Innovation of the Week: Providing an Agricultural Answer to Nature’s Call

Cross posted from Worldwatch Institute's Nourishing the Planet.

It’s hard to believe, but an estimated 2.6 billion people in the developing world—nearly a third of the global population—still lack access to basic sanitation services. This presents a significant hygiene risk, especially in densely populated urban areas and slums where contaminated drinking water can spread disease rapidly. Every year, some 1.5 million children die from diarrhea caused by poor sanitation and hygiene.

It is in these crowded cities, too, that food security is weakened by the lack of clean, nutrient-rich soil as well as growing space available for local families.

But there is an inexpensive solution to both problems. A recent innovation, called the Peepoo, is a disposable bag that can be used once as a toilet and then buried in the ground. Urea crystals in the bag kill off disease-producing pathogens and break down the waste into fertilizer, simultaneously eliminating the sanitation risk and providing a benefit for urban gardens. After successful test runs in Kenya and India, the bags will be mass produced this summer and sold for U.S. 2–3 cents each, making them more accessible to those who will benefit from them the most.

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How FDR Would Have Handled Tea Bag Obstructionism

It was a different era and a different style of leadership, occasioned by a Great Depression paradigm shift.

This was when FDR came to power with a mandate for change. We had a strong grassroots union movement that helped forge the way and the progressive coalition was gradually strengthened under Roosevelt’s New Deal leadership.

This was before the grand emphasis of focus groups and those polite panel discussions on places like CNN that the mainstream media fobs off as representative democracy in action.

Very importantly, this was before the lobbyists held a choke hold on the democratic system that it was never compelled to release through remedial campaign reform legislation.

Instead we go the other way, with a regular Rush Limbaugh listener like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas voting to give corporations as a “person” the unrestricted right to spend as much money as they desire in the political system for fear that their constitutional liberty of expression will be otherwise foredoomed.

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1,000 Words About Uganda

Cross posted from Border Jumpers, Danielle Nierenberg and Bernard Pollack.

When we arrived by bus at the HIV/AIDS Resource Center in Katuna, Uganda (the border between Rwanda and Uganda), twenty men were intently watching a match between Manchester United and Chelsea on a small television. Along with the pool table, board games, and additional television downstairs, soccer games provide a much needed distraction for the long-distance truckers who have to wait for their vehicles to be cleared by customs before entering Rwanda.

But just eight months ago, instead of television and camaraderie among workers, the easiest diversion for truckers was sex. Katuna is one of many towns along what is known as the Northern Transport Corridor—a span of highway that stretches from Mombasa, Kenya through Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan and all the way to Djibouti.

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On The Protection Of Hateful Speech -Westboro Baptist Church

A couple of days ago someone pointed out that I had two differing views on a topic in the same post. It came from my need to give some credence to the ideas that disagree with mine, but it is not the only time I find myself in conflict with myself. Take the situation with the incredibly vile and to my mind utterly worthless members of Westboro Baptist Church. These are the malignant and maleficent idiots that protest at military funerals with signs that say such warm and fluffy things as “Semper Fi Fags” and “God Hates You”. They are protesting what they see as the over acceptance of homosexuality in America. They believe that God is punished the United States with 9/11 for our tolerance of our gay citizens.

Originally posted at

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Pelosi Under Pressure From Progressives on Public Option

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insists that the public option is dead, but progressive organizations are mounting an aggressive campaign to resurrect it as Democratic lawmakers gear up to pass a final health care bill this week via a budgetary process known as reconciliation.

Democracy for America, Credo Action, and the Progressive Campaign Change Committee (PCCC) raised $75,000 for a 60-second spot that will air on MSNBC, CNN and a local station in Pelosi's home district of San Francisco. The ad challenges assertions she made last week that the public option does not have enough support from Democratic lawmakers in the Senate to be included as one of the amendments in the reconciliation bill.

On the Web site, the groups, in supporting calculations that the measure has enough votes to pass the Senate, list the names of Democratic senators who have either signed a letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid supporting the public option, or have made statements saying they would back it or would "likely" cast an "aye" vote if it were introduced as part of the final package of legislative fixes.

According to the letter sent to Reid, which 41 Democratic senators have signed thus far, an "overwhelming majority of Americans support a public option.

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Creating Game Plans for Investment and Policy to Improve Food Security

This is the second in a two-part series about my visit with Jan Nijhoff, who works with the Common Market for Eastern and South Africa (COMESA) and Michigan State University in Lusaka, Zambia. Cross posted from Worldwatch Institute's Nourishing the Planet.

