TEFL As The Career Choice For The Muhaajir

12 06 2009

This post is of a sensitive nature. I really don’t know how to say it, other than to just  speak a word straight to the point.

First, I’d like to ask that Allah facilitate  hijrah for those who sincerely desire a way out. Many Muslims in non-Muslim countries can take advantage of the fact that the Muslim world is in need of native English speakers to teach English in their countries. This has created an excellent opportunity for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. However, and unfortunately, it appears that many of the native English speaking Muslims are not qualified for the job. For years, I have been viewing the various expat forums. I can almost always tell, even without Muslim names or Islamic jargon, who the [particularly] American Muslims are. Their post are the most difficult and painstaking to read. I’m not talking about typos or bad punctuation (my areas of expertise…lol). Rather, these post are filled with the most embarrassing improper speech. When I read it, I can actually hear them speaking this way. This is how I know it was not an error and that the person actually talks like that.

I’m not writing about this to pick on anyone, because my husband is constantly telling me that I am the last person who needs to teach anybody. When I was in college, I could never get a straight A on my papers, because I had too many grammatical errors (but the content would be good enough for a high B). However, if you are looking for a job as an English teacher, then the least you could do is work on your English. These same people also seem to be the ones most offended by the fact that non-Muslims are employed in the Muslim countries. Let’s be reasonable, what are the choices?

Be that as it may, many of these half illiterate native English speakers, seem to slip through the cracks and get jobs in this part of the world. This is why my husband and I do not want our children learning English in the schools here. In most schools, you will have non-native English speaking teachers, teaching your children horrible English. On the other hand, you will find the more Islamic schools, who only wish to employ Muslim native English speakers – hiring teachers who not only do not know grammar but their spoken English is not up to par either.

This is not to offend or didiscourage people from making hijrah. However, be honest with yourself. It’s not fair to take a job (with fake credentials at that) that you are not qualified for.

Just a thought: Is it possible that the person may not even be aware that they are not speaking proper English? I ask because when they post these messages, it’s with confidence. Often times the person is even speaking with authority, telling you how it is and what to accept and what not to settle for. So it’s possible that they may not have ever been exposed to proper English and see nothing wrong with teaching broken English. Why not? The Arabs do it with Arabic.

Yeah, I know. I got a lot of nerves…this post is probably filled with errors!

Why I Am Not Sweatin’ It

9 06 2009

Because I Trust in Allah’s words: “…When you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust in Him. If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; if He forsakes you, who is – after that – that can help you? In Allah, then, let believers put their trust” (Surah Al-’lmran 3:159-160).

And remember the words of Allah: “And those who strive hard in Our Cause, We will certainly guide them to Our Paths, for verily Allah is with those who do right” (Surah al-Ankabut 29:69).


Time To Clean The Cell Phone

4 06 2009

You know if you remove a bunch of mesages and pics from your cell, your battery last longer? Well that is my observation at least.


In some of the really crowded areas, there may not be an actual Masjid nearby (nearby here means you don’t step outside and find one), so they put up these trailers as makeshift masajid. This is for salatul majib and all the stores closed. These are mostly shop keepers. My husband is inside of the trailer, he was there early because he sat in the car waiting for me while I shopped…lol!


See all those shoes? Somebody will go home missing theirs. My husband keeps an extra pair in the car. I’ve seen workers “looking” for their shoes and “accidently” taking the wrong ones.

Oh and that’s the wudo station in the back.



Catching a prayer here is like catching a bus. You miss one and another comes along shortly.


See it was hard enough when I had 3 kids in a King Sized bed, but when I had the baby and moved last year we were supplied with a Queen size bed. The downgraded bed and upgraded kids are killing me!

I got a plan tho, but yall know me…I do it first then tell yall later!


These are my lil men – masha’Allah. I am so proud of them and the way they look out for each other. Adam is very mature for his age – masha’Allah. This was taken when we picked him up from the school bus. He immediately got off the bus, ran to me and gave me a kiss, and then took his baby brothers hand and started walking him home! He protects his big sisters too!

Thoughts On The Passing Of a Childhood Friend

3 06 2009

Jacquelyn Byrd was her name. We called her simply Jackie or J.B for short. Sometimes we teased her and called her Big Byrd. EVERYBODY loved her. seriously, out of all my friends she is the only one I know that didnt have an enemy or was always falling out with people.

