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Sep 11th, 2009 Google Bookmarks Technorati StumbleUpon Digg! Reddit Delicious Facebook
Posted by Brigitte Amiri, Reproductive Freedom Project at 5:07pm

Mississippi's "No-No Square" Around the First Amendment

Though you wouldn’t know it from the state's recent activities, the Constitution does apply to Mississippi.

This week, we filed a lawsuit against Mississippi for promoting religious messages in a state-sponsored and state-funded abstinence-only-until-marriage event.  Each May, the Mississippi Department of Human Services hosts several abstinence-only events, including a big summit held at the Jackson Coliseum.  The summit includes various speakers and performers, and thousands of teens and community members attend.  For the past two years, the event has included significant religious proselytizing – a blatant violation of the Constitution’s protections that require the government to neither promote nor prohibit religious activities.  After learning that the May 2008 event featured religious content, we sent a letter to the state asking for its assurance that the May 2009 event would be secular.  Not only did we not get a response, but the constitutional violations at the May 2009 event were even more egregious.

For example, this year the event started with a religious invocation, referencing Jesus Christ and the Lord; it continued with a ten minute sermon by a county judge about the Ten Commandments and God; and it wrapped up with a mime ministry that performed to Christian gospel songs.  While all of these things would be fine at a private event, by individuals in their private capacity, the state cannot sponsor and fund these religious messages, nor can it express a preference for Christianity above all other religions.  You don’t have to take my word for it – the event was videotaped, and you can see part of it here.

Perhaps one of the most unique performances at this year’s summit was a cheerleading team – their cheer was selected by the state as the best abstinence-only cheer, and as a reward they were allowed to perform it at the summit.  The cheer included the quite catchy phrase, “Stop!  Don’t touch me there!  This is my no-no square!”

Perhaps Mississippi has decided to draw a “no-no square” around the First Amendment.  If so, our lawsuit will remind them that they are not above the Constitution.

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37 Responses to "Mississippi's "No-No Square" Around the First Amendment"

  1. Willows 54 Says:

    It is unbelievable that the money taken for this event from federal and state coffers is not refunded immediately. If any school or government office erred this egregiously, they would be fined and perhaps dismissed. It is time for the government to stand up for our rights and privileges guaranteed by the constitution.

  2. SAMIAM Says:

    Wow, this is such a huge problem. Good thing we have worthless lawyers in the United States to sue them over this...

  3. SAMIAM Says:

    Do you guys have anything better to do.

  4. Mr. Nobody Says:

    I'm happy to see there are people using their first amendment rights.

    (This comment wasn't sarcastic)

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Hmm.. maybe Mississippi seceded without telling the rest of us? Their actions sure were blatant.

  6. Carl Says:

    I can't believe you people condem others for speaking of Jesus Christ.
    You people are nothing but Commies.
    SICK... spreading this kind of crap needs to stop now.This is a free country
    but the ACLU needs to be run right out of this country!!!

  7. Brien Says:

    Mississippi ROCKS! God bless America, and you, and the ACLU... But you sure are killing America, freedom and free enterprise.
    The ACLU ought to go back to RUSSIA where they came from. The CIA and the FBI needs to investigate your agency.
    I'm thankful my God is so much bigger than the ACLU!!!

  8. Brien Says:

    Now I see that my comment is "awaiting moderation". So you will allow what you want to. Thank God for Free Speech!

  9. Brien Says:

    If you write the truth, the ACLU will NOT print it here! Thank you.

  10. Dickbutt Says:

    To Carl: you can speak of Jesus Christ all you want, but not on the public's dime.

  11. Bill Says:

    Well, Well, Well. I am really surprised by the comments shown here. My opinion of the ACLU is that they don't really believe in freedom of speech and that they use it only to promote an agenda derived from spitting in returning Viet Nam Vets' faces and calling them "baby killers". The number of negtive responses shown here makes me think I will have to review my pre-conceptions.

  12. Joseph Says:

    This is a very noble and honorable cause for the ACLU to pursue. As our Constitution is written, states are forbidden from expressing a religious preference. It is the right of all non-Christians to not be told by any State that they are "wrong" in their religious beliefs.

    There is nothing "wrong" with Christianity, but those in government need to exercise discipline and not allow their personal beliefs to interfere with their actions while performing in an official government capacity.

  13. Anti-Christ Says:

    Religion has no place in Government. Period. No taxpayer monies should ever go to promote any religion or religious views. Period. It's written into the constitution.

    You are a "commie" if you ignore our founding fathers and the laws that they wrote for this land.

  14. AzRain Says:

    AMEN - this whole organization was created to help americans! Now this group has grown so Liberal that even their own families are not safe from their ridiculous efforts.

  15. Andy Says:

    In all the many problems this country and the individual states face today, I can't imagine why any organization would wish to spend time and money fighting against such a positive message. The state of Mississippi is urging teenagers to avoid sex before marriage - that is AWESOME and I'm glad to hear it. So what if they are discussing God and Jesus Christ? Christianity promotes a very positive life and message. Why, oh why, would you want to sue the state for supporting such a positive message?

