Swine flu challenges airline travelers
The push to prevent others from being infected with swine flu is causing conflict between airline travelers.
Tampa Bay Online reports the staff at United Airlines suspected passenger Mitra Mostoufi had the flu and forced her to get off the plane and stay in Tampa as she was trying to return to her home in Hawaii on Monday.
Mostoufi and other sick travelers are finding it difficult to travel by plane if airlines know they may potentially have the disease.
Twitter users question if what airlines are doing is appropriate and are scared of catching the disease on planes:
KGMB9 (Honolulu, Hawaii) Would you have appreciated being kicked off the plane? Even if you were accused of having Swine Flu? Mucx (Barcelona, Spain) Hope they let me on the plane, still got this flu, sweating, shaking, standing at check in…that joke about swine flu has me worried now bossbev (Undisclosed) These ppl are coughing on this plane. I am so scared of Swine Flu! Y don’t they cover mouths when coughn?????? snoopysnowcone (Massachusetts) On the plane and holding my breath so I don’t get swine flu… Juno_Is_Boring (Yakima, WA) About to board the plane to Denver. Then on to Kansas City. Hope we don’t get Swine Flu.
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