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Last Updated on: Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Turkey voices support for Lebanese sovereignty, condemns Israeli aggression
BEIRUT: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan voiced support for Lebanon's sovereignty and unity Monday. During talks with Speaker Nabih Berri, the Turkish Prime Minister added that Turkey was ready to exert all efforts for the sake of Lebanon and its stability. Berri started his talks Monday with Turkish officials as part of his official visit to Turkey. [...] Full story
» US to ease airport process for Lebanese
» Tribunal investigators to start 3D filming at Hariri murder scene
» Mothers of detained Fatah al-Islam members hold protest
» Lebanon mulls official invite to Libya Arab League summit
» Saudi foreign minister visits Damascus to promote ties
» More News
Abboud sees Lebanon tourism increasing by up to 20 percent
BEIRUT: Tourism Minister Fadi Abboud said on Friday that the tourism activity in Lebanon would improve by 10 to 20 percent in 2010 and assured that there would not be an Israeli war on Lebanon. "During the past two months, the number of tourists increased by 22 percent which is a very good indicator and we expect this number to exceed 2 million [...] Full story
» Lebanon ranks 45th globally, 6th in MENA region in e-participation
» Jordan promises more trade deals with Lebanon
» MEA profits hit hard by unfair competition
» ESCWA, World Bank seek to promote Intra-Mashreq Trade
» Nehmeh Frem likely choice for industrial association presidency
» More Business
Forex? What is it, anyway?
The currency trading (FOREX) market is the biggest and fastest growing market on earth. Its daily turnover is more than 2.5 trillion dollars. The participants in this market are banks, organizations, investors and private individuals, just like you. (click here to read full market background by Easy-Forex™).  [...] Full story
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Last chance for a Palestinian state

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, among obsequious kowtowing to the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, and US Middle East envoy George Mitchell on Monday said they were trying to prepare the ground for proximity talks between Israel and Palestine.If there are any Palestinians left, the emerging diplomatic dynamic in the Palestinian-Israel agony should put

[...] Continue reading
Lebanese children raise funds to build kindergarten in Gaza
BEIRUT: The head of the United Nations' humanitarian mission in Gaza visited Lebanon on Monday to receive funding to build a kindergarten in the besieged enclave, in a project constituting "tangible, positive action."
John Ging, director of the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNWRA) was presented with a check for $266,000 by Education
 [...] Full story
» LAU gathering looks to stars for local solutions
» Khalaf: Friends of Kamal Jumblatt Committee not political party
» Palestinian cause provides inspiration at Arabic calligraphy competition in Sidon
» Mothers' Day remembered in Sidon cemetery
» Palestinian refugees' job prospects should be enhanced - study
» More Local News
A voice too big for the room
BEIT MERI: The playlist was a little shorter than the program suggested, yet the Emile Bustani Auditorium was replete with music on Sunday evening, the grand finale of the 2010 edition of Al-Bustan. Thanks to the soaring soprano voice of guest soloist Cristina Nassif, in fact, there seemed, at times, more music than the little hall could comfortably contain.  [...] Full story
» The art of Esteban Lisa at the gates of Europe
» Arab channels to air anti-Israel Turkish series
» Murdoch's 'Trojan horse' threatens Arab cultural heritage
» France mounts cultural charge in Saudi Arabia
» Sudanese hip hop finds fresh voice
» More Arts & Culture

Algeria between corruption and the army
By Mahmoud Belhimer
Less than a year after President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's election to a third term on April 14, 2009, Algeria is once again caught in a political crisis. Demonstrations are disrupting vital sectors such as education and health care, while corruption becomes increasingly pervasive.
This situation is not at all what Bouteflika and his supporters promised back in November 2008, when the
 [...] Continue reading
» The Muslims and Jews are closer than they think
   By Mustafa Abu Sway
» Europe doesn't see a clash between freedom and security
   By Thomas de Maizière
» Pakistan simply sees no reason to stop supporting terrorists
   By Ashley J. Telli
» A Pakistani scholar's fatwa against terrorism just might help
   By Muqtedar Khan
» Europe's 'Kremlin temptation' only increases Russian dominance
   By Dominique Moisi
»More Opinion
Tribunal preparing for trial within a year
Editor's note: The following are excerpts of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon's annual report, which was released Saturday. The Daily Star is publishing excerpts of the report until Wednesday.PART II - MAIN ACTIVITIES OF THE TRIBUNAL BETWEEN MARCH 2009 AND FEBRUARY 2010 A. Chambers 1. Introduction 95. The Tribunal's Chambers are [...] Full story
» Human-rights report highlights failures in Lebanese practices
» Tribunal staff 'can take pride' in their recent achievements
» Public opinion mixed on whether to separate politics from religion
» Confessionalism: The drug that weakens Lebanon's body
» Uproar hides fact Berri only called for ideas
» More Spotlight

The law has teeth: building on judicial decisions
By Chibli Mallat
Amid the continuing turmoil over the settlements, a little judicial victory for West Bankers was registered at the European Court of Justice on February 25. The case is excerpted on this page, together with a comment by Christopher Lund. Considering the bulldozing-like style of Israeli occupation, both really and figuratively, the little achieved by European judges [...] Continue reading
» European Court of Justice: Goods manufactured in West Bank settlement cannot be considered 'made in Israel'
» Europe's highest court rejects preferential EU treatment for products made in Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory
   Christopher Lund
» Obstacles to presidential change in Egypt: what ElBaradei and others face
   Marina Ottaway
» The perils and repercussions of Kosovo's independence
   Sebastien Malo
» The Islamic Republic invites the United States to a mad tea-party
   Solmaz Copeland
»More Law
Pikasso unveils competition results at City Mall
DORA: Pikasso, the billboard and outdoor advertising company, held a cocktail party at Eric Kayser in City Mall to expose its fancy new advertising displays. Also on the agenda was the announcement of the "Win the Yellow Car" competition, a creative contest with the brief of photographing yellow objects in City Mall. Among the intimate crowd on March 9 were Joyce Ain Malak, Kristina Arman, Michael Trad and Maria Yammine.  [...] Full story
» LAU president throws bash to honor Lebanon's media
» When all else fails, traditional music saves the day
» Fashion designer Adam Zayyat unveils spring 2006 collection
» Radio stations in tune
» Casino du Liban holds a 'journey to the roots'
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