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The Jihadists Next Door

Security: The arrests of three new homegrown terrorists, including two "Jihad Janes" and an al-Qaida suspect who infiltrated nuclear plants, confirm a rise in homegrown jihadist activity.

Sharif Mobley is one of the latest jihadists next door. Before he was rounded up in a sweep of suspected al-Qaida terrorists in Yemen, Mobley worked at five nuclear plants in New Jersey, Maryland and Pennsylvania. He shot two guards, killing one, before his capture.

Mobley grew up in New Jersey before converting to Islam. His militancy shocked an old high school friend, who ran into him after returning from an Army tour in Iraq. Mobley told him: "Get the hell away from me, you Muslim killer!"

Then there's Colleen LaRose, aka Jihad Jane, who was arrested in Philadelphia for allegedly plotting to kill a Swedish cartoonist who'd "offended" Muslims. Jamie Paulin-Ramirez of Denver was also arrested in connection with the assassination plot.

All three suspects are U.S. citizens from different parts of the country. One is black, one white and one formerly married to a Hispanic immigrant. Two, shockingly, are women. While each suspect has a different background, all three are Muslim converts radicalized over the Internet — a dangerous trend.

American converts are al-Qaida's prime recruits right now, because they have a better chance of slipping through security checkpoints.

Many such as Mobley are flocking to Yemen, where another American turncoat, Anwar Awlaki, recruits Westerners via the Web. Awlaki allegedly recruited the crotch bomber from London, then trained him for his suicide mission in Yemen. He also advised the Fort Hood terrorist online.

LaRose is said to have recruited others online to kill the cartoonist. Her accomplice Paulin-Ramirez married an Algerian whom she met online. A straight-A nursing student, the 31-year-old mother of one spent much of her time surfing jihadist Web sites. Both women said they'd be willing to blow themselves up for Islam.

While the essential ingredient in these cases is militant Islam, we have to wonder if the left isn't making otherwise normal Americans vulnerable to such treasonous seductions. After all, the hate-America lobby — led by the American Civil Liberties Union and often cheered by the media — has comforted even the most guilty in the war on terror, including the 9/11 mastermind and other Gitmo detainees.

Take Omar Hammami. A smart American college kid who grew up Baptist in the Alabama suburbs, he's now an al-Qaida field commander in Somalia wanted by the FBI.

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Posted By: BradO(1620) on 3/16/2010 | 12:07 PM ET

As a Christian it seems somewhat obvious that as we have suffocated Christ from the public arena, new doxologies will and have filled the void. Everyone has a need to feel connected with a "higher purpose". Is it really that surprising that as we've kicked Christ under the bus that people would turn to Islam, or whatever else is out there? The ACLU has done us no favors and like it or not God keeps score. He won't reward bad behavior for long and I'm frankly surprised He's been this patient

Posted By: winoceros(15) on 3/16/2010 | 9:08 AM ET

These Americans were not "radicalized over the internet". The most true and complete adherence to the Qur'an would demand the action of Muslims to strive against those who insult Islam. Those who do not are committing shirk. These are "moderates". They are "moderate" simply by not doing what their faith demands. They have this luxury in America. The first NY Fire Dep chaplain who is a Muslim points out that if a Muslim sins, another Muslim should cover for him. So says the Qur'an.

Posted By: halthouse1(5) on 3/16/2010 | 5:18 AM ET

Are homegrown terrorists similar to the cult recruits of the 60's and 70's? Homegrown terrorists: Looking for love in all the wrong places? Read the story at http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-25304-NY-Homeland-Security-Examiner~y2010m3d13-Homegrown-terrorists-Looking-for-a-home

Posted By: BlueDog Leader(35) on 3/16/2010 | 2:38 AM ET

Starbright, trade your mind in for a new one. This is an EDITORIAL and not a "news" article. You lefty dingbats are used to editorial content in the "news" stories of your lame-stream media. BACK TO HUFFPO, you feckless puppie!

Posted By: Osamas Pajamas(1360) on 3/16/2010 | 12:44 AM ET

Some American Muslims approve of the development of homegrown American jihadi scumbags - and some don't but are afraid to turn them in the authorities in the belief that they, too, will become the targets of other jihadi murderers here in the USA. The cancer grows here because we are unwilling to root them out and throw them out. Antennas all over the USA and Canada import the poisonous lies of Islam into North America, from the Middle East, Europe - and even from local broadcasts.

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