I checked my email tonight and saw two back to back messages from two childhood friends, Charita and Tikki. I knew it was bad news before I even opened it. i knew somebody died. I prepared myself for the worse…thuinking it was my brother. These are the two friends who called to tell me that my step father died, after they read about it in the newspaper. If it were any other news they would have just said it openly on my FaceBook wall.

They said Jackie died. Complications of diabetes. I didnt even know she had diabetes. Not surprised. I recently reconnected with Jasckie on FaceBook. I even talked to her on the phone and was trying to assist her in getting some stability in her life. She confided in me how her life was since we were last in touch and requested my help. I even considered trying to bring her to Saudi as a nanny, because she is one of the ferw people I would allow to keep my kids.


The last time I saw Jackie was in Chicago around 1998. She was staying with me and I taught her about Islam. She took her shahadah, but never really cared to follow the Quran and Sunnah. I moved to Virginia and she moved to Atlanta. We talked a few times but I was always trying to get her to focus on Islam, but that was not her main concern. You see Jackie is a naturally good and decent person who fears God. She was also a free spirit and like to follow conjecture and feel good ways to be close to God. So Islam, she could accept as a theology but not as a way of life. She died a minister of christ.

However, that is not what I am thinking about most. I’m really thinking about the irony of her death. Ive known Jackie since my childhood. I knew her whole family. Her mother died over Chritmas or Thanksgiving break our second year of college. My friend Nicole’s mother had died the year before over a school break as well. Both of their mothers were the type that everybody could call ‘mom’. After the death of their mothers, I had a fear of school breaks and i was plagued with nightmares of my own mother dying. i never told anybody this, but I was a mess inside. At that age I had no idea how to live without my mother but my two friends did and they grew into responsible adults.

A few weeks ago, Jackie left Atlanta to visit her family in Kentucky. I believe this is where she died, I dont have all the details. Jackies Aunt Norma was dianoied with cancer and told she only had a few weeks to live. Jackie was devastated but preparing for her death and enjoying spending time with all her loved ones. it turns out that Jackie’s Aunt Norma outlived her and Jackie died surrounded by her family and not alone in Atlanta.

That is what I saw as the irony of her death. Actually, it shows just how Merciful and Compassionate God is. Those who spoke to J.B recently knew that she was struggling and her story could be made for tv special. It was shocking to me that I had a friend being tested the way she was. 

I think Jackie was tired and this was a good time for her to rest.


Encrpyted Blog Message For Muslim Mothers

23 05 2009

Sorry guys, this post is a girly topic. Non-Muslim women, you can read it but you may not know what I’m talking about….lol! If you do please leave a comment, cuz that means you’ve done your homework!

Sugar RayRay is 15 months old now. Breastfeeds like there is no tomorrow. I started back praying two weeks after his birth and have not stopped since! 9 months of non-stop praying, when pregnant, and then a 2 week vacation instead of 40 days like normal people…lol…plus 15 months of waking up for fajr (currently 330am) even though I don’t get a full nights sleep like my husband who goes to bed right after Isha and doesn’t have to worry about changing diapers, rotating breast and keeps, waking 3 kids up 2x a night to go pottyu, and if you don’t wake them up on time you got to get everybody up to give them a bath, wash the bed and change the sheets and make a palate ion the floor to sleep on after somebody pees in the bed (kids gotta love em)!

Forget those femenist calling for equality. Let the men go to the masjid for every prayer…everyday. As long as I can sleep in a few days out of the month!

There have been indications that I may get to sleep past salatul fajr tomorrow insha’Allah! 


Been Very Busy…

21 05 2009

…doing nothing of interest for my viewers.

It took all my energy just to come up with that. I want to update my tweeter, facebook status, and check on my business websites…but I’m just not motivated. My laptop still isnt fixed because as you all know…women dont drive here in Saudi Arabioa, so I need to depend on my husband to drop it off. He’s attempted to do so on several occassions. The first time he took it to the store I bought it from, but they redirected us to their main showroom where they collect the repair jobs. Thats across town so my dh waited till the weekend to do it and when he went, they informed him that there is no pick up on the weekend. I have my old pc…actuall about 5 useless pcs and laptops laying around, but the only time I can do anything relted to web 2.0 type stuff is on my dhs laptop that he takes to work. It’s the weekend now so this is my obligatory blog post.

