• Welcome to ACS

    In our 10+ years of history, ACS has become a powerful institution helping to shape the law. Learn more here about ACS from our president, Caroline Fredrickson. You can also hear what Gov. Deval Patrick, Sen. Tom Daschle, Sen. Al Franken, White House Director of Domestic Policy Melody Barnes, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse and others have to say about our great work in this video.

  • 2016 ACS Student Convention

    ACS will hold its 4th Annual Student Convention January 22-23, 2016 at Duke University School of Law in Durham, NC. Registration is now open! 


  • Read ACSblog

    The nation's top legal minds offer their perspective and commentary on the most pressing constitutional issues facing the nation and our political and justice systems. Read ACSblog today and check back frequently for up-to-date information.  

  • Report: Money Influences State Courts

    Skewed Justice—sponsored by ACS and authored by Joanna Shepherd and Michael S. Kangshows the growing relationship between money and state supreme court decisions on criminal cases.

  • Explaining Constitutional Interpretation

    Keeping Faith with the Constitution is a common-sense approach to constitutional interpretation written by Goodwin Liu, Pamela S. Karlan, and Christopher Schroeder. Its themes continue to frame much of what ACS does across the country, from events to issue briefs and more.

    For more reading, see posts from ACSblog's 2015 Constitution Day symposium and our webpage, "Myths and Facts About Courts and the Constiution."

  • 2015 National Convention

    ACS hosted its 2015 National Convention in June, drawing progressive scholars, lawyers, law students and judges from across the country. Featured speakers included U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, former Attorney General Eric Holder, former Texas state Senator Wendy Davis, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries and Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court Goodwin Liu

    Video is available here and YouTube.  

Shaping Debate

  • Celebrating Leadership Across the Country

    The Boston Lawyer Chapter celebrated its Seventh Annual successful Constitution Day, featuring remarks by Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall and bestowing an award on Governor Deval Patrick in her name. The audience included 100 guests, including almost every member of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts as well as many other notable leaders in the community.

  • ACS & Partners Promote Booklet on Becoming a Federal Judge

    In an effort to illuminate the federal judicial selection process, ACS has partnered with the HNBA, Justice at Stake, NAPABA, NAWJ, NBA, NCAI and the National LGBT Bar to produce and promote The Path To The Federal Bench.

Building Networks

  • Thank You to Our Supporters

    We would like to say thank you to the ACS supporters who have demonstrated their commitment to protecting our constitutional values with a gift!

    Your support enables us to produce the programming, publications and activities that help us make a difference on so many important issues.

  • Protect Your Voting Rights

    In the wake of Shelby County v. Holder and in the face of a persistent assault on the right to vote, ACS continues to serve as a voting rights resource. At the 2014 ACS National Convention, Wendy Weiser, Director of the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center, led a conversation on the current state of voting rights. ACS also published an Issue Brief defending the constitutionality of provisions of the Voting Rights Amendment Act, which seeks to reverse some of the damage done by the Shelby.

  • Educating the Next Generation

    Our national civics program, Constitution in the Classroom, brings ACS members into primary and secondary classrooms across the country to raise awareness of fundamental constitutional principles. Our members have helped educate thousands of students on vital issues of the day.

  • Watching Judicial Nominations in 2015

    How will Congress handle the confirmation of judges to the federal bench where vacancies are already high? Stay up-to-date with statistics, analysis and coverage of congressional action at and ACSblog.

Making a Difference

Now at ACS

Equality Gained, Equality Lost? 

ACS and the Economic Policy Institute recently hosted a panel discussion on the legacy of the Immigration Act of 1965, and how to confront challenges to immigration reform that persist.


Watch video of the immigration event here.

Read Publications

Skewed Justice, sponsored by ACS and authored by Joanna Shepherd and Michael S. Kang, Professors of Law at Emory University, shows the growing relationship between money and state supreme court decisions on criminal cases.



ACS in the News


  • ACS Board member and UCLA student chapter faculty advisor Adam Winkler appeared on The Alan Colmes Show to talk about the burgeoning gun control movement.
  • In the Boston Herald, ACS Board member Nancy Gertner discussed the recent release of 6,000 nonviolent offenders from federal prisons.

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Judicial Nominations

The latest developments on nominees, delays, and the continuing vacancy crisis.

Read the Constitution

Click to view the U.S. Constitution and read our founding document.