
Mexicans Invading Canada: Canada Blames the U.S.

Posted by Robbie on September 21st, 2007 | Trackback

I meant to write about his yesterday when I first read it…

Apparently the (illegal) Mexican invasion that has been inundating US resources — social services, hospitals, schools, and our criminal justice resources) are starting to make their way into Canada.

And they’re not happy about it up there in their land of “free socialized medicine for everybody”. It’s almost funny — there’s much criticism about the US health care system (even though it’s the best in the World and even a Canadian PM sought cancer treatment here in the US instead of in their “free” system), and one of the reasons there are a lot of problems with it are the number of illegals that come over and tax our health care resources. Without paying for it.

And now that illegal Mexicans are figuring out that they not only can get free medical care in Canada, but that they are entitled to it — well, someone stick a finger in the dam, because it’s about to burst.

Of course the Canadians don’t blame the illegal Mexicans crossing over in record numbers. They blame the US.

Over the past three weeks, 45 families and 31 individuals — approximately 200 people — entered Canada at the Detroit River crossings and applied in Windsor for shelter and social assistance after filing refugee claims with the Canada Border Services Agency. Municipal agencies dealing with the sudden influx of mainly Mexican refugee applicants are renting out hotel rooms and bracing for predicted thousands more to come.

“We don’t have the means, ability or capacity to deal with this additional cost. We are not able to deal with this potential crisis locally,” Francis wrote Harper.

Yo — that’s exactly what we’ve been screaming about down here for years. And even if we did have the “means, ability, or capacity” to deal with it — why should we (the taxpayers) have to?

I don’t believe that Windsor’s residents and taxpayers should have to foot the bill for U.S. immigration policy,” Francis told The Star. He was referring to the suspected source of the problem — a recently begun crackdown on illegal immigrants in economically struggling regions of the U.S. South.

And we don’t believe that US residents and taxpayers should foot the bill for failed Mexico immigration and economic policies. But we do.

The problem isn’t that we’re finally cracking down on illegal immigration (and thus enforcing our nation’s laws and protecting our sovereignty) the problem is illegal immigrants crossing borders. It’s not our fault that when we scare them off that they don’t back to Mexico. It’s Mexico’s fault, it’s their own fault, and it’s Canada’s fault for offering them all that tasty free shelter and social assistance.

If you’re handing out great perks like that, don’t blame us when the illegals take you up on it. And then tell their cousins and their neighbors about it.

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Congress Thinks They’re Above the Law

Posted by Robbie on September 20th, 2007 | Trackback

Feign surprise

Congress’ newest ratings are the lowest ratings for Congress ever. They are hovering somewhere in popularity right between open bed sores and wallowing in pig shit on a 100-degree day in Arkansas.

There’s a lot of reasons for it — most of which have to do with the fact that the lot of them are amongst the most greedy, corrupt (morally and ethically), and power hungry people walking around the face of this planet (excluding Hollywood, of course).

That they also consider themselves above the law probably has something to do with it too:

All 13 members of Congress subpoenaed in the Duke Cunningham investigation have refused to turn over documents and testimony, citing congressional privilege. This was under advice from the House general counsel.

Keep in mind, this is the same Congress that, when questioned by Major League Baseball over its constitutional authority to investigate the steroid scandal, replied that its jurisdiction extended to “any time” and “on any matter.”

So while they seem to think their subpoena power is universal, don’t expect them to be held accountable themselves.

h/t to Glenn Reynolds

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Is Murtha the Most Corrupt Man in Congress?

Posted by Robbie on September 19th, 2007 | Trackback

In between slandering our Marines, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) still found time to line his pockets by selling out his office:

Every private entity that Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) favored with an earmark in this year’s defense bill recently has given political money to the lawmaker, according to an analysis of House Appropriations and federal elections records by Roll Call and Taxpayers for Common Sense.

PACs and employees of those 26 groups together have contributed $413,250 to Murtha since the beginning of 2005. He collected nearly a quarter of the sum — $100,750 — in the two weeks leading up to March 16, the original deadline for lawmakers to file their earmark requests. . . .

Murtha’s record of receiving at least some campaign cash from every one of his private earmark beneficiaries makes him a rare, but not unique, case on the Defense Subcommittee. Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.) also got some political money from each one of the private entities he helped to win federal dollars, the analysis found.