  16. A Believer in Jesus Christ Says:

    Mississippi ROCKS! God bless America and all of Mississippi's Godly People!
    This Country was founded on God’s Word
    Before creation God’s name was “I AM”
    Jesus’ name was ”The Word”
    Holy Ghost was The Holy Spirit
    When put their names together we get “I AM THE WORD and Holy Spirit”
    The Holy Trinity is God the Father, God the Son and Holy Spirit

    On Judgement Day the ACLU will be held accountable for their Actions.
    God’s word is eternal and so is Hell!

  17. A Believer in Christ Says:

    God bless America and all
    of Mississippi’s Godly People!
    This Country was founded on God’s Word
    Before creation God’s name was “I AM”
    Jesus’ name was ”The Word”
    Holy Ghost was The Holy Spirit
    When put their names together we
    get “I AM THE WORD and Holy Spirit”
    The Holy Trinity is God the Father,
    God the Son and Holy Spirit
    God’s word is eternal.

  18. Thor_of The Asgard Says:

    Surpreme Court ruled that, "this was formed as a "Christian" Nation on "Christian" Beliefs. If you don't like it !!!LEAVE!!!. You People bash religion , Promote Homosexuality , and protect the "rights" of people who are Enemy Combatants, who wish to destroy this nation, go get a real Job !!!
    Oh and as the Brishe say "PISS OFF"

  19. Tiffany Says:

    Does anyone who runs this country not take US History!!! This country was founded on Christian beliefs and morals. That does not mean that everyone in America has to be a Christian but things should be read in context and with the understanding of its meaning. It is clear that "separation of church and state" was meant to protect all church's and religions in our country from the governments influence and ruling. Not the other way around. I completely agree that the ACLU should be restricted on many of there actions before they destroy our country.

  20. A Believer in Christ Says:

    God bless America and all
    of Mississippi’s Godly People!
    This Country was founded on God’s Word
    Before creation God’s name was “I AM”
    Jesus’ name was ”The Word”
    Holy Ghost was The Holy Spirit
    When put their names together we
    get “I AM THE WORD and Holy Spirit”
    The Holy Trinity is God the Father,
    God the Son and Holy Spirit
    God’s word is eternal.
    God’s word is God why do
    You want to silent’s Him

  21. Paen Says:

    Governement is supposed to represent all people and not just one group even when that group is the majority.By promoting Evangelic Christianity Mississippi is shitting on the rights on the rights of everyone who is not part of a Fundementalist cult.

  22. ganadoariz Says:

    Our founding fathers believed in God. That is what this nation was founded on. They wanted a separation of church and state so that no one religion would be above another or would be promoted by the government. They did not want "God" taken out of everything. Look at the Washington Monument, look at the top of the Senate building and other buildings - Jesus Christ and God are very apparent. You can't take God completely out of our government, or you take God out of our lives. I refuse to let him be "kicked" out of my life for any organization that does not believe in him. He needs to be more in our lives, not less.

  23. DavidinMich. Says:

    The ACLU is so far "Left" of the beliefs of our Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution of this great country. It is not the fault of the people running this organization, it is due to the ignorance of the people running this organization and lack of knowledge of God's Words to us in the Holy Bible. These ignorant people were put on this earth to bring forth the Prophesies promised to us in the Bible. These people running this organization still have a chance for God's forgiveness, but they have to get smart enough to realize there is a God first and foremost, and second they have to ask for forgiveness and have the ability to freely believe that through their own free-will they actually believe there is a God who will forgive them of their sins and transgressions against their fellow man AND God. Amen

  24. James Says:

    Im from Mississippi and am personally outraged that the ACLU wants to step in and file suit for this!!! I think your lawsuit is a riduclous waste of taxpayer money. I would much rather see tax dollars spent on an abstinence capaign than defending such a frivalous lawsuit! Want to really know whats wrong with the US, look in the mirror ACLU. If we could get rid of you idiots we could make some headway in this country.

  25. Erik Jensen Says:

    Many of the above responses to this blog post are very instructive. Too many Christians think that the constitution does not apply to them. Those who are against this lawsuit ought to ask themselves what they would do if the state of Mississipi sponsored an unconstitutional satanic mass.

  26. Ruth Says:

    I am a Quaker and send my daughter to a private non-denominational Christian school where there are many Evangelical families. I have the utmost respect for Christianity but the government cannot pay for religious events. Many of the Founding Fathers were actually Deists. I believe that George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were also Freemasons. From all accounts, it seems as though Patrick Henry pushed for more inclusion of religion in government;however, he was an anti-federalist who strongly opposed the constitution. I think that the Founding Fathers were educated men who read The Bible as well as Voltaire. Here is a quote from Benjamin Franklin's autobiography "My parents had given me betimes religions impressions, and I received from my infancy a pious education in the principles of Calvinism. But scarcely was I arrived at fifteen years of age, when, after having doubted in turn of different tenets, according as I found them combated in the different books that I read, I began to doubt of Revelation itself.
    ". . . Some books against Deism fell into my hands. . . It happened that they wrought an effect on my quite contrary to what was intended by them; for the arguments of the Deists, which were quoted to be refuted, appeared to me much stronger than the refutations; in short, I soon became a through Deist." Here are two quotes from John Adams."As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that has ever existed?"
    Letter to F.A. Van der Kamp, Dec. 27, 1816 Conversely, President Adams proclaimed "The highest story of the American Revolution is this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity." I think they struggled with reconciling faith and reason and what role religion should play in this new form of social order. The Founding Fathers were actually pretty radical. In my opinion, starting a revolution is more extreme than some lawsuits filed by the ACLU!

