Apologetics Research Resources on Religious Cults, Sects, Religions, Doctrines, Etc.

How To Use Apologetics Index

A User's Guide To 40,870+ Pages of Information

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About This Entry

Apologetics Index is a huge site consisting of - at this moment - 40,870+ pages. The information in this entry will help you find your way around, and to get the most out of the site.

About this page            Color Key
 Blue border = Quoted material


At the moment, Apologetics Index includes 40,870+ pages. The information in this entry will help you find your way around, and to get the most out of Apologetics Index.

  • This site is best viewed in 1024 x 768 resolution, and with java script enabled.

    Pages posted or updated between Nov. 27, 2001 and July 10, 2004 include a slide-out menu (left-hand side), for which javascript must be enabled. In addition, javascript is used for some on-demand pop-up windows, and at various points throughout the site for comments using Overlib.

  • Over the years, this site has seen a number of designs. The page you are currently viewing shows our latest design.

    However, since thousands of older pages on this site were built with no particular, consistent design in mind updating those older entries is a slow, page-by-page process.

    Thus for a long time to come you'll still find many old-style Apolgetics Index entries, ranging from really old pages (ouch!) to a more recent look, and of course our latest design

  • Links followed by this graphic  will open in a new, smaller window on javascript-enabled browers. Note that some 'popup killers' will disallow such windows unless you specifically instruct them to allow on-demand pop-up windows on this site.

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A-Z Index

The heart of Apologetics Index is the A-Z Index. All topics addressed in Apologetics Index can be accessed via the alphabetical index found at

In addition, all new pages (with the same design as the page you are currently viewing) have a navigation bar which - where appropriate - includes a link to the A-Z Index.

  • Note: Currently, the 'alphabetical pages' - for example, the list of subjects starting with the letter 'T' - include many brief entries. "Extended entries" have their own pages. Since many of the alphabetical pages have grown too long (with too many short entries), we've changed our approach. Over time, each entry - long or short - will be on a page by itself. This will ensure that pages load faster, that entries are easier to find in off-site search engines, and that it is easier to link to them.

  • You will probably not need our site map. But since we frequently add or update items, you will want to check the home page each time you visit Apologetics Index.
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Navigation Bar

New pages - with the same design as the page you are currently viewing - have a navigation bar near the top and bottom of each page. Two examples are shown here in abbreviated format:

The Alphabetical Navigation Bar
Use it to find the topics of your choice.

A   B   C   D   E   [...]   X   Y   Z   #      Home

The Topical Navigation Bar
The link on the right-hand side shows the location of the entry.

Home / A-Z Index / "F" / David Francis
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About This Page:

• Subject: How To Use Apologetics Index
• First posted: Jun. 11, 2001
• Last Updated: Aug. 23, 2004
• Editor: Anton Hein
• Copyright: Apologetics Index

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Apologetics Index provides 40,870+ pages of research resources on religious cults, sects, new religious movements, alternative religions, apologetics-, anticult-, and countercult organizations, doctrines, religious practices and world views. These resources reflect a variety of theological and/or sociological perspectives.

The site provides information that helps equip Christians to logically present and defend the Christian faith, and that aids non-Christians in their comparison of various religious claims. Issues addressed range from spiritual and cultic abuse to contemporary theological and/or sociological concerns.

Apologetics Index also includes a Cult FAQ, information about cult experts, ex-cult support resources, up-to-date religion news (ReligionNewsBlog.com), cult news, articles on Christian life and ministry, and a variety of other features.

Look, "feel" and original content are © Copyright 1996 - 2008, Apologetics Index.
Pages on this site may not be framed, and content not be republished without permission.    • Linking and copyright policy