Murtha was recently named one of the 22 most corrupt Congressmen by the nonprofit Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. If it wasn’t for William “Cold cash” Jefferson, Murtha would have to be number one on that list.

To the people of Pennsylvania — please do the right thing and do not reelect this blathering senile morally corrupt coward back into office. Please look around you and vote an honest and decent man — which Murtha is neither — into office. You don’t have to elect a Republican, just don’t reelect this guy. Ever again.

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Will the MSM and the nutroots grant Ginger Gilbert “absolute moral authority”, too? Or does that only apply to pro-defeat mothers of fallen soldiers (vs. pro-victory wives of fallen soldiers)?

(The answer is, No…of course they won’t.)

Days after an al-Qaida-linked group released a video showing the body of a Luke Air Force Base fighter pilot killed in Iraq last year, his widow lashed out at the national media, accusing it of politicizing and using the images to erode public support for the war.

Ginger Gilbert, making her first public comments since the video emerged last week, said Tuesday that she couldn’t remain silent after watching media coverage of a “disturbing video” of the corpse, identification card and crash site of her husband, Maj. Troy Gilbert.

“When media chooses to use Troy’s plane crash as a political catalyst to generate anti-war sentiment, it only serves to degrade the moral integrity my husband possessed and the morale of those still selflessly serving,” Gilbert said at news conference at Glendale’s Falcon Dunes Golf Course, across from Luke.

Every time the press lends credibility and significance to terrorist propaganda clearly designed to erode public support or questions the validity of our brave soldiers’ selfless acts of service and the war itself,” she added, “it only serves to damage our country from within its own borders and embolden those who would do us harm.”

Emphasis mine. Every time the MSM or Leftard bloggers open their mouths in regards to the War on Terror they do exactly that — lend credibility to our enemies.

Somehow I think that this widowed mother of 5 children would disagree with Sally Fields‘ “if mothers ruled the world” pile-of-shit analogy… And we know Sally doesn’t speak for Patricia Heaton, whom my mother said does speak for her (though my mother is the daughter of a retired Army Coronel, married a Sailor, sent three sons to the U.S. Army [albeit one of them only to the Texas Army National Guard], and now supports and prays for one of her grandchildren in the U.S. Army…so she might be a bit biased about the necessity of men fighting wars on our behalf).



Rusty at The Jawa Report:

I mourn with her at the grief of the loss of her husband, and I share her outrage at anti-war propagandists to use her husband’s death to discredit the cause he gave his life for.

Amen, brother.

The Tank on National Review notes, “As of this posting coverage of Ginger Gilbert’s press conference isn’t found beyond the local Phoenix media.” Well of course it isn’t. Why would the National news be interested in a mother who supports the troops and their mission.

Compare this minuscule coverage to the round-the-clock coverage of Cindy Sheehan sleeping in a ditch, and you’ll know which way the MSM slants when it comes to “reporting” on the war on terror (If it’s against it, it leads!)

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Pulp Fiction in 30 Seconds

Posted by Robbie on September 19th, 2007 | Trackback

Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie of all time. I’ve seen it so many times that I couldn’t even begin to remember the number. Here it is, summarized in 30 seconds by bunnies:

These 30 Second Movie summaries always crack me up. But then again, I’m easily amused.

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The Perfect Nutroots Candidate for President

Posted by Robbie on September 19th, 2007 | Trackback

The Nutroots don’t seem particularly enamored of any of their Democratic candidates for President in ‘08.

It’s not too hard to find Leftard bloggers bashing the front runner, Hillary, for being — well, for being Hillary:

The ease with which Clinton disregards such fundamental liberal values is even more disappointing than her rejection of liberalism…

Even the Koskids hate her:

Hillary Clinton believes in the same radical corporate-managed trade and labor policies supported by the Bush Administration.

Hillary is too conservative for most nutrooters.

Hillary has also been accused of acting “too black”when campaigning in front of black people.

And Jesse Jackson has accused Barack Obama of acting “too white”. Others complain that Barack is too soft and inexperienced, and his campaign is one political gaffe after another.

And Edwards, too effeminate while hiding behind his wife.

