



Keep the Change: The Empire Beat Goes On
Written by Chris Floyd   

Here are a few short takes on an overwhelmed day. All of the pieces below deserve much more attention -- especially the first one -- but these brief mentions will have to do for the moment.

Arthur Silber is back, with a vengeance, laying bare the true cost of the "unity" which Barack Obama has brought to previously dissident quarters: Kiss, Kiss, Kill, Kill. To pluck just one gem from the piece, Silber reminds all those "realist progressives" who believe we should be "realistic" about the blatantly pro-fatcat, pro-empire Obama team because, realistically speaking, it's as good as we are going to get, of this truth:

"Two percent less shitty than Pure Evil" is still evil. Many people expend untold energy to avoid that very simple, indisputable fact.

It is, as usual, a must-read; so go read it. While you are there, drop some coinage in The Cyrano Fund, to help one of Arthur's beloved cats get some much-needed medical care.

In his piece, Silber also points to a post by Michael J. Smith which clearly outlines the dynamic of perpetual betrayal which drives the Democratic Party. Alluding to a decision by the New York state Democratic Party to renege on a pre-election promise to advance legislation that would treat people with same-sex partners as fully human beings, Smith notes:

Readers older than, oh, say, twelve, may have noticed a pattern with the Democrats. They campaign on some issue -- in the previous Most Important Elections Of Our Lifetime, the 2006 midterms, it was the Iraq war, for example. Then once safely in office, the find a reason why they can't actually do anything about the issue until they get something else on the next election cycle -- the White House, or the state senate, or a second term for the Governor (why? This one seems especially arbitrary).

Justin Raimondo takes up this same theme with this cold-eyed look at Obama's new "National Security" team: "The End of the Affair." And Matthew Rothschild is on the case as well, stating the obvious (always a novel approach in the fantasyland of our national discourse: "With Gates, Obama Opts for Empire." As Rothschild notes:

Let’s remember: Gates was head of the CIA during Bush I. As such, he was involved in the invasion of Panama, the funding of a genocidal regime in Guatemala, the support of Suharto’s brutal government in Indonesia, and the overthrow of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti.

With Bush I, he pushed the first war against Saddam Hussein, even when it seemed that Saddam was preparing to withdraw from Iraq. And now with Bush II, he’s been running the Iraq War, which Obama vowed to end.

And Gates has come out with modernizing our nuclear weapons arsenal—that means making new nukes—even though Obama talked about nuclear disarmament during the campaign...

Obama doesn’t really want a change in foreign and military policy. He said as much during the campaign when he praised Bush Sr. and said he wanted to return to the bipartisan consensus of the last forty years.

In those forty years, the United States waged war against Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. It helped overthrow the Allende government in Chile. It supported Suharto’s invasion of East Timor. It financed and trained death squads in Central America. And on and on.

With the Gates choice, Obama proves he’s not about ending the U.S. empire. He’s about running the U.S. empire—with less bravado than Bush-Cheney, but perhaps more efficiently. And he’s perfectly willing to use the old hands like Gates, bloody as they are, to get that job done.

This completely non-controversial, indisputable statement of plain facts should be running in every newspaper in the country -- in place of all the feel-good hogwash about "steady hands" and "serious pragmatists" and "continuity in wartime."

Speaking of wartime, and Obama's pledge to expand the Terror War front in Central Asia, Robert Fisk sees the writing on the wall in Afghanistan:

The collapse of Afghanistan is closer than the world believes. Kandahar is in Taliban hands – all but a square mile at the centre of the city – and the first Taliban checkpoints are scarcely 15 miles from Kabul. Hamid Karzai's deeply corrupted government is almost as powerless as the Iraqi cabinet in Baghdad's "Green Zone"; lorry drivers in the country now carry business permits issued by the Taliban which operate their own courts in remote areas of the country...

"Nobody I know wants to see the Taliban back in power," a Kabul business executive says – anonymity is now as much demanded as it was before 2001 – "but people hate the government and the parliament which doesn't care about their security. The government is useless. With so many internally displaced refugees pouring into Kabul from the countryside, there's mass unemployment – but of course, there are no statistics.

"The 'open market' led many of us into financial disaster. Afghanistan is just a battlefield of ideology, opium and political corruption. Now you've got all these commercial outfits receiving contracts from people like USAID. First they skim off 30 to 50 per cent for their own profits – then they contract out and sub-contract to other companies and there's only 10 per cent of the original amount left for the Afghans themselves."

