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Welcome to ACT! for America PDF Print E-mail

I founded ACT! for America because Islamic militants have declared war on America. I know what this means. For years, I witnessed first-hand how brutally jihadists treat non-Muslims.

We are in for the fight of our lives and we must ACT! - before it's too late.

The Jihadists Next Door PDF Print E-mail
[Excerpt:  "Islamic apologists in academia and the media keep trying to dismiss the radicalization trend, but they're whistling past the graveyard. A new Duke University study claims that "only" 139 Muslim Americans have been involved in terrorism since 9/11 (including 41, or 30%, in 2009 alone).

But the report, which got a big splash in the media, is laughably incomplete. It omits some of the feds' most celebrated terrorist convictions. It also excludes any U.S. Muslims convicted of financing terror. And these are just the homegrown terrorists who got caught. How many others are out there?

New Mexico-born Awlaki has 4,800 Facebook friends. He has thousands of followers in America. At mosques and Islamic bookstores across the country, they buy his sermons extolling jihad and "martyrdom." They're even sold as CD box sets."]

Investors Business Daily - Editorials Online
March 18, 2010
by IBD

The arrests of three new homegrown terrorists, including two "Jihad Janes" and an al-Qaida suspect who infiltrated nuclear plants, confirm a rise in homegrown jihadist activity.
Who’s racist now? PDF Print E-mail
[Excerpt:  "The extraordinary double standard at work between the West and the Muslim world is one of the most troubling elements in the ongoing clash of cultures.

We are not operating on a level playing field and not only are our opponents not seeking to level the field; they are feverishly working to slant it ever more sharply in their favor."]
Political Mavens
March18, 2010
by Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

The extraordinary double standard at work between the West and the Muslim world is one of the most troubling elements in the ongoing clash of cultures. 

Because the West is reluctant to admit it is even engaged in such a war, it is unable or unwilling to effectively prosecute many of the battles that arise. 

Taken singly, skirmishes like the one reported recently in the Associated Press – about the disparity of the sides’ reaction to religious proselytizing – don’t amount to much. But taken together, they seem to me to paint an alarming portrait.




ACT Impact 2010 Campaign

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Investigate CAIR

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They Must Be Stopped

They Must Be Stopped

Click here to get a copy of Brigitte's new book.

American Congress for Truth

Click here to visit the American Congress for Truth website.
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