Profiles of Government Decision-Makers

Labor's Day

Obama's Labor Department may seek subpoena power for its mining agency following the West Virginia accident. That move comes after the department has quietly increased enforcement of labor violations in other industries. Share your knowledge of politics by contributing to our wiki.


Solis Will Get Independent Review of MSHA’s Big Branch Mine Investigation

The Cabinet Room by Amanda Erickson

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis had a last-minute coup this afternoon - the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has agreed to conduct an independent investigation of the Mining Health and Safety Administration’s internal review of the causes of the explosion at Big Branch Mine. This may provide the review process some much-needed credibility to [...]

Sunday Roundup

The Plum Line by Greg Sargent

* President Obama is clearly in the tank for Goldman Sachs. * Aargh! Via Steve Benen, the Associated Press has now done a whole story on Sarah Palin’s bogus criticism of Obama’s remarks about America’s superpower status. While the AP does include Obama’s full quote, it still reports uncritically on her obviously [...]


boxed-arrow-up_45x45.gif Even Morning Joe says she'd make a good SCOTUS pick
Secretary of State (since January 2009)
boxed-arrow-up_45x45.gif Kudos to head of White House Open Govt Initiative
United States Deputy Chief Technology Officer and Director, White House Open Government Initiative
boxed-arrow-down_45px.gif Is he trying to distance himself from the Tea Party crowd?
U.S. Senator (since February 2010)
boxed-arrow-up_45x45.gif Evangelical group gave him one-point straw poll win
Chairman of Free & Strong America PAC (since May 2008)

Issue of the week: U.S. Supreme Court Fight

Secretary of Homeland Security (since January 2009)
U.S. Solicitor General (since March 2009)
Governor of Michigan (since 2003)


Hill Staffer Spotlight

Meet Todd Jurkowski, press secretary to Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.).

See all Hill Staffers or nominate a friend or colleague for a profile here.


Most Viewed Profiles

President of the United States of America (since January 2009)

Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department s Criminal Division (since April 2009)

Former governor of Alaska (since July 2009)

Vice President (since January 2009)

U.S. Representative (since January 2009)

U.S. Solicitor General (since March 2009)



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Published by The Washington Post Company, the site offers profiles of government decision-makers that anyone can edit. Contributors can use their name, or not, and all information is reviewed by our editorial team before publishing.

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