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World Citizen Journalists

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Muslim Brotherhood weathered by arrests but deny 'deals' with government

 The Muslim Brotherhood's daily bulletin carried news of the release of 20 of their members...

Brotherhood MP cites 'abuses' by Interior Ministry

At a meeting of parliament's human rights committee on Monday, Muslim Brotherhood MP Ragab...

GPA boasts LE18.6 billion surplus last year

The state-run General Petroleum Authority (GPA) accounted for 55.3 percent of the total...


A protest of approximately 800 workers from the Petrojet oil services company...
Dr. Youssef Boutros Ghali, Minister of Finance , الدكتور يوسف بطرس غالي وزير المالية
President of the Central Audit Agency (CAA) Gawdat el-Malt criticized MPs who...
نشطاء مصريون من عدد من المحافظات في انتظار استقبال د. «محمد البرادعي»، المدير السابق للوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية، في مطار القاهرة، ١٩ فبراير ٢٠١٠. يأتي «البرادعي» إلى مصر قادما من فيينا. قدم إلى المطار عدد كبير من النشطاء السياسيين، الذين ينتمون إلى قوى سياسية مختلفة. من هؤلاء: د. «حسن نافعة»، «إبراهيم عيسى»، د. «علاء الأسواني»، «جورج إسحق»، «بلال فضل»، «خالد يوسف»، «محمد عبد القدوس»، ممثلا عن جماعة الإخوان المسلمون»، بالإضافة إلى ممثلين عن حركة «كفاية» و أعضاء حملة «البرادعي رئيسا لمصر«».  , A group of Egyptian activists from all governorates waiting for Dr. Mohamed El Baradei, former Director General of International Atomic Energy Agency, February 19, 2010. A host of political activists of all hues were also present, including: Dr. Hassan Nafea, Ibrahim Eissa, Dr. Alaa El Aswany, George Ishaq, Belal Fadl, Khaled Youssef, Mohamed Abdel Qudus of Muslim Brotherhood, alongside with representatives from Kefaya Movement and members of El Baradei for Presidency campaign.
Members of the Popular Campaign to support Mohamed ElBaradei will meet him this...


Gawdat AlMalt head of the Central Auditing Agency , جودت الملط رئيس الجهاز المركزي للمحاسبات
In a statement before parliament Sunday, Gawdat el-Malt, head of the state-run...
Ahmed Shafik minister of civil aviation in the Egyptian government  , أحمد شفيق وزير الطيران المدني في الحكومة المصرية
An ongoing crisis between aviation authorities in Egypt and Saudi Arabia has...
تشهد شرم الشيخ  و المدن و المنتجعات السياحية في مصر إقبالا متزايدا بسبب عطلات اعياد الميلاد و رأس السنة الميلادية , Sharm El-Sheikh and tourist sites saw an increase in visitors during the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Foreigners have forged their ownership of 100 housing units in Coral Beach...


عثمان محمد عثمان ، وزير التخطيط و التنمية الإقتصادية . ,
Numbers dominate the headlines in state-owned papers today. Al-Ahram’s...
 , From left to right, Amr Moussa, secretary general of the Arab League, Sudanese Senior Assistant to the President, Minni Arkou Minnawi, Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and the secretary general of the Organization of Islamic Conference, Akmal Eddine Ihsan Oglo, are seen during the opening of the International donor conference for the development and the construction of Darfur, which co-chaired by Egypt and Turkey with backing from the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).
Al-Ahram leads with news on an international conference held in Cairo yesterday...
يبدو أن الأمور العالقة بين أكثر من ثلاثمائة موظف من العاملين في »إسلام أون لاين«، موقع الأخبار الإسلامي واسع التأثير، و بين مدراء الموقع في »قطر«، ستصل إلى نهاية وشيكة؛ إذ يبدو أن الموقع الشهير، كما نعرفه، لن يعود إلى سابق عهده. أفاد عدد من الموظفين المُضربين أنهم توصلوا لاتفاق إنهاء خدمتهم في الموقع مع ممثلين عن »جمعية الرسالة الإسلامية«، المنظمة الأم للموقع. تشمل الصفقة دفع رواتب ستة أشهر، فضلا عن دفع مقابل شهر واحد عن كل سنة خدمة. مصر، 15 مارس، 2010. ديموتكس/AhmedAbdelfatah , The standoff between more than 300 employees of the influential Islamic news site Islam Online and the site’s Qatar-based managers appears to be heading for an endgame—one which ensures the site as we know it will be no more. Several striking employees said they had come to a severance agreement with representatives of the website’s parent organization, the Islamic Message Society. The deal includes 6 months pay, plus one month for every year of service. Egypt. 15/03/2010. Demotix/AhmedAbdelfatah
Three days after receiving an ostensible reprieve in their ongoing labor...


