton grew up in Illinois, her family ties are in many ways stronger in Scranton, Pa.

                                                          On the Road With Hillary Clinton
                                                          On the Road With Hillary Clinton

                                                          Traveling with one candidate, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, as the campaign goes national.

                                                            More Multimedia »

                                                            Full Name: Hillary Rodham Clinton
                                                            Party: Democratic
                                                            Political Office: Secretary of State
                                                            Business/Professional Experience: Partner, Rose Law Firm (Little Rock, AR), 1979-1992; U.S. Senator for New York, 2001-2008
                                                            Date of Birth: October 26, 1947
                                                            Place of Birth: Chicago, IL
                                                            Education: B.A., Wellesley
                                                            College, 1969; J.D. Yale University, 1973
                                                            Spouse: former President Bill Clinton; married 1975
                                                            Children: daughter, Chelsea; born 1980
                                                            Religion: Methodist
                                                            Home: Chappaqua, NY


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