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Church of Scientology
Research resources, News, and News Archive

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Non-ChristianHategroup The Church of Scientology

This page: Table of Contents

Note: This page/site is not affiliated with any Scientology entity.


About this page

The Church of Scientology is a commercial enterprise that masquerades as a religion, and that increasingly acts like a hate group. Scientology has a long history of hate and harassment activities, which - along with lying and deception - are condoned and encouraged in the cult's own ''scriptures.'' (See, for example, its ''dead agenting'' and ''fair game'' policies). This is why Apologetics Index classifies the organization as a hate group.

Table of Contents

News Tracker & News Archive

About this page:
Church of Scientology - Research resources, News, and News Archive
Note: This page/site is not affiliated with any Scientology entity.
First posted: Oct. 3, 1996
Last Updated: Oct. 9, 2001
Copyright: Apologetics Index
Link to: http://www.apologeticsindex.org/s04.html
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