The Colbert Report

Stephen Reveals Your Portraits

Stephen challenged you, the Nation, to reinterpret his portrait, and thousands responded. Hard work for no money? It's like you're a Colbert Report intern! Watch him unveil his favorites, then browse through new portraits in the Gallery!
Nation! Keep those submissions coming. Download Stephen's portrait and make it a work of art. The hard part's already done: it contains Stephen. Do not change the original resolution or dimensions of the portrait. Save your handiwork as a jpeg and email it to Stephen. Files must be no larger than 5 MB.

Upcoming Guests

February 8, 2011

Brian Greene (Repeat)

Author, "The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos"

The Columbia University physics professor explained how he searches for potential universes.



Dr. Paul Offit (Repeat)

Author, "Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All"



Michael Lewis (Repeat)

Author, "The Big Short"


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Exclusive - The Seven Deadly Sins - Lust Mash-up Stephen finds the hotness in everyone from Jane Fonda to Madeleine Albright in this lusty mash-up.
Exclusive - The Seven Deadly Sins - Sloth Mash-up Floors are just walls too lazy to stand, and your 2.5 kids are too lazy to round themselves up.
Exclusive - The Seven Deadly Sins - Gluttony Mash-up Stephen loves to explore the world of processed food and America's greatest pastime: eating.
Exclusive - The Seven Deadly Sins - Pride Mash-up Stephen marches in his first Gay Pride Parade, but isn't happy about it in this prideful mash-up.
Exclusive - The Seven Deadly Sins - Anger Mash-up Stephen thinks presidents should express our anger and vents outrage to a Humane Society bear.
Monday February 7, 2011

Exclusive - The Seven Deadly Sins - Lust Mash-up

Stephen finds the hotness in everyone from Jane Fonda to Madeleine Albright in this lusty mash-up of sexy moments. (04:05)
Views: 13,187
Monday February 7, 2011

Exclusive - The Seven Deadly Sins - Sloth Mash-up

In Stephen's world, floors are just walls that are too lazy to stand, and your 2.5 kids are too lazy to round themselves up. (02:37)
Views: 8,443
Monday February 7, 2011

Exclusive - The Seven Deadly Sins - Gluttony Mash-up

Stephen loves to explore the world of processed food and America's greatest pastime: eating to excess. (04:23)
Views: 5,559
Monday February 7, 2011

Exclusive - The Seven Deadly Sins - Pride Mash-up

Stephen marches in his first Gay Pride Parade, but isn't happy about it, and wins recognition from websites, magazines and Twitter in this sinful prideful mash-up. (03:38)
Views: 15,473
Monday February 7, 2011

Exclusive - The Seven Deadly Sins - Anger Mash-up

Stephen thinks presidents should express our anger for us and vents outrage to a bear at the Humane Society. (02:46)
Views: 23,355

Colbert Collections

Artistic Portrait Moments

Watch these classic clips featuring an art icon of our times: Stephen's portrait.
Real Steele Moments

Michael Steele is seeking reelection as head of the RNC. Relive his epic rap battle with Stephen.
Stephen Rails Against Taxes

Stephen demonizes everybody's favorite subject of demonization.
Monkeying Around

Watch some of Stephen's best clips about our simian cousins.
Best Marijuana Moments

Hurry up and watch these Colbert Report clips now, while it's still legal to do it not high.
Use your Facebook account to sign into and rate, comment or post videos to your profile.

Most Recent Episode


February 03, 2011 - Jane McGonigal

Stephen previews the Super Bowl and talks to Jane McGonigal about video games.

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