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Hispanic Graduation Madness

By Andrew Kelly

How well do colleges designated by the government as ‘Hispanic-Serving Institutions’ actually serve Hispanic students? Not very well, it turns out.

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American Essays

  • Mediscare: Our Government-Administered Insurance Looks into the Abyss

    Mediscare: Our Government-Administered Insurance Looks into the Abyss

    Just how bad is Medicare’s future? Ask its Trustees.

    This week, we are likely to find out the fate of Obamacare. But no matter the outcome, a fact will remain largely unchanged: the financial condition of Medicare is unsustainable. Each year, the ...

  • Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Entrepreneurs

    Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Entrepreneurs

    Immigrant rates of self-employment vary widely across countries of origin.

    Some people argue that immigrants to the United States are more likely than the native-born to become entrepreneurs, and that to enhance entrepreneurial activity America needs to bring in more ...

  • When to Doubt a Scientific ‘Consensus’

    When to Doubt a Scientific ‘Consensus’

    Anyone who has studied the history of science knows that scientists are not immune to the non-rational dynamics of the ...

    A December 18 Washington Post poll, released on the final day of the ill-fated Copenhagen climate summit, reported “four in ten Americans now saying that they place little or no trust in what ...

  • India, the United States, and High-Tech Trade

    India, the United States, and High-Tech Trade

    The U.S.-India trade relationship requires more attention, from both sides.

    Perhaps unbeknownst even to the most avid follower of U.S.-India relations, the seventh annual U.S.-India High Technology Cooperation Group (HTCG) meetings will be held in Washington this Monday and ...

  • Are Some Races More Equal Than Others?

    Are Some Races More Equal Than Others?

    How will the Obama administration respond to a formal complaint in the wake of serious black-on-Asian violence at South ...

    Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has just announced a new push to enforce civil rights laws to combat discrimination in our schools. In the last decade, he said, his department’s Office for ...

  • Are We a Nation of One Person, One Vote?

    Are We a Nation of One Person, One Vote?

    Hundreds of voting districts throughout the country have an unfair balance between citizen and non-citizen populations. ...

    In the recently decided Benavidez v. City of Irving et al., the plaintiff challenged the at-large system of electing city council members in Irving, Texas, charging that it was racially ...

  • Weak Tea or Strong Tea?

    Weak Tea or Strong Tea?

    Too many of those currently ‘analyzing’ the Tea Party movement seem to have no genuine interest in grappling with its ...

    When reading articles that aim at understanding the Tea Party movement, I am reminded of the ancient fable of the elephant and the blind men. Unable to see the whole elephant at a glance, each of the ...

  • The Tax That Spells Trouble for the Economy

    The Tax That Spells Trouble for the Economy

    The savers hit by Obama’s proposed healthcare tax provide the largest volume of funds to finance investment in our ...

    President Obama has announced that he will push forward with his healthcare plan. Commendably, the president has pledged to avoid adding to the deficit, promising that tax increases and spending cuts ...

  • We’re Still ‘Lying to Our Children’

    We’re Still ‘Lying to Our Children’

    Setting a national goal of having all students proficient by 2014 while letting states create their own tests and set ...

    The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) set a national goal that all children be proficient in reading and math by 2014. The law left both the design of the tests and the setting of proficiency ...

  • Two Cheers for American Exceptionalism

    Two Cheers for American Exceptionalism

    President Obama rejects American exceptionalism in a manner never before seen in an American commander in chief.

    There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of American foreign policy in the post-9/11 era. The failures of the Bush administration’s democracy agenda are manifest, and the contribution of hubris ...


Stocking, Locking, and Loading

A fair percentage of Americans are taking precautions against further economic collapse.

Stocking, Locking, and Loading

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