Center for American Progress Center for American Progress

Featured Stories

chinese gas station attendant

Two Key Energy Priorities

Two pieces on curbing U.S. oil demand and using clean energy to bring money to farmers.

Quenching Our Thirst for Oil by Susan Lyon, Rebecca Lefton, and Daniel J. Weiss

Real Money for Farmers by Jake Caldwell


The New Environmentalists Wear Hard Hats

Van Jones talks about the green movement on Earth Day's 40th anniversary and what you can do to promote the clean energy economy.

See also: Carpe Diem on Earth Day by Kari Manlove and Daniel J. Weiss

appointee being sworn in

Waiting for Leadership

Doing What Works project report from Anne Joseph O’Connell on President Obama’s record in staffing key agency positions and how to improve the appointments process.

Interactive map

Equal Pay Day 2010

Fifty years after the Equal Pay Act, women still face a steep pay gap, show Heather Boushey, Jessica Arons, and Lauren Smith.

Analysis: Families Can’t Afford the Wage Gap

Map: The Persistent Career Wage Gap

Map: Women Provide for Their Families

Border images

Securing Our Border

Securing our border is a vexing challenge. The Doing What Works project discusses in this video what's working, what isn't, and what the federal government can do.

The Latest

Europe | April 22, 2010

Europe Matters in the British Election

David Cameron John Podesta argues that the “special relationship” between Britain and the United States is still important for transatlantic ties.
Media | April 22, 2010

Mainstream Media to Conservatives: 'Thank You, Sir, May I Have Another?'

The media is displaying the same careless coverage of the Tea Party movement that characterized the ACORN scandal, argues Eric Alterman.
Open & Accountable Government | April 22, 2010

Challenges and Lessons Learned in Transitioning the Federal Government

CAP Action President and CEO John Podesta testifies before the Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia.
Religion & Values | April 22, 2010

Religious Communities Press for Climate Justice

dalai lama The Rev. Dr. Janet L. Parker discusses how religious groups see climate action as a matter of fairness and equality.
Labor & Work | April 23, 2010

Solving Problems Through Service

AmeriCorps volunteers A CAP event releases a new book on national service by Visiting Fellow Shirley Sagawa and discusses how service programs can help solve key domestic problems.


A Closer Look


Students Need More Time


The traditional school calendar is failing to meet many students’ needs, but expanded learning time has been shown to help in high-needs schools.
Take a look »


Opportunities for Education Reform

Melissa Lazarin Melissa Lazarín discusses opportunities for education reform this year and what the president is doing to promote innovation in our schools.


The Progressive Tradition in American Politics

suffrage parade in New York City, 1915 Part two of the Progressive Tradition Series examines the politics of national progressivism from the agrarian populists to the Great Society.

  • Audit the Tax Code: Report from Sima J. Gandhi sets out the Doing What Works philosophy on tax expenditure reform.
  • Securing Our Borders: Report from Chuck McCutcheon on doing what works to ensure immigration reform is complete and comprehensive.
  • Assessing the “Reset”: Report from Samuel Charap makes recommendations for cementing the gains made in the first year of the Obama administration's reset with Russia.

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