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Synagogue holding services with Muslims
Interaction comes after canceling seminar on dangers of radical Islam
September 10, 2009

A nonprofit that sponsors educational symposiums on the threat of radical Islam is raising alarm that a synagogue that previously canceled one of its programs, Congregation Beth El in New London, Conn., now plans to celebrate Ramadan with local Islamic leaders tied to extremist groups.

"In 2008, I found it appallin
g that Jewish organizations including the [Jewish Federal of Eastern Connecticut] and Jewish Community Center of West Hartford would strive to keep their congregants in the dark with respect to the Islamist threat – a threat against the Jewish people that clearly overshadows that which was posed by the Third Reich," Jeffrey Epstein, founder and president of America's Truth Forum, told WND.
"Perhaps both the Jewish Federation of Eastern Connecticut and Rabbi Astor of Congregation Beth El should do their homework  before embarking on an appeasing mission with individuals linked to such nefarious organizations," Epstein said.

Epstein explained that on Jan. 6, 2008, his organization was to hold educational symposiums for the Jewish communities in Connecticut, including an event in New London at Congregation Beth El and another at Temple Beth Israel in West Hartford.

The subject matter, he said, included the Muslim Brotherhood's "menacing threat to the United States – in particular, the Jewish people."

Among the speakers in the lineup were Islamic terrorism experts Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch; Harvey Kushner, who heads the criminal justice department for Long Island University; and Bruce Tefft, founding member of the CIA's counterterrorism task force.

But Epstein reported he was told at the time the Jewish Federation was afraid of "jeopardizing" its outreach with the Islamic community.

Now, according to Epstein, Congregation Beth El is holding a special service Saturday with representatives of the Islamic Center of New London.

"The following evening, a Jewish delegation of rabbis and congregants from surrounding synagogues will celebrate Ramadan at the Bennie Dover Jackson Middle School in New London," he reported.
Reservations, he said, are to be forwarded to CAIR-Connecticut.

Officials with the Beth El congregation did not respond to a WND request for comment.

Epstein said it was ironic that the interaction with the Islamic interests was taking place only weeks after the life of Rabbi Isidore Greengrass – who survived the Buchenwald to Flossenburg death march and lost his entire family, including his first wife and child to the Nazis – was honored during his funeral at Beth El.
The website of the New London Islamist center has links to the Islamic Society of North America, the Islamic Circle of North America, the Muslim Student Association and CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Epstein described the first three groups as "operating wings" of the Muslim Brotherhood, while CAIR, the advocacy organization for Islam in America, "shares common heritage with Hamas and was designated as an unindicted co-conspirator during the recent Holyland Foundation trial in Dallas."
Epstein said the Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual leader is Sheikh Yusaf al-Qaradhawi, who told Al-Jazeera just last January Jews should be annihilated:

"Oh Allah, take your enemies, the enemies of Islam. Oh Allah, take the Jews, the treacherous aggressors. Oh Allah, take this profligate, cunning, arrogant band of people. Oh Allah, they have spread much tyranny and corruption in the land. Pour Your wrath upon them, oh our God. Lie in wait for them. Oh Allah, You annihilated the people of Thamoud at the hand of a tyrant, and You annihilated the people of 'Aad with a fierce, icy gale. Oh Allah, You annihilated the people Thamoud at the hand of a tyrant, You annihilated the people of 'Aad with a fierce, icy gale, and You destroyed the Pharaoh and his soldiers — oh Allah, take this oppressive, tyrannical band of people. Oh Allah, take this oppressive, Jewish, Zionist band of people. Oh Allah, do not spare a single one of them. Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them, down to the very last one."

WND has reported that at least 14 CAIR officials have been caught up in terror investigations.

Congressional leaders say they are warning lawmakers and other Washington officials to disassociate from the group due to its growing terror ties.

©2009 WorlddNetDaily


Feds' 'McVeigh excuse' prompts response
David Schippers contends OKC bomber part of Islamic , not 'right-wing' plot

Responding to the Obama administration's attempt to justify a controversial "right-wing extremism" report by citing Timothy McVeigh, a counter-terrorism group has posted a video statement by a prominent Democrat investigator who contends the Oklahoma City bomb plot was hatched not by right-wingers but by Islamic jihadists.