Not to mention, we traveled for two weeks and have more pressing issues than getting my laptop fixed. All that has taken away my general interest in the internet. I dont want to abandon my business, because I had finally got it in the right direction, but my husband complains so much about the time I spend online and accuses me of neglicating other things that the only time I can get my work done is once everybody is sleep. Which means that I’m exhausted all day and cranky. Which means that he has all but ORDERED me to close down my websites.

But that’s ok because he has found other things to occupy my time.  I am his full time secretary and advisor. I’ve actually enjoyed helping him out, but often wonder is it fair at the expense of running my own business into the ground. I have come up with so many ways that I can make money while staying home, but he shoots them all down. I wonder what the real deal is. Is he really this manly man who wants to be the sole provider and maintainer, or is he a control freak, or does he have insecurities about me having my own money?

I haven’t figured it out yet, but alhamduillah he’s never let us down and ultimately Allah always provides for us. I guess the reason I dont complain is because I have commitment issues and he is my convieniet excuse for when or why I don’t want to do something.

Case in point. exam time is rolling around and I am getting bombarded with tutoring request. The money is actually pretty good, but my dh says no…no way…no how!!! I always see the money first and my dh says that is a fitnah for me, but in the end I’m glad he puts his foot down, because I know that after I bought whatever I had my eyes on for the time, I would not be interested in working anymore.

It’s funny because now that I think of it, I have always been like this even before him. Growing up my mother fobade me from working and going to school. She said school was my job and that she would provide for me. So the first time I worked was my senior year, a few months before graduation, so that  could have money for all the senior activities and for when i went away to college. That turned out to be a diaster! The first job was working for my father at DOCKS. Anybody from Chicago? Docks is a fastfood seafood restaurant known for its Fishwich sanwich and Dockberry shakes. Dockberry shakes are made with Omar Juice mixed with Vanilla IceCrame. Omar Juice was founded my brother Omar a pioneer in the Nation of Islam and Docks was founded my My father and two other brothers from the NOI. Anyway, my very first day working at DOCKS, I was sent to the store on 79th and Vincennes. If memory serves me correctly this was their first store and at the time they had about 10 in Chicago and 5 in Philly. Again, if memory serves me correctly they had that store for around 15 years and it had NEVER EVER Been robbed before. So Im sure you know where I am going with this…

It just so happened that Allah decreed that on my very first day of work at my very first job I WAS ROBBED!!! Thats right…this type of stuff only happens to me! I remember it like it was yesterday. I can still see the expression on my manegers face (did I blog about this already? I feel like I am repeating myself) when he walked past and saw me handing out all the money. He first looked like, “wth is she doing?!!!!” and he started approaching me fast and then he froze…just stoped in his place and stared at the gun that was plunged deep in my stomach.

So after that, I went to work with my Uncle at his insurance company. I blogged about how my coworker attempted to kidnap me here. Truth be told these made good excuses for me to quit. After that, there was the odd summer job from college. One summer I had a job as a telemarketer and I hated it. I hadnt been there for a week, before I quit. I hadn’t planned on it but I went on my lunch break and at that time I was only a fish and chicken eater…no red meat. I had Cod for lunch. Returned to my office and my eyes swoll shut, nose was running, I was wheezing, couldnt breath, and was just messed up. I kept getting up to go to the bathroom to wash my face. My lips were huge and numb. I looked horrible. My supervisor sent me home. Later my friend Charita and her now husband took me to the emergency room. I had an acute allergic reaction and my body went into shock. The hospital called my mother and told her to come quick because I wasnt responding. She got there and they would not even tell her if I were dead or alive. They just kept saying, wait to see her doctor. Then I heard her screaming and making bomb threats if they did not let her see my corpse…she was convinced I was dead. So I started screaming, “I’m back here Mama”…lol

So I never went back to that job. I did manage to work as a Social Worker after college for almost 4 years. I hated every day of it and envied all my married friends who didn’t have to work. Eventually, Allah decreed a series of unfortunate events that led my job to sending me on a PAID adminitrative leave. What had happened was…a girl resident of the Detention Center that I worked at some how got pregnant my a boy who was in there being trialed as an adult for murder. The boy was being transfered because he had either got sentenced or his 17th birthday was coming up and that’s when they take you to the adult facilities. Anyway, a staff member helped him ‘get some’ from a girl before he left. When she got pregnant in our care there was an investigation. To cover for the staff member that hooked this up all involved including the staff said that I hooked it up. Everybody knew it was a lie so they wanted to get me out of there and sent me on a paid leave. I left and moved to Virginia during that time and met and married my husband. When my leave was up andI didn’t return I was fired and paid another 6 months of unemployment, but by then I had already married Prince Charming and was pregnant with my little Princess.