According to Jan Nijhoff, the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) “was born” as a result of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)—the list of broad targets that the United Nations hopes developing nations will achieve by 2015. Nijhoff, who coordinates a project between Michigan State University and countries in eastern and southern Africa to promote regional trade, says CAADP was a response by COMESA (the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) to develop a program to “solve” the problems outlined in the MDGs.

The initiative is focused especially on MDG #1, the goal of halving both the number of people who earn less than a dollar a day and the number of hungry people worldwide by 2015.

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Big Money Complicates Financial Reform Here And Abroad

With the release of Sen. Dodd’s (D-CT) proposed financial sector re-regulation we are on the path to some small steps to rein in our out of control banking system. The bill has some good features (forgive me that I have not had time to read the entire thing yet) though it is not quite as strong as many of my fellow DFH would like.

There is going to be a huge focus on the provisions for the consumer protection agency, which in the Dodd bill is under the auspices of the Federal Reserve. This is a really bad idea given the size of this department compared to the size of the Fed, but there is some hope that it will be made into an independent agency. Putting under the Fed was a move to try to entice Republicans. At this point there are no Republicans in support of this bill so it might change. Then again, it might not.

Originally posted at

Perhaps more important to the systemic health of the economy is the requirement of hedge funds with more than $100 million in assets register with regulators. This is a good first step, since knowing who is managing how much money is a prerequisite for policing the financial markets.

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Dear Brother Joe...

On the Limits of Tax-Exempt Status

[an extrapolation on current events, in personal narrative form]

Some of you know that a few weeks ago my hubby and I flew out to Oklahoma to help get Mom-in-law moved into assisted living due to some issues with failing eyesight, short-term memory non-existence and refusal to use a walker (resulting in her falling down a lot). Hubby's family were lifelong Presbyterians by faith, his Mom and Dad were both Elders in the tiny church behind their house. My Dad returned to his family's association with the Presbyterian church after retiring from the Navy, following some lengthy investigation of various denominations. My husband and I attended the same Presbyterian church as teenagers and young adults, though our attendance at any church over recent years has been reserved to weddings and funerals.

Now, the thing about protestantism is that it's got a denomination for whatever flavor of natural inclination a person's got. If your nature is parliamentarian nit-picking and resolution by argument, Presbyterianism is your cup of tea. If your nature is lightning-like bliss and gibberish, a Pentecostal or other "holy roller" denomination will serve. If you're a liberal-minded type fond of social issues, some of the reformed orthodox denominations will be satisfying. And if you're a hard right WingNut type Republican Talibangelist harboring too much leftover racism, the SBC [Southern Baptist Conference] churches are made to order.

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Where have you gone, Albert Einstein?

Thus the comparison between the Great Depression and the current Great Recession falls flat, because the popular upheavals of the 1930s are only in evidence today among the least helpful segments of the population. This of course is a major reason why we can expect no FDR-like President to save us from the...economic collapse...

...During the 1930s...intellectual figures such as John Dos Passos, John Steinbeck, Kenneth Burke, and Richard Wright were actual socialists and not just mere liberals offering occasional plugs for John Kerry.

Another prominent socialist, albeit a bit later than the Depression, was Albert Einstein. He was an all around brilliant man, someone whom I admire greatly. And he wisely said this, although today it would probably be considered way too radical for anyone respectable to utter:

[I am] a passionate pacifist and anti-militarist. I am against any nationalism, even in the guise of mere patriotism. Privileges based on position and property have always seemed to me unjust and pernicious, as did any exaggerated personality cult.

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Will Student Aid Sway Health Reform Votes?

Democrats attach student aid legislation to health care bill in hopes of winning a simple majority with reconciliation.

Is Future Shock And Grief At The Heart Of The Tea Party?

The rise of the Tea Party movement has been quite fast. In less than a year they have (with the help of Fox News and Freedom Works) become a force that many Republicans feel they need to court in order to win in November of the this year. But even with the organization and promotion help they received, there had to be a group that could be molded and promoted in the first place.

There is a lot of talk about the apparent racist aspect of the Tea Party participants. However if there was that big and cohesive a racist feeling in the nation, then various white power groups would have been a major force long before this. Instead of being a motivating factor I think that racism is a side symptom which Progressives are so tuned in to seeing that it obscures what might be the more functional roots of this movement.

"Originally posted at The Seminal

Let’s take a look at who the Tea Party members are. It is true they are overwhelmingly white, but they are also overwhelmingly male, and have attended college. They also tend to be from more rural parts of the nation and skew older. Basically, you can describe them as the conservative wing of the Baby Boomers.

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