If only the Nutroots had a candidate who was truly in line with all of their views on America. Like this guy:



Let’s take a closer look at Bin Laden the Candidate and how he stacks up against the field from the perspective of the nutroots:

  • He’s to the left of all the candidates on the War on Terror, and would call for not just the immediate withdrawal of all troops who are in Iraq and Afghanistan, but would re-deploy al those troops to wipe Israel off the face of the earth — a double-victory for the Left.
  • He’s much greener than Edwards (or the Goracle, for that matter) — hell, the guy rides a camel to work and lives in a freak’n cave (compared to Edwards’ 28K sq ft home with the driveway full of SUVs).
  • He didn’t vote to authorize President Bush to invade Iraq.
  • Impeach Bush? Hell, he’d cut his head off to make the nutroots happy!
  • Unlike Obama, nobody questions whether or not Bin Laden is “Arab enough”, or doubts his connection to Muslim upbringing.
  • Bin Laden would assuage all the open-border proponents by making sure our borders are completely wide open to every person of color who wants to come here. Assuming they are Muslim or willing to convert or submit.
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Rep. John Murtha is a Blubbering Coward

Posted by Robbie on September 18th, 2007 | Trackback

From Bryan at Hot Air:

Jason Mattera, of the Young America’s Foundation in a video confronting Rep. Jack Murtha (D-PA) about his seditious accusations against the Haditha Marines.

Wow. What a blubbering coward. Seriously — how the hell did such a morally corrupt and pathetic coward ever become a Marine?

One of the best things about the new media is that we can ask (and widely publish) the questions that the MSM just doesn’t have the balls to ask.

There have been a spate of GOP Senators and Congressman announcing their plans to retire and not seek re-election. The Leftards have viewed this as “cutting and running” and Republicans jumping ship.

I don’t see it that way at all. In fact, I’m glad to see the turn-over. I don’t believe that we should have an elitist ruling political class who spends their entire life feeding from the public trough.

I think Congressman and Senators should serve a few terms, and then return to private life and let others try their hand at the political process. Our current process fosters a system of absolute power, greed, and corruption. On both sides of the aisle.

While some GOP politicians are doing the right thing and not running again, the Dems are content to keep withering shells-of-men like John Murtha, Robert Byrd (D-WV), and Teddy Kennedy (D-MA) plodding and drooling along until they probably die in their offices.

If any one of these three men were your father or grandfather you would have already had him put in an old folks home.


I consider all Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Sailors (and can’t forget the Coasties) who are serving or have ever served to be my brothers and sisters in arms.

But I do not consider Murtha a brother. His seditious attack on the Haditha Marines, his unwillingness to admit he was wrong, and his statement that he would not join the Marines today if he had the choice — all that combined makes me consider him a piece of shit, and not a brother.

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Two WWII Pilots Die in Houston Last Week

Posted by Robbie on September 18th, 2007 | Trackback

Ernest HerzingOn Sept. 12, a true American and Texan hero passed away, and the Patriot Guard Riders were honored to escort Maj. Ernest Herzing — a WWII bomber pilot and POW — to his final resting place at the Houston National Cemetery today.

Maj. Herzing’s son wrote this letter about his father:

My father Ernest Herzing, passed away September 12th at the age of 86. He was a great father and loving husband with an interesting past. After graduating from High School in Del Rio Texas at the age of 16, he attended Texas A&M until WWll called him to service in the US Army Air Force. After Flight training he was assigned to ferry B17s to England where he began training to be a command pilot for the new B24 Liberator. On his 2nd bombing mission deep in Germany his plane was attacked by German ME109’s. During the battle his plane, riddled by bullets had 2 engines on fire before he gave the signal to bail out. He was the last one to leave the plane which blew up seconds after his parachute opened. Captured by the German Forces, he spent 13 months as a POW before being liberated by Russian forces in 1944.

He returned to the US as a decorated Veteran and performed high security missions for the military. In the 60’s He achieved the rank of Major while in the service of the Continental Air Command based at Ellington Field. After leaving the Air Force Reserve he had several business and retired as a 20 year Houston Chronicle Distributor. He was a proud member of Cypress Masonic Lodge #1323 along with his son Michael. He lived his life on the on the Level and the Square.

He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Yvonne Herzing, children: Steven Herzing and wife Candy, Judith Gore and Michael Herzing and wife Cyndi. Grandchildren: Corky Gore, Christopher Gore, Timothy Gore, Joshua Herzing, Travis Herzing, and Natalie Rose Herzing.

Please join us as we honor this hero from our greatest generation.

His wife has been blind for the last 35 years, and he has spent those years taking care of her.

Truly a life well lived.