And we all lived happily ever after….


Just Flew Back From Riyadh

8 05 2009

…and I’m tired. It was business not pleasure, so I don’t have anything exciting to share. I did get to have lunch and dinner with some Saudi and American friends that I haven’t seen in a while – alhamduillah. I did snap a pic or two of somethings I found interesting in Riyadh.Image2289

Honestly, this is something that bothered me even back in my NOI days, when I told you guys about that fine brother I wanted to marry. Him and the rest of his FOI buddies drank non alcoholic beer. To me it is playing a dangerous game and could possibily fall into the haram , because it imitates the kufar. Why drink non alcoholic beer if you are a born Muslim (like Saudis)? If you are a convert who likes the taste of beer, why even remind yourself of that mess? I don’t get it. How can conservative Riyadh alklow thos to be displayed?


This is near King Fahad Medical City on one of the busiest streets. This is a tent pitched in a lot and it appears as though a man in a wheel chair lives in . I just found that interesting….


Adam loves airplanes and cars and absolutely has had a great time on the 5 flights he’s taken in the last two weeks- masha’Allah. However, this week he asked everyday to go home. He woke up in the middle of the night crying saying he wanted to go home. He spent so much time asking to go home that I had to pray that we would be alright, because I was worried he was having a preminition or something. Subhanalllah! Needless, to say I was relieved when we arrived home safely today – alhamduillah.


and now that we are back and I attempt to document this trip on my blog, that^ is what I sdee when I turned around to see what he was up to. The boy is cutting the hair off of his toy horse… or is that his sister’s horse? Anyway, I’m pooped and it’s past our bedtime. I needed to get this in before my husband takes his lap top back to his office tomorrow. My old decrepid pc doesn’t alow me to blog sometimes or facebook or hotmail. My new water damaged by Adoomie laptop has not been repaired yet. So I’ll see ya when I see ya insha’Allah :)

Umm Adam’s Family Vacation: Abha, Saudi Arabia (Pt2)

30 04 2009

After our Cable Cart Ride we headed down in the Valley for dinner.




The men ate dinner in this little hang out. They wanted to talk business :)


The women and children ate in the istaraha. A small rest area where we could get comfortable and remove our outter garments. Of course we were served heaping servings of hot rice and lamb.

Day 2 – Jabel As Sooda

The next day we were taken to Mount Sooda. This is the highest peak in all of Saudi Arabia. It’s about 10,000 feet high.








After leaving the mountain, we went to a modern mall. The husbands took the kids ice skating and to the amusement park, while the wife and I shopped.

On our final day there, we went shopping in the souk and had a pinic at a local park, before catching our 10pm flight home.

The park was bustling with excitement. They rented green machines and use of the tampoline. Straight hustlers!

My favorite part as usual is when the time for prayer comes and you see everyone – men, women, and children take a break from their fun and pray! No awkwardness, shame, or embarrassment. It is just natural and a part of life, to take time from your daily activities..no matter what you are doing to pray. Did you noticed those parked green machines? That’s because the boys were praying!

Abha, Saudi Arabia – is a nice place to visit. I’m trying not to feel pressured to live there. My husband’s friend is ill and owns a factory in town, that he has closed down because of his illness. He wants to make my husband his business partner. My husband said that it is the opportunity of a lifetime. However, Abha is for locals. If you are not from there or do not have family there, it will be very difficult to live there. Most people live in Family Apartment buildings, and have their relatives as neighbors. Children do not go outside to play. My kids would be bored and depressed. We are already without our family, but to not have at least a good grocery store to go to would be aweful…lol. We lived 5 years out in the boonies when we first came to Saudi, but my girls were little. Now they are older and active. They take tai kwon do,  karate, and swimming. This would not be possible in a ‘Village’.

