Download Google’s SEO Report Card

I was browsing through my RSS feeds a couple of minutes ago and I came across an interesting post from the Google Webmaster Blog, titled Google’s SEO Report Card.

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What Has Blogging Got To Do With Losing Weight?

This is a guest post by Andrew Rondeau. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.

As many of you know, this time last year I gave up the 9-5 corporate world and started working full time online. It was a move I had been planning for the last 3 years and it came to fruition a year ago.

But the bad news is… over the last year while working from home, I’ve added approx 14kg in weight.

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Weird Messages That Come Through A Contact Form

A couple of months after creating this blog I installed a contact form. I had heard that it was the best way to protect myself from spam and to guarantee that I would receive only real and relevant messages from my visitors.

The first part was true, as the spam problem was manageable. But real and relevant messages?

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Are You Missing The Good Stuff on Daily Writing Tips?

As you guys know one of my largest blogs is called Daily Writing Tips. It was launched some months after DBT, with the goal of helping people improve their writing skills, and it has over 33,000 subscribers already.

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4 Ways to Overcome the “Nobody’s Reading My Blog” Blues

Blogs are a great way to brand your business and create a buzz about personal and professional agendas.

But, let’s face it; the R.O.I. (return on investment) can be a bit low in the beginning.

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What Is Link Cloacking?

questions and answersThis post is part of the Friday Q&A section. Just use the contact form if you want to submit a question.

Don asks:

Do you have a opinion on link cloaking for affiliate marketers? Do the pros use cloaking and should it be a standard practice as an affiliate?

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So Long Bloglines, Hello Google Reader

I confess I am a little stubborn when it comes to technology and software choices. If something is working fine, I will stick with it, and making me change to another platform will take a lot of effort.

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5 Reasons to be Critical of Other Bloggers

This post may be considered edgy to some but I am here to say that I am not a rebel. Just read any of my posts and you will conclude that I am not a malcontent, a dissident, or a troublemaker. Probably my biggest fault is my brute honesty so I sought out one of the largest blogs in the universe to get my message across. Daniel Scocco has allowed me the honor of guest posting here on DailyBlogTips so I am taking advantage of his vast audience to speak my mind.

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