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In Focus

Steve Fuller
Expert witness for the other side.

The Ryan Report
What happened in Irish industrial schools.

Women Under Theocracy
Religion and culture function to shield the oppression of women from criticism.

Is it forbidden to 'offend the religious feelings of believers'?

Einstein’s Wife: Mileva Marić
Feel-good history strikes again.

Nonsense Files
Where to find everything B&W isn't.

Hindutva on the Attack
Campaigns to silence, intimidate, or destroy scholars and scholarship.

Hear the Noise
Will a tv drama make the fear of the MMR jab even worse?

Cultural Relativism
Tolerance can conflict with opposition to caste violence and other injustice.


Ratzinger's 2001 letter to the bishops
More concerned about the 'eucharist' than about the molested 'minors.'

Lawyers for victims say pope obstructed justice.
In 2001 Ratzinger ordered that the church's investigations into child sex abuse claims be secret.


Notes and Comment
Blogging Butterflies and Wheels style. And your chance to disagree with us!
Last Updated:05-01-2010

Bad Moves
Philosopher Julian Baggini's column on bad argumentative moves.
Last Updated:25-10-2005

In the Library

Brief introductions to recommended books.

Our book reviews section.

Interactive Philosophy

Latest News

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PaleoTexans Control US Textbooks
California is too broke to buy textbooks, so Texas has more clout than ever. Be afraid.
Date filed: 06-01-2010

Life Now for Kurt Westergaard
Defiance helps - it reduces the fear.
Date filed: 06-01-2010

Taj Hargey Responds to Anjem Choudary
A ban is just what the party-of-one Choudary wants. Ignore him.
Date filed: 06-01-2010

Oliver Kamm Responds to Nancy Graham Holm
He is not impressed.
Date filed: 06-01-2010

Amnesty International Reports Leo Igwe Released
Latest news: he and his father have been released on bail. Read the details.
Date filed: 05-01-2010


The Many Ways Africans are Dying
By Leo Igwe
'There are many ways to die, and not all of them have to do with extinction.'
Date filed: 10-12-2009

Witch Hunter Sues Humanist Activist in Attempt to Quell Criticism
By Nathan Bupp
The suit equates witch hunting with protected religious freedom.
Date filed: 09-12-2009

A Deal-breaker
By Ophelia Benson
From 50 Voices of Disbelief - what business does God have hiding?
Date filed: 02-12-2009

Ashis Nandy and the Postcolonial Trap
By Joshua F. Leach
Because postcolonialism has only one idea, it can easily become oppressive in practice.
Date filed: 01-12-2009

Why Do We Believe in Witches?
By Ikechukwu Okechukwu
People who have other options mostly do not believe in witches.
Date filed: 30-11-2009

Rally Against Sharia London November 21
By Maryam Namazie, One Law for All
To oppose religious laws, show solidarity with people resisting Sharia, defend universal rights and secularism.
Date filed: 15-11-2009

Why Prohibition Fails and What We Should Do Instead
By Colin Brewer
Prohibition has created a highly productive hypocrisy industry.
Date filed: 14-11-2009

'A Road Which Eventually Can Lead Only to Success'
By Colin Brewer
How cannabis came to be prohibited.
Date filed: 13-11-2009

Humanism and Witch Hunt in Nigeria
By Leo Igwe
At the Nigerian Humanist Movement's National Conference on Witch-hunt, Christian Fundamentalism and Child Abuse
Date filed: 12-11-2009


Fashionable Dictionary
Your guide to the language of pseudoscience and fashionable nonsense.

Woolly-Thinking Rhetoric
How to argue like a sheep. Vanquish your enemies with the help of our guide.

'Let them speak for themselves', people often cry out (apparently). So we have.

Euphemisms and Obfuscations
Renaming and Relabelling. How to speak so that you don't offend.

Does God Hate Women

Does God Hate Women?

Why Truth Matters

The Fashionable Dictionary



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