
Mary Landrieu

James O'Keefe: Portrait Of An Activist As A Campus Gadfly

James O'Keefe

James O'Keefe and his brand of Candid-Camera activism first appeared on the national stage with last year's ACORN pimp scandal. But the origins of O'Keefe's methods go back to his time at Rutgers, where he launched an alternative newspaper, carried out his first video sting operations, and generally cultivated an image as campus conservative gadfly.

After graduating in 2006, but before he launched the stunt video career that landed him in jail in New Orleans this week, O'Keefe became one of those recent alumni who couldn't let go, hanging around Rutgers' New Brunswick, New Jersey, campus as resident right-wing agitator.

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Topics: Darren Cimillo, James O'Keefe, Jim Livingston, Landrieu Phone-Tampering Scandal, Lucky Charms, Mary Landrieu, Richard Dienst, Rutgers University, The Centurion, The Daily Targum

Scott Roeder

BREAKING: Roeder Found Guilty Of Murdering Dr. George Tiller

Scott Roeder in court , January 29, 2010

A Kansas jury just found Scott Roeder guilty of first degree murder in the killing of abortion doctor George Tiller at his church last May.

The jury reportedly deliberated for less than hour. Roeder, an extremist anti-abortion activist, admitted on the stand that he killed Tiller.

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Topics: Abortion, George Tiller, Phill Kline, Scott Roeder, Tiller Murder, Tiller Trial, Warren Wilbert

Landrieu Phone-Tampering Scandal

O'Keefe Statement On Breitbart Site: We Could Have Used 'Different Approach'

James O'Keefe

Portraying himself as an "investigative journalist" who has been victimized by the mainstream media's "journalistic malpractice," James O'Keefe said today the alleged phone-tampering episode in New Orleans Monday was merely an attempt to investigate Sen. Mary Landrieu's alleged lack of responsiveness to her conservative constituents.

In a statement posted on Andrew Breitbart's Big Government site, O'Keefe writes: "On reflection, I could have used a different approach to this investigation, particularly given the sensitivities that people understandably have about security in a federal building."

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Topics: Andrew Breitbart,, James O'Keefe, Landrieu Phone-Tampering Scandal

Sarah Palin

Palin Still Psyched For Tea Party Convention Despite Growing Exodus

Former AK Gov. Sarah Palin

It looks like Sarah Palin may be left holding the bag at a Tea Party event that almost no one else in the movement wants anything to do with.

The former Alaska governor still plans to speak at the much-maligned National Tea Party Convention next month in Nashville. "You betcha I'm going to be there," she told Fox News last night.

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Topics: Judson Phillips, Marsha Blackburn, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Tea Parties, Tea Party Express

Stan Dai

'Penis Monologues' Scribe Worked At Program To Recruit Female Spies

Stan Dai

Stan Dai, the accused Landrieu phone tamperer who penned an anti-feminist parody called The Penis Monologues as a conservative activist in college, went on to work for a program designed to get women and minority students interested in espionage work.

Newsweek reports:

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Topics: Intelligence, Landrieu Phone-Tampering Scandal, Stan Dai, The Penis Monologues

Campaign Finance

Dem Consultants: Citizens United Ruling Not Such a Big Deal

Since the Supreme Court struck down limits last week on corporate-funded independent expenditure campaigns, Democrats and good-government advocates have been quick to warn of a flood of new corporate money entering American politics. But with campaigns already awash in corporate cash, some Democratic political pros doubt we'll notice much difference.

In a typical response, Fred Wertheimer, the dean of Washington's campaign-finance reform community, called the ruling "a disaster for the American people and a dark day for the Supreme Court," predicting that the decision will unleash massive new corporate spending into the electoral arena. And even President Obama warned in Wednesday's State of the Union speech that the decision could open the door to foreign corporations influencing our elections -- a concern we've raised ourselves.

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Topics: Barack Obama, Campaign Finance, Fred Wertheimer, Supreme Court

Landrieu Phone-Tampering Scandal

Landrieu's New Orleans Office Swept For Bugs After Phone Incident

Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA)

What's a U.S. senator to do after a visit from a man known for planting hidden cameras?

Sweep the place for bugs, cameras, and any other listening devices, of course.

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Topics: Homeland Security Committee, Landrieu Phone-Tampering Scandal, Mary Landrieu

Landrieu Phone-Tampering Scandal

Landrieu Calls Out Phone Tamper Crew For 'Feeble Explanation'

Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA)

Sen. Mary Landrieu is blasting the men charged with tampering with the phones at her New Orleans office, dismissing a new explanation from the attorney of one of the men as "feeble."

"Senator Landrieu believes this feeble explanation is a clear and calculated effort to divert attention away from the fact that his client stands accused of a federal crime that could land him in prison for up to 10 years," said Landrieu Press Secretary Rob Sawicki, in a statement to TPMmuckraker.

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Topics: Garrison Jordan, James O'Keefe, Landrieu Phone-Tampering Scandal, Mary Landrieu, Rob Sawicki

House Ethics Committee

Ethics Smackdown! House Panel Slams Rival Body Over Stark Probe

Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA)

Tension between two Congressional ethics bodies boiled over today in connection to an investigation of a California congressman.

The House Ethics committee announced that it had voted unanimously to dismiss a probe into whether Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) improperly took advantage of a tax break for Maryland homeowners.

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Topics: House Ethics Committee, Maxine Waters, Office of Congressional Ethics, Pete Stark, Sam Graves

Landrieu Phone-Tampering Scandal

Lawyer For Alleged Phone Tamperer: Plan Was To Embarrass Landrieu

Robert Flanagan

The attorney for accused phone tamperer Robert Flanagan tells the AP that Flanagan, James O'Keefe, and co. were trying to expose Sen. Mary Landrieu for allegedly ignoring phone calls from health reform foes.

The comments from Attorney Garrison Jordan are partly in line with the theory we outlined earlier -- that the alleged plot arose from complaints that Landrieu's staff were not responding to constituents' calls.

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Topics: Garrison Jordan, James O'Keefe, Landrieu Phone-Tampering Scandal, Mary Landrieu

Pete Stark

House Ethics Panel Clears Rep. Pete Stark In Tax Break Probe

Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA)

In a unanimous vote, the House ethics committee has found that Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) did not violate ethics rules in allegedly taking a tax break on a property he owns in Maryland.

You can read the panel's statement here (.pdf) and the lengthy report on the matter here (.pdf).

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Topics: House Ethics Committee, Pete Stark

Orly Taitz

Birther Queen Files 'Orly Taitz v. Barack Hussein Obama,' Says She's Mulling Run For Office

Orly Taitz

Orly Taitz, the dentist and lawyer whose birther lawsuits we've been following, filed a new suit in D.C. District Court Wednesday: Dr. Orly Taitz v. Barack Hussein Obama.

The suit, like Taitz's others, claims President Obama is not a U.S. citizen and demands his birth certificate.

It also alleges that Attorney General Eric Holder has ignored her allegations and calls to the Justice Department -- a "game of hide and seek," she says, that's "infantile at best and treasonous at worst."

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Topics: Birthers, Orly Taitz

Michele Bachmann

Bachmann Is Latest To Pull Out Of Tea Party Convention

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN)

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has become the latest to pull out of a scheduled speaking gig at the controversial National Tea Party Convention next year.

Like Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) earlier today, Bachmann's office cited concerns about the event's financial arrangements. Some Tea Partiers have accused the convention's organizer, Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation, of seeking to profit from the confab.

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Topics: Marsha Blackburn, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Tea Parties, Tea Party Nation

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