...The Afghan Minister of Defence has 65,000 troops under his dubious command but says he needs 500,000 to control Afghanistan. The Soviets failed to contain the country even when they had 100,000 troops here with 150,000 Afghan soldiers in support. And as Barack Obama prepares to send another 7,000 US soldiers into the pit of Afghanistan, the Spanish and Italians are talking of leaving while the Norwegians may pull their 500 troops out of the area north of Heart. Repeatedly, Western leaders talk of the "key" – of training more and more Afghans to fight in the army. But that was the same "key" which the Russians tried – and it did not fit the lock.

But hey, if the Afghan adventure goes up in smoke, there is always another prime target for the Bush-Obama-Gates "War on Terror": the American people. As the Washington Post reports, with astonishing sang-froid, the Terror Warriors plan to deploy 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States, to "help" local authorities with "domestic emergencies." And as many others have noted earlier, the definition of a "domestic emergency" requiring the use of combat troops against the American people is entirely up to the discretion of our old friend, the Unitary Executive -- soon to be appearing in a brand-new sepia-toned edition, but still packing the same authoritarian punch we've come to know and love so well.

Now don't you feel safer already? Aren't you proud to be an American again? Isn't it great to see how things are changing?
Comments (12)add comment

yankee 30 said:

I've been remembering Karlheinz Stockhausen's musings in the wake of the spectacular horrorshow in lower Manhattan on 9/11. Apocalyptic visions of truth, beauty, and death.

And all of these glimpses into the machinations of the empire and its ever lengthening legacy of manipulation, suppression, forced displacement, and slow annihilation.

These are a few sentences from, THE LORD OF THE DYNAMOS, by H.G.Wells...

'Never had Azuma-zi seen a man killed so swiftly and pitilessly. The big humming machine had slain its victim
without wavering for a second from its steady beating. It was indeed a mighty god.'
December 01, 2008
Votes: +0


I think it is a foregone conclusion that the Afghanistan war cannot be won. Placing US and British troops within Afghanistan will add to tensions, not diminish them. The old USSR failed there. The mountain terrain is too rugged to maintain stability. This is a foolish and futile attempt by coalition forces to “destabilize” the situation and secure rights to clandestine turf with pseudo intelligence. Again, the United States seems to be on the brink of being sucked into a larger quagmire that will go nowhere and cost more money and lives.

References Used in this Blog:
Almost all of these URLS begin with ( http://www.)§ionid=351020401

Related Books:

The Sorrows of Empire:
Militarism, Secrecy and the End of the Republic

c. 2004 Macmillan Publishing
By Chalmers A. Johnson

The Hidden War:
A Russian Journalist’s Account
Of the Soviet War in Afghanista
c. 2001 Grove Press
By Artyom Borovik

Out of Afghanistan;
The Inside Story of the Soviet Withdrawal

c. 1995 Oxford University Press
By Diego Cordovez, Selig S. Harrison
December 02, 2008
Votes: +0

Grandma Jefferson said:

If You Liked Iraq...'ll love Afghanistan, graveyard of empire, from Zoroastrian Persia under Darius, then the Greeks, Gengiz Khan, up to Britain, through Russia, to the US Imperium. Obama states over and over again his determination to bring the hammer down on the Afghans, and his chosen stable, from Emanuel to Gates, reflects that futile, bloody choice. In the process, they get a small buzz by spitting on the Liberals/Progressives. You know, those unfortunates who worked so forcefully to elect Obama, based on specious promises to end the War, which as Liberals, ever starved for a kind word from anyone, they happily embraced. This, despite their Chosen One's repeated public statements, and Senatorial votes, to the contrary.
And now, they remain in denial, in the face of the most naked, unvarnished statement of a war-mongering agenda anyone could ask for, because this fine cabal, this perfect synthesis of congressional parasites & corporate whores, MIC hustlers, HSD, and the Imperial Command, oops, the Joint Chiefs, has not yet assumed power... when in fact, they actually have. They were already there.

December 02, 2008 | url
Votes: +3

theadr said:

"9"% Official Unemployment will bring a lot of new cannon fodder. Obama won't have to even implement the Draft. (He's got Rahm Israel to help him push through that military service pitch if needed.) He may give choice for "flag" (tattooed to lapel nowadays ain't it) service, military or non-military, to boost employment. Not really a choice, though. Do you want serve in Afghanistan with or without an automatic weapon?
December 02, 2008
Votes: +0

Just an Australian said:

2% is better than 0%.
December 02, 2008
Votes: -1

lordmisterford said:

theadr said -- "He may give choice for 'flag' (tattooed to lapel nowadays ain't it) service, military or non-military, to boost employment."

LMF sez -- Maybe they'll start giving out WIN buttons (Whip Iraq Now) or WAN buttons (Whip Afghanistan Now). It worked for Gerald Ford . . . didn't it?