  27. Bill Says:

    Go Mississippi Go!!!!! I will be glad when other states and people start waking up. God has kept America strong and the more we turn our backs on him the further we will fall. Its great to see all these comments from real americans, maybe ya'll at the ACLU should take notice.

  28. Charles Rinehart Says:

    The Founding Fathers came from a country(Great Britain) that promoted only ONE religion. The reasoning behind Freedom of Religion meant that ALL religions were given the same status. The Government is not allowed to promote, nor deny any religion. That means Christianity is not given precedence over any other.
    You would think that people would actually READ the Constitution instead of THINKING they read it.
    Thomas Jefferson also wanted to outlaw slavery, but none of the Southern States would sign onto the Constitution unless that was left out.
    Here we go again-a Southern State sticking its middle finger at the Constitution.

  29. george Says:

    join liberty counsel. they fight for true believers,

  30. LinkLostLibrarian Says:

    Wow...some of you really are tards. I say this not because of your arguments, but because of the severe lack of proper spelling and/or grammar. And that's with a spell checker available to you.

    The arguments themselves...really, can anyone give one good reason why the separation of church and state should be abolished? Taking the state money out of church coffers won't stop the churches from being a part of your life...but it will stop it from taking the tax dollars of a respectable (and growing) populace of atheists and pagans.

    In short, if you want to donate your own money to the church, do it. But don't force the rest of our money to fund your religious groups.

  31. GOAWAY12 Says:


  32. Hutch Says:

    To Brigitte Amiri:

    telling young women to remain abstinent is NOT sexist, nor does it imply that females are solely responsible for becoming pregnant. It takes two to make a child, and both mother AND father should be held responsible. Unfortunately, it's liberals like you who promote premarital sex, and abortion if the girl gets pregnant. Instead of promoting the killing of babies, you should be promoting RESPONSIBILITY. REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS? You don't give a damn about reproductive rights - how can you claim ABORTION as a REPRODUCTIVE right? You are an idiot. Your mother should have had an abortion.

  33. Susan Says:

    Mississippi has the highest number of teen births, STD and HIV of any state - preaching to teens about abstinence does not work. Teens - boys and girls need accurate, age-appropriate information about sex, reproduction and sexually transmitted disease,

  34. dee4 Says:

    As per government mandates,teens starting in middle school ARE given age appropriate information about sex. But when you have groups like the aclu(no caps=no respect)atheists and pagans that have taken away the rights of parents to raise their children and you promote the killing of babies and don't tell the parents as a form of birth control where are the consequences of their actions. Another comment was not on the public's dime-I though we were the public. They are more than welcome to use my dime for any religion to try and teach morals and decency to our children. There is something wrong in this country when ONE person can be in a room FULL of people and file a law suit because someone says the word GOD or JESUS. I'm sorry atheists are so extremely sensitive, it just proves the fact that they did not get the toy they prayed to GOD for when they were a child and have never been able to get over it. On the other hand they try to force their anti-religious beliefs on our children in schools by telling them it is against the law to express your beliefs. Their comment that the students are allowed to have religious discussion in schools is a blatent LIE as a high school student on graduation was AT HIS OWN EXPENSE handing out Bibles to students who wanted them. He was not forcing them on anyone. The Bibles were confiscated and he has still not been able to get them back. This is just more of the socialist-communist agenda. Saying a prayer at a city council meeting is not spending taxpayer dollars. The meeting was being held with or without the prayer. This is just an attack from an organization hellbent on destroying any moral fiber left in this nation.

  35. One in Christ Says:

    For all you people who are against God, religion and stand with Madaline Murry O'Hare, I pray for you and hope God will forgive you of your lack of faith, as well as your stupidity. This nation was founded on religous beliefs, just read history. If you do not want to hear a prayer, then walk off, but do not make a stink about it so no one else can do it either. If you want your rights, then allow Christains thiers!

  36. Gary Says:

    what are you afraid of? that someone may find God? ACLU is abunch of wimps...

  37. DfizzleShizzle Says:

    When has ANYTHING good EVER come out of Mississippi?

    The Government was built on the principle of Separation of Church and State. The Government sponsoring a Christian event completely goes against that philosophy, and goes against the Constitution.
    By forcing the GOVERNMENT to follow the LAW, the ACLU is bad?
    If it was a bunch of pagans, instead of Christians, the country would have been OUTRAGED.
    The ACLU exist to make sure everyone is treated fairly, and that the law is upheld-
    They were completely justified to file suit.
    I'm an atheist, I have no issues at all with Christianity, but when Christians start to think of themselves as above the law, thats where I draw the line.

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