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Latest news: Belmopan Guinness 9-Ball Tournament update July 8 to 12  -  BELIZE’S WINSTON “AIR JUN” PRATT TO PARTICIPATE IN NBA “BASKETBALL WITHOUT BORDERS CAMP”  -  New and improved DFC resumes lending to students  -  From The Publisher  -  A Honduran’s thoughts on Honduras’ political problem  -  
Headline News
Barrow’s headache - major money scandals!

First KHMH, then CitCo, Border Mangement and Treasury! The enormity of the scam that has been perpetrated at the Treasury Department is just beginning to come into focus, and it will put the Government back by over $100,000. When the news broke earlier this week that an elaborate scam had been discovered at the Treasury, there was no official information of how much money was involved; there was only speculation, wild speculation going to as high as half a million dollars.
Top Stories
Bulldozers invade Bladen River Nature Reserve

Forest Department and YCT report unlawful road clearings inside forest reserves... At a time when Belize faces dire uncertainty over its power supply, it wouldn’t anger many people to hear that there are efforts to create more hydropower facilities in the country to help meet the country’s growing demand for electricity.
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Julio Santos terminated for missing funds at Western Border Management Agency

External auditor, police called in... A site manager for the Western Border branch of the Border Management Agency (BMA), one Julio Santos, has been fired from his post, and Benque Viejo police are conducting an investigation into a report of over $13,000 missing from the Agency’s accounts for the month of June.
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John Avery says BEL blackouts are “no conspiracy”

Amid public suspicion that the recent spate of power outages are intentionally being engineered by the Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) to punish consumers because the company has not gotten a rate increase, John Avery, the chairman of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), called a press conference this afternoon to assure the media that “there is no conspiracy.”
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An arrest may occur soon in Belize City Council “under-depositing” investigation

Information is coming in a slow trickle, as hardly anyone wants to talk about an investigation that was launched last week, when Patrick Tillett, the Financial Controller who is attached to the Belize City Council from the Ministry of Local Government to oversee the council’s financial affairs, made a report to the Belmopan Police about monies that have allegedly gone missing from the Belize City Council.
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Stevedores worry over sea safety in Port of Belize unrest