Anybody who wants a fantastically entertaining account of the British experience in Afghanistan MUST read George MacDonald Fraser's original "Flashman" novel. It's uproariously picaresque, impeccably accurate, positively terrifying, and eminently truthful (if you read the source material cited in the footnotes).
December 02, 2008 | url
Votes: +0

mic jordan said:

They shoot horses too...
“I felt like there was this enormous reduction in my compassion for people,” said Sergeant Flanders. “The only thing that wound up mattering is myself and the guys that I was with. And everybody else be damned.” --Chris Hedges & Laila Al-Arian, "The Other War: Iraq Vets Bear Witness" published on

And where to these desensitized young soldiers who have murdered hourly apply for jobs when they get stateside? Why, they go back to their police jobs in the public sector and carry their freshly-honed disregard for human life (other than their immediate families) into the street and work in strike teams and SWAT teams to "shock and awe" their poorer neighbors in the service of the murdering malicious Republicans who sent them to war; safely insulated from normal human feelings and minimal compassion; reactively "lighting up" the population of urban America upon their return home to America. The overseas wars are just warm-ups for the madness which waits just around the corner in our American nightmare.
December 02, 2008 | url
Votes: +1

lordmisterford said:

mic jordan sed --
It's not what you think, mic jordan. Those men aren't 'desensitized'. On the contrary: they are highly sensitive, more highly sensitive than almost anybody who hasn't heard the joke. Only those who have heard the joke can relate to them. For them, talking with anyone who hasn't heard the joke is an absolute waste of time and effort. They don't hate people -- it's just that most people can't understand them, and they know that, so they're not interested in talking to people who can't understand them. What they REALLY HATE -- more than anything in this world -- is bullshit. Those guys can smell bullshit a hundred miles downwind of the nearest legislature. Moreover, they recognize as bullshit a great many things that those who haven't heard the joke take seriously all day long during every day of their lives.

When they walked into combat they were strangers in a strange land. Now, walking back to the States again, they're in the same predicament. Their task now is to reaccustom themselves to living with bullshit and bullshitters. A great many of them never learn how -- not because they're stupid or murderous but because, despising bullshit as they do, they simply don't want any part of it any more. So they drop out, get drunk, go homeless or in other ways try to hide. One thing is certain for all who know the joke: they can never go home again.
December 02, 2008 | url
Votes: +0

FiddlerJones said:

Nice comments on what actually happens to vets here. I come from a family full and I think my basic contempt for the hup ho came out of watching how it deals with the people who are forced by the empire to do its dirty work.

Nice also to see Arthur Silber is back in there swinging and stinging. And best of all, the indications that the honeymoon for the new overlord may be very short indeed are somewhat heartening. We'll see what happens.
December 02, 2008
Votes: +2

mic jordan said:

If it's that simple
I've got an officer you should meet.

lordmisterford: I was with you until you said that they have to relearn living with bull. They have to get beyond it and confront unlawful orders. They have to stand down in ever increasing numbers and walk away from the madness which will be imposed and ordered from higher ranks. They will have to find the courage to become unique individuals again and to eschew regimented collegiality, culpability, and downright evil.

One of the first things in the coming martial law will be the control of the warehouses and storehouses of food. Tanks guarding Safeway and A & P. Jeeps constantly up and down the city streets. Tear gas when people complain. Show arrests and trials to liquefy the insurgent US opposition to military occupation of the homeland. Guns going after butter and bread. And since the power of a gun in the face of another has been burned in, arbitrary dominance in the hands of our modern U. S. Army with a less than 70 mean I.Q. playing cops and robbers in the ghettos of America with the mortars and high energy lasers speaks of a future not unlike Chalmun's Cantina on Tattoine.

I can't help but think that if they "got the joke" as you say they would have gone to Canada. What they seem to be reacting to is the fact that they did not get the joke in time to keep from enlisting in the madness, and when they finally got that the joke was on them they did not go AWOL. They can only come home when they lay down their arms. The only way to stop war is to stop.

December 02, 2008 | url
Votes: +2

lordmisterford said:

mic jordan --
It isn't simple at all. I believe you're just being simplistic, but if I'm right or if I'm wrong about that it's no skin off my butt. I meant no offense and will not argue with you further. I told you the truth and you've twisted what I told you -- or misunderstood completely. I can't make it any plainer. There it is. I cannot give you what you will not have. Good luck in all your certainties.
December 02, 2008 | url
Votes: +0

lordmisterford said:

mic jordan again --
I've reread our posts and I see now the problem. I'm talking about people who haven't heard the joke and you're talking about people who don't get the joke -- Which is exactly my point: Those who haven't heard the joke (such as you) cannot possibly get the joke. I'm sorry for all that I said. I was wrong to even attempt an explanation.
December 02, 2008 | url
Votes: +0

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