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web traffic analysis by www.123count.com
<div style="height:85px; margin-left:15px; text-align:left;">I am delighted with 123Count. It is an attractive, easy to use, in-depth hit counter, and provides precisely the sort of information I need. Also, and not unimportant, the 123Count staff quickly respond to questions in a friendly and helpful manner. I frequently pat myself on the back for having chosen a 123Count hit counter.<br><span style="color:#BB2200;"><i>David M. Kent<br>University of Detroit Mercy</i></span></div>
What Do I Get?
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  • live data
  • professional stats
  • full support
  • very fast and reliable
  • easy installation
Get To Know Visitors
  • 30-day free traffic analysis
  • search engine tracking
  • keywords analysis
  • map all your visitors
  • monitor your site uptime
  • and much more ...

[ Get a free trial ]


bullet123Count comes in two flavors : free 30-day trial and full registered version. The free trial can be upgraded at any time to the full version simply by registering (use the 'register' link on the menu bar)

bulletRegistration starts at $9.95 per month ; it will give you a permanent account and is completely risk free since you can cancel your account at any time, no question asked with a simple email.

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markerwhat is it

123Count offers fast and accurate traffic analytics for your web site. Unlike most other analytics packages, the stats that we offer are live and let you follow individual visitors in real time as they travel inside your site.

Try 123Count for free and set it up on your site in just a few minutes : get a free trial now !

markerComparison Chart
Analytics Others 123Count
Live, up-to-the-second stats [ ? ] no yes yes
Streaming details of individual visitors no no yes
Measure all your referrals and keywords yes some yes
Measure your conversions yes some yes
Follow individual visitors inside your site no some yes
Monitor file uploads [ ? ] no no yes
Monitor Flash sites [ ? ] no no yes
Monitor clicks to outside sites [ ? ] no no yes
Completely invisible [ ? ] yes yes yes
Text or GIF Counter available [ ? ] no some yes
Connection Counter available [ ? ] no no yes
Get an alert if your site goes off-line [ ? ] no no yes
Geo-target your site's content in real time [ ? ] no no yes
Independent from Adwords (*) [ ? ] no yes yes
markerHow does traffic analysis work ?

When you create a 123Count account we give you a few lines of code to be pasted into your site's HTML. When a visitor accesses your site, he triggers this tracking code, allowing us to capture information on the visit and record the data into your log files. The whole process takes an average of 0.12 seconds, which makes 123Count one of the fastest loading hit counters available.

You can then come to our site at any time, log into your password protected area and check your traffic in real-time. To see an example of the information we will provide you with, please see our sample statistics.

markerWhy choose 123Count Traffic Analysis ?
  • Ease of use : We offer stats that make sense, that are simple, and that can be read and understood in a few minutes (see our sample stats). Each day, find out in one quick glance all you need to know about the health of your traffic

  • Speed and reliability : We use several dedicated servers to run our stats, connected into the Internet backbone with redundant optical lines. As a result we have one of the fastest loading hit counters out there with hardly any downtime (20 minutes of downtime in 2007, zero downtime in 2008, zero downtime in 2009). We have been in constant operation since February 1998

  • referrer tracking sample graphSearch engine and referrer tracking : We have developed search engine and referrer tracking further than anyone in this business. The 'Referrer Tracker' records the number of visitors sent each week to your site by all search engines and referrers. It allows you to see how your referencing/marketing strategy works over the long haul (for instance, on the graph at right, the blue line shows the traffic sent by Google to our sample site, week by week, over the last year ; red is Yahoo, green is a temporary Adwords campaign, and so on). The referrer tracker automatically detect any search engines and can be customized to track email advertising campaigns, banner advertisements, even referrals from print advertisements !

  • sample mapLive Stats : look at your reports update in real-time as people arrive on your site and navigate from page to page. The stats that we supply are live and some of the reports are streaming (detail of last 1000 visitors or world map of recent visitors for instance)

  • User Support : Our support is staffed with real-people ; we answer all queries within 24 hours (usually a few minutes to a few hours). Let us insist on the fact that we answer all questions and address all comments, including on week-ends

... and all that for $9.95 per month, with a free 30 day trial and risk-free registration (if you buy from us and change your mind, send us an email : we will unregister your account, delete your credit card information and send you a confirmation within 24 hours, no questions asked).

With over 10,000 customers, 123Count is one of the leaders in hosted traffic analysis today.

sample graphYou've invested time and effort into your web site. What's the point if you can't make people come and see it ? 123Count is the indispensable tool to help you achieve this. The day you install our product you stop flying blind : you start measuring and understanding the results of your promotional strategy which means better results, less time wasted and a nice, exponentially growing traffic curve.

In conclusion, 123Count was created with the following idea : make the best possible hit counter with no strings attached. Give it high speed, perfect reliability, impeccable support, lots of unique options, heavy product development (we introduce new functions regularly) and above all, make it SIMPLE to use !

Get your free trial now and find out for yourself !

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