There was turmoil at the Port of Belize (POB) compound in Belize City early this week, following complaints made by a gang of 30-odd stevedores that the company, their employer, was insisting that they go to load sugar aboard a ship at sea, via a leaky boat they feared was going to sink with them under choppy waters.
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Last Edition
Onario Oba, 19, dies; innocent bystander, says dad
• Customs Department gives their side of Thursday’s attack by contrabanders in Douglas... Onario Oba, 19, of San Victor village in the Corozal District, died Friday morning at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) of injuries sustained in a confrontation with officers of the Anti-Drug Unit, Police Department; Customs and Excise Department, Orange Walk; and the Belize Defence Force, Thursday afternoon, June 11
Truck driver dead in Mile 29 ½ collision at Biscayne
• Vicente Orlando Rivero, 29, of Hattieville, was driving a red Isuzu Dmax truck from Orange Walk Town to Belize City around 3:00 p.m. on Saturday when at Mile 29 ½ on the Northern Highway, at about the northern boundary of Biscayne village, his vehicle was apparently hit by a grey Mazda being driven by Orlando Espejo, 72.
Court of Appeal hears Government’s arguments in appeal of the Chief Justice decision in landowner’s case
• Civil Appeal #7 of 2009 between the Attorney General of Belize and Barry Bowen on the one hand, and the Landowners Association on the other, began this morning in the Belize Court of Appeal.
Prisoner commits suicide at Hattieville Prison
• Ladyville police confirmed to Amandala late tonight that a prisoner has committed suicide inside the walls of the Central Prison at Hattieville, managed by Kolbe Foundation. The method of suicide and who the prisoner was are unknown at this time. We are told that an investigator from Ladyville has been dispatched to the scene.
Obama’s pick for new ambassador to Belize is Vinai Thummalapally
• US President Barack Obama has sent a list of nominations for special appointments, to the US Senate, among them his old college buddy and campaign fundraiser, Vinai Thummalapally, an Indian-American of Colorado State, who Obama wants to become the next Ambassador to Belize.
Cenaida and Andy will sue GOB!
• No one is to blame for death of Baby Andy Jones: MOH investigation... The Ministry of Health investigation into the controversial death of Baby Andy Jones is complete, and the Director of Health Services (DHS), Dr. Michael Pitts, told Amandala today that the report indicates that no one is to blame.
New Road tailor, Angel Arias, 51, arraigned on aggravated assault charge on girl, 14
• He is a tailor by profession and his business is located at #14 New Road. But this afternoon, Angel Arias appeared in the Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Albert Hoare, where he was arraigned on a charge of aggravated assault
Citrus stress
• The citrus industry has not yet complained about my turning up at their meetings. They have not complained about me eating their food, and sucking on their delicious juices either. And they have fed and clad my family directly, the two years or so I worked in the Stann Creek Valley. So, why am I so ungrateful that I will say bad things about them?
The Price United Party
• The Opposition PUP is not a democratic party. It is an oligarchy, ruled from the top by a long established syndicate. Until 2004, the PUP essentially managed to run with the hares and chase with the hounds, as it is said. It had become a neoliberal, oligarchical organization, but it retained the reputation of being a roots, populist group, which it had been at its foundation in 1950.
From The Publisher
• It occurred to me during last Tuesday night’s Kremandala Show that there are people here who are satisfied, happy even, with the way things are going in this country. Some of these people are part of systems which have actually worked towards having things become and be the way they are – in politics, in business, in religion, in education, in sports, and so on and so forth.
Cuban Revolution
• There were one thousand regular army troops stationed in and around Estrada Palma. But so great was their terror of Castro and his men that they fled after offering only the feeblest resistance, leaving behind more than fifty dead, large quantities of automatic weapons and ammunition and three armored cars which had been wrecked by rebels hurling Molotov cocktails. So quickly and efficiently did the rebel bands withdraw after this attack that by the time Batista’s air force arrived on the scene they were gone — and their bombs and bullets were expended on a deserted battleground.
Clinton “understands” Brother Colin
• During the time I was a lecturer at the “Belize Technical College” one of my subjects was “Conversational Spanish.” It was very difficult for me to get it across to my students because they were not interested in anything that smells Spanish. I tried different strategies; some were my own and others were recommended to me by experienced teachers. But when someone is not interested in something, it matters not what you do — they won’t take it in. In one of these strategies which I was trying , while I was saying something I don’t recall at this moment, suddenly one of my students lifted her right fist and said, “UBAD.” I asked her, “What is UBAD?” I got no answer from her except that she lifted her right fist for a second time and said the same thing, “UBAD.” I asked for a second time, “What is UBAD?” No one answered; they probably thought I knew. After the lecturing time was over, I went to a teacher and asked him, “What is UBAD?” The teacher recommended me a book, and that was when for the first time I read Assad Shoman’s 13 Chapters.
Condemned to death
• The life-threatening situation that hastens death to those who require dialysis treatment, as a result of kidney failure, continues unabated. The only apparent progress is a reduction in the cost of treatment. The reduction apparently resulted from the adverse publicity regarding the outrageous costs of dialysis treatment. Kidney failure, requiring dialysis treatment, may be the future problem of any Belizean.
Maya land rights case adjourned until Tuesday
• The case of the Maya Leaders Alliance (MLA) and the Toledo Alcalde Association (TAA) versus the Government of Belize resumed on Friday before Chief Justice Dr. Abdulai Conteh, with the reappearance of Dr. Richard Wilk, expert witness for the Toledo Maya.
Unfinished business in Interoffice basketball semifinals
• After two semifinal games played on Friday night, June 12, in the Interoffice basketball competition, one team, Atlantic Bank is through to the finals; but two teams, Port of Belize and Belize City Council, must play one more game for the remaining spot in the finals.
2009 Summer Table Tennis Tournament
• The Belize Table Tennis Association (BTTA) will be holding its 2009 Summer Table Tennis Tournament at the Belize Elementary School Auditorium on June 27-28. The round robin, double elimination tournament will be conducted in Class A, Class B, Class C, and Junior Under 12 & 15 individual categories, with medals going to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in each category.
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