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Texas GOP Chair: State Could Be In Play In 2016 If Hillary Runs

(TPM) It's been more than three decades since Texas went blue in a presidential election, but a top Republican there fears that the GOP may not have the state's 38 electoral votes in the bag in 2016 if Hillary Clinton is at the top of the Democratic ticket.

Steve Munisteri, chairman of the Texas GOP, told Real Clear Politics in a story published Friday that Clinton would strip the state of its "solid Republican" status and insisted that national Republicans are taking her candidacy seriously — even in the crimson red Lone Star State.


Tom Teves: "I Have VOTED Republican My Whole Life,...“I’ll NEVER Vote Republican Again — EVER!"

(TPM) The mother of a young man killed in the Aurora, Colo. movie theater massacre told TPM on Thursday she was appalled at the way Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) handled her question about an assault weapons ban at a town hall event in Phoenix. “I was very surprised that a senator, who has been in office for over 30 years, would address a grieving mother, who just lost her son exactly seven months prior — yesterday was the 20th, I lost my son on 7-20-2012 — to tell me that I needed ‘some straight talk,’” Caren Teves said by phone.

At Wednesday’s town hall, Teves told McCain that her son, Alex, was killed in the massacre, and she urged the senator to support a ban on assault weapons. McCain responded: “I can tell you right now you need some straight talk. That assault weapons ban will not pass the Congress of the United States.” The crowd, many of whom appeared to be pro-gun, burst into cheers and applause at McCain’s comments. But Teves said she wasn’t phased by that, and those cheers, as captured by a local TV news crew, were only part of the story.


February Photo contest *FINALS*

Thanks to all who voted their favorites among the 28 entries we received for the February contest. These are the ten finalists from those preliminaries.

All are such beautiful images, I'm sure choosing just one will be difficult, but your participation will be appreciated by all in the Photography Forum.

When registering your vote, please consider the theme as well as overall appeal and technical skill: "I See Music"

Bjorn Against

In attempt to stop early voting, MN Republican proposes denying the vote to all active duty military

It is no secret that Republicans have been trying desperately to prevent Democratic voters from being able to cast a ballot through Voter ID laws and other vote suppression measures. The Republicans efforts to restrict the vote in Minnesota have not been successful so far and they have grown desperate, so desperate in fact that they are willing to literally throw away the entire military vote in order to prevent a law that would make it easier for the people of this state to cast a ballot.

Republicans tried to push a Voter ID law on Minnesota last November through a Constitutional Amendment, unfortunately for Republicans most voters in this state are not as stupid as they wish we were and we rejected their amendment at the ballot box.

Now Minnesota Democrats have taken up a new voting measure, but unlike the Republicans proposal the Democrats want to expand people's opportunities to vote rather than limit them. A bill has been introduced to our state legislature that would bring early voting to the state of Minnesota.

charlie and algernon

Miss. Newspaper Owner Lets Homophobic Readers Have It Over Coverage of ‘Historic’ Same-Sex Wedding

(TPM) Cegielski goes on to note that many of those who took issue with the article expressed concern for their children or the children of others. To those people he had this to say:

"We have stories about child molesters, murders and all kinds of vicious, barbaric acts of evil committed by heinous criminals on our front page and yet we never receive a call from anyone saying 'I don't need my children reading this.' Never. Ever. However, a story about two women exchanging marriage vows and we get swamped with people worried about their children."


AP To Use ‘Husband, Wife’ Regardless Of Sexual Orientation

(TPM) The Associated Press on Thursday updated its stylebook so that married individuals will be referred to as husband and wife, regardless of whether they are in a same-sex marriage. The change comes a week after the AP received criticism for an internal memo designating the word "partners" for individuals in same-sex marriages.


One of the most incredible, beautiful, important things I've ever seen.

Take the ride. It's worth it.

And if you care about bullying, or were a victim of bullying, it is incredibly worth it.


Mother Of Aurora Shooting Victim Confronts McCain At Town Hall (w/ McCain's scumbag response)

(TPM) The mother of a victim of the Aurora, Colo. movie theater massacre confronted Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) at a town hall Wednesday, urging him to support a ban on assault weapons.

"My 24-year-old son Alex was murdered in a movie theater in Colorado," Caren Teves said, according to KTVK. "These assault rifles allow the shooter to fire many rounds without having to reload. These weapons do not belong on our streets."

McCain responded: “I can tell you right now you need some straight talk. That assault weapons ban will not pass the Congress of the United States." McCain added that he is working on legislation that would keep guns out of the wrong hands while preserving the Second Amendment.


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