Umm Adam’s Family Vacation: Abha, Saudi Arabia (Pt1)

30 04 2009

I often tease my husband and tell him that our family could do a National Lampoon’s Muslim Family Vacation. However, this vacation actually went rather smooth – masha’Allah. Abha is in the Southern Region of Saudi Arabia. We have met many Saudi Families over the years who are from Abha and have invited us to visit their city. It was not until my husband reconnected with a very old Saudi friend that we accepted the invitation. Abha is a mountainous region and a tourist attraction because of it’s beauty and especially due to it’s cool weather. We were treated to typical Saudi generousity and hospitality – from the moment we stepped off the plane.

The wife of my husband’s friend has a family furnished suite building that we were set up in. Most Saudis prefer these over hotels because they come with full kitchens and are not as expensive.



It is always especially nice to open the nightstand and find a Quran in it!

View From Balconey






After getting settled in our Apartment, we were taken to

Jabel Al Akhdar (The Green Mountain)


We had drinks on top of the Mountain at Mata’am Jebal Al Akhdar (The restaurant of the Green Mountain). When we first arrived there were few people but as the evening went on it filled up. After our cocktails we went sight seeing.













The Cable Cart

Umm Adam’s Family Vacation: Makkah

29 04 2009

I didn’t mention anything about going on vacation, if you haven’t noticed, I usually tell you guys after the fact. I don’t like talking about things before it actually happens, which is why I didn’t mention my lat pregnancy until after the baby was born.

Due to the Saudi Schools being on their midterm break, all domestic flights were booked. My husband is not the type to plan ahead and if we do something it is usually at the very last minute (once I pray REALLY LOUD in front of him ” O Allah Let My Husband Take Us on Vacation and not leave us bored out of our minds in the house again…aameen”). So two days before we left my dh finally went to book us a trip. We were told that we were on standby. I made dua (supplication)  almost every waken moment and even dreamed about it. I needed an Umrah trip. Umrah revises me.

We Get to the airport and shaytaan (satan) knows how hard I’m trying to be a good. Knows I want to please Allah and make umrah so my past sins are forgiven. He also knows that traveling with my husband can be the ultimate test. So the moment we leave the house the trial begins. Shaytaan uses him to provoke me. I know tyhis trick so I try to remain cool. Even when he didn’t know where he was going and admonished me for trying to help. After wandering around the airport for an hour and about to miss the flight that we weren’t even sure if we were getting on, my dh finally admits defeat (well not exactly but he asked for my help) and tells me to go see if he was standing in the right line (which I knew he wasn’t but was told earlier not to say another word). So I go off to find the right line and the were all very very long except for the first class line, that had nobody in it. I approached the clerk and asked him where do we go to check in as stand bys. He tells me to go dowb stairs. I told him that we had already been up, down, and all around and that we were going to miss the flight. He then takes my info, tells me that there are 55 standbys. I ask him if they are ahead of us and asked how difficult would it be for all 6 of us to get on. He then started fiddling around and I knew then that he was hooking me up but tried not to get excited. I told my daughter tpo get her father out of the WRONG line and to have him hurry up and get over here with the tickets cuz I was getting a hook up. He then sent us to the Supervisor who alhamduillah put us on the flight. All this time my oldest motor mouth daughter had been quiet. I could see that her faith had been boosted because she was earnestly making dua the whole time and that is why she was so quiet.

We arrived in Jeddah after midnight and took a taxi to Makkah. After checking in the hotel, which was just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the Masjid Al Haram, my oldest daughter and I went to make umrah and left my husband and the other kids sleep in the room. We got to the Haram at 3:15am. I was looking forward to making umrah before fajr prayer, which comes in around 4:30am. It usually takes me around 2 hours to perform umrah. However, the adthaan for tahajud was called at 3:30am. and people started pouring into the haram, waiting for salatul fajr.

It got so crowded, that I was not able to make umrah until after fajr. It took a while to make tawaf and messa, because so many people were making Umrah after fajr. My husband made umrah between salatul dhur and asr. Which is the hottest and least crowded time to go.


I took the children to see the Kabah before we left for Jeddah. This was around 2pm. Can you see the big difference in the amount of people who come at this time?

Here are some pictures from my Hotel Room window:


Do you see how they have carved roads into the mountains?!


I guess it’s just a matter of time before these homes are demolished and roads and new buildings are put up.




