TAKE ACTION! Despite a recent two year moratorium on further illegal logging [
search] and export of precious timber from the protected areas of Madagascar, the government recently approved shipment of nearly $16 million worth of timber stolen from the country's rainforest parks. Post-coup illegal log and wildlife trade continue to threaten Madagacar's biodiversity rich rainforest [
search] remnants, ecological sustainability and future potential for national advancement. Let Madagascar's transitional government, shipping industry, and French government know they will be held responsible...
RAN’s recent “rainforest safe” book and luxury shopping bag campaigns show they value greenwashing primary forest logging [
search] and sustaining old growth timber markets more than ecological science showing without primary forest logging ban biosphere collapses. Ecological Internet renews demand that RAN stops promoting primary forest logging as a false solution to rainforest loss and diminishment, and resigns from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) immediately. Despite escalating international protest, Rainforest Action Network (RAN) continues to promote Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)...