David Schippers, the chief counsel for the 1998 impeachment trial of President Clinton, probed the bombing with investigative reporter Jayna Davis, author of "The Third Terrorist: The Middle Eastern Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing", by WND Books. Davis asserts McVeigh and Terry Nichols were not the lone conspirators but part of a greater scheme involving Islamic terrorists and at least one provable link to Iraq. The explosion April 19, 1995, at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building killed 168 people, including 19 children, and injured another 684.

In the video, released by America's Truth Forum, Schippers says there's "no question the Oklahoma City bombing was a part of a state-sponsored attack on the heartland of the United States."

"I have been asked about the Oklahoma bombing and whether there was any kind of federal cover-up. The simple and direct answer is yes," he said. (Full Article)


AN AMERICA'S TRUTH FORUM EXCLUSIVE - David Schippers on "The Oklahoma City Bombing"

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by America's Truth Forum Staff

As widely reported, commercial ammunition is in short supply - in particular, .223 Remington (5.56) rounds suitable for all sporting and military-style rifles including the AR-15 and Ruger Mini-14.  America's Truth Forum (ATF) is pleased to announce that a patriotic American corporation has agreed to fill this void by manufacturing and distributing small-arms ammunition, to qualified purchasers, in support of our educational initiative. 
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to stock up on scarce ammunition and lend your support to a most noble cause. Like gold and silver, ammunition is coming into vogue as an affordable security investment - a multi-purpose asset that not only protects homes from violent attacks and citizens from tyrannical oppression but a tangible one that could be bartered as collateral during the most troubling economic times.

 Your selfless donation will help up awaken our citizenry to the radical Islamic – Jihadist threat. If we fail to take the appropriate actions now, our children will be left to carry on the battle against an even stronger and more determined foe, an evil whose flame we failed to extinguish. Our legacy should be one of bravely confronting our adversaries and of diligently defending what is rightfully ours. Our actions need to serve as motivating examples for future generations, instilling in them the proclivity to stand resolute in the face of evil.

Neo-Nazi Threat Growing Despite NPD Cash Woes
by David Crossland in Berlin

Germany's far-right National Democratic Party may be on the brink of financial collapse, but the neo-Nazi scene is alive and kicking. And, experts warn, it is becoming more dangerous.

The right-extremist National Democratic Party is almost broke. That, at least, has been the message delivered recently by both media reports and the party itself. Even the NPD chairman Udo Voigt admitted that his party was in an "existential crisis."


by Riaz Khan
Associated Press Writer

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) -- A suicide bomber demolished a mosque packed with hundreds of worshippers attending Friday prayers near the Afghan border, killing at least 48 people and injuring scores more, in the bloodiest attack in Pakistan this year. The bomber struck at the climax of the service, as the mosque leader was starting the communal prayer, witnesses said.


by Richard Ford, Home Correspondent

A terrorist attack on Britain with chemical, nuclear or biological weapons is now “more realistic” because of the increasing theft of materials used to make a dirty bomb, the Government warned yesterday.

The Home Office disclosed that serious work was under way in Whitehall to protect Britain against the use of a roadside bomb or other home-made weapon of the kind used against troops serving in Afghanistan and Iraq.

As the Government published an updated counter-terrorism strategy, the danger facing the country was highlighted with the claim that more than 20 Britons monitored by Pakistani intelligence have returned to Britain. The men are believed to have spent time with radical militant groups linked to al-Qaeda and the Taleban. All the suspects are aged between 17 and 23 and have apparently created “sufficient suspicion” for Pakistan’s intelligence service, the ISI, to believe that they pose a danger to Britain, according to Sky News.


Non-profit cooperating with supplier amid stressed market
by World Net Daily

An ammunition manufacturer and a non-profit group are teaming up in a unique venture to help address both the short supply of commercial ammo and the need to alert Americans about the threat of radical Islam.

America's Truth Forum announced it is making available through its website .223 Remington (5.56) rounds suitable for all sporting and military-style rifles, including the AR-15 and Ruger Mini-14.

"Like gold and silver, ammunition is coming into vogue as an affordable security investment – a multi-purpose asset that not only protects homes from violent attacks and citizens from tyrannical oppression but a tangible one that could be bartered as collateral during the most troubling economic times," says the president of America's Truth Forum, Jeff Epstein.

Purchasers of the ammunition will have an opportunity to donate to America's Truth Forum, Epstein said, and help "awaken our citizenry to the radical Islamic-Jihadist threat."



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