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Cult FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about cults, sects, and related issues

Cult FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Cults, Sects, and Related Issues

In This Entry

» Definition: Cult
» Positive, Negative, or Neutral?
» A Pejorative Term?
» 'New Religious Movements'
» Cult? What Do You Mean?
» Sociological vs. Theological Definitions
» Types of Cults
» What is a Sect?
» Anticult / Countercult / 'Value-Free'
» Cult Apologists / Anti-Anti-Cult
» Selecting a counselor/cult expert

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Coming out of the cults, by the late Margaret Thaler Singer:

Clinical research has identified specific cult-related emotional problems with which ex-members must cope during their reentry into society. Among them: indecisiveness, uncritical passivity--and fear of the cult itself.

This article has been moved here from Apologetics Index.

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CultFAQ.org is part of Apologetics Index.

At this site you will find general information about cults, sects, and related issues. That includes:

Additional research resources on specific religious cults, sects, world religions, doctrines and other topical issues are found at Apologetics Index.

Current and archived news items on the same topics are available at Religion News Blog

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About This Page:

• Subject: CultFAQ.org: Frequently Asked Questions About Cults
• First posted: Dec. 9, 1996
• Last Updated: Feb. 15, 2005
• Editors: Anton and Janet Hein-Hudson
• Copyright: Apologetics Index

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