In a remarkably coincidental story from Houston last week — just four days prior to Maj. Herzing’s death, another WWII pilot passed away in Houston:

Klaus Gerlach, a fighter pilot in Germany’s Luftwaffe in World War II who shot down numerous U.S. and British planes and who was shot down three times himself, died Monday in a Pasadena hospital. He was 83.

In his first two crashes, Gerlach escaped serious injury, but in 1945 he crash-landed his single-seat Focke-Wulf 190 fighter in a field in southern Germany, said his daughter, Patsy Sewell.


He was credited with flying 250 missions and downing 13 British and American aircraft. He was awarded the Iron Cross, Sewell said.

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What Media Bias? Part IX

Posted by Robbie on September 18th, 2007 | Trackback

Alan Greenspan and the “War for Oil”

From Glenn:

THOUGHTS ON the misquotation of Alan Greenspan. It’s as if the press has an agenda that overrides its devotion to accurate reporting: “Greenspan claims that the quote was taken out of context. Greenspan called the Post — Bob Woodward, no less — to say that, in fact, he didn’t think the White House was motivated by oil. Rather, he was. A Post story Monday explained that Greenspan had long favored Saddam Hussein’s ouster because the Iraqi dictator was a threat to the Strait of Hormuz, through which much of the world’s oil passes every day.”

Nope, no anti-Bush agenda to see here. Move along people, move along.



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Defending Jihadis in Dearborn

Posted by Robbie on September 18th, 2007 | Trackback

Dearborn, Michigan is probably the center of the Islamic fundamentalist movement within our own country. So it should be no surprise that Houssein Zorkot is being covered for by both the press and the mayor of Dearborn.

You remember Zorkot don’t you (though, as little MSM coverage as his story has garnered, I would understand how you might have forgotten or missed it)? He’s the MUSLIM student who was attempted to evade police in a Dearborn park while dressed in black clothing with camouflage paint covering his face and carrying a loaded AK-47:

From the Detroit Free Press:

Armed student’s motives unclear Dearborn


His face painted black, Houssein Zorkot entered a park in east Dearborn Sept. 8, cocked an AK47 he had bought the same day, and then tried to flee police after they confronted him, authorities say.

Were those the actions of a confused young man or those of a potential terrorist with ill intentions?

If all we knew of Mr. Zarkot was that he was Muslim and found running around a park in camo and carrying an AK-47 — well, maybe you could reasonably write that his motives were “unclear”.

But we do know more:

The same day he was arrested, Zorkot appears to have posted photos of soldiers on a Web site. The text reads: “The Start of My Personal Jihad (in the US).”

Now, I’m not a Hardy Boy, but this is hardly a mystery to figure out. You can go visit his web site yourself if you want any more clarity on what his motivation was (to commit acts of terror against the US in the name of Allah, if you really need it spelled out for you — which apparently Mr. Warikoo and the Mayor John O’Reilly Jr. do).

Perhaps Niraj Warikoo is a bit confused about the “motivations” of Zarkot because he is wearing his own Islamist blinders? Actually, I think Warikoo is perfectly aware of Zarkot’s true motivation (jihad), but is just covering for his Islamic brother.

The young jihadi’s parents, of course, claim he’s “a young man who’s just confused right no”. Yeah, and the terrorist who flew our planes into our building were just confused young men too…right up to the moment they killed more than 3000 innocent people.



Debbie Schussel writes:

Whatever: Pan-Islamist Dearbornistan Mayor Jack O’Reilly Claims Hezbollah Terrorist Houssein Zorkot “Not Terrorist-Related”

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No Such Thing as an Ex-Marine

Posted by Robbie on September 18th, 2007 | Trackback

I work with a lot of guys who are former Marines, many of them retired from the Marine Corps. As much as I love my Army brothers, once a guy gets out of the Army — he reverts back to his civilian persona pretty quickly and there is usually more civilian in him than Army.

Not so with a Marine. Those guys are still more Marine than civilian for the most part. Most of the former Marines I work with probably still have a pair of BDUs (or ACUs) hanging in their closet, with spit-shined boots sitting on the floor. Most of these guys look like they could put that uniform back on tomorrow and be deployed at a moments notice.

These are my kind of guys, and a big reason I have such a high regard and respect for Marines.

