WordPress.com VIP

VIP Hosting

“When the day comes that I get hundreds of thousands of page views all at once, I want to be ready, and nobody knows more about handling massive amounts of traffic than Automattic does.” Harry McCracken / Editor, Technologizer

Blogging has enabled a new breed of publisher: people who create content on par with the Wall Street Journals and New Yorkers of the world, but when the ensuing audience comes to their site, they don’t have the technical expertise for their site to perform. Compounding the problem, many of these new publishers support themselves through advertising — where every minute of downtime translates to dollars lost. What happens to your website if…

  • you get a spike of millions of page views per hour due to mainstream media, Digg, Slashdot, or BoingBoing? (Or all the above!)
  • a hard drive in your server burns up?
  • any one of the services on the server—MySQL, Apache, DNS, PHP—fails?
  • every post gets deleted–is there a recent backup? How old is it?
  • your datacenter’s network goes down or has problems?

As a result of building and running WordPress.com, we’ve solved these problems. We’ve invested thousands of hours and millions of dollars, and the proof is in the pudding: on any given day we do tens of millions of page views and hundreds of millions of hits. Digg, Yahoo, and Slashdot don’t even make a blip. We serve most pages in under a tenth of a second from geographically diverse datacenters. There are multiple copies of every bit of data synced from Dallas to San Antonio to Chicago, and we back up your data hourly.

Based on our experience running blogs like CNN’s Political Ticker, Dow Jones’ All Things D, The National Football League’s Official NFL blog, People Magazine’s Style Watch, Om Malik’s GigaOM, official blogs for communities like Flickr and the BBC’s Top Gear, and many other high-profile and high-traffic blogs using WordPress.com, we’ve put together something called VIP Hosting. It allows these folks to piggyback on our WordPress.com infrastructure, getting the benefits of what we’ve built without the limitations of a free WordPress.com account with regard to ad serving, theme editing, plugins, and JavaScript.

Because of the nature of this program it is not open to the public — it’s intended for high-profile publishers and startups that we have a good deal of confidence in. You might be a good candidate for VIP hosting if, for example, you get more than 1 million page views a month on your blog.

Pricing begins at $500/month per blog (with a one-time setup fee of $1,500 per blog) but is flexible depending on your circumstances and number of blogs.

We only want to do a handful of these, so we can’t accept everyone who applies. That said, don’t be shy. We’re always interested in meeting new and interesting folks.

What You Get

  • Your site running on the WordPress.com grid (over 1,000 servers in three data centers, 24/7 IT support, CDN, hourly backups)
  • Enterprise-level Akismet spam protection
  • Integration with WordPress.com features like Blogs of the Day, My Comments, Tag Surfer, and Gravatars
  • Promotion of your new blogs on our Publisher Blog
  • Sitemap and News Sitemap for better search engine and Google News exposure
  • People logged in to WordPress.com will be logged in on your domain, making it easier for them to comment on your blog

How It Works

  • Create WordPress.com accounts and import your content
  • Edit your templates via Subversion
  • Point the records for your domain name at your new WordPress.com VIP blog.
  • We load balance your site across our hundreds of servers
  • No restrictions on ads, JavaScript, etc.
  • You can run most plugins that don’t modify database tables

What We Ask in Return

  • A “Powered by WordPress.com VIP” link on your VIP site
  • A few standard hooks in your template for our centralized stats
  • Use of either custom themes and plugins or GPL compatible ones
  • Your tags go into and point to our Tags community
  • That you have a rockstar in-house WordPress developer or work with a top consultant

Contact Us to apply for VIP hosting or to get more information.

Featured VIP Clients

Boys’ Life

Boys’ Life serves the active lifestyle of its audience as the official publication of the Boy Scouts of America.


GigaOM provides one of the leading daily online news reads for key influencers in the tech industry.

From The Publisher Blog

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