Maged George, Minister of the Environment
 , ماجد جورج وزير البيئة
The environment ministry approved 84 tourist projects for implementation,...
Dubai--A UN conference rejected on Sunday trade restrictions on red and pink...
 , a pile of garbage in Kattameya Heights in Cairo
Solid-waste management is the system for controlling, handling and disposing of...


 , Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari talks during news conference in Istanbul.
Islamabad--Pakistan's parliament is expected to pass a set of constitutional...
 , Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton addresses the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference in Washington.
Washington--US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Monday that indirect...
 , President Barack Obama, with Vice President Joseph Biden at his side, makes a statement to the nation following the final vote in the House of Representatives for comprehensive health care legislation.
Washington-- The US House of Representatives approved a sweeping US$940 billion...


 , Noémie Dujardin lent her multi-faceted and modulating voice to various women characters, from a dying old woman to an African emigrant and a hysterical French teacher.
The French Cultural Center in Mounira yesterday evening welcomed Belgian...
سفراء الأذان , ambassadors of the azan
The lights go down, and the audience falls quiet. But instead of actors taking...
نهي رشدي تناقش رسالة بحثها , Noha Rouhsdy presenting her thesis at anaward ceremony
At the American University in Cairo (AUC) this week, the Magda al-Nowaihi...


أول أم مثالية في مصر مع أبنائها وأحفادها، حيث تم اختيارها «الأم المثالية» في أول احتفال لمصر بعيد الأم وهو أول اختيار لـ «الأم المثالية» على مستوى الجمهورية في 1956.  , Egypt's first Ideal Mother with her children and grandchildren, back in 1956, when Egypt officially started celebrating the Mother's Day.
"Whatever happened to the Egyptians?" To answer that question,...
مصطفي مدبولي ,رئيس هيئة التخطيط العمراني  , Mostafa Madbouli,chairman of general organization for urban planning
The Egyptian Cabinet will meet in a few days to discuss an Urban Planning...
الملكة نفرتيتي أحدى أهم ملوك الحضارة الفرعونية , Queen Nefertiti, one of the most important queens of the Pharaonic civilization
Thousands of artifacts are now returning to Egypt from abroad, but one piece...


 , Cultural cleansing in Iraq
The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 have reshaped the world, not in...
غلاف كتاب مجدي مهنا «في الممنوع»، أول كتاب يصدر عن مؤسسة «المصري اليوم»، ويضم مجموعة من مقالات الكاتب الراحل في عموده الذي حمل نفس العنوان في الجريدة. , Cover of Magdy Mehanna's Fil Mamnou' (Crossing the Redlines), first title in Al-Masry Al-Youm Books, a posthumous selected compilation of his  articles which appeared in a weekly column of the same title.
Last month, Al-Masry Al-Youm published Fel Mamnoo ("Forbidden"), a...
غلاف كتاب :فرح و بهلوي,حب باق الي الأبد , book cover "Farah Pahlavi enduring love"
Extracts from An Enduring Love written by Farah Pahlavi and published by...


Dr. Moshira Khattab minister of family and population in the Egyptian government , الدكتورة مشيرة خطاب وزيرة الاسرة و السكان في الحكومة المصرية
“Today might be Mother’s Day,” Minister of Family and...
 , Breakfast consists of healthy green juice!
At 9:30 AM this morning, I took delivery of the juices that were going to feed...
شوار , Shewar scarves
During last Friday's Spring Bazaar at the Swiss Club in Imbaba, around 70...


 , Bella
Four Seasons hotels stand at the pinnacle of Cairo’s luxury service...
 , Make sure you leave it in the fridge for at least four hours to set.
I tried this out last night and although it was a little runny due to my...
شين يشرح طريقة عمل وجبة السبرينج رولز الشعبية علي الطريقة الفيتنامية , Chinn demonstrated his recipe for the 'street food' version of Vietnamese spring rolls and dipping sauce.
Diwan bookstore in Zamalek held its first ever cooking session on Saturday...


 , Light falls on the faces of statues in the Abu Simbel temple during the Sunrise Festival.
Abu Simbel--Outside the Great Temple of Abu Simbel, a long line of people are...
 , Left: Darren Foss. Right: Tristin Miller.
The thought of traveling around the world in 80 days may be an appealing idea...
 , Our first impression of Hanoi
Happy Hour: A time of the day when alcoholic drinks are sold at a reduced price...