A few recent office events that reinforce that:


Our VP of Sales (former Captain in the Marine Corp) was telling me about his nephew who recently returned home from a 15 month deployment to Iraq with his Marine unit. It was his second tour, and he was excited about being home and thought that he wouldn’t be going back to Iraq for quite sometime (if at all).

10 months after getting home he received orders that he would be re-deploying back to Iraq.At first his reaction was anger and bitterness, and he stormed out of the house to “go for a drive”. Our VP says that his nephew called him to talk about it while he was out clearing his head.

Our VP was telling me that his nephew’s first reaction was that he didn’t want to go back, and that he was mad about a third tour. However, 1 day later, our VP talked to his nephew again, who was now eager and ready to go. He said that the more he thought about it, that this was exactly what he had enlisted to do — go to war with his fellow Marines.


Our offices are on the second floor of our 2 story office building, and my space of the building (large open cube farm) looks out onto the front parking lot through a full wall of large windows. Some of our field engineers (mostly former Army and Navy guys) notified building management that the large US Flag on the flag pole in front of the building was tattered and needing repair.

Last week around lunch time, we noticed that someone from building maintenance was taking down the old Flag and getting ready to put up a new one. We were all watching from the windows, making sure that proper flag etiquette was followed in accordance with the US Flag Code (it was).

As the old flag was being lowered, one of our Program Managers (a former helicopter pilot in the Marine Corps) stopped his car in the middle of the parking lot, got out of his car and stood there at attention until the old Flag was removed and the new Flag was fully raised.

That kind of respect for the Flag is a rare — unless you’re a Marine.


An email exchange between one of our San Diego employees (Engineering manager) and the same Program Manager mentioned above:

SD Employee: Out of Office Notice: Leaving for Austin tomorrow, returning next week.

Former Marine(who is the program manager for that employee, and was unaware that the employee was coming to Austin): What for?

SD Employee: Managers Training Boot Camp.

Former Marine: YARCH!!! Left, Right, Left, Right……There, I saved you the trip. Now get back to work.

If you don’t know why that’s funny coming from a still hard-charging former Marine, I probably can’t explain it to you. But trust me, it is.

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Michael Yon: Hunting al Qaeda

Posted by Robbie on September 17th, 2007 | Trackback

Michael Yon: Part II of III of Hunting al Qaeda:

I watched during the Senate hearings on 11 September 07 as some Senators attempted to corner General Petraeus, insinuating that the war in Iraq was a distraction from the fight against al Qaeda. It was clearly that during the initial invasion, but not today. These photos were taken at the center of what al Qaeda claimed to be their worldwide headquarters. Listening to some of the Senators’ questions, the true magnitude of the gulf between what is happening in Iraq and what people in America think is happening in Iraq became apparent. Some Senators clearly had been doing their homework and were asking smart questions—if negative at times—but others seemed completely ignorant of the ground situation here, which adds nothing meaningful to the debate.

This man knows things that you’ll never get from the biased anti-war MSM.

Of course, if you listen to Lefty bloggers (who have never been to Iraq or wouldn’t recognize al Qaeda if they were cutting their heads off), we shouldn’t be in Iraq because it’s distracting our mission of fighting al Qaeda. Who is in Iraq. Thus the name al Qaeda in Iraq.

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Another Lefty Blogger “Supporting Veterans”

Posted by Robbie on September 16th, 2007 | Trackback

In that special way that only the Left knows how to do

A group of (mostly) Veterans (and mostly Vietnam-era Veterans) formed a group called the Gathering of Eagles that was formed to guard our nation’s war memorials and their grounds from the destructive vandalism of “protest” groups like ANSWER, Code Pink, and whoever the hell Cindy Sheehan is aligned with these days.

From their mission statement:

We are wholly and forever committed to our brothers and sisters in uniform. As veterans, we understand their incredible and noble sacrifices, made of their own accord for a nation they love more than life itself. As family members, we stand by them, and as Americans, we thank God for them.

Apparently, punks like “lambert” over at Corrente don’t think as highly of our Veterans, and instead refers to the Eagles as the Gathering of Weasels and whines:

God, these people are tiresome [referring to the GoE). I wouldn’t put it past them to trash the Vietnam Wall either.

Sigh. You pathetic excuse for a man — if you actually knew any Veterans, especially any Vietnam Veterans, you’d know what an absurd slander you just spewed out of your pie hole.

I now longer question the patriotism of people like “lambert”. I know that they’ve probably never had any to begin with.

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