Filed Under (Federal Politics, Politics) by LibVin on 18-03-2010
As noted by a note I put up on this blog a few days ago there were some issues in Harper’s house. Specifically, the Conservative back-pedalling on CAP (Community Access Program), the redirection of the Afghan issue (playing hot potato, really), and the anthem. Now it’s a reversing on the issue of 10%s, too. Initially Harper was mute, then okay with the vote and not using them, and finally supports their continued use. Then, following this, there was back pedalling on contraceptives being part of aid packages. I suppose it is no longer of if the Conservatives reverse themselves on something but when. As John Ibbitson writes (Globe and Mail):
What’s even more interesting is that these reversals are not based on errors. Rather, condemnation and anger against Conservative policies have been forcing the Conservatives to change what they’re doing. Ibbitson (Globe and Mail) and Ivison (National Post) both write that Harper has been switching his positions based on NGO, international groups, and other groups telling him to change his policies. It’s one thing to correct an error but Harper simply has been reversing his positions on issues in their totality. What Harper is doing isn’t leadership. That definitely is not leadership.
Filed Under (Federal Politics, Politics) by LibVin on 18-03-2010
Picture: (Source: here, “PM attends the Women’s gold medal hockey game at the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games with Wayne and Janet Gretzky”) Of course the Prime Minister’s eyes are on Wayne Gretzky’s elbow and not at anyone’s chest area. (By the way, looking at a person’s elbow increases the chance of landing a high five.) Please don’t take me seriously (… not that any of you did preivously but whatever…). However, there is an important issue that needs to be discussed. I find that not that many people find it within themselves just to poke fun at political leaders now when that level of humour and familiarity is so needed… and that is something that needs to change if Canada is ever to garner a higher level of understanding of our leaders. “David Swann urges Premier to stop closing urban core schools”: Ignore the loud lady between questions/answers. (By the way, if someone knows who that is please tell me. I’d love to send her some flowers.)
Filed Under (Federal Politics, Politics) by LibVin on 16-03-2010
Oh, well, that was quick. Industry Minister Clement has retreated from cutting the Community Access Program (CAP) that was announced a few days ago. This saves numerous rural libraries from shutting down their internet access and allows Canadians to access an invaluable resource for resume writing, learning, and engaging in society.. The Conservatives have retreated on this issue just like the anthem fiasco. And like the Afghan detainees issue, where they initially shut the public out and are now direction attention away from themselves to Justice Iacobucci at $600/hr, has also been a reversal. I am beginning to see a trend here. Harper can likely dangle his feet in so many pools before people realize he isn’t really standing up for much. On the topic of standing up for stuff, though, it seems there is a small revolt on the right. Specifically, Andrew Coyne has penned an article in that he lambastes the PM over the rather un-conservative budget. Also, the import of the teabagging phenomena from the USA (likely by people greatly peeved with the Conservatives in Ottawa) are beginning to sprout up. Hm.
Filed Under (Federal Politics, Politics) by LibVin on 15-03-2010